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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TklMeSkinny

  1. TklMeSkinny

    Acid Reflux Problems-Need Help!

    Ask your Dr if it's possible you have a hiatal hernia (not sure my spelling is correct on that). I had one and didnt know it. He repaired it during my lapband surgery and i've only had one bout since surgery! Before surgery, it was a couple times a week, and i was on double doses of protonix, morning and night. Now, i'm only on single doses once a day and as i said only one time in 4 months! Good luck to you! Tkl
  2. I agree you need to switch Drs! The patient/doctor relationship is critical to weight loss! And trust is the key! You may end up having to go to more than one to find the one that makes you ultimately the most comfortable and give YOU the support you need! You are not getting it with your surgeon so look elsewhere! Best of luck to you! I know you can do it! Tkl
  3. TklMeSkinny

    What is wrong with me?

    Tammy, First off, dont panic. It's way too soon after surgery to have stretched your pouch out. It's normal after the swelling goes down to be more hungry and able to eat more. If you are following your Drs orders and eating the way that he says to eat, then you're doing fine. Remember, this is a tool to help us, it wont do it for us. So you will have to use willpower along with it. But, for right now, in my humble opinion it honestly sounds like your emotions are swinging a bit and that's what's causing you to doubt yourself. Dont do it! My Dr told me that mood swings are very Very common after this surgery. So, you're getting double doses of emotions right now. Take deep breaths, have some hot tea (with Splenda not sugar!), get a good book, put your feet up, and realize that you have made it one day closer to the You that you deserve to be! And remember, the main thing, if you honestly feel that something might be wrong, call your Dr. Good luck to you! I know you'll do great! Tkl
  4. JMS, well, no loss, but at least no gain. And honestly, I am glad about not gaining! This past week we've been 3 days in Florida for a college function for our daughter, and we've had friends in from out of town for the rest of the week. So not as much walking/running and harder to eat properly. I know that's just an excuse, but i'm working on it. I did get my fried to run with me last week! Yeah! And, we're eating a meal tonight based on my requirements rather than what everyone wants. So i'm learning. :-) Have a fantastic time on your trip! Be Safe and Good Luck! Tkl
  5. TklMeSkinny

    I have to confess....

    (sorry for the multiple posts, i just noticed the 'multi' button for the first time!) IWanna, your weight loss is very good! We've all been there in the same position you are, or very close to it, and we can all appreciate the struggle that you're going through to get back on track. This forum is a great place to bear your soul, confess, or ask for the soft kick in the back-side occassionally, and we all need it sometimes! If we didnt, there would be no need, and no place, for a website and forum such as this! I'm glad that you said what you did with honesty and truth! Keep up the good work. The weight that you have lost is a much better subject to talk about I think! And it looks like you're doing great overall! Keep up the good work!!!! Tkl
  6. TklMeSkinny

    I have to confess....

    But you stopped! That's the most important thing: realize it and stop. I'm proud of you for not eating the third one! And you should be proud too. Next time, you will either be able to stop at 1, or even better yet, drive on by! You Go Girl!
  7. TklMeSkinny

    I have to confess....

    KAT!!! HAPPY BANDIVERSARY!!! I see it's one year today! Congrats!
  8. TklMeSkinny

    Finally under 200!!!

    That is absolutely fantastic! Many of us are approaching that goal and its wonderful to hear when others finally reach it! Have fun on your Anniversary, and enjoy the picture taking, too!
  9. TklMeSkinny

    Need products and advice

    Hi Kage &/or anyone else, What compression garment do you use? I have both the Spanx and Kymora ones, but neither feels quite 'right'. Kymora is too tight (feels like a chastity belt!) and the Spanx is a bit too loose, not much support. I'm thinking maybe a smaller size in the Spanx, but wondered if there were any others out there that everyones using and liking. Thanks!
  10. TklMeSkinny

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I agree. I'm over 200 and i'm doing a mile already, working up to the 5K. The thing to remember when starting out, I think, is that you won't start out doing the full distance. You need to work up to it. But I have always loved to run, just wasnt able to do it in the last few years. Now I can, and I am! I'm hoping to do a 5K the end of the summer or early fall, or, maybe both! Good luck to all!
  11. G'Morning all! I saw the Dr. yesterday (instead of next Monday as scheduled), and I think i've found my 2nd sweet spot now! LOL I had been at a good spot, then, as i lost weight i was able to eat more because the band got looser because of losing fat around the band, so, it's a big circle! Find the spot, lose the spot, find a new spot, lose the new spot, find a newer spot! LOL I had read about this, but now i'm experiencing it first hand!
  12. TklMeSkinny

    Need products and advice

    The Magic Bullet is great: small, compact, comes with the blending cups, and it's small size makes it easier to control portions. (it's also much easier to clean than a blender). However, I have a blender, too. After your surgery and after you start having fills, you may find that the regular Vitamins are hard to swallow. I get the chewable Calcium Citrate and multi vitamins from Barriatric Advantage. They are like the bullet; expensive but well worth the price. Also, the flavors of the Barriatric Advantage items are easier for me to take. They have cinammon, chocolate, wild cherry, and mint. I got the cinammon Cal Citrate with D, and the mixed flavor multi vitamins. They are located at www.bariatricadvantage.com. Also, walk Water walk water walk water walk. That's a great mantra to use! Good luck with your surgery! It's definitely well worth it!
  13. TklMeSkinny

    "Shrinko De Mayo" Weight Loss Challenge

    Well i'm off to a slow start: 2 lbs down so far! But still heading in the right direction!
  14. Then i'll weigh on Friday! Also, even if you do gain a lb or two while you're gone, remember it's under unusual circumstances and not due to normal day-to-day activity. So promise you won't beat yourself up about it! Just walk an extra 15 - 20 minutes every day til you're back on track! And you may be surprised and find areas where you can exercise or walk over there! Do you have one of the blowup exercise balls or water filled weights that you can take empty and use in your hotel room or where ever youre staying? Just a thought, it might help! I'm actually taking my ball with me (not sure if i'll ever use it, but would rather have an not use, than to want/need and not have!) Have a fantastic time! And post pictures! LOL
  15. Hi! I'm assisting in finding out if anyone is interested in participating in a 5K run. We might even be able to have this as the 1st Annual LBT 5K run! Suggestions are welcome! Please feel free to add suggestions or comments here. And please vote! (NOTE: voting only open for 10 days from 03/30/2009). Here are a few of the suggestions: 1. Have it held on the same weekend everywhere, with local/regional/county/state locations pre-determined. 2. Multiple locations so as many people as are interested may participate. 3. Multiple events - 5K - 10K - 15K - etc (can be determined later) 4. Have organizers volunteer and then setup their own local events 5. Come up with a logo for T-Shirts for participants/helpers 6. Could have it in June or July, far enough out for those that want to train prior to the run. 7. Should it be limited to only Banders, or open up to anyone? 8. Add more here!!!
  16. Thanks! I think it would be great to have multiple runs all on the same day at different locations. Whatever we could have happen.
  17. Woo Hooooo!!!!!! That is Fabulous!! I'm so proud of you! Keep it going and you'll be below that magic mark!! OK, its a deal! I'll stay off the scale until Saturday morning and then let you know! ((I'll try very hard not to get on even for a little peek!))
  18. Thanks, dd & ebony, i'm definitely going to get one now!
  19. It just hit me what you said! You did a 5K every week! That's very impressive. I probably used to walk that much in a week total, sometimes. But i've just started the Couch to 5K program and I will definitely finish the 5K run! And Good Luck on your first fill next week!
  20. Very true, Harold. And I agree. I think the goal should be on the fact that it is completed, and not necessarily how it was completed. Run, walk, jog, etc, all should be acceptable. Thanks for the suggestion!
  21. I am definitely at a plateau right now, which is aggravating because I want to be below that 200 mark so bad! I'm exercising every other day, and running on opposite days, so i'm doing something every day! Saturday is my day off, but I don't binge at all. But the 4 lbs just won't come off! I really am OK about it right now, as I am losing inches so at least something is happening. And a 2 lb difference is not that much really! My scale (and yes, i'm truely a Scale Whore!) fluctuates that much almost daily, between morning and night it seems. LOL I'm so excited about going on my trip, except for the food! It's a Love/Hate thing. I know i'll be eating some pasta and beer and wine and pizza, etc, but know i'm going to be limited. My daughter is already a runner, and with me prepping for this 5K i'm running too, so I'm thinking about getting a BodyBugg to track my calories in and calories out while there. They are expensive, but so was this surgery! And it's going to be worth it! Tkl
  22. TklMeSkinny

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi everyone! As this is such a popular thread, i'm placing the link here to another thread that was started yesterday. I've talked with LBT and was asked to put the thread out here to see how much interest there is. It's voting, but you can also reply if you have suggestions, questions, comments, etc. It's about having a LBT 5K Run! Click the link below to see the other thread, vote, and/or make comments and suggestions. The thread title is: "Vote: Would you be interested in a local 5K run?" http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/vote...-5k-run-91026/ Thanks! And hopefully we'll get enough interest to do this! Tkl (aka Rhonda)
  23. For me it was 2 wks of liquids, including shakes, then 2 weeks of mushies, then two weeks of milder meats, etc, then on from there. Even now my Dr. states no potatoes, rice, bread, Pasta. But i'm actually doing well with very little carbs. Tkl
  24. Thanks, Ebony! I hope this happens. I think it's a great idea, also. Tkl
  25. Hi everyone! As this is such a popular thread, i'm placing the link here to another one that was started today. If you have an opportunity to check it out, please do. I've talked with others and was asked to put the thread out here to see how much interest there is. It's voting, but you can also reply if you have suggestions, questions, comments, etc. It's about the possibility of having a LBT 5K Run! Click the link below to see the other thread, vote, and/or make comments and suggestions. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/vote-would-you-interested-local-5k-run-91026/ Thanks! Tkl

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
