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hot tea

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hot tea

  1. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    Hey mary, Don't beat yourself up about the nibbles you had yesterday, it's part of life. If you read the forums every surgeon has a different take on the whole "shrink your liver thing" my surgeon doesn't believe in the liquid diet unless the patient's BMI is over 60. I did the supervised 6 month diet and at the time of my surgical consult I was down 15lbs and asked him about having to do a liquid diet...he thinks that he's patients come into surgery a little dehyrated and he ends up giving them lots of IV fluids...so, I was told to eat light the day before surgery and to have nothing by mouth after midnight. The day before surgery I las my last meal at 5pm and drank until midnight and morning of surgery I took my medicine at 8am with a decent sip of Water. I stayed at the hospital for 20 hrs and recieved 2.5 liter of Fluid. I said all that to stay...don't fret. Start anew today and the before surgery follow your instructions to the letter. I'll be watching for your posts. Good luck and I'm sending you positive thoughts. Regina
  2. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    Sweet, keep up the good work! I almost wish I could go back to work...I was climbing the walls yesterday but, my job is too physical. I'm out for 4 weeks and I'll be have knee surgery on July 23...I figured if I'm gonna be out...might as well take care of the knee issue as well. I'm so not used to this taking it easy stuff...but, it's necessary and I'm thankful that I can come here and vent a bit and read how we are all getting on since surgery. Regina
  3. hot tea

    my girl sitting in the sunshine

    From the album: my lil girl

  4. hot tea

    my lil girl

  5. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    Day three...yippeee, I'm down 2.6 lbs. I got all of my Fluid and Protein in which is difficult. I sleep in bed without much discomfort. I'm climbing the walls those...I have to get out today. I think I'll mall walk for a bit. I'll let you know how that does....the whole driving thing. I have a MINI Cooper S which is low to the ground...so, not sure how easy it's going to be getting in and out...but, I'm soon going to find out :smile2: Hope everyone is staying hydrated and moving. Happy 4th of July Regina
  6. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    Last night was my first night home, I'm a belly and side sleeper...so, I thought I was going to sleep on my chaise lounge beside the bed seemed so hard to get out of ...but, I could do it...I'm not a back sleeper and I wanted my comfy bed. So, I got the heating pad and a pillow and propped myself on those and was able to sleep on my side for about 3 hours. Got up had 4 oz of Isopure and emailed and posted on facebook...then back to bed for 2 more hours of rest. I weighed myself just a bit ago and I am down 2.6 lbs since Wednesday, surgery day. I'm happy with that...I'm not hungry physically, not even really thirty but, drinking. I'm on full liquids today so, I had 4 oz of a Protein shake and will do some cream Soup for lunch. I'll check in later this evening Hoping my fellow July 1st and 2nd bandster are going well. Hip hip hooray...it's the 3rd...how's getting banded today? I need to find out...
  7. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    Yikes Juniper, You had a bumpy few hours but, glad you are home and getting in fluids and Protein. I just feel sore, but, no real pain. Keep posting and so we know how you are doing. Hugs, Regina
  8. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    I was discharged at 12n and had been getting IVF so, I counted the 48 oz of saline I recieved in my overal Fluid needs for yesterday...because, I only got in 18 oz by mouth and only 10 grams of Protein. I think it's to be expected the first day of so...but, so far today I've had 10 grams of protein, and a total of 6 oz's...so, I think I'm going to make my goals today for fluid and protein. Keep us posted on how you are making out.
  9. hot tea

    July 2009 Dates

    You are half way there...just stay focused. I'll be thinking of you on Monday...update us when you can. Sending positive thoughts your way.
  10. hot tea

    July 2009 Dates

    Amen sista!!!! You are just a few days away...it will be awesome!
  11. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    ok, so basically I got about an hour of sleep last night in total. Had a roommate that was banded by another surgeon the same practice that banded me. So, we were perfect roomies right...wrong, she was playing her TV so loud, belching so loud and when she wasn't doing those to things, she was snoring. At 2am I asked her to turn the TV off or down. She muted it but, left it on I still had the burning sensation at the two upper incision but, didn't need pain meds. An ice pack was all I needed. My surgeons partner come in said my xray looked great and my incision was fine and that I could go home....yippee. Home by 1pm. Napped from 3p-7p. Finally, my own bed. Yeah not so fun...although, comfy and just want my back needed....it was rough getting in and out of it. I feel like I did a 1000 sit ups. I just took liquid tylenol for comfort. I did take pics of my incisions and will post them as well. I am a little behind on my liquids but not too worried since, I got 2.5 liters of fluids while admitted and was instructed not to take my diuretic for the next few days. I have the after surgery code for the Realize site and will go on in the next day or so. Hoping all the July 1st peeps are well and hang in there July 2nd....you'll be home this time tomorrow if, not already home. Thanks for the support guys...this site is a God send. Regina
  12. Thanks for checking in...it's my first day at home and I was so tired, napped for 3 hours in my own comfy bed...then, could barely get out of it...I feel like I did 1000 sit ups...sore but, no pain.

  13. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    my surgeon was about an hour behind...I finally made it into the OR at 3 35pm...in recovery at 5 20pm slight burning discomfort at the port site. got .5 of dilaulid and and ice pack and that helped. I got to my room at 6 30pm...got my vitals taken, got a popsicle and sent time talking with bff and updating my friends via facebook... I dont have Wi Fi so, using my Palm for updates...will write more once on my lap top...thanks for all the well wishes and prayers...hope every is as comfortable as I am. Hugs Regina
  14. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    Thanks Juniper for thinking of us
  15. hot tea

    July 1st Surgery Stories

    I had a restless night...too excited to sleep. A few last min chores and then my bff is coming to take my measurements and "before" pic. I will post here as soon as they let me have my gadgets. I'm scheduled for 2:30pm est. I love you guys!!!
  16. hot tea

    Day 4 post lapband.....doing well

    Congrats! I will be a bandster tomorrow July 1st. I can't wait for the second half of this journey. Thanks for sharing yours thus far.
  17. hot tea

    July Bios?

    Hello All, I was a normal weight all through childhood. Graduated high school at 125 lbs, joined the Army after high school. Stationed in Hawaii, met my now ex-husband...had two children in three years and my weight was about a 150lbs. I didn't mind I had some curves and a little more booty. Now, fast forward 6 yrs and I'm divorcing, involved with a custody battle, my maternal grandparents deaths within 18 months of each other, I relocated 1000 miles away...all those events lead to extreme emotional eating and my body changed forever...I was 220lbs in 2yrs...at 242lbs found Phen Phen and lost 42 lbs and felt comfortable at 200 lbs and a size 16. Phen Phen is off the market and the weight is once again creeping up. My highest weight was 297.6 on the day of my surgical consult. I've lost 16 lbs on my 6 month supervised diet and I'm proud of myself...that's the first time I've lost weight without pills. I followed the 1500 kcal diet and exercised, which makes me hopeful that I will be sucessful with the band as a tool. I'll be banded on July 1st....just three days away....I'm so happy I'm floating above cloud 9! Good luck everyone and thanks for sharing your stories.
  18. hot tea

    Feeling good now!

    keep up the great work!!!
  19. Thanks be to God, Dr Currie doesn't believe in the pre op liquid diet...my date is next Wednesday...and I am to eat light on Tuesday and nothing after midnight that night.
  20. hot tea

    July 2009 Dates

    Hey Guys, July 1st 2pm yippppeeee
  21. hot tea

    Surgery set for July

    Yes, I live in PA but, will be banded in MD. I actually live 20 mins from the PA/MD state line and I prefer not to have the surgery where I work.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
