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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jill10191130

  1. Jill10191130

    I feel like a failure.......

    I think you're doing well also. I've only lost 44 in almost 6 months. I get discouraged sometimes as well. I just keep on chipping away. Don't let people get you down. Just do what you need to do and little by little it will come off. Might take a while, but it will happen for you.
  2. Jill10191130

    Tired of it!!

    I understand this as well. At times I wish I had not told anyone except my immediately family about having surgery. People do watch you like a hawk. I've gotten so when people ask me how much I've lost, I tell them. Then I also tell them that it is not like gastric bypass surgery. It is much slower and safer. Then they usually act like embarassed and it shuts them up.
  3. Jill10191130

    Just wanted to share my stupidity!

    I totally understand. When I am somewhere public and eating now. The first thing I do is locate a bathroom. So I'll know where it is in case of an emergency stuck episode.
  4. Jill10191130

    "Stuck" Explanation please...

    Oh you'll know....no explanation needed. Just wait. It's an awful feeling.
  5. Jill10191130

    Eating too fast or eating too much?

    Thank you for anwsering this. I think it is possible that I am overfilling and then getting sick because of that.
  6. I was banded Feb 11, 09. I've lost 36 pounds since surgery. I feel like my weight loss is a little slow but it is steady. Lately I've been losing about a pound a week. Just had my second fill yesterday. My doc is extremely conservative with everything. I probaley have about 4 cc's total in my band. Can tell a little difference since yesterday, but difficult to truely tell yet because i'm on liquids right now. I'm working out about 5 days a week and I'm reallly working hard on this. I document every bite that goes in my mouth and I am determined to be successful. It has been more difficult than I thought it would though. All in all I feel much better and I am still happy with my decision.
  7. I think you are doing great being that I am 3 months post op and have only lost 35 pounds.
  8. Jill10191130

    MyFitnessPal.com Mobile??

    I use myfitnesspal as well and I too love it!!! I read on their boards that an iphone app is in the works!!!! So excited about this! The site owner did say that it would probaley take a little while to get it going though. iPhone application? - Free Calorie Counter - MyFitnessPal.com
  9. I just don't understand it. I mean I feel like I'm doing everything right and the scale WILL NOT BUDGE. I've even upped my workouts from 30 minutes a day to 45 minutes a day. I do circuit training one day and then intensity training on the elipitical the next about 5 - 6 days a week. I'm doing myfitnesspal and logging everything I eat. I'm eating about 1200 - 1500 calories a day. I'm struggling with even this amount because I have pretty much no restriction. Sometimes in the morning, I get a little stuck but other than that, I can tell absolutely no difference than the way I felt before the band. I had my first fill about 3 weeks ago. Next one is May 11th. My doc waits 6 weeks between fills and only adds 1 cc at a time. I'm so frustrated!!! I mean I went from probaley eating 4000 calories a day and zero exercise to doing all this and I STILL can't lose weight. WHAT is wrong with me???? Then to top it all off, while taking my daughter to a dentist appt this week, the receptionist asked me "what are you having?". Confused I said "excuse me?" She then said "what are you having a boy or a girl?" I was like "ummm...neither, I'm not pregnant!". She apoligized profusely but I was humiliated. I mean it took everything in me not to break down in tears in the lobby. So embarassing.
  10. Jill10191130

    Me and my kids at Easter

    From the album: During

  11. Jill10191130

    Struggling this week...

    Thanks for all the advice. I may try cheating, but I'm a little scared to. I'm so afraid of something setting me back. As far as the bodybugg, I've thought about that. They are expensive and not in my budget right now. So i'm doing the next best thing, I think, which is logging into a food site like, myfitnesspal. I know I'm getting enough Protein, but maybe getting a few too many carbs. Karen, what percentages of protein/fats/carbs do you eat?
  12. Jill10191130

    Me - down 32 pounds

    From the album: During

  13. Jill10191130

    24W jeans I was wearing a year ago.

    You look awesome! Congrats!
  14. Jill10191130

    being accused of cheating

    That's awesome! I think you should be very proud of yourself for standing up to her. Anyone who has done this knows that this is a very difficult thing, probaley the hardest thing I've ever done. So poo on her!
  15. Jill10191130


  16. Jill10191130

    Me probaley about a year ago

    From the album: Before

  17. Jill10191130

    Down 31 Pounds

    From the album: During

  18. Jill10191130

    Down 31 Pounds

    From the album: During

  19. Jill10191130

    Down 26 pounds at SeaWorld Orlando

    From the album: During

  20. Jill10191130

    off work ???

    I took off work for 1 week. I think I would have been fine after 4 - 5 days though.

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