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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dlmyvette

  1. Anyone know of UHC's policy on revision surgery in Florida? I was banded in 2008, self pay. Starting weight 226lbs, lowest weight 162lbs. I felt great. In 2012 I had a baby and throughout the pregnancy did very well. Never had any issues whatsoever, didn't even get an adjustment the entire pregnancy.

    When I gave birth everything changed, suddenly my and was too tight. I paid to have an adjustment made to get some relief. In 2013 I paid for another adjustment to now begin the process of getting myself back to pre-pregnancy band level of 5.75 cc's. Struggled for years and in Feb of 2016 ended up in the hospital because my doctor couldn't take me in for an emergency adjustment.

    He reduced my band to 4cc's and I still have yet to live normally. At this point I'm vomiting at least 4 times a week, suffer from eating anxiety because I'm always thinking about how this meal or that meal might get stuck. Have been exercising until recently about 3-4 days a week and can't get my weight in check. It just fluctuates constantly which is extremely frustrating and almost depressing. I am so afraid of going back to my 226lbs. At this point I'm 191.5lbs and I do not want to see this number as it is.

    If anyone can offer words of encouragement or advice regarding my lapband (8 years old) and advice about revision surgery (I can't live with this lapband changing on a moments notice, stress, etc) united healthcare covering revision surgery in Florida, they've already said to me by e-mail that isn't a covered procedure but I know there are ways to get this approved. Please help.

  2. When I go for adjustment 99% of the time it's from a PA and no fluoroscopy is done, just add liquid or take out liquid. I hate to say this, but I've given up on adjustments at this point. I'm a self-pay lapbander and this has cost me BIG TIME. I'm really happy to have my lapband and do not regret it, I'd do it all over again. Maybe instead I would've done the sleeve, the lapband is so unpredictable, one day it's fine, days later very tight, it's just too unpredictable.

    You are so right a small tweak here or there can really make a difference. For me I've resigned myself to use my tool properly and start over again. I really think that's what I need to do. I'm excited that I am following the rules again, going back to what I did when I first got my band and how careful I was. I'm doing that again starting today and recommitting myself to using the tool the right way and stop making excuses. I think the level I'm at is just fine, I still have the potential of getting stuck and having an episode, so I think my level is ok, I just have to get back to basics.

  3. I was banded in 2008. Weighed in at 223lbs, by 2010 I was down to 162lbs. Didn't make goal, but was feeling great and very happy with the loss I had so far. In 2011 I was pregnant with my first child and up to 174lbs a gain of 12lbs, my pregnancy went well, I gained close to 20lbs and lost it in 2 weeks after giving birth. Suddenly without warning my band got so tight I had reflux and could not get much food in. I decided an adjustment was in order and I had my band adjusted (unfill) I thought I was doing great and felt happy that I had lost the baby weight. Slowly I started gaining weight again. It was tough and it didn't seem like I had control over my eating, the band or anything else. 1.5 years after giving birth I had gained 23lbs and felt that something needed to be done. I went to the doctor and adjusted my band once again (filled). Did not see much improvement. But began to get reflux, stuck episodes and feeling sick all the time. Once again needed an adjustment to take Fluid out. 5.5 years out of Lapband surgery I finally feel it's time to go back to basics. Would like the help of other lap banders old and new.

  4. CONGRATS....... I am 33 weeks and I did not get an unfill either I've been self pay the entire time so I thought, if I could handle it, why not. So far so good. Sometimes I notice my band feels tighter or the port site feels a little sore, but nothing to the extreme where I have felt I needed an unfill or needed to see the band doc for any reason. I spoke to my OB and she said as long as I could eat properly I should not worry about unfills or anything. She's the doc so I'm trusting her opinion. My pregnancy has been amazing! No nausea, no heart burn, no nothing..... I feel fantastic the entire time and I hope it continues this way. So far I have gained 17 pounds and I'm 8 months along! WOOHOO! I hope that it continues increasing slowly and I don't gain much more. But we'll see. I am confident that I will lose this weight as soon as the baby is out, BACK TO THE BASICS and major EXERCISE. Good luck with everything!

  5. Hello All:

    This journey is really hard. But we CAN DO IT!!!! Don't dispair. I've been post-op 1 year and 5 months. I haven't even made my personal goal yet. LOL!!!!! I'm about 24 pounds away and I've been maintaining since April...SHEESH!! Today I actually go for a fill, so I'm hoping that will get me back to a better restriction level, I will also be going back to the gym after not being there for 2 weeks (due to a toe injury) so....don't get discouraged, you can do it!! You really can!

  6. Hey everyone...I am new here. Had realize band 4-10-09 and have had my 5th adjustment on 10-23. I have no idea how many cc's this is as my dr will not tell me :sad: The last adjustment was rough and it took a few weeks to settle...what is sliming? I do not know the term....I have vomitted a good bit...and well it is "slimy" like in a bubble...is this normal??

    Thanks for any clues :)

    Hi....Sliming is when you just have saliva coming up and coming up. It's not vomit, just saliva filling up your mouth. Vomiting isn't good though, your band might be too tight. It could be too tight if you feel a knot in your throat, have reflux/heartburn or aren't getting enough liquids in. That was happening to me!

  7. Hi All:

    Thank you so much for your posts, they are so helpful. I recently had a fill .25 cc's for a total of 6.25 cc's in my 10 cc band, at first I was fine, no problems. A week and a half later the band seemed to close tight. Since, I've been sliming all the time even without eating food, just from drinking Water. Not to mention I have a constant knot in my throat and burning so, I'm convinced I need a slight unfill. I'm a little bummed cause I was to the point where I wasn't needing to snack and I was feeling like, "ok, I'm at my sweet spot". So.....tomorrow, I'm gonna call the doc ASAP!

  8. Thank you everyone for these posts. I was starting to think I was doing something wrong. I had a fill 10/14/09 of .25 cc's total 6.25 cc's, that day I was fine, all was well, however a week and a half later on 10/24/09, it's like the band closed itself up. That day I threw up everything and could not eat, I really didn't eat anything in the entire day and did not drink anything. Since, I haven't been able to get Water down. This morning I had milk/carnation Breakfast, a little coffee, then I had lunch, which was actual food and thought ok, I'm doing better, but 1/2 hour later I tried drinking water to start getting my liquids in and can't drink more than 1 bottle of water per day if that. I constantly feel like I have a knot in my throat and I BURP BURP BURP. So......I think I'm going to need an unfill. I'll be calling the docs office tomorrow morning.

  9. Surgergirl...Don't flip out....It might just be taking you longer and eating dessert and wine won't make that huge of a difference if it's every once in a while. I had surgery 12/08 and I've almost lost 50 pounds. I have a 10 cc band have it filled 6.25 cc's. My doctor has always said that you should be able to live a normal life with the band, not give up everything....So don't be down on yourself. I know ppl who had the surgery around the same time as me and have lost double what I have, but I don't care. I'm still losing weight, feeling fabulous and not racing!!!! You're doing just fine Im sure, don't doubt yourself, your band will start kicking in soon!!!!

  10. WOW......CONGRATS. You are an inspiration for me. I started 226 and I post op 2 months. End of this month will be 3 months. I've lost 20 pounds so far, maybe a tad more and seeing your results makes me feel really happy! I see what you're saying though.

    I'm only 2 months out as I mentioned and I pretty much eat anything but in smaller portions. I've been trying to stick to Protein and veggies mostly (lately). I hope I can do it, I know I shouldn't be eating pizza, ice cream everyday, etc. Believe you me, I have....Not in big portions but I can relate.

    Try to regroup. Make healthier choices. Allow yourself 1 indulgence....Maybe ice cream, but make sure it's small. Oh...another thing you should probably call your doctor. You sound like you can use a fill. How many fills have you had? I've had 3 so far. I might go back in 2 more weeks for another one.

    Anyway, CONGRATS once again! You've done great! I think.....That is great news....

  11. You know....I think sometimes our family and friends unconsciously say things that are not uplifting. They don't mean to be hurtful or rude, but they just can't help themselves. I wouldn't be too discouraged. You're not obsessed you are succeeding and doing well. You should feel very proud of yourself and continue your journey with pride. You made a very important step to have the surgery and change your life for good. Why would anyone think you wouldn't change?

    My sister the other day (she's overweight also and trying to get some type of weight loss surgery in the future) said to me....You know...It's been 2 months since you had your surgery and you've ONLY lost 20 pounds? That is too slow and I'd be concerned that I wasted 14K on surgery that isn't working....I was insulted, but instead I told her, well, I'm not concerned. The doctor says I'm right on track and doing just fine. Plus I've always been a slower loser, why should I expect to lose weight so rapidly? From the beginning we were told 6 to 8 pounds per month is the norm....So why now is she being so negative?

    I choose to ignore those comments....I'm losing weight and that's all that matters. My blood pressure is normal and I'm wearing clothes I wasn't able to wear. I'm happy! Leave me alone! LOL!

    So, NO YOU'RE NOT OBSESSED, you are doing great!

  12. Ya....that doesn't make sense. Disappear? Hmm.... Something sounds fishy! I would definitely go back before you go, but be careful, you don't wanna be overfilled on your vacation and have an episode. I just came back from Vegas and I held off on my fill until I got back. I think I made a wise choice. I'm not so restricted either. I had 3 fills 4.5 cc's so far. However, I'm starting not to snack as much, which is great!

  13. Hi.....I have tried BENEFIBER packets, they look like Crystal light single packets and I pour one of those in my Protein Shakes or in a bottle of Water mixed with ice tea and can't tell, plus it keeps me going regularly. I do about 2 per day. However you wanna gauge yourself and see if it has you going too loosely, if so, bring it down to 1 a day. Sometimes I stop for a little bit and if things start slowing down, I start back up again.

  14. Hi. My doctor in Florida, charged a total of $14K this includes the surgery, fills/adjustments, nutrition appointments,pre op appointment, all for 1 year after the surgery. The only thing that was not included was my primary care visits (2), and the tests they had to run for clearance. These included (for me) and EKG, blood tests. I know some people have to do other types of tests, depending on the doctor.

    I didn't have the great opportunity of having my insurance pay for it, it was a policy exclusion. I paid out of pocket. That was tough, but it is worth it.

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