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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bean_blossom86

  1. Thank you for your thoughts, I kinda thought that lady at work was talking out her A** but just wanted to be sure as I've not been banded yet. I love this site and seeing the things others are struggleing with and overcoming is a true insperation, I can't wait to get banded and I hope I will finally be able to change my life, I want so badly to be healthy and sexy... Seeing you guy's making all this progress gives me lots of hope!

  2. I LOVE THIS THREAD!!! it;s so nice to know other poeple 'get it'! here are some of the things I won't miss (bear with me there are a lot!)

    -wearing regual breif panties and they look like a thong:bored:

    -bra extenders

    -Lane Bryant

    -only picking out cute clothes for my sis-in-law cuz they fit her and not me

    -the looks skinny girls give me because they don't get why my hott hubby is with ME.

    -the pretty face comments.

    -losing 20lbs and not being able to tell.

    -people giving me dieting advice when I didn't ask for it.

    -Childern asking me if I have a baby in my tummy

    -needing momentum to get out of chairs or sofa

    -not being able to see my belly button under all my fat rolls

    -swimming fully clothes because I won't go near swimsuits

    -always sitting with a pillow in front of me to cover the fat rolls.

    -finding random peices of food stuck to my body when undressing beacuse they fell down my boobs and i didn't notice. (soooo not sexy)

    -being refered to as the 'bigger girl' when people describe me.

    -feeling like a line backer

    -crying in dressing rooms because nothing fits

    -feeling like it's my fault that I misscarried twice.

    -reffering to skinny people as skinny people as apposed to just... people

    -the panic attack when you try something on and it get's 'stuck' when you try to get it off...

    -flooding the bathroom when I get into a tub full of Water

    -feeling I'm a skinny person in my head then seeing the awfull truth on a daily basis.

    -my family ALWAYS saying "have you lost weight?" when they see me ever if I GAINED weight.

    -poeple rolling their eyes at me when I order a salad, like I'm not allowed to like salad cuz I'm fat...

    Anyhow there are a ton more but those are some of the bigger ones! I can't wait untill I get bannded!!!!!

  3. Hi everyone, I'm a Pre-Bandster... and thank you soooo much for your thoughts and ideas, you guy's have taken a lot of the 'Scary unknown' feeling I had and changed my perspective, now I'm excited and trying to imagine what it will be like when I'm in your stage. Jax your husband sounds like mine with the pants story lol. and what on earth is a NSV? I've heard it a few times on this site and have no clue what it means!lol sorry :) I was wondering, how long was it before you started seeing the weight come off? I don't want to set too high of expectations... I'm trying to find out as much as posible! thanks!

  4. Thank you so much to everone for all these answers, and to mrsace for starting this! I have had so many off the wall questions and it's nice to know there is somewhere to ask those and nobody thinks your insane! I just signed up for insurance at work and I specificly picked it because it covers LB. so I'm hoping in the spring I will be able to get it!!!! I had someone at work make the comment 'why are you doing that it's just a quick fix' I'm sorry but does anyone here think that LB is a 'quick fix' I always thought it was a lifestyle change... Do any of you Truly miss the foods you used to eat? or is it less fun going out with people because you can't eat what you used to? or do the benifits outweigh the things you are missing?

  5. okay I'm 22 and I've been married 5 years (I know I'm young and weird) I've have 2 misscarraiges and they don't know why, I presonally think it's beause of my weight (I'm 333lbs). I've been concidering the lapband for about a year now and here is my delemma... My hubby FINALLY agreed to "try" to conceive (both times before were suprises) I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a baby, but... I'm so overweight , plus I'm bipolar and I feel like everything is against me! should I wait to have the band until after I have a healthy pregnancy or get the band and wait ANOTHER year in hopes that I will have a Healthier pregnancy? I want to give my child every possible chance at a healthy start and as it is I will be going off my meds and trying to deal with the bipolar without them because the risk of clef pallet in the baby is higher with all bipolar meds, and part of me is realy hoping if I lose enough weight the bipolar might get easier to deal with (I heard weight loss can even out hormones) so I know this is really long and I'm sorry but I'm soooo confused and don't know what to do and don't have many friends that 'get it' so any advice would be great! thanks!


  6. I'm 22 and weigh 333lbs, I've had two misscarraiges and my husband and I are thinking of trying to have a baby.

    I'm brand new to this site so sorry if I'm posting the wrong place...I'v been researching the lapband for about a year and I think I want to have it done. I know my insurence will not cover it (insert very not nice word here) but I am willing to forgo the cost if it helps me get this weight off.... I have some questions though, number one: Am I too young to have the surgery? Number two: should I have band before or after trying to have baby? number three: can you drink liquids while you eat after you have the band? someone told me you could never drink liquid with your meals every again and that kinda threw me... also will I ever be able to have a very small portion of steak again? I love steak.... I know these are kinda stupid questions but I want to be smart and go into this will as much information as possible. Greatful for any tips, answers and info.


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