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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by poodles.me

  1. Jackie, What you have described is my pre-op diet. It seems to me you'll be fine with a small salad like that. Geez...I thought mine was hard and I'm not on all liquid. I'm super frustrated though b/c I have lost nothing more than the original 7 and its been almsot 2 weeks now. I have another week to go, my surgery is next Tuesday. I am concerned that I just wont lose no matter what I do. I think I'm going to post to the other topic board and see if I cant get some ideas on why its just so friggin hard to drop a pound. I can certainlly gain them without a problem. AARRGGHHHH! Oh, had my pre-op appt. yesterday. I cried. Yeah, I didnt realize just how nervous I really am about the whole thing. It's scary and exciting all at the same time.
  2. I just received my unjury order -thank goodness! And it is such a huge relief. I had sent for samples of the Soup a while ago and it is fabulous so last week I ordered the unflavored Protein and the soup. The unflavored can go in anything to give you protein just like those K20's or whatever they are called...I cant use them b/c of the artificial stuff but this you can put in your own tea or anything. A word of advice though is to shake it well. I feel full and ok today b/c of these two items. I love Unjury. I had also sent away to Barriatric Eating for a sampler pack to just try them out and I am so glad I did b/c there were some big name samples in the bag that I couldnt have choked down even if I were starving! lol Seriously I am so glad I did this ahead of time. It was $60.00 and came with her book, a shaker bottle and numerous shakes, some to mix and a few premixed. I am keeping track of the good ones. If you want to know what I think of certain ones ask me. My plan afterward is to try to eat like a gastric bypass patient for as long as I can to try to lose as much upfront as possible. Then move on from there. Anyway, I just had to share wiht you this great product and if you're on the fence about ordering dont be, its great. poodles
  3. poodles.me

    Going through or considering divorce?

    Hello, I'm really glad you started this thread too. And before I forget Boo Boo...he is a jerk for that. I completely understand. I have been married 12 years, together almost 20. In all honesty it's been a horrible marriage. He doesn't cheat (that I know about, I also don't look very hard) but does spend most of his time at work so who knows. He is emotionally unstable and you just never know when he'll be pissed at something. And when that happens look out. He's pissed for hours with all that comes with it. I have no insurance without him and I also have no income on my own. I am so tired all the time and in pain b/c of my knees etc. that I don't believe that I could work anyway and support myself and my two girls. Of coure I'd have child support but that would only take me so far and I couldnt live on it thats for sure. I feel very trapped and isolated so I stay. I stay for the girls so that they can have a better life but some days I wonder what determines better. Is it better for them to be here with us and the tension and outbursts from him or be in some apartment alone with me not even being able to afford to buy them what they need. I do know that this surgery will end up being the crossroads for us. Without a doubt I know that. I just want some energy and hope. Hope for all that is involved. Thanks for starting this thread and listening. I'm all ears and open to chatting further if anyone wants, either here or private. Poodles
  4. Mine is 3 shakes plus a small meal. I am now eating the left over salad I made for dinner. At least its something and in comparison to what you described its excellent. Did you have to lose weight before the surgery? I wonder why different Dr.'s have such different diets.
  5. Thanks for the sympathy... I'm doing the same thing and trying to read the boards etc. to stay occupied. Get this...I know its in my head b/c we're watching the Grinch right now,,,,I was feeling hungry and sad when they talked about the roast beast, that is crazy! It's so hard. I also have no support from my husband. He has made it clear that he doesnt mind if I do this but it can in no way effect him. He has no plans to not eat in front of me etc. and I am still expected to cook etc....soooooo,,,now I am also feeling sorry for myself on top of hungry....:tounge_smile:
  6. Oh, my goodness this is going to be harder than I thought. I think trying to do this right at the holidays is like extra torture...I just made Cookies with my daughter and ate some..I'm really hungry today for some reason. I am almost in tears and its only day 2. I think if it were a normal work week etc. then it would be easier to distract myself. We're having a blizzard right now and watching movies... AH!!! what do I do?
  7. Of course! How's the weather in KY? I did ok on the pre-op yesterday b/c I was busy with xmas shopping all day but today we're getting snowed in and I'm hungry ;( Jelllo time! What is your pre-op diet like? Mine is 3 shakes and 1 meal.
  8. Yes I am being banded on the 30th too! I'd love to keep in touch and compare experiences. Are you on your pre-op yet? Ugh.. Poodles
  9. Hello, I am Poodles. I am 44 years old, I live in New England. I am a mom and I currently work from home -which puts me wayyy to close to the fridge daily-- I am 5'7" and as of this morning I weighed in at 257. I want to lose at least 100lbs. I am very motivated and have even started my pre-op diet early to get a jump start. If there is anyone who is interested in being my buddy I'd really like that. P
  10. Sue - Well, I'll be 45 very soon so you're not that far off. :shades_smile: The lap band is my birthday and x-mas gift to myself! My email address is poodles.me@gmail.com I am so happy that you both responded to be my buddy. I feel very lucky!
  11. Hello Mgirl, Thanks a bunch for offering....how do you feel 5 weeks out? Do you want to share your story? I have a ton of questions and could just write one after the other but that might be little annoying..lol Should we exchange emails? Mine is poodles.me@gmail.com feel free to write me there if you prefer. Thanks, P
  12. I am also wicked snappy at everyone. I wonder if its not withdrawal too. Of course injesting only 800 or so calories will probalby do it as well, but I wonder about the carb connection. How does the all liquid work? I might try it for the next week. I am really motivated to lose as much as I an up front to jumpstart things. Can you share your diet/day with me?
  13. Can I share with you all, hopefully one of my last, fat girl embarrassing situations? No one would get the magnitude of this unless they've had similar things happen. We lost power at our home due to the ice storm. It took me by surprise, it shouldn't have but it did. I wasn't prepared for crisis with my home, children etc. but also with my food plan and eating. Lesson learned and I see how easy it is for me to get off track and put things on the back burner when it comes to me. So here is what happened to me. It started when they brought out the very teeny tiny cots that we were supposed to sleep on. I knew just looking at it that it was very flimsy and made of soft aluminum. What could I do? We had to stay, there were people around. The floor was cold tiles. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. Of course I gently sat down and laid down. I thought if I didn't move too much I might be ok. Well it gave way underneath me. I knew it would happen...yes, for real...boom...now I'm on the floor and to make matters worse, I cant get up b/c of knees/hips and huge butt...I finally get up and get a new cot, praying not too many saw me/heard me...right. Unbelievably it happens again before morning. I am really embarrassed at this point. I have been heavy for my whole life but NEVER have I not fit in seats, not been able to get up off the floor, never had to ask or need any special accommodations. I silently cried myself to sleep b/c I am just not the woman that I want to be or that I really am inside. At that very moment when he brought out the cots and I crushed the first one, I knew immediately that I was doing the right thing with the lap band. I just had to share this with someone. The old me would be sitting here now upset and wondering what I should eat. What would make me feel better. But this time I do feel better all on my own. I am not as upset as I normally would be b/c now I know I am doing something 'real' about it. Knowing that I have a fighting chance this time around gives me hope. Thanks for listening ps. I'm exhausted so if I have loads of typos or grammatical errors please excuse me.
  14. Thanks to everyone who responded. Cheryl - You are having your band done the day after me! We should check in with each other and see how we're doing. You know you said something that hit me and that is - thinking about getting out and live-...I don't feel like I have lived for years. I feel like I've just been sitting around (eating) waiting for life to come to me. Or for something. I don't go out unless I have to, haven't been to a party or anything that wasn't necessary for probably 10 years....wow huh? BUT I realized last year or so that nothing is going to come to me. I need to go out and find life. Right now I just cant. Just shopping for groceries takes a days worth of energy for me b/c of my knees. My bmi is 41 but you'd think it was 61 the way my body has fallen apart. I think that its b/c I am on the smaller boned side than larger and even though I'm tall 5'7" I don't think under all this fat I'm very big....who knows...I've never seen her. One more thing. I've heard people saying that after the band they consider it their new birthday...we'll I'm being banded the week before my real birthday so what a x-mass & birthday present huh? Not to mention that I will be one of the few people who can stick to her new years resolution!
  15. So since finding out that I have my date (Dec. 30th) with insurance approval and all set to go...I have been eating my way through some of my favorite places. Well, I've gained about 8lbs. -SURE WISH IT WOULD COME OFF AS EASY AS IT GOES ON - Anyway, I realized that I need to stop and tried yesterday to begin a modified version of my pre-op diet. I decided to have only shakes with a small lunch and dinner. I couldnt do it. I felt starving hungry all day long and by night time, after dinner...I raided the fridge. :angry_smile: I am so worried that I wont be able to do the pre-op that I am almost in tears. It also makes me worry that I will fail the band too b/c I just A L W A Y S feel hungry. Anyone else like this and any words on how to overcome it? I need to get at least that 8lbs off by surgery date or they wont do the procedure. (policy= no gain at all) Thanks, Poodles
  16. So how are you feeling after being banded on Monday? How did it all go? Are you hungry now? Can I ask a silly question too? Can you feel the band or the port? I keep thinking that I'll feel it in me.
  17. Does anyone know why different Dr.'s have different pre-op diets? I saw mentioned that some people can only have liquids, some whatever they can get through a straw and other like me have 3 shakes a day + a small meal. I'm just curious. Wish I could choose the one that works for me! lol I also wanted to say that today is the 3rd day that I've been trying to stick to the "my way modified" pre-op. As you know I was starving on Monday and failed miserably. -sigh- Tuesday wasn't as bad for some reason b/c I let myself have what I wanted without obsessing and found I made great choices. Yesterday the same and today so far I have been fine. I am eating more than when I'll officially be on the pre-op starting on the 20th but I am SO GLAD I tried this out now and am cutting back. If I had waited I would have been in hell. Knowing I didn't have to stick to it on Monday is what helped me through it. I think we're all different and I am glad I found this out about myself now. Maybe I instinctively knew it and that's what I started..who knows. You know the coffee thing is bothering me more than other things...I bought decaf last night but I wonder if that will be ok. I'll have to email the dietician...again...I'm sure she loves me!
  18. Really? I thought it helped make me feel less hungry? WOW I am really shocked. No wonder I'm always hungry at Breakfast time. One other question this morning... I get up very early b/c of work. I get up at 5:00 and usually have coffee and wait till at least 7 to eat. I wonder if this is not hurting me b/c honestly I am hungry for lunch at 10:00. Any suggestions on how to eat given my schedule? Should I try to hold off till 8 to eat (hard) or should I eat something at 5:30ish? Thanks a bunch
  19. Oh, thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate the input and that you all cared to answer. I can see now how much I need this group. I think I feel alone, or at least I did feel alone and now I don't any longer. I know its in my head and I think I need to look up info on food addiction. I may even try to find a counselor in my area. I think I really need to do that. When you are obsessed with something maybe its time for help huh? I'm so glad that I'm on this journey though and I do realize it will be hard but in all honesty? I am dying inside right now so this is going to be a lifesaver for me. I cant even walk more than the grocery store and thats it b/c of knees and hips. I limp and am in pain all the time too. I just so much look forward to my new life. I went out last night and bought some things that are allowed on my pre-op. Jell-O, Popsicles, turkey breast. I plan to start it today just so get my feet wet, so to speak. I need to start on the 20th but I want/need to start now b/c I am concerned. I am still allowing myself to have dinner on Sunday b/c since I will have just been banded when its my birthday, I want to have a nice dinner now. -maybe a little cake too- One big thing that I have to work on is no coffee. UGH..I don't drink a lot of it but I love it in the morning. -2 cups-...does anyone know why you cant have it pre or post op?
  20. I am finding myself obsessed right now. Thinking of all the food I want to eat. I know, obviously, I have a food addiction, its just what to do about it at this time. I have little support too, from a husband who doesn't want to even help or think about it b/c he LOVES his food, to a good, close friend who is always dieting and is pretty thin right now and is making comments like she "will have to use my doing this as motivation to always be thinner?" what the heck is that all about? Guess I've been the non threatening fat friend for too long huh? BUT it hurts. I work from home so I cant even distract myself from the fridge to much. My only hope is to not buy anything new at all and just make sure I am cooking everything. I just bought a bunch of frozen stuff for the husband and kids incase I don't feel like cooking after the surgery, just trying to prepare ahead of time. But I find myself fixating on what's in the freezer. I wanted to eat the chicken Fettuccini Alfred for Breakfast with garlic bread. Family size! ( I didnt ) I have it bad. Weird how it chose not to rear its ugly head until now huh? I mean of course I always knew it was an addiction issue...my weight gives that away, but in my head like this is so different. How do you cope?
  21. Hello, Well I have pretty much made up my mind about whether or not to do the GB or lapband. I want the band. I think I can work it and my ONLY concerns are the usual slippage, port problems, needle pain and also if I will still be hungry. Does anyone know what happens to those hormones in your stomach after lapband? I know with GB they are literally gone so you are not hungry at all. I just worry about feeling hungry since I am mostly :cool: a healthy eater but a LARGE eater. The other thing I wanted to ask is does anyone have a somewhat nonsupportive spouse? (probably a good thing I am opting for the band too) He "doesnt want it to effect him or his meals or eating habits". No he's not really overweight. He just lost some with not problem like he always does by just cutting out everything....but he will put it back on though. Although he's never huge. I guess I am just pissy that he cant be happy and supportive for me, just for me. I have read a few people on here mentioning their spouses and how great they are but I didnt find a thread with hubbys who are not that supportive. Anyone? I know you're out there.
  22. I finally got my date. Of course its pending insurance approval but still. December 30th or 31st depending on their schedule! I'm scared! Mostly of the fills believe it or not. Needles really are not my friend and especially in the belly. I found out yesterday that they do not numb the area nor do they find the port with the scope. Just fingers and a jab...ugh So ANY words or advice is welcomed by me. My question today to everyone is do I need to purchase any special items for after surgery? Such as little cups, or measuring spoons or anything really? I was looking at a youtube video of someone showing what she had purchased in preparation for surgery. She was having GB so it may be different but I"d like to not have to rely on anyone to run and get me things after I have the surgery. Thanks a bunch Poodles
  23. Since you just had the surgery on Wednesday, how are you feeling? Do you mind sharing your experience so far? Poodles
  24. Yeah, whats with the being picky huh? I mean if ANYONE made me a sandwich I'd fall over! But I suppose this is a topic all of its own....:cool2: Do you want to share what you've made up ahead of time to freeze? I'd love some ideas. Oh, and no Pasta, bread or pizza....or veggies for the most part either. Unless their mashed potatoes - easy huh? :smile2:

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