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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TexasTerry

  1. TexasTerry

    I ache all over!

    I agree with chabutter. If it is strained neck muscles, it can make you miserable! We don't realize how much we use our neck and shoulders until they hurt! I hope you find some relief soon. :rant: Terry
  2. TexasTerry

    Emotional Overeating

    Wow! lots of stuff coming down on you at once. Good that you have a support group to attend. I hope they really are a support for you. You've got lots of us here that are hoping the best for you. Let us know how all this turns out. Terry:)
  3. TexasTerry

    does anyone wonder?

    Very good question. I am still pre-band. One thing to consider, those that have won the battle and reached their goal weight are leading successful lives and are no longer on this board. They are consumed with living their normal weight lives. Personally, I can't wait! Terry
  4. TexasTerry

    Do you ever wish you just had a hug?

    Sherry, were all with you on this. He probably is a little anxious himself. My hubby has been cranky this week too. - My band date is the 20th. Come to find out, hes worried about problems during the surgery and even the risk of dying! Even though he understands the risks of banding are low, he has let these thoughts creep in to his mind. Sometimes men just show their concern in a little different way. Your DH may not even realize he is stressing over your surgery. Take care Terry:girl_hug:
  5. TexasTerry

    Im saying bye bye to my hair!

    There are variations on Frito Pie, but think of it basically as a chili type base with the Fritos in it. Sometimes cheese on it too. Very yummy! Waiting for pictures of your new 'do! Terry
  6. TexasTerry

    ancestry...dna analysis

    I think many people have a yearning to connect to their heritage. I have done genealogy work myself. Have found out some interesting stories of my forebearers. If I understand correctly, your husband will be looking into genetic markers. This may not tell him who his biological father is, but rather what gene pool he is most closely related to. Like Oprah finding out she is Zulu Tribe. Still, very facinating stuff! I am mostly Scotch-Irish ancestry. I think my ancestors were a very hearty folk. Probably able to live through potatoe blight and famine with ease! lol. Give us an easy life with food all around and look what happens! I need band surgery!!! rofl. Terry:)
  7. TexasTerry

    Your favorite banded supper.....

    OK people. We need these recipies listed here. These dishes are making me drool!!LOL. (I'm pre-band). They sound wonderful and nutritious. How about it? Anyone up to giving out their favorite recipies? Terry
  8. TexasTerry

    Cost of Surgery

    It is $15,000 for me here in Texas. I am self pay. It includes a year of free fills and checkups. Terry
  9. TexasTerry

    What is your height?

    I'm 5'7" My goal is 180 (but it will be a great day to be under 200!!!!!) :cool:
  10. TexasTerry

    My surgeon is a newbie

    I myself choose my surgeon over one closer because he had more experience - I am also self pay. If this is truly the only surgeon you can use - I would find out everything about him I can - his other surgeries, problems,etc... See if you can locate any of his former patients. Then you just have to look at all of your information and make the best INFORMED decision you can. If you don't think you trust him, then don't use him for surgery. Wait and see what comes up on the horizion. I know I can say that so easily, but your health and well-being is involved!!! I hope you are able to find the right decision and can go with it with peace and comfort. :cool: Terry
  11. TexasTerry

    Help! What do we do?

    I am self pay and my surgeons office gave me an itemized list of what was covered and what it costs. Very up front, so no one had to do any second guessing. I say check out some other surgeons, it may be a delay of a few weeks, but how does that compare to the rest of your life? Terry:)
  12. TexasTerry


    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. NO, do not do WW again, unless you have the band!!!!!!!! That is the way I look at it! lol :confused: Of course you have to decide for yourself. Terry
  13. Wow! Lots of stuff going on. I'm with the others on this one. Call your surgeon and take care of yourself first. It will be great to see daughter, but she can manage to make space for herself. You can NOT be expected to take care of her right now. If she's a grown married woman, surely she understands a new post-op patient can't be clearing out a room for her. Hopefully she's an appreciative daughter that will give her mom some TLC! :confused: Terry
  14. TexasTerry

    what about heartburn?

    I'm not a doc or even a health care professional. But, I do know heartburn!lol! If this just started, it might be nerves in anticipation of your surgery. There are meds to help, from OTC to Rx. Maybe try something like Tums, Mylanta, etc. from the store and see if it helps. You might need to see a doc for something stronger. Also, watch what you eat. It can be different for each person, but for me any greasy or acidic (tomatoes, etc.) foods can really set of an episode(really sweet stuff can do it to for me). You will probably get better answers, I know there are some Nurses on the board that can give better advice. Take care of your tummy. Long term, untreated heartburn can be serious, so I'm told. Best wishes on you upcoming surgery! :confused:
  15. TexasTerry

    Help! I need support

    I'm so sorry that DH is not a supportive as he should be. You got lots of folks here to support you. You are very fortunate that your insurance was approved and so quickly! I say go ahead - full power! lol! I bet DH will come around after he see's what the band will do for you. I am self pay. My insurance would not cover ANYTHING obesity related. Yes, the finances are tight. We certainly don't have any lavish lifestyle or even semi-new cars or vacations. But, I know this was the right thing to do. I just wish I could have done it 10 years earlier! I say - Be excited and jump up and down some!!! :confused: Terry
  16. TexasTerry

    Almost supportive mom...

    I vote for just love her for who she is and give up on her really understanding. She hasn't walked those miles in her shoes and it is a foreign concept to her. Doesn't mean she is a bad or uncaring person. Terry
  17. TexasTerry

    Leaving for TO on Thursday morning

    Buffy, I'm not in Canada, But I can understand your feelings. My surgery is a week away and I am so restless I can't sleep. It can be a drain. Try to rest and relax as much as you can. I know that for myself, I get sick if I am worn out and exhausted. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE WANT BEFORE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN OUR LIFE! Maybe you can contact a doctor or nurse at your clinic and explain that you are weak from not eating and nerves. There must be something else you can eat pre-op that will be nutritious and help you feel better. My doc's diet is a bit different, but I do think it is important to follow what your doctor recommends. Do you have a friend going with you? Even if you are taking a cab, I would think it would be comforting to have another caring person along. I wish I could be of more help. O.K. you Canadians, ... step up and help Buffy! Terry in West Texas
  18. TexasTerry

    Lizard in the house

    We have lots of lizards and "Horny Toads" (that what they call 'em) here in West Texas. I love having them in my YARD. My cat loves them too. HE sneaks in the house with them every now and again. If the poor thing is still alive after the cat finishes with it - or I notice it - I try to get them outside. We live in an older house with floor heaters in it. You know, the big old grate in the middle of the floor.(it's on the To-Do list to have replaced by something more efficient) When the last winter rolled around, my husband took the grate off to clean it out and light the pilot. Yeah, you guessed it, there was a dried up, shriveled lizard in it. Poor thing, I'm sure it was trying to find refuge from the cat! lol I would much rather have a lizard in the house than some other nasty pests. Terry
  19. TexasTerry

    Need help-last straw

    Check out www.aigb.com This will list several doctors in the DFW area. I don't live in the area, but I am driving in to FW and use Dr. Smith. He is great as are many other docs in the area. Go to their seminars - it's free and you get to meet them. I'm self pay because my insurance won't even discuss anything to do with obesity. From what I've heard, many Insurance companies can be a pain in the patoot (lol) to deal with. You just have to keep at it. It WILL happen for you, if you put the time and effort in. Keep asking questions here. I wish you the best in your band journey. Terry
  20. TexasTerry

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    O.K. heres mine. Smokers that leave the No-Smoking area of a building or room to light up - but they only go to the door way. So, EVERYBODY has to pass their fumes to get out of the room or building. So rude. Put a plastic bag over your head and smoke if you like it that much - let the rest of us breathe!
  21. TexasTerry

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Wow, I can't sleep. My surgery is not until the 20th. I am not scared or freaking out - I just wake up about 3:00 A.M. and can't get back to sleep. I've made list of everything I need to do and buy. Keep going over them to make sure I didn't forget anything. My surgery is out of town (my hubby is driving). I don't want to forget anything important. I knew that I would probably not sleep the night before surgery, but this is a week ahead! I'm afraid I'm going to be exhausted and sick if I keep this up all week. I'm not drinking any kind of caffeine or other stimulant.Anyone else have this happen to them? Terry Bright eyed in the middle of the night
  22. TexasTerry


    You can go to http://learntoknit.lionbrand.com It has basic instructions and many patterns to get you started. I just finished a sweater that I started back when the Winter Olympics were on!lol! I made it a size smaller than I now wear - I was hoping then for the band!!!
  23. I am a Texas Teacher, but I opted to stay under my husbands insurance - it was actually cheaper for me at the time. I have a teacher friend that checked on having bypass done. Her doc told her that to qualify under the plan that she had to do a year of supervised Optifast and that NO doc in the area was doing it, so might as well kiss it goodby - she would not get approval. I'm going self-pay. My husbands insurance which is also BC/BS of Texas, but through the city, not school district, won't even talk to anyone about anything Obesity related. WHEN WILL THESE PEOPLE GET IT! Terry
  24. TexasTerry

    June 2006 Band Crew

    O.K. it's official. I just got my surgery date for June 20th! :clap2: I've been reading this thread, but not posting. I was hoping for a June date, but didn't know for sure. Now it seems real. Please add me to the list, my e-mail is graytk9200@sbcglobal.net I'm on my way!!
  25. TexasTerry

    Over 50 lap bandsters

    I'll jump in here. I'm 50 and waiting for a surgery date from my doc. It looks like I may be 51 by the time I'm banded. lol It's good to hear from all of you. A lot of wisdom and insight IMHO. This thread was a great idea. I am so lookin forward to not being on the sidelines of life! - get around easier, maybe I won't creak and pop so much anymore - lol. Terry

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