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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by adagray

  1. I would ditto what everyone else said about getting a fill. I was banded around the same time as you and my fourth fill (which took me to 7.5, then had to back down to 7.0cc in a 10cc band) did the trick for me. One of my doctor's criteria for whether or not you need a fill is if you are getting hungry between meals. I try to eat only three meals per day (about 400 calories and at least 20g of Protein in each). Each meal should last until the next meal (4+ hours). Drink lots of Water in between meals (after the one hour waiting period or whatever you use). If you are still truly hungry in between, you need a fill. I also feel like exercise is one of the most important things we need to embrace on this journey. The more you exercise, the more lean muscle mass you build, the more calories you burn, the more fat you lose. If you don't exercise while losing weight, you lose muscle mass at the same rate as fat and you BMR (base metabolic rate) goes down meaning you burn less calories each day until you plateau. So, if you haven't embraced exercise yet, I highly recommend putting your energy into finding an exercise that you truly enjoy and can do regularly. And, don't worry so much about the scale until you get this accomplished. Best of luck to you!
  2. I'm not sure if you meant it this way, but I'm really worried that you may be suicidal. Please seek some help ASAP. I started having some dark thoughts a couple years ago that I knew did not make sense... like maybe my family would be better off without me. I would never go as far as to take my life, but these dark thoughts were creeping in. As soon as I recognized this, I saw my PCP and she diagnosed me w/GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) which results in depression if left untreated long enough. She put me on Lexapro and it has done wonders for me. My depression lifted and so did the anxiety I lived w/all my life (that I thought was just 'normal' and part of my personality). I've had no side effects from the med. It just freed me up to live the life I want and really enjoy life in the moment (not worrying all the time about stuff that doesn't matter). Now I only worry about stuff that does really matter. Anyway, its amazing what can be accomplished just by taking the right med. In any case, dark thoughts like you are having are a sure sign of depression and the way out may not be as hard as you think. Please see someone for this and then deal w/the weight later. Hugs!
  3. I know only a little about it. I asked my surgeon about it in pre-op. She told me it was a really simple operation and if I was going in for any other reason (gallbladder removal, plastic surgery, etc.) at another date (after I had lost all or most of my weight), she could coordinate w/the other surgeon and do it at the same time. Now, I'm not sure if I would want to. My port feels so natural to me now. It doesn't hurt. And, its well placed (easy for them to poke, but doesn't stick out - at least for now, but I still have halfway to go). I expect I will really want a tummy tuck and boob lift at some point, though, so if I was to have the port replaced, I'd wait until I was doing other cosmetic stuff.
  4. You may not be having any adverse affects, but you may not be having optimal results. My experience has been that I have really tried to follow all of my doctor's rules (at least for some time) and then started experimenting w/only the rules that were problematic for me. Some of the rules that were hardest to follow (no carbonation, no artificial sweetener, and no caffeine) turned out to be the best for me. I very begrudgingly gave this all up for the first month after surgery wondering how I would ever satisfy my sweet tooth or have any energy without all of this. As it turns out, I no longer have a sweet tooth (the Diet Coke and artificial sweeteners were just driving my cravings for sweets) and I have more energy than ever (caffeine just had me on a horrible roller-coaster). So, I never went back to any of that. My doctor also says to go on Clear liquids for 72 hours after a fill. And, trust me, I have TRIED! In the beginning, I just did not have enough restriction to go 3 days w/no food at all. So, I would go as long as I could (usually 24 hours) and then work my way up. By my 3rd fill it got easier, and by my 4th fill (last one), I wasn't hungry at all after my fill so no problem at all. My doctor doesn't say you can't drink any alcohol, but she highly recommends against any liquid calories. Boy, this was the hardest for me. I love my wine and cocktails and have an active social life that always includes drinking. I was happy to find that as long as I was exercising and following all the other rules pretty well, I didn't have to give up my alcohol and I could still lose weight pretty well. That is until I plateaued the last three weeks. So, I finally had to slay my sacred cow and decided to commit myself to complete abstinence from alcohol until I reach goal. I didn't get this surgery just to make it halfway to goal. So, there you have it. I think we all end up experimenting w/the rules, but I say just try to give them your best shot to start out with. You just might find out your doctor and nutritionist are right.
  5. adagray

    Eating Out???

    I would probably do soup and salad if I was going to Olive Garden. I love their salad and salad is never a problem for me. Personally, I would avoid all of the pasta dishes. I sometimes have problems w/pasta (unless it is gluten free) so I just avoid it when I go out. Also, I'm sure you already know this, but the breadsticks probably won't work for you now that you are banded. Bread seems to be the #1 thing people have problems with.
  6. adagray

    Too big of a fill?

    I had to have a slight unfill after my last fill. I wrote about it in my blog if you want the details. One thing I would recommend is to drink just ice Water and cold drinks until your swelling goes down. Hot and warm liquids will actually make the swelling get worse. The PA told me that when I came in for the unfill (when I described how I closed up after having some warm broth). And, try to stay on Clear Liquids for 72 hours. Well, even though its miserable to get too tight like this, it does probably mean it won't take as many fills to get to your sweet spot. You may already be there once this swelling goes down. I am now at my sweet spot (some days a little too loose and some days a little too tight, but overall good restriction).
  7. adagray

    Drinking with meals

    I'm a really weird one because I didn't drink w/meals before the band. I would always drink a lot before and after a meal, but not during. I'd always fill my water or wine glass and it would still be sitting there at the end of the meal and then I'd have it after. So, now I just had to get used to not having the drink afterwards.
  8. adagray

    Alcohol Consumption

    My surgeon's recommendation was to wait one month. I can't say I made it that long. :-o I love my wine and cocktails. Even though I started back before I was supposed to, it never made me sick. But, a week ago, I decided to make a commitment to give up alcohol entirely until I reach my goal weight. I have been stuck around the same weight for a few weeks now and I know these empty liquid calories are not helping. I decided I didn't get this surgery just to get halfway to goal. So, I'm stepping it up and eliminating the alcohol and increasing my exercise.
  9. I have 7cc in a 10cc band and I think I'm at my sweet spot. I can eat almost anything if I chew it well (except for bread and bread-like products). It helps to eat different foods in the same meal. I feel like things get compacted down and stuck more if it is just all one type of food you are eating. For example, eating chicken w/salad and a little bit of mashed potatoes works better for me than eating chicken alone. Or, eating meat w/sauces (like BBQ sauce). There is a certain art to eating w/the band once you have good restriction. You have to pay a lot of attention to texture, moistness, and chewing.
  10. How about just putting on a pedometer so you can show the exercise physiolgist just how many steps you are getting per day already without formal exercise. I think it is 10,000 that they want as a goal. If you are already getting that (sounds like you are, or are close), then you wouldn't need any additional exercise. Yeah, wouldn't that be nice! :-> For me, I love Jazzercise and they have childcare at the center that I go to and its very inexpensive. So, this is what I do. I don't get near as much activity through my normal routine as you do. My kids are a little older (4 and 6) and I've been able to sit down a lot more as they've gotten older. I remember when they were younger, though, that I wouldn't even bother to sit down even if I had the chance because as soon as I'd sit down, someone would be calling me for something. Hey, is that considered squats then? LOL
  11. adagray

    Dining Out Post Surgery

    I enjoy eating out more now because I know I'm not gonna undo my whole diet w/one meal. Even if I splurge and get something decadent, I will only enjoy a little and take the rest home. So, for me, the band has freed me up to enjoy eating even more (not in volume, but in the experience). There is a learning curve, though, and you will learn that certain foods do not always work for you. And, you will also learn how to guage how tight or loose you are on any given day. There are some days I know better than to touch any cut of red meat. And, other days when I can enjoy a filet mignon no problem. I think one of the biggest things I had to get used to was not diving in so fast when the meal gets there.
  12. adagray

    Lapband Cards

    I've only used mine in Vegas at the Paris buffet. I was overly tight on this trip and could barely eat anything. There was just no way I was gonna pay $35 to hardly eat anything and no champagne either (bubbles). So, I showed them the card and asked to be charged for the child's price buffet and it turned out to be no big deal. The hostess acted like she must have seen these cards a million times before and immediately rang me up as a child.
  13. Everyone answered your questions very well. The only other thing I would add is to try to go to a presentation given by a surgeon who does bypass (RNY) as well so you can get educated on both procedures. For some people, bypass (RNY) is really a better choice. The band does require A LOT of follow-up visits after the surgery to adjust it properly and get it working for you. Bypass is more automatic. So, I'm just thinking because of your social anxiety issues, you might have an easier time adjusting to the bypass because you won't have to go to as many follow-up appointments. Also, I know its hard, but try not to feel like people are all looking at you or judging you. The people you will meet and deal with along this journey are some of the biggest advocates for the obese and really get a joy out of seeing you succeed. It has been a very positive experience for me. Oh, and as for the social anxiety, if there is any way you can bring yourself to talk to your PCP about it, I bet you could be put on a medication that would help a lot. I don't have social anxiety disorder, but generalized anxiety disorder. When I finally talked to my PCP about, I thought she'd send me for tons and tons of therapy. As it turns out, I take a magical pill called Lexapro and it takes care of my GAD perfectly, no side effects, and I haven't needed any therapy.
  14. I have better luck w/crackers. Not quite as portable as a sandwhich, but tastes just as good w/most stuff you would put in a sandwhich.
  15. adagray

    Really cute NSV

    My four year old daughter told me the other day 'You are getting littler, but you still have your big boobs.' Best compliment of the year!!! LOL
  16. adagray

    What About Bread????

    Generally speaking, breads and anything w/a bread-like consistency does not work for me. I just avoid it all. Honestly, I don't even miss most of it anyway. Once you've been stuck a few times, you just look at it and think ugh!
  17. adagray

    Humm is it considered cheating???

    Personally, I wouldn't join a competition like this since being banded. I was in a similar situation. The Jazzercise center where I work out was having a biggest loser competition. There wasn't any big prize or anything, but I just didn't feel right joining it. A bunch of the ladies asked me why I didn't join it (cause they've noticed me losing weight) and I told them because I had WLS recently. I'm the type that tells everyone and anyone. And, two of the ladies did say 'oh yeah, you better not join, that wouldn't be fair'. I can totally see where they're coming from. Losing weight is hell! It took me 2.5 years to lose 50 pounds on WW. I'm still a relatively 'slow loser' even w/the band, but it sure is a heck of a lot easier w/the band. Yes, I've gotta work out, watch those liquid calories, and make good food choices, but I'm not HUNGRY all the time. To me, having the band is a huge advantage. The other thing is I had to ask myself if it would really be even personally useful or motivating to join a contest at this point in my journey. I feel like I'm already being monitored very closely by my surgeon's staff and my PCP. I get my hurrahs when I go in and see them, the scale goes down again, and my tests/bloodwork show that my bp, blood sugar, etc. is improving. Plus, everyone I know is so supportive. Do I really need to compete against other people to feel good about myself or motivate myself. Nah, no need!
  18. Salad is one of those things I never have problems with. Its always a safe choice for me which is nice for when you are going out or you know you are tighter than normal and don't want to risk PBing. So, I guess in that sense it is a 'slider' for me. BUT, I don't feel bad having it as part of a meal as long as I am also getting my protein in. You said you have hard boiled egg and/or chicken in your salad. So, to me, I think that's a healthy choice. I just try to keep each meal under 400 calories, at least 20g of protein, and something that will satisfy me for 4+ hours. A salad w/protein fits into that category so in my book its a good choice even if the salad alone is a little slidy.
  19. I don't know if this is considered a 'mushy', but something I love and never had problems with... Smoked Salmon!!! You have to try to find one that is not too salty, though. Costco has one I really like. I eat it for bfast almost every day.
  20. adagray

    4th Fill Today - Up to 6.5cc now

    I'm really hoping this is the fill that will take me to my sweet spot (or close to it). Of course, I am on clear liquids now for at least the rest of the day so I won't know for awhile. But, for the first time, I can not guzzle a huge amount of water at once anymore. I can do about 4 oz at a time. I think that is a good sign. Woohoo!!! :thumbup: And, I was able to confirm at my appointment that I have gained some lean body mass (muscle) and my body fat percentage is down to 48.6. The last time it was 49.6 so I lost a whole percentage point of body fat in four weeks which is awesome. I haven't been losing weight as quickly this month, but my clothes have been fitting better so I kinda figured I might be toning up. All that Jazzercise is paying off! I brought my four year old daughter to this appointment because she's on spring break. I thought about having her go out of the room when I got my fill, but I just took her for her appointment at the pediatrition a couple weeks ago and she got four shots. So, I figured it shouldn't phase her too much to see me get one. She was a perfect little angel the whole time. I made sure to talk and smile through the whole thing so she would know I wasn't being hurt. She even brought her Barbie band-aids and put one on me when the fill was done. Such a cutie. :wub:
  21. adagray

    Blood in spit up

    I would get checked out just in case. Its not part of the norm to have any blood come up. My mom has the band too and one time she did scratch her stoma when she accidently swallowed a piece of crab shell. I don't know if she ever PB'd any blood, but she did have to be unfilled until it healed. Better safe than sorry.
  22. I would just recommend ice cold water over hot anything. When I got overtight and drank hot broth, I ended up closed off completely. I had to go back in to get some fluid removed and the PA said if you ever feel tight, do NOT drink hot beverages, drink ice cold ones instead. Cold reduces swelling, hot increases swelling. So, even if the hot beverage feels better going down, it may actually be making the situation worse.
  23. adagray

    Ice Cream

    Certainly not the best choice, but not worth beating yourself up over either way. Take mental note to plan better next time and move on. By the way, I aim for not more than 400 calories and at least 20g of Protein at each meal. So, by these standards, you weren't that far off. But, I wouldn't make a habit of it just because of the lack of other nutritional value. But, you know that already. As far as it hurting your weightloss, I don't think it will even register as a blip on the scale.
  24. I was worried about feeling weak or fatigued as well on such low calories. But, really, it has been just the opposite for me. I have more energy than ever and working out is not a problem. I do sweat a lot and have to drink a lot of water when I work out, but the low calories are not an issue. I guess my body really does have ample storage of energy (fat) to get me through. LOL

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