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Status Updates posted by brendaanise

  1. Hi grandma nel. Let me be one of the first to welcome you to our spot. Have you had your surgery or are you thinking about it. Well if you have, congradulations! You wont regret it if you stay in the box. If you are thinking about it, do the research. It is something I highly recommend. I had the surgery December 28, 2007 and have had no problems. If I can help you in any way, please feel free to ask.

  2. Hi Ann. So sorry it took so long for me to respond. I never tried the low carb slim fast. I always did the optima. I really loved the strawberry. I really got sick of the vanilla. I never tried the special k water mixes. How are they? I am thinking about starting the 5 day pouch diet. Have hit a brick wall with my dieting. Need something to jump start my weight loss again. Im going to a valentines day ball and really want to wear a beautiful dress I saw in a bridal shop window a few days ago.Wish me luck!!!

  3. Ive gotten kind of discouraged. I have been off work since Dec 19 and really focused on working out. I would do like 40 min of cardio in the mornings and would do 41 minutes of hip hop abs in the afternoons. I would do all this while wearing a sauna suit so that means I really sweated alot.I also increased my water intake to make sure I got my 64 ounces each day. I stepped on the scales this morning and had actually gained a half pound. Dont know what I am doing wrong but this is no working. I think I am going to start on the 5 day pouch diet Monday. I am too close to goal to have a set back now. I go back to work tomorrow so I know I wont be able to work out twice a day but I will work out at least 30 minutes a day.

  4. Havent reached my goal yet. Still have around 10 lbs to go. I gained some weight over the holidays so now I have to start all over again. Its hard getting back on track now that I have gotten off. Think Im gonna try the 5 day pouch diet to jump start my weight loss again.

  5. This is just a little note of encouragement. I know that you are afraid of failure but please dont be. Dont get me wrong, it is not hard to fall off the wagon because I did but if you stay focused and stay in the box, you will do well. I fell off and gained a few lbs back. I have since then gotten back on track and not only have I lost the weight that I had gained, I have lost an additional 4 lbs. I am now only 8 lbs from my own personal goal and now more committed than ever. Please dont be scared and unsure of yourself. I am here for you to encourage you. If you need me, Im only a "click" away. lol

  6. Hi pipersfour. Just thought I would drop you a note to say Happy New Year!!!! I hope everything is going well. Also I wanted to see how your surgery went. I hope things went well and you are feeling well. The only thing I had problems with was gas. If you walk around a little bit (dont overdo it) you will feel a little better. Please let me know if there is anything I can do or say to help your journey a bit better.

  7. Hi Ann. Thank you for you comment on my pix. Its funny because I too am 5'2 and started out @ 226 so I know exactly where you are. I know that you are very nervous as I was too. I wasnt scared because I knew that this was something that I REALLY wanted to do. I wish you all the luck in the world and if there is anything I can do for you, please feel free to let me know. This is a decision I know you will not regret. Get ready for a new you!!! Please keep in touch.

  8. Thank you sooo much for your comment. Its ones like that that really keep me going. I see you live in Norcross GA. I lived in Savannah for years and really miss it. You guys really have a beautiful state. I hope things are going well for you. I know you will do great. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are progressing.

  9. Maybe that was wishful thinking. LOL

  10. Im sorry. I typed the wrong thing yesterday. Was very tired. My starting weight was 226 and I am now 162. HipHOp Abs is a workout video set to hip hop music. I orderded it from tv but you can go to beachbody.com (i think) and order it. I also do lunges and squats. I also walk on the treadmill at #2 incline. Hope this helps out and I am sorry for the typo. lol

  11. Thank you Cee for your nice comment. Its been a long road and I am only 8 lbs from my goal. If there is anything I can do or say to help you, just say the word. I am willing to help anyone that I can. My goal is to wear a beautiful red evening gown for the Valentines Day ball in our area in a size 9. I am working very hard to achieve that goal. Keep in touch.

  12. Let me be one of the first to say CONGRADULATIONS!!!! I know you are both excited and nervous. I had my surgery a year ago today and have not regretted it. I have went from a size 20 to a size 12 and still losing. I promise you, If you stay in the box and do as you are told, you will not regret your decision. I got off the wagon for a while but I am now back on track. Good luck and keep me posted.

  13. Hello Jessica. My starting weight was 116 and at 5'2 that was entirely too much. My workout routine started out with walking on the treadmill at 4 mph for 30 minutes. It was a struggle at first but it got easier and easier. Later (maybe a month or so later) I started doing weights. I work on my upper body one day then lower body the next. I still do my cardio everyday no matter what. I also have HipHop abs for the days I just dont feel like going to the gym. And by the way, I know just what you mean about guys liking girls with booty. LOL I was blessed in that department. Lost a lot of weight but still got my booty. lol As for my scars, I have 5 and 2 of them are hardley noticable. If I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat. It had been a God send for me. Keep me posted on your progress.

  14. Im sorry. Should have read it before posting. I meant COMMENT instead of FOMMENT. LOL

  15. Thank you for you fomment on my picture. I hope everything goes well for you and your surgery. I had mine last year and had absolutely NO touble at all. No pain, no sickness, nothing. Well almost nothing. The gas was awful for the first week but after that I was good to go. I wish you much success with yours as well. Please keep me posted.

  16. Thank you for your helpful advice. I must admit I had fallen into some bad habits and had stopped exercising as much as I did in the beginning because of a shift change on my job. For the last 2 weeks I have went back to really watching what I eat and limiting my calorie intake. I have started working out at least once a day for 30 minutes (sometimes twice). I am back on the wagon now and am really trying to reach my goal. I have come too far to stop now. I will tell anyone, its easier getting off the wagon than it is to get back on so my advice is dont get off. lol I will turn 40 in February and it is my goal to be 155 by then. I weigh 162 now so I think I will reach my goal. I will keep you posted.

  17. Thank you sooo much for the encouraging words. Its getting a little easier now because I am more determined than ever. I am not getting the support from my husband as I did in the beginning because he says I have lost enough but I have a goal in mind and wont stop until I reach that goal. Thank you again for your encouraging words. It means more than you will ever know.

  18. Hello OneHot Mama. I saw that you had your surgery today and I wanted to say, first hello and second I wanted to check to see if you were feeling well. I know that you dont know me because I am new to this site but my name is Brenda and I had my surgery last year on the 28th. Mine went well and I hope yours did also.

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