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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by angiedawson

  1. Well 2 years ago i got down to a size 4 altogether i lost 220 pounds. was throwing up everyday and just getting sicker went to er room did blood work my posstess levels were dangerously low they said if i hadn't gone in that night i would have died. had to have the band taken out it was killing me. as a result of the band coming out where the port was i had a massive hernia had to go to houston to get fixed.. yes i have gained some of the weight back but i would rather be fat and alive than skinny and dead i have kids to raise by myself so there was no opition but to take it out..... it sucks but i don't care anymore it does bother me sometimes but it is really nice to go out to eat and not throw up or walk around to make the food go down and i can eat what i want. my health is still trying to get back on track but all my blood work came out excellant and my blood pressure is awesome right now so i will take it one day at a time. i thought about putting another one in or doing something else the doctors ask me if i wanted it but i was skin an bones at the time dying and i have had so many surgery's and bowl obstructions i am scared to mess with any of it. oh well maybe one day but not worried about. good luck to everyone just remember go to the doctor if you have a problem i know believe me i know i didn't want to gain the weight back but my kids needs me and that is all that matters they love me regardless.

    angie, i am much like you. the doctor just put me on aciphex because i have gerd which i never had before the lapband (3 years ago). the hearburn started probably about a year ago on and off but as of late has been worse. but, i notice, sometimes i eat too fast still, and i graze likey ou and then go for one meal. that one meal can only occur in the evening when i am open the most, but, because it is late it causes gerd and heartburn. sometimes i want to have the band removed but i dont want to gain weight. then, i dont want to do damage to my esophagus and have a worse health problem. dont know what to do. and i dotn want to stay on mediceine either. i am going to stay away from the foods that trigger the gerd, just do the medicine till i am healed and then go off it. the medicine alters your stomach acid and that cannot be good wither. i feel i wouldnt have gerd if i didnt have the lapband. but then i would be fat!! lol. help

  2. wow i am just reading these. i have had the lap band for almost 5 years now and have had acid reflux for a year now have it under control but still bothers me at night. it has not crossed my mind to have my band taken out. i am just amazed some of you have fills. i have no fills none i am wide open and i have restriction my band is tight in the morings but yet i can take a whole pill no breaking it or crushing it so i know my band is open if pills go down. its just wierd sometimes i will take a pill with tea or something and i think maybe the pill is stuck will go throw up and the tea comes up but the pill doesn't wierd. i still have a problem of eating to fast you would think after 5 years i would know better but i usually graze during the day and try and eat one good meal a day. and stress really makes my band tight. i went thru two hurricanes in september and i don't think i ate all month i lost 25 pounds in 3 months because of it. but hey unless something really bad happens i am keeping my band i have lost 170 pounds and even though i hate i have excess skin really bad and i need a body lift to i just live with it i would do it all over again. good luck to all and thanks for all the info i am getting on here.

  3. wow i am reading these and i am getting scared. i don't know what band size i have. but it's good to know that if something happens with this one they can put a new one on. my insurance i have now does pay for lap band and the gastric. i have worked so hard to lose this weight if something happens and they can't put a band on they will do gastric i am not gaining this weight back and i know i would because i still love to eat. how do you know if you have a slippage?? do you have to get an upper gi to find out. see i don't know about any of this. i really have never went back to the doctor i was going thru a divorce and couldn't afford the fills and all that and really still can't being a single mom but i was fixing to ask my regular doctor to do something about the acid reflux it's not as bad as it was but i just want to make sure my throat and stomach are ok. again thanks for listening.

  4. hi i am new here. i have been had the lap band for it will be 5 years in march of 2009. i have had acid reflux for the past year i am on nexium but i also feel like i am throwing up in my sleep. i have been reading these post the only thing is is i have no fills none. i have lost 170 pounds with no fills. i had one about a month after the surgery but it was to tight and he took it out told me to wait a month and come back but at that time i was going thru a break up and later a divorce so i never went back. i am also fine during the day mine is at night not every nite and i also triggers my asthma. some nights get bad i have to get up and sleep in the chair because it just keeps coming up most of the time if i throw up get whatever is in my stomach out of there i will be ok. i am just sick of this sometimes i don't sleep for a week if its really bad and stress doesn't help. sorry this is long i am just so excited to see that i am not the only one with this i know of none else around here that has had the band with this trouble. thanks for listening and all the great info


    So if you have reflux at night, the test to ask for is an upper GI?

    I am fine in the day time. no heartburn, I can eat small portions. It's just at night and not every night, I feel like I am throwing up in my sleep.

    I am not sure what to do . The dr gave me nexium but that doesn't really stop the night time throwing up.

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