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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Janiece

  1. Janiece

    Fitness pal app

  2. Janiece

    Fitness pal app

    I just added everyone! My sn is JanieceW there.
  3. Janiece

    Freezing feet and hands

    I'm sitting in my cube right now with 2 sweaters on and I'm still shivering. lol.
  4. Janiece


    I'm young and live in the city. I go out to happy hours regulary, and have a glass of wine almost every night. Don't judge me... lol. Just be sure to log the calories and adjust your food for the day accordingly. At first you may feel the effects of alcohol faster, but that didn't last too long for me. I think the original poster's statement: "I still want to be able to live my life with moderation..." is a the perfect attitude. I do and eat pretty much everything I did pre-band, just in moderation. I love my band, but I don't really think about it most days.
  5. Janiece

    My fitness pal

    I just sent you a request!
  6. I went to my lapband Dr on Tuesday for a fill. Apparently it's been 16 months since I've been back to see him. I have no idea how that happened, but honestly, I don't even think about my band most days. So I paid the $35 copay to see him on Tuesday only to have him tell me that since he hasn't seen my band in awhile so he wants me to go do a barium swallow so he can make sure everything is still okay before he does an adjustment. I scheduled the barium for this morning, they sent the results to him, I went back to his office and paid another $35 copay, only to have him tell me that my band looks perfect and he's not adding any Fluid b/c it would make me too tight. I know, I know...I shouldn't be upset. I'm just annoyed because I was looking forward to a jump start before the holidays...oh well. I still have 5k more steps to put on my fitbit today. I'll go walk before lunch. Silver lining: They always make a big deal over how much weight you've loss, so it's a nice self esteem boost! lol. I've apparently lost 30lbs since I last got an adjustment and I'm still losing slowly but surely...
  7. Janiece

    Grumpy, but I shouldn't complain

    Unfortunately, I'm still young and suffer from the delusion of invincibility.... so I'm still kinda grumpy about spending unnecessary money.
  8. Janiece

    Grumpy, but I shouldn't complain

    It's not even really about the weightloss, I guess I just felt like I should need an adjustment after 16 months...and I paid $70 (and got a belly full of barium) just to end up leaving the office the same way I came! lol
  9. Kirsten, I'm still waiting a bit for my side swelling to go down before I drop a small fortune at Victoria's Secret, lol, but i did get THIS from Amazon for like $18. It more like a real bra and has has a bit of padding for shape and makes my cleavage look great!
  10. Janiece

    Post-surgical smell?

    I used distilled vinegar and lemon juice after a bit of online research, and it definitely helped take the edge ogf the smell. I think using the essential oils might be the key to getting rid of the bit that's lingering. Thanks for the tip!!
  11. At first I thought it was just some weird BO smell since I can't wear deodorant, but I don't smell it when I get completely naked. Then I started sniffing around my condo and smelled the clothes I've worn since coming home from the surgery center, the bandages they used, and the post-surgical bra they put me in, and they all have this strange smell! I've washed them all at least 3 times and it's getting more faint, but I can still smell it. Maybe it's the surgical scrub they used that's rubbed off on everything? Does anyone have any idea what this is and how I can make it go away?It's driving me crazy! I might try to take my second full shower today to make sure I've got all of it off of me so I'm no longer spreading it around...
  12. T-minus 14 days and I'm starting to freak out a bit! I apologize in advance if this thread gets a bit graphic. I plan to regularly post post-op pics to show the good, the bad and the ugly! There aren't as many pre and post-op pictures of black people showing scarring, bruising, etc, so I hope others will find these useful. Pre-pics are a bit low res b/c they're from a webcam, but hopefully my surgeon will provide his copies afterwards. I finally worked up the courage to schedule a brachioplasty and mastopexy. It's been dreadfully hot and humid in the DC area this summer and I'm tired of being too self-conscious to even wear short sleeves, much less the sleeveless ensembles everyone else seems to be enjoying. I find babydoll cut shirts are particularly obnoxious! I'm 29, black, 5'7", 177lbs (as of this morning). Pre-Op Arm Pics: I'm totally flexing in this one! lol but it helps show where the dangling skin is. According to my surgeon, I still have enough breast tissue to be a large C or small D when he's finished. I really wanted implants, but I'll heed his advice to at least give them a chance. If I still want more volume and a better profile, I can always add them during my next surgery. I'll admit my boobs look great in a full coverage bra, but they have an amazing ability to escape their confines. Seriously, I'll bend over to put something into the oven, and by the time I stand up, half my boob has managed to ooze out of my bra! Awkward. Pre-op Boob Pics: Well...there it all is! Now I'm busy scrambling and over-preparing for surgery. To those brave souls who have gone before me, in you post-surgery recovery did you use: - Vitamedica Bromelain wth Quercetin Nutrients with Anti-Inflammatory Properties - VitaMedica Arnica Montana - Biotin I'm going to ask my surgical staff, but I've read plastic surgery forums that have recommended them. Also, I live alone, so I'm hiring a nurse to stay with me for 2 days and someone to walk and feed my dog for a week. Is there anything you wish you'd had on-hand for your recovery that you didn't? So far I've purchased: - 2 long icepacks with sleeves - bed/sleeping wedge - 2 strapless dresses - Protein drinks - bathing washcloth wipes - 2nd compression garment (surgery center provides first one) - getting my hair braided so I don't have to worry about that! Yes, I'm a bit of a psycho, OCD, over-preparer... Upon the advice of the pre-op nurse, I've started taking a Multivitamin and Vitamin c twice a day. I'm also going to stop drinking alcohol today (well...tomorrow. lol). Thanks for your help!
  13. Great minds obviously think alike! I'm going to order a few more this week. Yep, I'm okay...I'm just bored. lol. Since I was able to use short-term disability, starting Tuesday it will be my 3rd week off. I drive a manual and work about 45 mins away from home, so I'd like to avoid driving as long as possible. I hope you're doing well!
  14. Janiece


    I prefer geltabs or smooth capsules to regular pills. For me, they seem to slide down a bit easier, but it might just be psychological. lol
  15. Janiece

    Heating pad 2 days after

    You should probably double check with your Dr just to be sure. You'll get a lot of conflicting advice on this forum because there isn't any kind of lapband standard, and every Dr has different post-care instructions. I was 25 and perfectly healthy when I was banded, but I was told not to use a heating pad b/c it could increase incision bleeding...
  16. I LOVE this Bali one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005W0LTNU/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I've been sleeping in a cotton nursing bra from Target. I didn't realize it had a flap until I got home, but it's super comfy, so it doesn't matter. lol. I skipped purchasing front-close bras. It takes a bit of maneuvering, but so far I've been okay! I hope you're doing well!
  17. Janiece

    Saving money on food?

    When I do buy groceries, I tend to buy more expensive items than before like grass-fed filet mignon. But I go out with coworkers for lunch everyday and I usually eat the 2nd half of my lunch for dinner...so I'm sure I must be saving money, I've just never done the accounting.
  18. Janiece

    Kathy goes under the knife!

    Yeah, not being able to wear deodorant when it's 90 degrees out has pretty much kept me in the house the last week! I'm going to be the only person in the office next week wearing 3/4 sleeve sweaters, but there really aren't many long sleeved summer options. Hopefully it starts to cool down soon. I'm totally an over-preparer, but I'm glad I talked myself out of random things the nurse recommended like a shower chair. My most expensive surgery purchase was a memory foam bed wedge which came in handy for about 5 nights, Now I occasionally use it to watch tv in bed until I chuck it on the floor...oh well. I hope you're still doing well!
  19. Janiece


    These small joys are the best! lol
  20. Pics: I love my matching ace bandages! lol I swear they don't look this un-even in the mirror. lol. Under my armpit on that side is a bit more swollen and the base of the breast is wider. Maybe it's just how I hold the camera? You can really see the bowtie stitches in the armpit pictures. These are at the beginning and end of each incision and they're driving me crazy!
  21. Janiece

    Breast Implants

    I would wait to combine the two procedures. Then you're saving on anesthesia cost and you'll only have to take off work and be in pain once! I just had an arm and breast lift. I still have a few other procedures I want, and I'm trying to combine as many together as my Surgeon thinks is safe.
  22. Janiece

    Losing hair

    I rarely eat breakfast b/c I'm pretty tight in the morning and I really don't get hungry until lunchtime. I usually drink a protein drink in the car on the way to work or eat a kid's chobani greek yogurt (or one of those newish flips) and I've never had any hairloss problems.
  23. Your logic is undeniable. But since when does logic apply? lol
  24. I REALLY want a tummy tuck, but I'm waiting to see if Mr Right stumbles into my life in the next 5 years or so and we decide to make babies. lol. I don't want to waste all that money and pain!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
