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Status Updates posted by brendaanise

  1. Havent reached my goal yet. Still have around 10 lbs to go. I gained some weight over the holidays so now I have to start all over again. Its hard getting back on track now that I have gotten off. Think Im gonna try the 5 day pouch diet to jump start my weight loss again.

  2. Hello dear. Just wanted to say hello. Havent heard from you in a while and just wanted to check in to see how you were doing and to see how thing were going. Hope all is well with you and your weight loss. Hope to hear from you soon.

  3. Hello Jessica. My starting weight was 116 and at 5'2 that was entirely too much. My workout routine started out with walking on the treadmill at 4 mph for 30 minutes. It was a struggle at first but it got easier and easier. Later (maybe a month or so later) I started doing weights. I work on my upper body one day then lower body the next. I still do my cardio everyday no matter what. I also have HipHop abs for the days I just dont feel like going to the gym. And by the way, I know just what you mean about guys liking girls with booty. LOL I was blessed in that department. Lost a lot of weight but still got my booty. lol As for my scars, I have 5 and 2 of them are hardley noticable. If I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat. It had been a God send for me. Keep me posted on your progress.

  4. Hello Keyairah. So sorry I havent gotten in contact with you sooner but I havent been in here in a while. Everything is going okay. Had a setback and gained a few pounds back but Im on track now and back to losing. I hope everything is going well with you.

  5. Hello OneHot Mama. I saw that you had your surgery today and I wanted to say, first hello and second I wanted to check to see if you were feeling well. I know that you dont know me because I am new to this site but my name is Brenda and I had my surgery last year on the 28th. Mine went well and I hope yours did also.

  6. Hello there. Just wanted to check on you to see how you were doing. I hope everything is going well with you. So, how are you coming along with your weight loss? Hope you are doing well. Keep me posted.

  7. Hello there. Just wanted to say hello and I hope your day is going well. Havent heard from you in a while and was just checking on you. Have a blessed day!!!

  8. Hello, my name is Brenda and I just wanted to stop by to say good luck with your surgery tomorrow. You will do great. I wish you a very speedy recovery and success with your weight loss.

  9. Hey Dannygirl. Long time no "see." lol Havent reached my goal. Still struggling with those darn last 10 lbs. I have always heard that the last ten were the hardest to loose and now I know that that expression is OH SO TRUE. Hopefully I will be there before long. Wish me luck.

  10. Hey Diva!!! Just wanted to pop in to say hello and I hope your day is going well. So sorry to hear that you had so many problems with Dr Keilin's staff. They are normally very pleasant people. Who did you decide to go to for yours? Hope everything goes well. Well gotta go. Just wanted to say hey and have a great day!!!

  11. Hey Diva. So sorry it took so long for me to respond. Been very busy with the kids and taking care of my mom. My church is Mt Zion Transformation Center on Texas Blvd. It used to be the Special Events building but its a church now. Im not familiar with CNS. Where is it located? I know what you mean bout Powells. Really love the cracklings. They dont love me though. Cant eat many of them anymore cause they make my tummy hurt. I am really glad I met someone right in my back door. lol This is a really good place to be. You learn alot of helpful things here. I have been here since December and I have learned more since then than I have the whole year and a half since I have had my surgery. Please keep in touch.

  12. Hey girl! So nice to hear from you. I have been doing ok. Gained a couple of pounds back. Been really stressed out caring for my mother and feel into some really BAD eating habits but I am back now. Had to start all over again and get back on track and it really sucks!!! Was only 10 pounds from my personal goal and now its 18 but the point is Im back and now more determined than ever to get this darn weight off. Hope everything is going good for you. Cant wait to see some recent photos. I know you are doing well. Gotta run for now. Hope to hear from you soon!!!

  13. Hey lady!! Just wanted to say hello. Sorry I havent stopped by in a while but I have been very busy. How have things been lately? Hope everything is going wonderfully. How about your weight loss? Hope everything is going great!!! Keep me posted and have a beautiful day!

  14. Hey lady. So glad to hear from you today. I am doing okay for the most part. I had a kind of rough weekend. My birthday is today and my husband took me out of town for the weekend. Ate way too much of the wrong things. Gained a couple of pounds but now its back to business as usual. Gotta tighten up because I bought a 2 piece swimsuit and I have got to get in it. lol I hope everything is going well with you and hope you are progressing well. Keep me posted!!!!!

  15. Hey lady. Thanks for checking on me. I am doing so so. Not where I want to be as far as my weight but thank God I am not where I was this time last year. Gonna start back on liquids tomorrow and gonna try to do this for a few days to start over. So how have you been? Hope everything is great. Will let you know how the liquid diet goes. Wish me well!!!

  16. Hey lady.Just got your message today. I didnt know you lived so close. When I saw 903 I was wondering if that was Texarkana. I live in Prescott and go to church in Texarkana. Small world, huh? As for you questions, I only lost a very little hair due to the anesthesia. Just a little shedding but not much at all. I had my surgery in Texarkana by Dr Keilin. She is GREAT!!! I topped out at 226 and got down to 162. My personal goal was 155. I have since gained a few pounds back but that was only because I slipped back into some old eating habits and wasnt drinking the water as I should have but I am not back on track and have lose 5 pounds of the 10 that I had I gained back. It was my own fault so I started back on my liquid diet and am now back to business. Have you had your surgery or are you thinking about it? If I can help you in any way, please feel free to ask. TTYL

  17. Hey, I ran across your blog and thought I would say hello and to see how your surgery went. I had mine almost 13 months ago and I know how you must be feeling. I was nervous but not scared because I knew this was something I wanted to do more than anything. How much have you lost? Are you sick of protein shakes yet?lol I wish you all the success in the world. Please keep me posted and if there is anything I can do or say to make this journey a little easier, please feel free to ask.

  18. Hi Ann. So sorry it took so long for me to respond. I never tried the low carb slim fast. I always did the optima. I really loved the strawberry. I really got sick of the vanilla. I never tried the special k water mixes. How are they? I am thinking about starting the 5 day pouch diet. Have hit a brick wall with my dieting. Need something to jump start my weight loss again. Im going to a valentines day ball and really want to wear a beautiful dress I saw in a bridal shop window a few days ago.Wish me luck!!!

  19. Hi Ann. Thank you for you comment on my pix. Its funny because I too am 5'2 and started out @ 226 so I know exactly where you are. I know that you are very nervous as I was too. I wasnt scared because I knew that this was something that I REALLY wanted to do. I wish you all the luck in the world and if there is anything I can do for you, please feel free to let me know. This is a decision I know you will not regret. Get ready for a new you!!! Please keep in touch.

  20. Hi browneye. So sorry I havent gotten in contact with you sooner. Havent been in here in a while. I hope everything is going well with you. I know you are probably excited about your surgery and you should be. I had mine in December 2007 and dont regret it for one second. I love my band. I cant say that I have always been committed to the band and have had some setbacks but I can honestly say that if I had it to do all over again, I would with no hesitation. If there is anything I can do to help you along the way, please feel free to ask.

  21. Hi grandma nel. Let me be one of the first to welcome you to our spot. Have you had your surgery or are you thinking about it. Well if you have, congradulations! You wont regret it if you stay in the box. If you are thinking about it, do the research. It is something I highly recommend. I had the surgery December 28, 2007 and have had no problems. If I can help you in any way, please feel free to ask.

  22. Hi Lucy. Just thought I would stop by to say hello and to see how you were doing today. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  23. Hi pipersfour. Just thought I would drop you a note to say Happy New Year!!!! I hope everything is going well. Also I wanted to see how your surgery went. I hope things went well and you are feeling well. The only thing I had problems with was gas. If you walk around a little bit (dont overdo it) you will feel a little better. Please let me know if there is anything I can do or say to help your journey a bit better.

  24. Hi sisterfriend09. I came across your blog today and thought I would say hello. I got my band in December '07 and dont regret for one second. If there is anything I can do or say to encourage you on your journey, please feel free to ask.

  25. Hi tawanabee and thank you for your friend request. I am looking forward to hearing about your progress (not sure if you had your surgery or just thinking about it) and also looking forward to helping in any way I can. This is a very helpful sitew and I have learned so much in the time I have been here. Good luck and please keep in touch!!!

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