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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by elysenoland

  1. Yay DD! You'll be kicking ass and taking names in no time!
  2. DD--I'd wish you luck tomorrow, but you wont' need it! You'll be kicking our butts in weight loss by the end of the week!
  3. You know,, I love love love the idea of being a runner. Unfortunately I don't think I have it in me. My husband says I look like an epileptic in the throes of a grand mal when I run, and I'm inclined to believe him, I have never been able to run straight and I'm slightly pigeon toed so I just guess it wasn't meant to be. Grace definitely didn't make it's way to this branch of the family tree.
  4. So, anyone else have the Realize band, and are you being asked to do the commercial?
  5. Will she ride in a stroller, or is she too independent? If she will, walk at your local high schools track. See if you have a mothers day out program around you (one day a week, usually for 4 hours, donation only) at least you can go do something for that one day. Or, if all else fails, do what I did, wait till your hubby gets home and can watch her for an hour and go for a long walk/jog. Also, look online for fun stuff to do in your area, that won't cost much, we have a small farmyard type zoo that my kids love, it's free and it's about a two mile trek. Good luck!
  6. Well, my husband was kind enough to let me 'retire' early, a year ago. It IS hard. You have to stay busy, and not eat out of boredom or because you are parked in front of the TV. Go for walks with your little girl, go to the park, whatever, just get out of the house and move. I get up at 630 and get my kids ready for school, take them at 7:45, the go to the gym for an hour and a half, come home and clean for about two hours, then get my husbands breakfast, lunch and dinner cooked (he works 2nd shift). By then it's time to go pick up the kids, and I'm busy till after dinner....but that's when it's tough for me. I've always been an evening snacker, and I can go all day with just two protein shakes, but for some reason after dinner all I want to do is graze. It doesn't help that I quit smoking three days ago, so I've always got gum or a sucker in my mouth. I fully expect I'll gain about ten lbs, but it's something that had to done.
  7. Ok, eat your protein first at a meal. i.e. if you are having chicken and veggies, eat the chicken first, as it will create a base and make you feel full faster, and also, longer. Don't drink before your meal--ANYTHING--a dry pouch feels full faster. Drink your protein shake in the morning, and for lunch if that keeps you full. I've done just liquids today, cause I was bad yesterday (hello popcorn), and I've had three protein shakes so far, that's all.
  8. Absolutely, and your doctor should have told you that! You should always eat your protein first, as that forms a mushy "base" at the top of your band and won't let other stuff pass thru, filling you up more, according to my doc. You should be getting 60 grams of protein a day.
  9. yeah, JMS, I'm at 10 cc in a 10cc band. I never felt tightness at all til I got to about 8 ccs. Luckily my doctor is pretty agressive about getting you to your sweet spot asap.
  10. Well for me, I exercise 4 times a week, 30 minutes cardio, 30 minutes strength. however, I may exercise like mad for a month, and then not go for three weeks. As far as eating goes, I have a protein shake for breakfast, and sometimes for lunch as well, otherwise I have a salad with tuna or chicken on it. If I need an afternoon snack, it's a protein bar or a piece of fruit. For dinner, usually chicken or steak, with some veggies. Tonight I had four bites of steak and half of a small baked potato. I'm rarely hungry unless I'm stressed and then it's just head hunger. I can, and have, gone just liquid for a few days when I want to jumpstart weight loss, just by drinking four protein shakes a day. I try to keep my calories under 1000, as that's what works best for me. It's been 10 months since surgery, and I've lost 70 pounds and 40 inches since then. I hope this helps you find your own path, but remember, everyone is different. I'm 5'8" and weigh 190 right now, but I have a 130 lbs of muscle on my frame. My best friend is 5'8" and weighs 130 lbs, but only has 60 lbs of muscle on her. Good luck!
  11. Good deal! That's only two weeks.....keep squeaking girl!
  12. You'll do fine! I'm hoping for your refill next week too! Thank goodness the path report was good, that's fantastic. I have another 30 to go, and isn't it funny how it doesn't seem like it's been 10 months since my surgery, this year has flown by. I'm so happy for you, things are definitely looking up and you'll have those 15 off--probably by Halloween since you're going to be refilled and nice and tight.
  13. elysenoland

    New notorious novembers weightloss spreadsheet

    updating weight loss....70 lbs lost now.
  14. As of this morning, 70 lbs lost since surgery! My weight loss has sure slowed down, but at least its still coming off.
  15. i know, the waiting is the worst part and we all know how SLOW the insurance companies move. I hope they get you in quick and done so you can heal up for your busy fall! My thoughts are with you.....squeak away!
  16. Any word on when the repair will be? You'll do fine--and probably come out of surgery raring to go!
  17. JMS not only is it fluid, it's also the air they blow into you to do the surgery--you'll be back to normal in a few days!
  18. LoL on the stomach roll! I have the same problem! Everything else looks much slimmer, and although I've lost 10 inches on my waist, I still have a muffin top! Wish I knew the magic cure!
  19. DD--so sorry to hear about the slip. But after you have the surgery you'll probably dump a ton of weight fast! I went on vacation this week to the mountains and ate terribly. Seemed to have no restriction up there which is strange cause I've heard higher altitude makes you tighter, but no. My hubby gained 10 pounds, and when I got home last night I was scared to get on the scale, but I did anyway, expecting a huge gain, but only gained 2 pounds! YAY!
  20. So I went and saw my regular doctor today (damn head cold), haven't seen him since last September when he did my referral for insurance on my lapband. He was so awesome.....he comes in and says 'honey you look like a new woman, 65 lbs! Wow!". We should all remember that, people who haven't seen us since our surgery are FLOORED at how good we look! Even if you've only lost 20 pounds, it's better than the 20 you would've GAINED if you hadn't had the surgery.
  21. Whisper, try a granola bar...south beach makes a great smores one and fiber one make a chocolate and oats one thats really good. One of those mid afternoon fills me up until dinner at 7.
  22. I drink a protein shake every morning for breakfast, there's no other option for me. Even that takes me a half hour to get down. For lunch one grilled chicken tender with some salad, maybe 1/2 cup. By dinner I'm usually loose enough, tonight I had two tacos. If you are feeling mid back pain for hours after you eat, somethings probly wrong, maybe forcing too much down? It sure doesn't take much to fill up once you've hit your sweet spot. Good Luck!
  23. So nearly nine months since surgery, hit 65 lbs lost today, almost two thirds of the way there, but I suspect this last 37 lbs is gonna be a nightmare to get rid of. Good news is, I'm no longer considered obese....just overweight!
  24. elysenoland

    New notorious novembers weightloss spreadsheet

    updating: 65 lbs lost.
  25. I go through spell where I don't lost anything either, everything I've heard says that you're body has to realign itself. So I lose for about 10 days out of the month, and then nothing for about 20 days, that's been consistent since I had the band put in. I think 40+ lbs since your surgery is pretty darned good! The trick is to not get frustrated, and know that it will all kick in again. For instance, i haven't lost anything for about three weeks and starting yesterday, can't eat anything, just protein shakes, so I know this week I'll lose 5 or so lbs. Just keep doing whatever you can....can you take short walks? I just got my butt back to the gym a few weeks ago, hard to commit during the summer when the kids are around and always having stuff to do. As far as your surgeon--blech---can you find someone else to do your fills? Mine was pretty aggressive, since your best weight loss is in the first year. Maybe it's time to look someone else up and see if you can't get some help?

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