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Posts posted by brendaanise

  1. Thanx Sarah. I called my surgeon and explained what was going on and the reason I hadnt been in. They said that it was not necessarily true that you cant get a fill and I needed to make an appointment. I made one and will be seeing her tomorrow. Have been a liquid diet for the past two days and plan to continue with this. Hopefully things will go well and I will be able to get the fill that I feel I need. Wish me luck!!!!

  2. Hey you guys. Got a question. I have only had 2 small fills in the last 10 months. I have since gained about 7 lbs.:wub: I was told by a fellow bandster that I would not be able to get a fill since I have gained a couple of pounds. Has this happened to anyone else and was you denied a fill because of this? Dont want to go through the bother of taking off work for a day only to find out that I wont be able to get a fill.

  3. I was married for 20 years to a man that was good as gold one minute and then in a instant could turn cold and distant. I also felt I could fix him, or change him with love and support. He was the father of my 2 kids but it got to the point that I was walking on eggshells, afraid to talk because I never knew how he would react. He would yell, rant and rave and then he would apoligize and say he loved me, couldn't live without me and it would never happen again. It got to the point that I was having trouble breathing when he was in the room, it felt like the air would all of a sudden be sucked out. One day my oldest daughter told me that when she turned 18 she wanted to adopt her younger sister to get away from him...I did not need to think about it anymore we left that night. I was confused and scared and even felt guilty for leaving him ... sometimes I think I have wasted 20 years, but then I look at my 2 daughters and I would not have had them without him. Three years later, I am married to a wonderful man who loves my kids as his own. I trust him totally and really appriciate all the little things because I remember how it used to be. I am so happy that I finally took control and changed my life!

    WOW Were we married to the same guy? lol That sounds SO much like my husband. I, too, walk on eggshells on a daily basis and am scared to disagree with him. As long as I am agreeing, everything is bearable. But the moment I dont agree, all hell breaks loose. I am so happy that you found the courage to break free and finally find happiness. I hope to be able to do that one day. Although I am still with mine, I am hoping to be happily married one day. Congratulations on your current marriage. Glad to hear that your children also found happiness because at the end of the day, their happiness is the most important thing.

  4. Wow do I know what you guys are talking about. My husband and I have been together for 4 years and have been married 3 of them and for me these have been the most miserable years of my life. When I was 226 lbs, we got along okay (notice I said okay and not great). He was VERY mean to me and treated me like he was going me a favor by being with me. Then as the weight started coming off and I gained the confidence that I should have had in the first place, now he sees that I will no longer be treated like a doormat. Now I am not sure I want to be married anymore. I try very hard not to live in the past but I keep going back to all the terrible, horriable names he called me and the bruises, and the fact that he treated me SO bad. I dont want to admit that I have been in yet another failed relationship but I am so very tired of being unhappy. So I TOTALLY understand what you guys are going through. Not sure what I want to do at this point.

  5. I once asked my surgeon this question and the answer I got was that I was loosing weight soo fast that my body wasnt responding well to it. It was perfectly normal and would work itself out. I am ALWAYS cold and my daughter (I have an 11 year old) is always hot. I just put on more clothes and/or more blankets on the bed.

  6. Being 13 months post op you would think I would be the one of the last people asking this question, but here goes. I have changed shifts on my job (went from graveyard shift to day shift) and have found it VERY hard to keep from snacking after 3 pm. I do good whild I am at work, eating small meals and low calorie meal but after I hit the clock at 3 pm is when I find that I am having problems. I am SO hungry by the time I arrive home that I find myself snacking on everything. I keep low calorie Snacks but this pattern has slowed my weight loss progession down considerably. Any suggestions?

  7. Hi all,

    I am nearly ready to start my journey (if all goes according to plan!).

    I will be making my first appointment this week, (their first appoinment isn't until end of Feb though). What a mind twister it's been so far!

    I'll tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Sarah, I'm 20 years old, and something I'm not proud about is my weight, 145kgs (319 pounds).

    I'm hoping the Lap Band will improve my quality of life, and hopefully make some e-friends along the way. :)

    New Zealand? WOW!! First let me introduce myself. My name is Brenda and I am from the good ole USA. If you have already decided on WLS let me be one of the first to say CONGRADULATIONS! If you are still thinking about it, think about it and do the research. I found that it has been an awesome ride. It is one I dont regret making but it its not easy. You will have to do your part in order for the band to do its part. If I can help you or encourage you in any way, please feel free to ask.

  8. I have finally decided to put myself back on my priority list. I know it's very "Obrah'ish" but for weeks I've let other things take over my life. The holidays are over and I've painfully thrown away all the yummy Snacks in the house (except the ones my skinny daughter has hidden from me, bless her). I've restocked my shelves with the food I know works for me and I've started exercising every day. I had a small fill last week and almost immediately noticed a difference. So, I think I'm all set to see what the next few weeks have in store. There's nothing like just cleaning house and giving yourself a fresh start. I was stuck at 219 lbs for 10 weeks (at least no gain!) and the scale finally moved. Looking at my chart, I'm still doing better with the lab-band than I was doing on Weight Watchers alone at the same time. So all is good. Still have a long way to go but I'm up for the challenge. I'm not going to look back, only forward.

    God bless you all!!! You all give such encouragement and wisdom.

    I saw that you said you stocked your shelves with foods that work for you. Can you share with me a list of a few of those foods? I have also come to a stand still and would really like some help.

  9. No, I did as the surgeon told me for the first 3 months. Didnt really start "cheating" til a few months ago. I am 13 months post op and have had no problems (that I know of). No vomitting, no reflux, nothing. Just reading about other patients struggles with stitches popping, erosions and slippage really made me think if I was having problems and not even know it. Just really concerned and a little worried.

  10. I use my meat injector to self fill all the time. I fill it when I need to and unfill it when I wanna party. Whaooo

    I fill it with whatever I have on hand. In Nov. I had the garlic butter sauce for the turkey, so I just went ahead and used it. Why waste?

    First I rub an ice cube on my port area, then I rub some oragel on it. Then I let my hubby inject me cause I just can't do it myself.

    I do admit the needle is way big. One time I actually had to give myself one stitch to close the hole on my tummy. I used some dental floss.

    The tip of needle the doctor uses for fills is bent. I did have to take the meat injector needle and bend it before I used it. I took it outside and pushed it down on the cement till it bent.

    This self fill method is really working for me. For Christmas I filled it with rum sauce from my bread pudding.

    I REALLY hope you are kidding. Garlic butter sauce and rum to do a fill with? I would NEVER try this and hope no one does. This sounds like the worst advice I have read since I have been on this site. Dont get me wrong, if you are bold enough to try this without even thinking about the damage you could be doing to your band, the port and your body then "have at it". But I would never put my body in jeopardy bu even thinking of such a thing.

  11. I know exactly what you are going through. I am almost 13 months post op and I am STILL having this problem. Not sure why but it really hurts bad. I though it was just arthritis (almost 40 you know) but its only in the left shoulder. It doesnt happen all the time but when it does, WOW!!!

  12. Hey :) Don't sweat it. I'm sure everything will be fine. I don't even remember being weighed when I went in for mine. You could be retaining Water. I gain around 5 pounds in Water weight around my period and a couple/few around ovulation.

    Just nest and get your space ready for when you're home and recovering.

    Thank you SO much for this comment. It actually helped me as much as it probably helped the person it was sent to. I never knew that a woman gains weight around the time she ovulates (silly me). I knew that I gained weight around the time I started my period and knew that was natural. I knew that my weight was up and down but never linked it to my ovulation. Thanks again. This explains a lot!!!

  13. Hi gilta. I normally dont weigh in until Sundays @ 6am but now that I know that Thursdays will be our WI day, that works for me. Actually I weighed this morning and I weighed 166.8. I plan to be 155 by Valentines day. That means I need to loose around 2 lbs a week to reach this goal. Wish me luck.

  14. Count me in also. I have gained about 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks. (Christmas and New Years. I was only 8 lbs from my goal so now I am around 12 lbs. So count me in for 15 lbs in 6 weeks. I know that I will have to REALLY have to work to achieve this goal but hey... anything worth having is worth working for. I am attending a Valentine's Day ball and this will put me in a size 9 if I reach my goal so count me in.

  15. My name is Brenda and I live in Arkansas. I have been to this site and have posted some pix but never formally introduced myself. I had my surgery a year ago today and have been ever so thankful ever since. My surgeons name is Dr Rachael Keilin (the best in the business). :) She is so kind and concerned. I have lost almost 70 lbs since my surgery with only 8 more lbs to go to reach my own personal goal. I am here to help anyone that I can because I know that this journey is not easy. I thought it would be much easier than it actually is but anything worth having is worth working for.

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