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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tinaj

  1. hi guys,

    i went and got some of my fill taken out and I must proclaim "YEAAAA"!!! I am doing so much better. My gurgling has decreased 90% and my reflux is totally gone. I sleep all night and it is a beautiful thing. I think my problems came on so slowly and gradually that I didn't even realize how uncomfortable I had become. I now eat and still get the fullness so that I stop eating but without all of the other discomfort. I feel like this is probably how I should have been to begin with but just didn't even realize "that I hadn't found my sweet spot". I don't know if this will last but it's been a week so far and I don't think I felt this good with my band... ever. Hopefully, I will be fine now but if now I will let you know. thanks for all of your responses. I never post and was grateful to have a place to go with my concerns.

  2. wow, that is a little scary. i hope you are alright. how long did you have the reflux? was it every night. I typically it have it the night before i start my period and then it is gone. i posted because this month it seemed to go on for about 6 or 7 nights. not horrible but enough to wake me up (and think i can't do this forever!). i started my period and last night slept like a baby. my insurance is gone so for now i may have to just wait but please keep me posted and let me know what you find out!! thanks and good luck

  3. hi,

    i acutally called the a woman who gave me one of the o nly two fills i have ever had. i explained to her about the increased noisiness over the last 6 months and before i even finished my sentence she said "and your having Fluid come up at night (reflux). she said this is fairly common after a few years and that I am probably a little tight. I was banded in 2006 in april so it has actually been 3 years ago. no problems until all of the noise started. didn't really bother me just annoying. it is the reflux that made me post. i am going tomorrow to get a little taken out and i will let you guys know if it makes it better. thank you for responding! tina

  4. I was banded two years ago and have not had any problems at all. I've only had two fills which were both within 6 months of my surgery. Over the last 4 months I have started experiencing what I believe to be reflux at night while I am sleeping. Initially, it seemed to worsen around the time of my period but now it has been the last 8 nights in a row. I wake up and feel like I am choking. My band has also become noisier at night and in the mornings when layihg down. I have varied what and when I eat and over the last week it has not make any improvement. I am fine while awake. Any soluteions?? please help. I am in Arizona and had my surgery in Mexico so I don't even know a Dr. but I need a good nights sleep. thanks for your help!!

  5. hi,

    i had the lapband procedure placed 12 months ago and i now need to obtain medical insurance privately. Have any of you had difficulty qualifying for insurance after you listed this procedure? They ask you all of these pre existing conditions and you are suppose to last surgeries etc and am just wondering if this has been a problem for anyone? thanks, tina

  6. hi,

    i had my band placed in april. here is my question? can i take a pill? i woke up with a very sore neck and back. liquid tylenol isn't doing it. My doctor never said i can't take pills but it was never addressed. i just want to take two should this be a problem??? Please say it is okay!!! thanks for replying.


    ps. i haven't had to take any other medication over the last several months and this is the first time it has come up

  7. It sounds like I definitely have first bite syndrome. Actually, it's really unpleasant but it passes and I can live with it. My real frustration is still being able to eat so much. I really don't feel any restriction and am not even sure what that feels like??? I just know what the stuck feeling is.As I said, this always comes at the beginning of my meal (first few bites) and not in the middle or at the end. thanks for your help.t

  8. thank goodness I am not the only one. I just made a similiar post. My first fill was 2cc's. I can still eat a lot. I've only lost 2 pounds since my first fill!. I still get the stuck feeling when I first start to eat but other than that I don't think I have any restriction. I am going to make an appointment and go get another fill. good luck!!!!!! Your not alone!! tina

  9. hi,

    I was banded in April and had my first fill toward the beginning of June. I have only lost about 19 pounds. 6 of that I lost pre-op. I have not been on this site since being banded because i've been so frusterated. I have definitely bumped up my exercising and my eating comes and goes. Here is my question. I at most times can still eat a lot I means my normal pre-op amounts. Sometimes, I get that stuck feeling and have to stop or slow down but then can continue to eat a large amount. Often, this stuck feeling occurs on my first bite on an empty stomach. I usually have a proteing shake for Breakfast and then fall apart at lunch and/or dinner. Why can I still eat so much. I know this is just a tool but honestly if I could control my portion size I wouldn't have had this surgery to begin with. Any, tips do you think i need a fill. By the way my first fill was 2 ccs!! and the dr. even said this may be the only fill you ever need! I think I felt restriction for about a day and that was it. Like I said I know it is still there because I do get that stuck feeling but again, don't let this confuse you. This feeling does not come because I have eaten too much. (probably too big of a bite and definitely happens with bread). Please help and tell me what you think. very frustrated!! thanks, tina

  10. thanks for the replies. my dr. did not tell me what calorie range to stay in but did suggest 3 Protein Shakes a day and or Soups. I just don't understand how I went back up nearly 4 pounds???? I was feeling so successful and now not so much. I am almost two weeks out and am down maybe 13 pounds!!! This is so frusterating. I thought this whole band thing would make it easier. Gaining weight when your not eating sucks!!!!

  11. :help: :help: :omg: :)

    Okay, help I feel like a freak or a science project. i was baned on 4/27. As of approximately 1 week post-op i was down 15 pounds. Every morning I would get up and I would be a pound or two lighter. I started at 226 and at one time even saw 210. pop up on my scale. I was very weak during the clear liquid phase but stuck to it. I have since gone on to Protein Shakes and Soups. I have never exceeded 800 calories in a day, most days averaging around 600. Here is the problem. The last FOUR days I've gotten up and I have gained!!!!! Yes,it's true. Please don't run screaming from this message thinking that if you read it you might catch what I have. I need encouragement, help, scientific explanations on how this could be happening. I keep thinking it is Fluid but how many days will this continue? PLease don't tell me not to weigh myself, I can't help it I can't stop. First, I laughed not at all suprised by my bodies fear of losing weight (it has always been hard for my body to drop). but now I am starting to panic, what's the point of no food if I am still gaining f.....ng weight. I am really getting pissed. I AM NOT EATING!!! I feel like a science project that has gone way wrong. My scale says 214, now. Yesterday, after my 2.5 mile walk it even bumped up to 215.:angry Why am I not losing, and why am I putting it back on. I am starting to feel desperate and it isn't funny anymore. This makes me want to eat. Please help. Did I have the only band placed for weight gain? Should I call my doc and see if a horrible mistake has been made? Thanks, tina

  12. hi,

    I am 11 days post op and you are not alone. i thought i had been duped!!! i had read such wonderful things "i love my band" "god bless the band" etc.... i hated it. i even told my sister no matter what i say never do this to yourself. i had horrible painful burping, some port pain, lethargy and weakness and the emotional withdrawl of food was the worst. not eating was devestating for me and i even felt depressed. my first 5 days were the worst. and then i got up on day 6 and bam i felt human again!!!Today, I am almost normal very little port pain only notice when bending over. My energy level is back (thank god!) and I am feeling better about the whole food withdrawl thing. I really did feel like a crack addict must feel when taken off crack. I wanted to eat so badly that i said if someone were around to take this out i would pay to get it out just so i can go eat. I do not feel that way now. it is amazing the difference a few days make. i now feel dedicated, energized and optimistic for the first time in a long time. don't think too far ahead literally just take it day by day! your goal is to make it through today, that's it you can do it!!!!! hang in there, your not alone. remember today only!!

  13. okay, i saw the episode with cassie meeting her son but i missed how they found each other. who got the call etc.... i know his real mom told him cassie was dead so how did it happen can someone please feel me in i've been dying to know, thanks!!!

  14. not a dumb thought at all. i was just thinking the same thing. i am now back down to where i was 4 months ago and i was thinking how self perception is everything. 4 months ago i couldn't believe i was this big, was going up in sizes, and feeling miserable. fast forward... i have never been so pleased to weigh 210!! crazy but true. i think your right we know the difference of when were on our way up and when were on our way down.

  15. hi,

    i was banded on 4/27/06 in mexico by dr. oritz and i went alone. no problems!!!! felt very safe and even did some shopping. i will say the drugs were pretty strong but I just slept slept slept. my sister could never go alone she is more of the nervous type even when it just comes to traveling but if that type of thing doesn't bother you then go for it. mexico is not iraq and i a not sure what all of the hype is over. i just wouldn't drive there. know yourself. if your not one comfortable going places alone, restraunt, movie, short weekend, then I would definitely wait. It is surgery and you don't need any additional stress. If your generally pretty comfortable then go for it. I did and have no regrets it worked out for me. good luck, tina

  16. :think :help:


    I was banded on Thursday. I am okay with the port pain, and gas, however, have absolutely no enery. And I mean no energy, it is taking everything I have just to type this. I can't seem to sleep enough and can barely make it up and down my stairs. I am not having hunger pains. I am on clear fluids until next Thursday. I am a vegetarian and so far have had vegetable broth, sugar free Jello, gatorade, flavored waters. Any ideas? I am really even getting depressed wondering what kind of mistake I have made. Please help. I have two small children and a business to run and can't continue to feel this lethargic. Please help with suggestions if you can. thanks, tina

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