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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by shellyphaunts

  1. Louisemom,

    Wow! You're story hits real close to home for me! I was banded in 2009, and lost 60 lbs the first year. Second year, my weight loss slowed down, and I started having problems keeping food down. in 2011 I was diagnosed with severe RA and had onset of symptoms, so my weight loss took a back seat. I've gotten to the point now, where no foods stay down. Most days I am lucky if I am able to eat a few bites of food.... All DAY. If any food does stay down, it upsets my stomach terribly. I always have stomach "discomfort", as if I've just eaten Thanksgiving dinner, even though my stomach is empty. My port site alway feels bruised or sore. Some days even a sip of Water feels like it is "stuck". I have been taking steroids for two years straight, up to 60mgs a day at some points, in order to keep some of the inflammation under control. Taking all the pills is a nightmare. And of course I have gained every single flipping pound back. I feel like a failure. Which is one reason I haven't seen my doc about this issue. Plain and simple, I am embarrassed.

    Until I read your posts, I thought maybe it was the inflammation causing my problems, but now I wonder if there is a problem with my band?

    Thank u for opening my eyes! I am so very tired of throwing up six to ten times a day! I thought this was something I was just going to have to live with. But now I wonder if there is hope that this can be fixed!


  2. Just curious, what were the symptoms that your band had slipped? I had my lap band surgery in 2009, did well for two year then was diagnosed with RA. Since then weight loss has taken a back seat to trying to find meds that help me have a life. But I haven't been able to consistently keep food down in a very long time. It usually comes up almost immediately. I also have significant discomfort in my stomach all the time. And when I DO keep food down, I get extremely nauseous. I am becoming quite concerned that something really is wrong.

    Thank you for your help!


  3. Christaluv, so sorry to hear about your troubles!

    I am curious what your symptoms were? I've been having serious issues lately with food. There is nothing I can eat anymore that doesn't come up almost immediately. I have constant discomfort in my stomach, and it hurts as though I've eaten too much even though I haven't kept food down for days.

    When I finally do manage to keep food down, my stomach gets horribly upset. Sadly this has been going on for almost two years, and I have been too embarrassed to see my doctor. (Yes, I am an idiot)

    Hoping you get good news on your situation!


  4. When I finally decided on getting banded, I told my husband, my children and my parents. I hadn't yet decided if I wanted my sister to know. She is also obese and very emotionally unstable. Unfortunately, someone in my family has a very big mouth and didn't abide by wishes. My sister was told.

    She has been completely unsupportive to the point of mean. I've spent six months losing and gaining the same 15 pounds, miserable and feeling like I destroyed our family. Some rather rude comments she made over the summer have wreaked devistation on all of my relationships, and I am still trying to put the pieces back together.

    Just be careful who you tell. Some people, even people who supposedly love you, can't stand to watch you succeed. Especially when they can't.

  5. Why do people have to be so damn mean!? Someone in my family remarked that by having WLS, I was "cheating" about six months ago, and I have not been the same since. OMG, it hurt me soooo much. And it managed to start a world war within my family and turn every relationship I have to crap. I feel like I am walking on egg shells around EVERY single person in my family. Well, except my kids and hubby, whom I thank GOD for everyday!

    If this is cheating how come you have to work so hard? If it were easy, I wouldn't be able to gain weight. And when I did, I could just wave my magic band and *poof* say goodbye to those pounds! I would already be at goal!! I would be so HAPPY, people would get cavities when I entered the room!

    And so the heck what if it is cheating!? If people who love us see us healthy and happy, why do they care if we "cheated" to get that way!? Seems to me it shouldn't make a difference. I think people just get jealous. Jealous that we got up off the couch and did something to improve ourselves. They didn't. So they're poo-pooing what we've done to make themselves feel better. And I'm sick of it!

    Yea, right, we cheated. And this is friggin' easy, pshaw. If you believe that, I've got a bridge out here in Tucson I can sell ya real cheap!

  6. Shelly, I'm sorry your sister is such a butt!

    As for your friend/partner?, you have the tools. You've learned how to eat. Ask her to exercise with youGood luck!

    Thank you for the advice PHCathy! I hope at some point I can open up my heart to my sister, but right now, I really need some distance, for my own success and sanity.

    As for my best friend, this year she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. We used to work out together, but she can't anymore. Plus, I think there is a certain amount of depression that came with the diagnosis, as well as other life changes. It just seems that both of our lives changed so much this year, but in opposite ways. I try quite hard to remain close to her, and find things to do when she's feeling up to it, but it's difficult for her right now. ;)


    LMDiva~ I have been looking into the BodyBugg. Are you happy with it?

    Hugs to all,

  7. I have been facing the "head hunger" issue alot lately. I don't think it's a coincidence that I've also been dealing with family "issues" lately as well.

    I think alot of this process is mental. I was going along, losing steadily, happy as a clam for the first six months of this journey. Then, bam! People in my life start spazzing out and I start getting inside my own head and weight loss has come to a screeching halt. Hunger is back, trying to knock down the door.

    I've begun to look at the reasons I became obese in the first place. I spoke to my doctor, explaining that my weight loss is affecting my relationships. He referred me to a psychologist he works with to help post-op bandsters "adjust." <Okay, pun intended!> :thumbup:

    Talk to your doctor about your hunger. Physical or mental, he can help you.

    All the best luck!


  8. I have to agree with Adagray. And maybe add a bit. My sister and I have been obese together for about 10 years. I have recieved zero support from her since my surgery. However, she still spoke to me, on occasion. Six months post-op, we saw eachother for the first time, and I had lost around fifty pounds. She said NOTHING about my success. It really hurt me.

    Since then, she has completely cut me off. She refers to my WLS as "cheating," telling other family members I took the "easy" way out. She refused to see me during the holidays, and insisted my parents have TWO holidays, one for my family, and one for hers. Why? Did I betray some secret fat-girl code? No. Seeing me succeed forces her to face her own insecurities.

    There is another person in my life, I love more than anything, but I think even she resents my weight loss, just a little bit. She happens to be battling her weight for the first time in her life. She has been very supportive, but there have been comments here and there, that make me wonder. Everytime I tell her I've gone down a size in jeans, or lost a few pounds or met another goal, she cries. After a few tears, she claims to be very proud of me. But I hear the sadness, I see a hint of jealousy. I feel a distance grow just a little bit more in our relationship. It really breaks my heart.

    I think the comments you are hearing come from this same place. A deep fear that you will succeed where they have failed. Your success is a reality check for them. One they aren't eager to face.

    For myself, I know how hard this journey is, just dealing with my own insecurities and issues. But having others insecurities thrust upon me at the same time is overwhelming, and makes trying to lose weight that much harder. Somehow, you just have to let it go. Focus on your own fight, and let them deal with theirs. Easier said than done, I know.

    Best wishes to you.


  9. Michelle~ So sorry to hear about your loss.

    I am beginning to learn that our emotions play a huge roll in weight loss. Be kind to yourself. You've been through a huge trauma, and need time to heal.

    It sounds like you are holding yourself up to high standards you wouldn't hold anyone else to! Just relax, and try to stay away from the scale for a few days. Each day just try to work on one thing. Like drinking your Water. Or getting your Protein in.

    I know exercise sucks, but it can help you feel better emotionally. Maybe try a walk each day. Throw on your Ipod and listen to your favorite music while you walk off some anxiety (and calories!)

    Hugs to you!!

    You can do it, hang in there!

  10. Hey ya'll. Had my surgery in February, 2009. I am down about 70 pounds. :thumbup: Halfway to goal! It has been hard work, but worth every second. And having such a supportive family helps. ALOT!

    Recently, I found out I don't quite have all the support I thought I did, and it has been devistating!! My daughter was talking to my nephew, and they began discussing my weight loss. Turns out my sister has been extremely mean behind my back and has been telling my nephew that I "cheated."

    I should have seen this coming. When I had the surgery it took her two weeks to come see me. And when she did, she sat and cried complaining that "fat people" don't visit people who've just had WLS. (my sister is morbidly obese)

    Then about five months later, at my son's birthday party, when I saw her, she said nothing about my appearance and just dove into this "me me me" story. I tried to be kind throughout the party, but must admit my feelings were hurt and I did withdraw a bit. Days later my Mom tells me that my sister is mad at me for IGNORING her at the party. Whatev..... :smile2:

    Anyway, this comment about "cheating" just grates my cheese. I mean we work just as friggin hard as "normal" people to lose weight. I bust my a##. I work out seven days a week, I can't remember the last time I had my favorite food!! I'm constantly watching fat grams, calories, carbs and proteins! HOW THE HELL IS THAT CHEATING??

  11. Okay, so I am five months post op. Lost 62 pounds as of today. Yay! Right? Well, yea, but, sigh.....

    My friggin PCM orders some labs done. Check. She calls me telling me my liver enzymes are abnormal. Says, "go have a liver ultrasound." Sigh. Okay, I go. She then calls me, asks if I am having pain. NOPE. Well, she says, "you have an abnormal test result." What is wrong, I ask. She won't tell me, only says we will discuss it at my next appt in FIVE FRIGGIN weeks!!! Yea, need I mention I hate this witch? Panic sets in. :thumbup:

    So the next day I have an appt with my bariatric surgeon, standard fill check. I go in, tell him the story, he can't believe she called me and worried me and then wouldn't tell me anything re: the results. He hops up, goes to his office, and accesses my test results. I luuuuuuv my surgeon. He comes back and says I have gallstones. Say WHAT? He says it is of particular concern since I am a bandster, but since I have had no symptoms, he isn't really concerned right now. Tells me to keep an eye out for pain and other symptoms. People live with them all of the time. Check! I decide I will be one of those people! :crying:

    Murphy's law being what it is, two days later I have the worst pain of my life, google it, and sure nuff, gallstone attack. Since that first one, I have had 3 attacks. I know I have to tell my surgeon, but damn, I really don't want another friggin surgery!!!!!!!!! Anyone else had this happen?



  12. Good job girl!! Do you think the shoulder pain is related to your surgery? Let me know what they find out! I'm hoping it is something easy to fix! :Banane01:

    I have had an odd pain on my left side lately, but it feels like it is in between my ribs. Ya know when you get a stitch in your side, and you stretch and it goes away? Kind of like that, but I know it's deeper inside my body, cuz stretching doesn't make a difference. It is just kind of always there. Really odd. :purplebananna:


  13. Hey gang!!

    Congrats to you all on your great results!!

    Babe, I am right there with you! I have been gaining and losing the same five pounds for the last three weeks!! Don't ya hate that!? After having some of my fill removed, I immediately gained five pounds. It felt like I gained 'em in like five HOURS!! LOL!

    It has been a battle. But this a.m. I hopped on the scale hoping I was holding steady, and to my surprise, I lost!! I am ONE pound away from my mini-goal. I wanted to lose fifty pounds by my daughters graduation day. ONE FREAKING POUND TO GO BY WEDNESDAY!!! :smile:

    Please, please, please God! Off to exercise now!!! :laugh:


  14. Hey gang!

    Been awhile since I checked in, so here I go!

    I had my second fill 3 weeks ago, and boy, have I had a rough time! Almost everything I've tried to eat in the past three weeks has come up. About a week in, I figured out if I only ate about 3-4 bites, each meal, I would be okay. So, for 3 weeks I was living on very little food. But LOVING the weight loss! :)

    Well, I had an appointment to see my surgeon today. He is a very reserved, quiet man. So I was shocked when he burst into the little room and blurted out, "Are you ok?!" I said I was fine, but had to admit I had quite a rough time eating the last three weeks. He got quite angry that I hadn't called him, as it was obvious to him that I had way too much restriction. He told me I was malnutritioned and probably dehydrated. Oh, yea, I guess I should explain that I lost SIXTEEN pounds in THREE weeks. :( So, he took out 1cc and told me he hoped I GAINED about 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks.

    I have to admit, that even though what I did was dangerous, I am thrilled with the weight loss, and dammit, I don't want to GAIN! The entire time he was telling me what a naughty girl I was, I couldn't stop smiling! **shakes head**

    And ya know, the last three weeks, I just got used to not being able to eat much, and didn't think about possibly harming myself. That is how freaking desperate I am to lose the weight. So, anyway, I can now eat more than 3 bites, which is refreshing, but I am worried I will gain. So, I have already started watching my fat grams and calories and writing everything down. Which I didn't have to do the last three weeks, since I wasn't eating much at all. Anyhoodles, that's my story.......


  15. My doc requires liquids the day of the fill, then mushies the next day. After that he wants us back on "normal" foods. All doctors have different requirements, so I did follow his instructions. As I said, even yogurt wouldn't stay down. :blush:

    ParrotheadCathy, I will follow your advice and call my doc to see what he wants me to do. I didn't think two oz of food, twice a day was a normal thing!! :smile: Thanks!


  16. Okay, I am new to restriction. I had my second fill Wednesday. All day I had trouble drinking Water and keeping it down. I was uncomfortable all evening. When I tried to eat, I couldn't.

    Thursday, more of the same. Yogurt was the only thing I could eat, and then only about 2 oz at a time.

    Friday, I made a stir-fry, and was only able to eat 2 small bites of broccoli and two small bites of beef. AND THEN it all came right back up. Not like throwing up, it just sort of crawled back up my esophagus. And the pain!! OY! Before it came back up I had chest pain that I can't even explain!

    Now, five days later, I am still only able to eat extremely small amounts. For dinner I had about an ounce of a turkey burger, and 2 tater tots. I stopped before the pain started this time. <----not completely stupid! :smile:

    But honestly, my dr. wants me to eat five small meals a day. Since my fill, I am lucky if I eat TWO small meals a day, and they are extremely small. I know I am not getting enough nutrition. I can barely fit the Protein Drinks in. Do I need to have an unfill? Or is this just what it is supposed to be like?? I like the scales going downward each morning, but am worried that this isn't healthy.



  17. Hair loss is a sign of not getting enough Protein. Try as hard as you can to get 80 grams of protein a day. My hair started falling out, but when I upped my protein for a few weeks, it stopped. AND my weight loss became more steady. :tt2:

    Don't know what to tell ya about the acne. I've always had it. I do notice, the more Water I drink, the less breakouts I have. :thumbup:


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