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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by elysenoland

  1. Well, I'm sucking swampwater. After a ten pound weight loss every month, I've only lost 5 this month. Entirely my fault as I have not been consistent at the gym, put my neck out four weeks ago and it took two weeks to recover. I went and bought an elliptical and have been back on it consistently the last week, but nothings moving. I'm scheduled for a fill on Thursday, so I'm going to go ahead and go in and have a little put in. My band is pretty inconsistent, sometimes I can eat quite a bit, sometimes two bites has me heaving. On the upside.....I brought all my old clothes out of the attic, and tried on jeans this weekend.....some of which I haven't been able to wear for years were baggy and needed a belt! YAY! I'm the lightest I've been in nearly ten years (rotten kids!).
  2. Is there some sort of issue with flying? Or is it just that you're so far away from home?
  3. No, unfortunately, it'll be a new band. Apparently instead of a port, you have some sort of 'reserve' that has your saline in it. Basically, he said it has a tighten button and a loosen button and pumps the saline to the band or away. Interesting concept, guess we're just stuck being pioneers......but look at it this way, by the time that thing is on the market we'll all have been skinny for years!!
  4. Try this out....my Dr. says they are working on a remote for the bands, no more needle fills, just go to the office and they remotely fill or unfill you, and you can check out an emergency remote for vacations. He said they won't let people have the remote for at home, because to many of us would just say 'well, it's a special family dinner (or whatever)' and unfill ourselves so we could eat too much.
  5. Ugh, YES I'm tired all the time. The only thing I can figure is that my body just hasn't gotten quite used to 1000 calories a day and little carbs, but I'm at a loss for any other explanation.
  6. I'm not sure there is a reason. I think it's just a natural cycle for me, and quite a few others, maybe. I asked my Dr about it last month when I was there and he said it was, that my body has to 'realign' itself. It can be frustrating, although it didn't seem to bother me as badly this time around, since I was expecting it. I'm still losing 10 lbs a month, which was my goal all along. And, when I got on the scale this morning, I'm down two pounds, so I must be coming off it.
  7. Ok, so I've been plateaued (again) the last couple of weeks and I've figured out, by going back to my logs, that I lose for three weeks then plateau for about two and a half. Also noticed I'm really really tired right before I come out of a plateau. I'm also cancelling my fill appt for this Friday cause I still can't eat more than about 3/4 cup before I'm full.
  8. its on sale at the 24 hour fitness website Bodybugg Coupon - Updated bodybugg coupons daily. for 199!
  9. It monitors you around the clock, if you aren't wearing it (like while you sleep) it estimates how much you burned and it takes 1 aaa battery which is supposed to last two weeks (mine only last about a week).
  10. I paid $50 for mine on ebay, plus the 99 for 6 months monitoring, but if you buy one on ebay, make sure you aren't going to pay more than for a new one. You can buy the new ones online for about $200 if you watch for sales, and that includes the 99 for 6 months monitoring, so you may be better off to go new, if you can't find one cheap on ebay. They are great, I love mine, although I'm bad about inputting what I eat.
  11. Man, I have completely fallen off the wagon the last couple of weeks. I'm still down 40 but have not been eating good and have only been to the gym 4 times in the last two weeks. Time to renew my commitment!
  12. AH Heather That is AWESOME! Congrats!
  13. I've come to the conclusion that anything dry (meat that's reheated, rice) or sticky (pudding!) is just a no go for me. That's cool, I can certainly live with that rather than PBing. Do you find that right after a fill you shed a ton of weight right away? I was filled last Friday, and have lost 7 lbs in a week, and I haven't been to the gym once this week and haven't really eaten that great.
  14. Today I hit the big 4-0! And I don't mean age, thats a couple more months.
  15. When you guys PB do you actually throw up what you eat? I vomit, but the food doesn't come up, just big slugs of saliva. It's totally disgusting, and doesn't relieve the pain at all, I had an episode today that lasted 45 minutes, and vomited 6 or 7 times, but never could get the food up.
  16. NSV---wore a pair of cutoff jeans today that I haven't been in for two summers. YAY! No more PB's..but please explain to me how I can eat steak with no prob, but pudding gets stuck each and every time. Truly freaky, no rhyme or reason
  17. Oh joy, I got to PB. Holy crap it was awful. The horking it up wasn't bad, but the ten minutes before had me convinced I was dying. Chicken = bad
  18. Oh boy Ebony, you hit it on the head. I'm a mess! I haven't pb'd yet, but got that whole slime thing going on and EVERYTHING is stuck, which is funny cause I'm on mushies. This fill is a BIG slow down for me, I have to mush mush mush before I swallow....and oh the pain when it gets stuck. Just the thought of eating anything makes me nervous. Hopefully it will be a little better in a couple of days!
  19. Thank you, Ebony. I went, he fluorscoped me, said I was pretty loose, put in 1.4 cc, now at 9.4cc in a 10cc band, but he said everytime you have a fill you need to deduct about.3cc for loading the needle. So, he said really I'm probably just over 8. It's tight, I can feel it just drinking water. He also told me that the bands try to settle a little bit into the narrower spots of your stomach (not much, they are stitched down), and that eventually it'll get nailed to where it can't move around anymore. (Think watchband on your wrist, how it'll move up and down to narrowest point). He did recommend staying at or around 1000 calories. Somedays I'm a little higher, somedays a little lower. It'll all pan out.
  20. HELP! I'm scheduled for a fill tomorrow...but I just don't know if I need one. I'm guessing yes, because I don't think I really feel restriction, I usually stop eating after 3/4 to 1 cup because I think i should (eating about 1000 calories a day). I'm in another plateau....seems to be a cycle, lose 10 pounds, then stop for a week or two. I do get 'stuck' usually on my first bite or two from not chewing well or eating the wrong thing, can still eat bread, have never pb'd. I have 8ccs in a 10cc band. When you guys say you are feeling good restriction....what does it feel like????
  21. WannaB....are you drinking enough water? That's imperative for flushing the fat out. My trainer says 96 ozs a day and an additional 8 oz for every 25 lbs you are overweight. That means I need to be drinking about 120 ozs a day, and I know if I achieve that, I am lighter the next day....but boy is it hard to get that much water in.
  22. Try the Slimfast Low Carb, they are the only thing I've found that I can keep down. Only place around me that carries them is Walmart.
  23. I'm pretty similar, I usually don't eat breakfast (up and running at 6 am getting the kids off and gym), sometimes I'll eat around 10 am--two eggs or a low carb protein shake. Lunch is usually around 1 or 2, and sometimes it's just a South Beach Bar or sometimes a salad with some shrimp. Evening is the boring time, I don't watch TV, so I'm usually out of my mind bored and head hunger kicks in. I eat dinner around 7, usually chicken or fish with potato (tons of carbs). Sometimes, like tonight, I ate no breakfast, didn't eat till 11:30, a cheeseburger too (no bun) and then wasn't hungry at all tonight, but ate a half cup of chinese chow mein noodles (tons of carbs, again), but I love 'em. So, today, all in all, I only ate about 800 calories and am not hungry. I worked off 800 calories at the gym, and am at a deficit of 1600 calories so far for the day. Not bad, but not good choices today. Plus I haven't gotten all my water in, so I'm sipping like mad!
  24. Good, I'm glad, and I'm sorry for misinterpreting that. I know you can do it. We all can. We just all have to knuckle down and fight to be thin again, and if WW is what does it for you, then more power to them. I do have a question....do you have to eat their meals, or do you have to cook your own? Isn't it expensive? My hubby (he only needs to lose about 10 lbs the rat....he can take off 20 lbs in a month, but that last 10 is always a pain) has been bugging me to check out WW or Jenny Craig for him, but it seems like everything I've read is that you have to eat their food....and it seems as though it's a lot of money.
  25. WOOHOOO!! You are on the road....congrats!

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