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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sanflan

  1. Hi, Ive used the search function, so please forgive me if there is already an Essex thread.

    Just thought it would be nice for everyone to introduce themselves.

    I live in Colchester and was banded in Brussels By Dr Chris De Bruyne, 20/01/09. :cursing:

  2. good to think I'm not alone with eating food already. Ive noticed alot of other threads people have been advised to go 4 weeks on strained liquids! I didnt really get that impression from Dr De Bruyne.

    I did read about the dino-nugget! that was funny, but think that was more a case of accidental ingestion!

    Strange to think how heavy people to put things in their mouths without realizing! I once ate a cookie on my desk and 2 seconds after finishing it realised.... I didnt know where it came from! Someone could have picked it up off the floor and stuck it there... but I didn't even think to ask the logical questions. ((who is this cookie? Where did it come from? Why is it on my desk))

  3. Hiya peeps,

    Glad to hear that everyone's recovering little by little and welcome to the newbies!!

    Just to remind people that I've set up a group called 'Gastric Band Patients of Dr Christiaan de Bruyne' over on Facebook if anybody would like to join. There's 5 of us now and we're looking for more members!

    We'll be able to start lots of different topics that relate to our lapband experience over there if anyone would like to join.

    I've started a topic where we can all introduce ourselves, and another one about life with the band, but as yet, without a fill. Come on over and join us!!

    Speak to you all soon,

    Miss Flump x x x

    Hi miss flump, just a though you may have trouble getting a load of people on facebook... there are a lot of us "secret bandsters" about!!!

    I have only told my husband (obviously) and 3 friends I can trust. I couldn't join any groups on facebook as then my whole fmaily and all my colleagues would know!!! :w00t:

    But good luck to you anyway!!

  4. What a difference a day makes!!!!:w00t:

    Went to Boots in the evening yesterday and bought Panadol Extra for the pain (The only one to claim to be sensitive on the stomach as well as be dissovable in water). They worked a treat for the normal stitch pain etc I can't even begin to tell you. Also they really did not cause me any tummy troubles and the pills Dr Chris gave me seemed to be working as a laxative.. (TMI sorry)

    I also got some Spearmint Rennies for the trapped wind. With in an hour of taking them both, I just had this feeling... Of nothing. FOr the first time in days. It was amazing I was able to drink down my cup a Soup with out feeling swollen and like i was choking it down, and just felt good. No horrible pain nothing. I even managed to sleep through the night and only woke up once from being a little sore.

    A miracle I tell you. Hope anyone else having the same problems as me gives them a go. I am amazed any over the counter medicines can work that well, when I felt soo sick!!:thumbup:

  5. You poor thing Sanflan, how awful you must feel.

    I dont know why you have so much pain, have you mailed Dr Chris or Frederik?

    That doesnt seem quite right to me, if you are taking pain killers and still have so much pain.

    Us women are made of sturdy stuff you know, so dont ever think you're a baby.

    I think if it were me, then I would go to my GP and see what he can give you to ease the pain.

    I hope it improves very soon. xx

    Thank you freckles, I haven't been in touch as I've found frederick very nice, but a bit slow with the emails! Think they're very busy. I'm just feeling sorry for myself. If the pain doesnt impove over the next couple days I will get an appt with my GP. For now I am going to get myself to Boots soon as my husband is actually showered and out of bed! and ask for something stronger. Does any one know if I am only allowed the disovable stuff like Dr Chris gave me? Will try some rennies for the wind too.
    Hi sanflan when i was in hospital last week they made us stay on the oxygen for 24hrs as for pain relief, are your painkillers strong enuf. I wish i had stayed the extra night cos i felt like crap, really hot and thought i was going to pass out, they even had to get a 1st aider to me at the airport to see if i was ok to fly.. after 48 hrs i felt much better i still get the trapped wind in my back and my neck and it always seems worse at night, apparently its normal and should go after bwt 10 days. if your unsure bwt anything get checked out by your gp. Hope your feeling better soon x

    Thanks wishful, that sounds just like me. glad i'm not the only one!

    Saflan i had everything you describe from the pain to the oxygen to the sickness so no ur not a baby!!!, it does end tho, hope ur feeling better soon

    Thanks BTS! :scared2:

  6. oh, bless, you have had such a bad time, I cant give you any advice but I know the sickness is often caused by low oxygen in the blood, (Im vet) it also makes you feel very shakey, look very green and feel like s**t, so dont be put off taking pain killers, if they dont work then consider e.mailing Fredrick or Dr Chris or contact your GP. I hope someone can give you more advise and info, but no one these days need suffer unbearable pain. Sending you love and hugs. mmm

    Oh thank you mmm, I didn't know the low oxegen in my blood could make me could make me feel sick.

    I think I have sleep apnea, so I wonder if it could be from that. I will speak to my GP and see what she says.. thanks!

  7. Hi guys I had my band! I'm happy about it all being over but a bit confused as was more painful and invasive then I expected it to be. Everyone else seems to be in no pain at all and chirpy as can be after, not sure if I'm just being a baby as I've never had kids or had to stay in hospital before? First i spent the first night (even with all the drugs in my system) almost unable to sleep, constantly turning as I was in so much pain, the past three nights Ive been able to sleep but not with out loads of pain and waking up at least 3-4 times. Also I woke up attached to oxegyen?? I was the only one in the room it was uncomfortable and the nurse said I didnt have enough in my blood after the surgery must be why I kept feeling really short of breath. Also was made really sick by pain killers and barium... had an accident in my hotel room (Mortified). And in the end even though I had suregery Tuesday I had to exchaneg my tickets to come home friday instead of Thursday as I was so unwell!! I feel like the stiches are incredibly painful, but not half as bad as the horrible trapped wind, It beings me to tears several times a day..really trapped wind!, I'm really suffering for it. Am I the only one? Everyone else seems so happy after it all!

  8. Oh no, I was just going through my old emails with frederick.. When I realized you are meant to send 500 euros by bank transfer, 2 weeks before hand. I ddint see that and I havent heard from him. I've just emailed and him and dont expect to hear back from him before Monday (if then, he seems to be a bit slow to check his eamils). Did everyone send their deposits? Would he cancel my appointment? or has it never been made at all?!! :cool:

  9. Notices Hello sanflan it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

    So guess I should make some more effort to chat! Anyway, I will be having my surgery on the 20th of January.... So not long yet!! Anyone else having theirs on the same day? x

  10. Hope you guys are still checking this thread. I'm a bit confused I had already booked through Bridget at professional Beauty when I saw this thread. Then I saw what Jojo said. So I wrote to Bridget asking for a reduction since I was paying 3950 and paying for my own taxi and hotels. She has just told me that she thought the below package was for 4000 POUNDS not Euros, and that she can't get give me a reduced price as the doctor makes the prices. I also told her that I've read the doctor DOES take bank transfers so at least she has said I can do that now.

    Does anyone know if the below is corrct and can I cancel through Bridget and do it through him directly. Or not cause she was the first to make contact with me?:thumbup:


    I,ve just returned from brussels last weekend, Dr chris gave us a pack with all types of info and in there was an offer for 4000 euros which includes


    6 taxi trips between airport, hotel,consultation and hospital

    3 nights in a hotel (3star) for 2 people (you 2 nights your companion 3 nights)

    visit to your hotel from your personal coach

    1 night in hospital

    also they are offering similar package only 5 star hotel for4500 euros

    this is all direct to DR Chris

    if you are interested e-mail frederick.serneels@ecfs.be

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