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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RKidder

  1. RKidder

    What Peeves you?

    Hmmm, oh yes! Pet peeves: People who take their tired, wet, hungry babies to a nice restaurant and the patrons have to listen to a baby wail because the parents didn't have the good sense to diaper, nap and feed their baby before going out that evening. And...it bugs the heck out of me when I am standing in line behind someone, and they are carrying on a lengthy casual conversation with the clerk, after their transaction is finished. It is as if they have blinders on and can't see or hear the 7 other individuals standing behind them. Aarrrgh! Also - why is it that individuals that know they are going to be on a toll road, decide to rifle through their handbags and pockets for the right change AFTER they've arrived at the toll booth? Last, but not least - it irks me when a see a woman with a some extra weight on them with skin tight low riser jeans with a large roll of fat hanging over the waist of the pants, with a very low cut top with lots of boob spillage, and of course, it's midriff length. And let's not forget the "whale tail" of her thong hanging out the back of her jeans!!! Come on, does she not own a mirror to check herself out before she went out the door? Oooops, maybe she already did check, and thinks she looks "hot"....NOT! That's my rant, sorry folks. I am PMS'ing I'm afraid. Rachel
  2. RKidder

    How did you decide?

    Hi, For me, it was a personal decision. I have worked as a medical surgical nurse for many years and have seen complications of gastric bypass surgery. I have 3 members of my immediate circle of friends/family who underwent gastric bypass, and all 3 have experienced complications, one of them very serious. I want lap band surgery because it is adjustable and reversible, should the need arise. I gained my weight over 25 years, and I don't want to lose the weight too rapidly. I like that the lap band is a "tool", but exercise plays a very important role, as well. Best of luck to you, and may your decision be one that you are pleased and satisfied with. Rachel
  3. RKidder

    Tomorrow is MY BIG DAY!! Bandsters here I come!

    Colleen, Best of luck to you, dear. I will pray that all goes well, and that your discomfort is only mild, and you come out of this experience with a new lease on life and excited to embark on this wonderful journey. I am not banded yet, but hope to get a surgery date soon. Rachel
  4. RKidder

    600-800 calories!?

    Yup, my nutritionist said that based on my current hgt, wgt, Diabetes, activity level, current caloric intake, I should keep the calorie intake after banding to about 800 calories a day - and she said I may have trouble getting all of that in - but she said that is until I reach goal, then it will be recalculated for my specific needs.
  5. A few weeks ago, my insurance company (Aetna) denied my claim, stating that the Bariatric Program in Portsmouth, NH was "out of network" and that my employer's plan does not not have a provision to cover out of network. I was really disappointed at first. All the work I put into attending appointments, support groups etc. I found a surgeon in Portland, Maine that has begun to do lap banding - and she is "in network"! I had all my medical records faxed to them, and was told that I would not have too much work to do -- in fact, I was placed on a cancellation list, and today was told there is an opening to meet with the surgeon on Jan. 8th!! Yippee!! I am so happy that my efforts are finally going to pay off. Please say a prayer for me that I will be able to schedule my procedure soon! I am hoping for sometime in April - preferrably during my son's Easter Vacation. We'll see. Many thanks to all of you who had encouraging words for me. I really appreciate this forum! Rachel
  6. RKidder

    Mens Section?????

    Long overdue! I would like to get the male perspective. I think the ladies will be surprised and Enlightened to hear the male point of veiw. Bravo! Rachel
  7. I recall at one time, some information on submitting appeals to insurance companies, when denied. I also recall seeing somewhere an email address for an attorney who could assist with appeals. I believe he, himself, had had lap band surgery. I found out today that my insurance company denied the surgery, as the surgeon's office was "out of network". This surgeon has a great reputation, and is in a well-established bariatric program which has been in place for the past 4 years. All 3 surgeons learned their "craft" from Australian surgeons who have been performing this procedure for a very long time. The local surgeon (within the network) has just opened up his practive to lap band surgery since Feb. 06. I am not comfortable in going to someone who is relatively new to the procedure. In advance, thanks to all who can help me with my dilemma. Rachel
  8. I just received a devastating call today from my surgeon's office. I was told that my insurance (Aetna) would not cover the lap band surgery because it is considered "out of network". Have spent months going to appointments, support meetings, behavior mod classes, nutritionist, losing 18 pounds... I can hardly see to type this through my tears. I am a diabetic on oral meds and insulin (5 different diabetic meds in all). The next step is an insulin pump if I could not lose the weight and get my blood sugar under control. I already have some diabetic neuropathy. Last year, I was hospitalized for urosepsis, and was in septic shock and was in a coma for 12 days, on mechanical ventilation. I am only 52 years old, and newly married. I don't want to die. I have a beautiful 13 yr old son and a husband I adore. I am still paying off my medical bills for last year's catastrophic hospitalization. How can I pay out of pocket? I was told that my husband's insurance won't pay anything if my primary insurance won't pay. I don't mean to be such a downer. I know that many of you will understand how I feel right now. Just needed to vent.. Rachel
  9. I asked already - there is a surgeon in town that is just beginning to do lap band surgery, but he has not had the experience that Portsmouth, NH bariatric program has had. I don't want to go to a "newbie" to perform this procedure on me. Thanks for your response. I appreciate it. Rachel
  10. RKidder

    Social side effects for being thinner...

    Well, I am not an expert in dating, but I recently remarried after being divorced for several years. When I decided to place my personal ad, I said in the ad that I was a woman of substance, built for comfort not speed, and was not interested in wasting mine or their time if they were not interested in finding a long-term relationship. They knew up front that I had a young son. At this stage of the game, I am too old be play coy and waste my time. In fact, my new husband read my ad and thought I would be fun to be with....he he, he's right! We just celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary last month. I have usually been up front with the guys I dated - I think they appreciated that. Sure, it stings a bit at first, but I never was any good at prolonging the agony. IMHO, I think I would rather know up front before investing any time or feelings in a relationship that is not working out. Hope this helps. Best of luck to you. Rachel
  11. RKidder

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am an RN - specialty is Medical-Surgical nursing. This is my 26th year in nursing. I love it! My husband is a union electrician. When he is laid off, he works as a Certified Nursing Assistant.
  12. RKidder

    Please Pray For Father Chuck Who Died...

    So sorry to hear of your loss. It is often difficult to find the words to help at a time like this. Please know you and Father Chuck are in my prayers. Rachel
  13. RKidder


    How have restaurants been handling requests for smaller portions, substitutions, children's portions when you go out to eat? I heard that there are laminated cards that can be obtained somwhere that basically says that due to medical reason(s), you are unable to eat the portions normally given in most establishments. Thanks, in advance for your feedback! Rachel
  14. Weighed in last Wednesday -- down 3.5 lbs. I was surprised, since I just got back from vacation the week before. She said I can call and schedule my first visit with Dr. Paciulli (October 23). Finally! I wish I could get the banding done before Christmas or maybe early January! We'll see.
  15. RKidder

    Green light to meet with surgeon!

    Weighed in last Wednesday -- down 3.5 lbs. I was surprised, since I just got back from vacation the week before. She said I can call and schedule my first visit with Dr. Paciulli (October 23). Finally! I wish I could get the banding done before Christmas or maybe early January! We'll see. :cool:
  16. RKidder

    I have decided to leave LBT....

    Oh my gosh - I have been away for a couple of weeks, and I came back and have seen many people who are angry, and wanting to leave. What have I missed? I wish you the best, Mandy. You have to follow your heart. Can someone please fill me in? Thanks so much. Rachel
  17. RKidder

    Got my date

    translation please: don't understand stones ? I understand kilograms
  18. RKidder

    Whippledaddy Has Passed Away

    I never had the pleasure of getting to know Ryan, as I am new to this website. My heartfelt prayers, thoughts and condolences go out to his wife and family at this difficult time. It was apparent that he was a pretty terrific guy! Rachel
  19. RKidder

    Is Sex Better?

    Can't wait to experience the better - DH better bolt down the chandelier and put the mirror back on the ceiling - yippee!!!
  20. Rose, Kidney stones, eh? Well, as an RN I don't recall that Vicodin pharmacologically effects your dialing finger! Be busy, extremely busy when he contacts you again. I don't mean pretend to be unavailable, I mean go out with friends, and meet other guys. Why would you want to be with someone who does not share the same feelings for you as you have for them? You deserve better than that, and keep reminding yourself that you are a "wonderful person" and he would be lucky to have you. I say "next!!". It's all about sifting through the undesirables, and make yourself available to meet a really great guy that will cherish you the way you should be!! I met my new husband on the internet and my personal ad said "built for comfort, not speed. If you are looking for a stick figure to date, pass me by." Sift, Sift, Sift -- I was too old to waste my time or theirs. Congrats on your TERRIFIC weight loss - keep up the good work. Best of luck, sweetie. YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON!!!! Rachel
  21. RKidder

    Goodbye Clothes!!!!!

    Linda, Congrats on your weight loss and your courage to finally let go of the clothes you won't be wearing again. I too, have a closet full of "sliding scale sizes" -- just in case. I have not been banded yet. My husband has promised me a whole new wardrobe when I finally lose the weight I want. Your husband sounds like a stitch - Take care and best of luck to you! Rachel
  22. RKidder

    Why French Women Don't Get Fat?

    Paul - You are tooo funny!! Hey, I shave my pits, legs and back....and I have curves! But I am very happily newlywed....and I am probably old enough to be your mother. Have a great day! Rachel
  23. RKidder

    140 Recipes....

    I bought this terrific cookbook called "Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery". Each recipe contains serving guidelines for Lap-Band, Bypass, BPD-DS, and all others who want to eat well, and still lose weight. After I get my lap banding, I will still want to cook meals that my family will want to eat, and not feel deprived. (I purchased this book through Amazon.Com, and got a brand new book for the cost of a used one.) - A great addition to my cookbook library! Rachel weightlossticker.bmp
  24. RKidder

    On my way...

    Met with Bariatric Coordinator, Nutritionist, Physical Therapist and Psychologist on 7/25/06. It went well. Waiting for approval from insurance company. We'll see... weightlossticker.bmp
  25. This may sound like a dumb question, but I have to ask. What is the Gone For Good Club?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
