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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by beebic

  1. Hi all, wanita and ck, I have been meaning to log on and post but work….work work…. I am so happy I did this surgery, I’ve lost 22 pounds so far and could not be happier. CK congratulations on your results and diabetes (WOW!) that is such great news! And Wanita if you do a little research you’ll find the lap band to be a great option, it was for me. My best friend Samara is going down to Dr. Gonzalez next Thursday for her consultation and if everything is ok she’s getting the lap band as soon as possible. I strongly recommend this procedure and Dr. Gonzalez is the one to do it. Give Laura a call if you are thinking about getting banded, she’s a doll and she will take care of all the details for you, here’s her number: 877-249-2263 at www.golap-band.com.

    Happy weight loss to all!:rolleyes2:

  2. Hi Pecheez!! I had my Lap band surgery on the 30th, too bad we did not meet, maybe we can meet at one of the fills. Ms. Cookie is asking about fills and I know I'll be getting my first one in about two weeks , that is when you have saline or sterile Water injected into the lap band port and the lap band closes causing restriction (so you eat less, obviously).

    My surgery went great. I had been nervous at first but after speaking with doctor Gonzalez Just before the surgery he made me he made me feel a little better.There was a lot of confidence in his voice so that helped me a lot.Plus he had just finished a lap band procedure before me so I Knew he was nicely " warmed up" . The clinic is excellent, it seems like they just went trough a major remodel so that it was a very pleasant atmosphere and impeccably clean. The nursing staff could not be nicer, although a couple of the nurses spoke in an English that was a little chopped up, but between my bad Spanish and their broken up English, we managed.The head nurse speaks good English and so do all the doctors. After surgery I had a little discomfort but the Gas X strips helped me quite a bit.I was up and walking three hours after surgery. My night at the clinic was comfortable, they gave me a sleeping pill that knocked me out and I had a chance to rest all through the night. The next morning doctors Gonzalez and Valenzuela came by and gave me my prescriptions and guidelines along with a diet handout , I had gone through this with doctor veronica the nutritionist. I left and was back home in little less than two hours. I would recommend this doctor and his staff to anyone , especially if you are near Tijuana as I am. I have lost 10 pounds since my surgery and I am very happy I did it.

    I will keep you posted.

  3. Thanks for your help, I’m scheduled to have the lap band surgery with doctor Gonzalez for the 30th. I had hoped to meet with peechez in Tijuana but I was not able to have it scheduled close that week. I was able to get the rebate they were offering. I am very anxious but I have been in contact with Gigi, one of his patients and she has been a great source of inspiration for me and gives me peace of mind. Can anyone here tell me a little more about dr g’s liquid diet in the pre-op because I have read some doctors allow fish and chicken in your pre-op, dr. g’s is all liquids plus raw or steamed veggies.

    Thank you for any advice. Bee.

  4. Hello,

    i'm fairly new to this thread and i'm getting banded by dr. G in january. They have a special for 6,500. Anyone going to dr. G in january that is traveling alone and want a companion to travel with. I'm in dallas area. Can't wait to get my band. I have heard al0t of good things about dr. G and also talked with dr.v. Looking for lap band buddy to confided in.


    Hi Peacheez, I had consultation with doctor Gonzalez and both his clinic and himself are what I am looking for. I had a chance to speak with a few of his patients who were there for follow up and they all had good things to say, so we may meet in January!

  5. Wow CKopasek!! 70 something pounds in one year, that is so great. I can't see myself losing 70 pounds in a year. Did the year go by fast? Or did you count pound by pound, day by day?? Did you struggle much the first weeks, months?? When was it the hardest? Was it the first 10, 20 30, pounds??

    I know its a lot to ask but I feel so close to getting this done, I guess I'm just looking for encouragement. When would you say was your most trying moment? Any one of my questions you can answer would be appreciated.

  6. Hi, I'm new here and am getting a lap band soon, still asking and reading and more reading on how it all works. So it is really possible to go and get a fill and get nothing from it? Why do you suppose they cant just fill your band to restriction in the first fill, at least moderate restriction. I cant imagine going through the hassle of a fill appointment, getting poked and paying for it and then nothing.?.? Then how long do you have to wait to go back for a fill that works?

  7. Hi Beebic,

    I hope you don't mind me answering for Sunshine. We both went to Dr Gonzalez and have actually met up there for fills. As I recall, the pre-op diet was liquids for a week or 2 before surgery, depending on BMI. One thing I also did was to start taking Gas-X 3-4 days before surgery and I can honestly say I wasn't bothered with gas.

    I try to go down every 3-4 months for fills and have never had a problem. I do call for an appointment to make sure he's in the office that day. He's always taken me even on short notice.

    Hope this answers your question.


    Hi Beebic,

    Thought I would reply as well. I was banded in April right after I returned from a cruise and I was able to have my pre-op diet waived. My bmi was 40, so I guess that was good enough. I have lost 60 lbs since my band and I'm lovin it! Dr. G was great and I had no problems with gas what-so-ever. Good luck, I know for me it was one of the best things I ever did!



    Thanks Judy and Sally,

    I really appreciate your feedback, sorry I didnt post earlier but my work has been keeping me away from the forums. I think its motivating if you can actually meet other patients from the US down there and exchange information personally Judy, something about strength in numbers I guess. I'm in a place were my mind is made up to get my surgery done soon and I think I will drive down and try to see two doctors I think are good from what Ive read and spoken wit patients like yourselves. Sally congratulations on your 60 pound loss I hope I can do the same. I'll see if I can get in to see doctor Gonzalez before New Years.

  8. From what i have seen on here , the people who need 1 or 2 fills a yr are few and far between ( And those of you who DID dont come on and say " I ONLY Needed that ) Because you know as well as I do its NOT THAT COMMON to not need many fills.

    The "norm" I would say , and its been my experience is to need them about every 6-8 weeks now 16 months out of surgery i can go a little longer and go abotu 10 weeks or so out .

    But in general i have seen MOST people need them ( and my doc told me this ) about every 6 weeks post op starting out.

    This was something I was not prepared for and not something I "caught" on to while reading the boards.

    It was not until my doc told me this did I think "OH WOW "

    Then you add the issues i had on top of that and needing 5 unfills on top of my 5 fills ! I saved QUITE A BIT OF money staying in the US.

    Are there good docs both places sure !

    For me personally I COULD Have gone to Mexico But do not think i would have been comfortable going there.

    When i met my doc for the first time I was comfortable.

    What it boils down to no matter what you chose , you have to be comfortable , trust your doc w/ your LIFE , because he/she does have your life in your bands . Once you find the right doc your choice , desiscion is alot easier.

    Good luck !


    Thanks Colton, Im looking into some local surgeons now, and considering some in Mexico. I have to keep the travel expense and time to go back to a minimum as well.

    Ive found a couple in Tijuana, one in Mexicali and one in Ensenada. The surgeons here in San Diego are very expensive and charge accordingly for fills. The mexican surgeons are not charging me for fills. Youve been a lot of help. Ill keep doing research.

  9. Laurigee: I’ve been reading some very emotional narratives of some board members’ experience with foreign doctors and they have been either very positive or very negative. I live in San Diego so the best choice for me ($$) would be a Tijuana surgeon or any surgeon in Baja for that matter. But you know just the thought of leaving home and travelling to a foreign country gives me the creeps. It’s hard to accept the thought of being operated on in a country where you can’t even drink the Water. I don’t know. Then on the other hand they say there are really great doctors down there. Thanks for your help and I just feel so conflicted.

    Colton: That’s exactly what I was thinking, how do you know how many fills you are going to need? If I need one per month or every other month? I’ve read some people only need a fill once or twice a year! If I end up having to have several fills a year then maybe staying as close to home would be my best bet. Also I’ve read about some doctors south of the border charging between 6 and 7k. That is definitely within my budget. Thanks for your help and it has been useful. I guess I’m the one that has to do the footwork. I knew when I made up my mind to start posting looking for answers to my questions my inner conflicts would surface. Now I just don’t know if this is the way to go. Let’s see where this takes me.

  10. Thank you ,laurigee,hpegg and coltonwade; That would be nice but my credit is maxed out, Did you research your doctor and the surgery for a long time or was he the only option, you mentioned “in our area” where is your doctor located, did you consider having your surgery outside the U.S.? do you know anyone that has had it done outside the U.S? I have been saving for a while so I will be paying cash but it also makes me feel unsecure, don’t know where to start so I don’t end up regretting my decision.

  11. I have been reading this thread for a while and have my mind made up for a Lap band, I’ve been struggling with my weight most of my life and I’m fed up, I want to be able to enjoy life for a change.

    I know it’s almost next to impossible to have insurance pay for this kind of procedures so I started saving , I ‘m self pay and need advice from anyone out there in a similar situation.

  12. Thank you, restlessmonkey the thing is that I have been looking in to this for a couple of months already and know that is next to impossible to have your insurance pay for this kind of procedures, and I have been saving for quite some time so I don’t have to go trough the whole thing.

  13. I've been reading this site for a while and today decided to sign up and post.

    I, like most here have decided to seriously consider the lap band for my weight loss. I just don't know where to start on finding a good doctor,any advise is welcome.



  14. I've been reading this site for a while and today decided to sign up and post.

    I, like most here have decided to seriously consider the lap band for my weight loss. I just don't know where to start on finding a good doctor,any advise is welcome.



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