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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mynewlife86

  1. so yeah there are the calories to consider ;) but like you said it's very rarely that you are doing this BUT here is my thing!!

    after 9 lemon drops one night I found myself SICK BEYOND belief! and I began puking violently! :( sorry groose- and puking with the band SUCKS!! it really hurts! so just dont drink to the point of puking-

    oh and another time I didn't drink quite as much but you know when you are at that place where you are like UGG if I could just puke I'd feel so much better! well I couldnt puke thanks to my band keeping everything down and I had to sweat it out literally for hours until my body worked out all the alcohol and it sucked! :)


  2. lol I too was afraid not to eat it for a long time- little by little I tried it and realized most of the time I can tollerate it- not a wonderful idscovery because now I eat it all way too often and really what nutritional value does Pasta and bread have!? none! but I love it and now that I know I 'can' eat it I do :(

    I find it so interesting so many of you are able to eat rice. I was told no rice, bread, or pasta ever because it can swell. I was scared into thinking I would never eat it again.

  3. I feel the same way- I can't believe what I can pack away in a day compared to what these peeps are eating! I've so fallen off the wagon!


    Oh man I so don't wanna share what I eat on a normal basis, but then again, I know I need to do something! I have stopped on the weight loss, but have also stopped on the exercising. Meanwhile, I am so not happy with where I am at, I started at 238 when I was banded on Dec 11, 2009 and I am at 176 today. I have had 3 fills, I am at 9cc's of a 10cc band apparently. I have MASSIVE reflux and heartburn, almost daily. I cannot eat ANY pastas, breads, potatoes, veggies, cereals, oatmeal, grits, meats, tortillas, anything acidic, chips, yogurt, cheese.....I am trying to think of the never ending list of CAN'T eats. I CAN tolerate SOME Soups, Water (which I do not drink nearly enough of), ice cream, fish SOMETIMES, sunflower seeds (SOMETIMES), iced coffee with cream and sugar (SOMETIMES).........So, for lack of wanting to try anything else that will stay down, I eat ice cream basically everyday, at least twice a day. I mix it with half and half for more calories. Between that and the not using my treadmill or Biggest Losers game on Wii, I am SURE that is why I have come to a halt on weight loss. What do ya'll think?

  4. oh man! you said it perfectly! I too have learned to "eat around my band' I think there was a part of me that thought the band was going to "fix" my weight issues but as well all know it's just a 'tool' that we have to 'use' to help us. It still takes effort and sometimes I just get so sick of counting calories and planning meals ahead of time. I have two kids now and life has just been so insaine hat I'm the last thing I take care of. I tell myself every week "ok back on track" and I always fail. I haven't been into the Doc for a few years because I was pregnanct so forth and wasn't thinking about fills and such. Plus it's $200 to go in for an adjustment. I was self pay. Anyhow I'm gonna save up and do it in the next few weeks. Hoping this will help me get focused again.Reallly looking forward o supporting eachother while getting back on track!

    have a great day!!

    I too have failed the Band. I was banded November 2006 and slowly lost about 80 lbs within 1 1/2 years. I have restriction but know how to eat around my band. I have since gained all 80 lbs and am back at just 5 lbs below my starting weight. :angry: It's very frustrating and I don't find it realistic to think I can do a liquid diet for weeks on end because to me it sets me up for failure. I hope this thread will be a big motivator for all of us who have fallen off the "band wagon". Good luck to you all and lets continue to support each other in these hard times.:D

  5. I'm so glad I found this thred. I'm right here with you all. Banded in Jan of 2008 I've been down and up, down and back up. For some reason I thought that once I had the band I wouldn't be riding this roller coaster anymore-reality check I guess ;) So my starting weight was nearly 300- I think I was 292 the day of surgery. I got down to 203 at my lowest but over the summer gained 5lbs with vacationing and indulging in summer BBQ's anyhow at 208 I found out I was pregnant with my second baby (first post band) My pregnancy was very smooth, never even needed an unfill, however I gained around 30ish lbs during my pregnancy. I wasn't super concerned with that weight gain as I had gained around 50with my first so I thought I had done well :rolleyes: Anyhow I lost almost all of it right after I had my baby!!!! I dont' know how? breast feeding?..I was down to 207 at one point and it just went up from there. Since returning back to work (baby is now 9months old) all I do is eat on the run, eat out at lunch, eat crap crap crap at my desk all day and get ZERO exercise! I'm currently back up to 229! ugg

    I don't even know where to begin to get back on track?! seriously I eat whatever I want, even bread-wouldnt even know my band was there except for the times I eat to fast or something my band realy gets mad at and I puke it back up. I just cant seem to wrap my head around getting back on track!! help!

  6. I checked out the site- I will look more into it later tonight- I don't know if you saw my previous post but I've completly fallen off the "band"wagon and I'm not eating the 'bandster' way. I bet I don't get nearly the amount of protien that we need. ANd actually I'm so out if it and the ins and outs of the bad I've completly forgotten whi it is we are even suppose to make sure we get all of that protien in everyday? Is it because we 'eat less'? because i dont! I've so become a pig again! anyhow I'm just trying to get my head around getting my act together. and I will look into the site/food you told me about. it really fills you up?.....

    thanks! MB

    The Protein food I eat is called Proti. I get it from prescriptionsforwellnes.com

    I love them cause most everything has 15 grams of Protein in them (which fills me up). They range from 50 to 100 calories per drink, Soup, shake or entree.

    And when I am having a sweet tooth, I have one of the Protein Bars. Which also have 15 grams of protein and between 130 and 170 calories each.

    Since we need to have so much protein every day, I have just found it easier to stick with Proti food to reach that daily goal.

    If you choose to start eating this food. Let me know, I can give you all kinds of tips and tricks.


    I basically live off of Proti food and Smart Styx Vitamin drinks. the Smart Styx give me enough B Vitamins to keep me going and awake when I feel sluggish. I get mine from Prescriptions For Wellness.

    • Breakfast


      • Egg on wheat toast

      [*]Late lunch


      • Salad with chicken and Proti Soy Puffs used as croutons


      • Orange Creamsicle - Proti Vanilla shake with Orange Smart Styx Vitamin Drink Mix

  8. I so need help guys- I've been looking at this board again and it's so foreign to me now! I've completly stopped eating the 'bandster way'!!!! I really need to get back in to see if my band isn't completly screwed up. I literally eat whatever I want and if it gets stuck I just go throw it up and move on. I don't even think twice about 'hmm wonder if this will get stuck' I just eat first think second. I started at almost 300 and got down to 203 at my lowest the summer before last. Then I had a baby and gained about 40. I lost it all after I had the baby and was down to 208- my baby is now 9months old and I'm 228!!! I've gained 20lbs! I'm back to work and I just eat crap all day!! I dont' know how to wrap my mind around eating like this again. I got so sick of thinking about everything that went into my mouth and counting calories. Just looking at what you have all posted is daunting to me. I'm so busy working full time and with two kids now that I think of myself last and the last thing I want to do is put a bunch of time and energy into what I'm eating. I know I need to but it is just feeling overwhelming right now.....

  9. hey all- haven't posted in awhile. I'm now almost 20weeks along and baby is doing good Me on the other hand not so much! I've gained about 16lbs and I cained a few in the months leading up to getting pregnant so I'm up a total of 25lbs and I'm bummed about this. ive seriously been eating everything in site my band doesn't seem to stop me! it may slow me down once n awhile but ugg!! the thought of having to battle to get this weight off again is so frusterating. I know it's all for a wonderful cause but I'm just bummed right now....

  10. I'm feeling terrible- not throwing up but just feel like I've been hit by a mac truck! The fatigue is so bad I fall asleep at my desk at work! and I'm SO CRANKY! I have my first OB today-although I work with her so we have already been talking the whole time. Anyhow I'm so proud of you that are still loosing! ugg I stopped loosing a few months back before even getting pregnant, I really stopped using my band as a tool- sucks! In fat I was 218 last January and the lowest I got was about 203 in June- Summmer was evil, vacations, BBQ's so forth and over the corse of the past 4months I gianed about 5lbs I was dancing between 208-210 monst of sept then I found out I was preggo- now I'm about 212 and I can't stop eating! If I don't eat like every 40 min I feel so sick! oh well I'm not going to feak about it I have to get through this the best I can, with not packing on 60 lbs but feeling good as well! and well right now there isn't much I can do to feel well so if I need an extra snack here and there so be it! :cursing:

  11. Congrats newlife! YAY another baby on the way! My guy is 11 wks old today! I commend you for wanting to not gain much weight, but having a healthy perspective on it. If you obsess either way, it makes pregnancy no fun...and for most women, pregnancy is only something we once or twice in a lifetime, so it should be enjoyed and celebrated. I gained a decent amount of weight while preggo, though i'm sure it would have been double that if I weren't banded. I still have most of it to lose as well...however I am proud to be a mommy and feel that most days, I'm doing all this new crazy stuff right. The weight loss is frustrating, but I have a new perspective.


    1weeks old- how fun! so how much did you gain when preggo? I can't see your siggy on the reply page but I started out pre-band at about 290 and got down to 204 over the past few months a few lbs krept back on and I was 209 when I found out I was preggers. I'm now about 211 at 7weeks but I think it's all boob! lol:ohmy:

  12. Newlife.. Congrats on the pregnancy! just hang in there with the gaining thing.. try to eat healthy and eat small frequent meals and dont watch the scale to closely. pregnancy brings on all sorts of weight gains without rhyme or reason so if you keep track of the scale you may get really frusterated.. theres Water weight, doubling of your blood supply, added fat that you body uses to balance your growing tummy.. and lets not forget the placenta, baby and aminotic fluid!!

    having something in my stomach was the trick for me too.. if i even got close to being done digesting I would turn green!! try to eat high Protein things that take longer to digest.. carbs will go right through you and youll have to eat again sooner.. with both my pregnancies I ate a lot of lean cusine type things.. portion controlled and helped me stay full. Obviously you have to eat what you feel like eating too.. meat was hard for me the first 4 months so I ate Peanut Butter, Beans and granola.

    good luck!! and remember every pregnancy is different!!

    awe thanks so much for the word of encourgment! I just hit up the office halloween candy bowl! lol :thumbup: I was alseep at my desk! fatigue is terrible these days so the chocolate reallyperked me up! I really do need to be smarter with my food choices, as of late I've been giving in to a lot of carb cravings! I just went to the store and got some plain almonds to keep at my desk- I feel like I have to constantly have something in my tummy or I feel sick! what other kinds of foods worked for you- 33lbs is great! I hope I can keep it to about that! I gained about 45 with myfirst baby..

  13. hey guys, I recognize a few faces! I'm back! After having a miscarriage last January we are pregnant again. We actually are not telling many people until we make it safely through the first trimester, but I need to tell somebody! we are almost 7weeks. We have already had a US and saw our 'DOT' and it has a heart beat so far so good. I've been doing terrible with my band for months now- Got down to 203 and then over the past few months the scale crawled to 209 then I got preggo and I'm 212. I was 218 the last time I got preggo so I guess I'm starting a few lbs lighter? anyhow the obvious idea is to not gain a ton but I'm off to get a big ol plate of Fettuccini right now! it's a ravenous kind of day- seriously eating is the only thing that keeps me from feeling sick right now? weird.

  14. SO call me CRAZY but I've decided to go one more day of liquids!:tongue_smilie: Day one sucked but day two went a lot better so I figured heck the worst of it is over, I can do one more day. Besides my hubby had jaw reconstruction surgery a few weeks ago and is wired shut for 6weeks and on all liquids. Dont' really have anyone to cook for so might as well join him on the liquids! He is also happy to have a partner in his misery, so last night we bleneded up some Soup and enjoyed out liquid diet together! :frown:

    Banded 1/15/2008

    start weight 280:eek:

    Lowest 3/2009 - 203:tt2:

    lbs creped back on .... 7/2009 210:eek:

    current 7/10/2009 208:thumbup:

  15. yes yesterday was hard! I was starving but I embraced what I read about "drink as much as you want" lol

    I was drinking all day! I had slim fast shakes, muscle milk, crystal light, broth, Soup, a latte and last night I was really feeling deprived so I scooped some frozen yogurt into the blender with some ensure. That's liquid right?! lol

    Today has been easier and I've actually toyed with the idea of doing another liquid day. I think it's really breaking my grazing habit well maybe not "breakig it" but it's making me realize how often I want to stick food in my mouth! and I'm really feeling again what hunger feels like!

    good luck to you!!! yes stock up and remember you can have all the liquids you want :thumbup:

  16. I was hungry today as well but I also found that enev when I was just a little hungry I was more mind hungry because I was feeling deprived and wanted to snack!! I had a latte in the am, then some crystal light. late morning I had my m uscle milk and for lunch I had broth. Broth didn't hold me too long and by mid afternoon I had a slim fast. When I got home I blended up some bean Soup but it really just made me hungry! now I'm sitting here thinking "ok ONE MORE DAY OF THIS!!" funny thing, my poor husband had jaw surgery and is wired shut for 6weeks, so he has been on a liquid diet for two weeks! I SERIOUSLY can't complain about two days!:smile2:

  17. seriously lol I'm Hungry! I know it will get better as the day goes on but these first few hours have been hard! I woke up hungry this am! had my venti skinny latte, then 32oz of crystal light and then an hour later my tummy was literally growling so I had a muscle milk. Those things have a lot of fat in em!? fat scares me :biggrin: anyhow it's 10:00 am I'm hoping the afternoon will go better! I can do this!!!!

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