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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RKidder

  1. I was banded last Wednesday (5/23) and today I stepped on the scales and officially hit less than 200! Yah!!!! I am so happy!! Now I only have 65 more pounds to go... Rachel
  2. I was banded last Wednesday (5/23). My voice was a bit hoarse from the intubation during surgery. It is much better today. Gassy - but no BM x 4 days now. Took a laxative pill this evening. The narcotic pain meds (Oxycodone) slows down your gut and tends to constipate. I am avoiding using any Oxycodone unless I absolutely need to.
  3. I was using slim fast low carb and adding a scoop of unflavored whey protein powder and some frozen fruit and a few ice cubes and blended. I had a nice filling smoothie and with the protein you need.
  4. I am a med-surg nurse and understand where you are coming from, however, I know myself all too well. I know that if I had negotiated the pre-op diet, then I would find a way to cheat the band by justifying this short-cut or that short-cut. And for your info, no trocar was introduced into my umbilicus with this surgery. All 5 incisions are above the umbilicus. Think how proud of yourself you'll be for following the program, as it was presented to you. You are so close, why take chances? Good luck on your journey.
  5. All went well! My new favorite drug of choice and best friend is Oxycodone... I am tolerating about 2-3 ounces of pureed food per sitting. Applesauce goes down well. I do, however, feel left-sided back pain when I eat too fast. I found drinking hot tea helps. Best of luck to you, and thanks. I am glad I could make someone laugh - we are, after all, in the same boat, or about to be. Take care, Rachel
  6. RKidder

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Hi All! I was banded 2 days ago - weight 200.5 lbs just before surgery (down from a high of 237). I think with all the IV fluids and edema, I am at 203 right now. As soon as things settle down, I should see Onederland soon. Congrats all, on your efforts! Rachel
  7. RKidder

    banded yesterday

    I was also banded yesterday. Thank goodness for Oxycodone. My port site is very sore and when I try to get out of bed, wow, does it burn! I was not very hungry at the hospital, and stayed overnight in the Short Stay Unit. I, too, started my period yesterday, and I had just had it 2 weeks ago - amazing what stress does to a person. My abdomen on the port side is pretty swollen. I was not bothered by gas pains post-op. My husband took me for a walk shortly after I woke up in my room. I did alot of walking and I think it really helped alot. The nurses and nurses' aides were phenomenal, I had wonderful care. I plan to send the unit a basket of fruit, to show my appreciation. My surgeon is Dr. Renee Wolf, and she is currently 8.5 months pregnant with her second child. So far, I have been able to tolerate eating the mushies. Has anyone experienced back pain when eating? I am not sure if it is referred pain from the stomach, or a combination of the position I was placed in during surgery. I can't believe it's all behind me now - I had waited over a year for my surgery. No2
  8. "Tis The Night Before Surgery" 'Tis the night before surgery, when all through the house Not a potato chip in sight, nor gravy stain on my blouse; The Klondikes were eaten by my son with such care I hoped the empty calories I would not have to bear; The Snickers were nestled, all snug in their wraps While visions of Milky Ways danced in my lap And hubby in his bandana, and I in my sweats Had just settled down with our favorite little pet. When out in the kitchen, there arose such clatter I found our son eating leftover pupu platter Away to the treadmill, I'll make a mad dash, To walk off the franks and Beans, and corn beef hash. The frosting on the cake was making me drool Eating that now, would make me a fool. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a can of RediWhip, and a Coor's Lite Beer! With a little two-step, so lively and quick, I passed by the fridge, in time, lickety split How quickly time passes, the seconds do tick I whispered and prayed, "Get this surgery done quck!" Now Doctor, now nurses, now drugs and IV's, Tend to your patient's pain issues, pretty please. To the top of the incision, to the top of the port. Now slash away, slash away, slash away pork (sorry about that one...) As the laparoscopy instruments probe and explore, Let the band slide in smoothy, snap in place, and secure. So off to the recovery room, the nurses will hover To see that their patient would soon recover And then, in an instant, I awaken with ease May I have morphine, and a bedpan, please? As I drew in my breath, and was turning around, I passed some gas, and inflated my gown. She was dressed in her scrubs, from her head to her toe "The surgery went well", she wanted me to know. A bundle of tubing descended from the pole The IV fluids ran freely, was I feeling cold? I have a broad face and a little round belly, That shakes when I laugh, like a bowlful of jelly. I am chubby and plump, a right jolly little elf And I smiled when I saw her, in spite of myself; A wink of her eye and a twist of her head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. She spoke not a word, and disappeared out of sight, Hmm, more patients to see and support group tonight. And away she flew like a bat out of h$$$ When I heard her exclaim, "my, what is that smell?" "Happy Band Surgery To All, And To All A Good Night" __________________________________________________ __ Dedicated to the doctors, nurses and OR staff who will help make this weight loss journey a reality. (Written on the night before my surgery on 5/22/07) Rachel Kidder __________________ Rachel Lap Band Date 5/23/07 Height 5'2" Highest 237 Current 202 Goal 135 Weight Loss To Date: 35 lbs.
  9. Thanks for the kind words! My hubby and I put this poem together in about 20 minutes this evening... Rachel
  10. RKidder

    LB is pissing me off

    Woo hoo - we are married to the same man! My hubby is the GREATEST!
  11. RKidder

    Pre op diet

    Well, I can only speak for myself, but I visualize what my life will be like if I don't make changes now. I have a wonderful new husband and a 14 yr old son. I want to be around for both of them. I don't want to sit on the sidelines anymore -- I want and will enjoy my life. I have made this commitment, and have decided to just "do it". Best of luck to you, Rachel
  12. RKidder

    Pre op diet

    Not all surgeons require a pre-op diet. Mine did. I began May 9th with my pre-op diet. My surgery date is May 23rd. Good Luck! Rachel
  13. RKidder

    I've reached goal!

    Woodys, Would you mind if I ask what type of exercise you've been doing? Congrats on your reaching your goal weight...Bravo! You are, indeed, an inspiration! Peace, Rachel
  14. RKidder

    Oil Question

    Oh my goodness -- too funny. When I first started reading bubble's post, I thought she was talking about applying the oil on her face! I had to re-read the post - duh, I am sorry, I had a senior moment... Rachel
  15. After 2 previous "tentative" surgery dates, I have been approved! Surgery date of May 23rd!! Advice to some of you with difficulty getting insurance approval: Sometimes it is the surgeon's office staff that don't submit appropriate paperwork in a timely fashion. Call and follow-up -- regularly. I found out that my denial letter sat for 2 weeks in the surgeon's office and Aetna had requested a Peer to Peer Review within 14 days of receipt of the first denial letter, and nothing had been done. Secretary was out on vacation for a week and the second week, she did not act on it -- even after several phone calls from me. So, my May 2nd surgery date was cancelled. At this time, I would be hard-pressed to recommend this surgeon's office for lapband surgery, unless someone would be "self-pay". The office staff evidently are inept at handling insurance matters... Rachel
  16. RKidder

    May 2007 Banders

    Amen Jessica! I will be banded on May 23rd! Start pre-op diet May 9th. I can't wait....Not worried - just want to get this show on the road. Rachel
  17. RKidder

    What Do You Call This?

    It sounds like you had the "classic" PB - Productive Burp. In other words, you "ralphed your heart out". Either the turkey was too dry, you ate too big a piece, meat too tough, or you did not chew quite enough. I hope you won't go through that again - good luck!
  18. RKidder

    New & Approved

    Hi Weighting! My surgery date is May 23rd. My pre-op diet will begin a week from today, May 9th (for 2 weeks prior to surgery). Best of luck to you! Rachel
  19. RKidder

    May 2007 Banders

    Hello May Sisters!! I will be banded on May 23rd. Start my 2 week pre-op diet on May 9th. Will also have my pre-admission testing - lab, meet with anesthesiologist, ekg, etc on that day. I am scheduled for 11:00 am on surgery day. Good, I won't have to be at the hospital (45 minutes away) until 9:30 am. My starting BMI was 43, currently 37.5. I am insulin-dependent, and am looking forward to not needing it anymore. Can't wait to start this journey. Best of luck to all of you - my prayers will be with you for a speedy recovery. Rachel
  20. RKidder


    Congrats MusicalMomma! I got my surgery date too! May 23rd! Yee haw - I am sooo looking forward to getting this journey underway...What a feeling! I begin my pre-op diet on May 9th - and get my pre-admission testing that day, as well. Best wishes and good luck! Rachel
  21. RKidder

    Breasts (women only)

    I lost only a small amount of sensation initially- but that has returned to a great extent. I would say about 90%. The majority of the loss of sensation is along the long longitudinal incision under the breasts. My biggest disappointment was that I was not able to nurse my son - the milk ducts were cut. I did have some milk leaking, but certainly not enough to provide enough nourishment. So, I bottle fed - no big deal. I love the way things turned out - my clothing fit better, and when I went out, men didn't look down at my boobs constantly - in fact, I would ask men what color my eyes were - many could not tell me. Don't be surprised after the surgery if you feel a bit "out of proportion". I did, at first. It took my brain a little while to make the connection and "settle in" to the new look. No regrets - go for it!
  22. I love the new look. Question: When reading a post, I have noticed that in the right hand corner, there appears "Rep Power" and a number, also what does the little green square mean? Keep up the great work! Rachel
  23. RKidder

    Breasts (women only)

    I had a breast reduction in 1977 - long time ago - I was only 23 at the time, but really had large, pendulous breasts. Sort of like the cartoon of the little old lady in Playboy magazines (remember her?) I am now 52, and my husband says my "girls" look fantastic - very perky, still. The reduction bought me some extra "perkiness" years. I have gained weight over the years, so I am curious to see how my boobs will "hold up" after losing weight. We'll see. My husband jokingly tells me he'd like to personally thank my plastic surgeon. LOL Rachel
  24. RKidder

    Large Penis Posts

    You know what they say about men with BIG FEET! BIG SHOE BOXES!!!
  25. Billie, It is dependent on your employer. Sometimes the employer has an exclusion in the policy. Check with your employer's human resource department/benefits dept. and start there. Ask if Lap Band surgery is a covered procedure. Also, Aetna has a weight loss surgery policy bulletin. This is available by contacting them or you can see the bulletin online by going to Aetna.com. I made a copy of the policy and provided a copy for my surgeon's office. I highlighted the specific areas of the policy that pertained to me. Even then, I did not find out until later that Aetna requires 5 years of documented weights; 3 months of consecutive visits with your primary care provider with documentation that those visits included discussion of weight loss efforts, exercise efforts, and letters of medical necessity from the primary care provider. Aetna does not exactly provide you with a "checklist". I found Aetna to be evasive when called and asked about specific requirements to be met. Nevertheless, I was woman "on a mission" and would not give up - I think insurance companies make it difficult so one will give up and not pursue it. Good luck - let me know if I can help in any way. Rachel

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