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Blog Entries posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Band_Groupie
    It’s my 5Oth birthday today (DH’s too, sort of). Age isn’t really important to me, but I haven’t been embracing this one; it just sounds…old. Don’t give me that c*@p about it’s not our Mother’s 50 anymore…the only thing that’s changed about 50 is the clothing sizes are much more generous so it's easier on us to go through our mid-life crisis’. I’ve made the conscious decision to embrace all the good things that come with being 50. For one, I’m now officially allowed to dispense advice as an ‘elder with wisdom’ and I plan to. Oh, com'on, suck it up, it’s my birthday. I know it’s a little hard to take after my day of gloating and being Lord of the Ring (that didn’t last long), but I’m feeling a little ‘deep’ today so bear with me!
    After eight years as a Teacher (art) and before my career in Business Process Improvement, we spent one year in Cincinnati where I was the Activities Director at a large daytime activities based Senior Center. I learned a lot from 'my seniors' that I can share.
    Maybe it’s the pain meds talking but here’s what I’ve learned in my 50 years. I’m not anywhere near perfect at any of these, but they’re the things I strive for. I should have started working on this before today, but you’re stuck with my rambling mind…my true friends will suffer through this (or at least tell me that they did).:
    · Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself- Several generations in one part of my family have been consumed by ‘wrongs done to them’, never learned to forgive, and it was detrimental to them. I learned that forgiveness isn’t about the other person (or maybe yourself), or the ‘wrong’, it’s a gift you give yourself in order to move past it and not let it determine your path in life.
    · Life is about choices, and the results or consequences. My kids know this ‘Momism’ by heart…it works when they can’t make a decision, or when they don’t make the choice, but leave it up to someone else..also when they’ve done great or when they made a poor choice. Don’t leave the choices up to someone else…learn to make good choices, but a consequence isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as you learn from it. I tell my kids that I make mistakes every day. The road of our life is just one choice after another, so hone this skill. It’s the choices we make that show us who we truly are.
    · Take risks. My seniors didn't regret the things they’d done as much as the things they hadn't. Some of my best memories are from risks I took; learn to recognize an opportunity when it comes and take it. Physical things like; rafting on a class 5 rapids river, spludunking through a treacherous cave system for 11 hours, completing a 40' up high ropes course. Experiences like; my first trip abroad being by myself in Paris for an entire week (DH in other cities), being the architect for our current house…the house is basically a rectangle, I got a small tattoo with some sorority sisters, or even going on a blind date (met DH).
    · Laugh and cry every day. The crying may be harder for some of you than me. Not a day goes by where I haven’t had a hearty laugh or felt tears running down my face (usually TV). I’m the mom that hugs every kid (and adult) who comes in our house. It’s important to wear your emotions on your sleeve especially around those you love and trust. They need to see your love, not just hear it.
    · Be the kind of friend/mom/spouse/daughter *or male version* you want to have. Show up. Be present in people’s lives. Go the extra mile for them. Drive 3 states away to your friend's dad's funeral. Don’t just send flowers when your friend is sick, take them yourself or make a meal for their family. Hold your friends hair when they’ve had too much to drink and they’re puking.
    · Don’t take your health for granted. I was in my 20’s and teaching aerobics classes at night. I thought some of the older ladies were ‘falling apart’…one came up and asked for help because she had incontinence and couldn’t jump…now I'm her. I remember going to the PCP for a CU and not having a thing to talk about; now I take a list. The healthiest seniors I worked with were very active. Most of the disabled seniors could trace their major health problems back to one single fall. Taking dance classes one day, and never driving and using a cane forever after…one moment changed the quality of their life. Appreciate your health and constantly work towards improving it (we’re all doing it now).
    · Never be too embarrassed that you forget how to play. My Mom will still sing and kick her legs to her high school fight song on request. I’ve be the audience volunteer for the Disney Show and danced with my sister on stage. Play video/board games with your kids. I crank the music when I’m cleaning and dance around singing (badly). You get old when you forget the joy of playing.
    · Learn something new every day. I can’t go to bed unless I’ve learned something new that day…I recently bought a set of French language CD’s. I didn’t know what a blog was 6 months ago. Keep setting new goals. When you stop learning your brain stops too.
    · Keep learning who you are. It took DH and I many years of experiences to realize what we’re best at (just in business). Most things we excel at can be traced to one basic skill. Mine is ‘Creative Change’ and DH’s is ‘Finding Things’. He’s been an Oil and Gas Geologist finding where/how deep to drill, to Director of Product and Market Development for a new joint venture that he ‘found’ the different pieces of and brought the right people and products together. Find your passion and indulge it. It's an ongoing process to keep learning who we are in life as well.
    · Find a way to give back. Use a skill or something you’re interested in and give back to your community. You’re the one who will reap the real benefits. Start with easy ‘random acts of kindness’. The active seniors drove Meals on Wheels to the shut-in seniors daily. Learn how to ask for help too. Remember the person helping you is getting the pleasure of giving.
    · Find the silver lining. I’m a cup is half-full person…DH calls me the eternal optimist. If you make an effort to find a silver lining there always is one and you’ll go through life a happier person. You may have to look long and hard, and it’s not always easy, but it’s there. And stop sweating the small stuff…learn that there are things you can’t change and let it go.

    · Surround yourself with others who have similar values. No, you can’t pick your family, but you do choose others whom you let into your life. Surround yourself with those that uplift you and are going the same direction. This might not be popular, but I’ve already told DD that there are a lot of men out there that she can fall in love with. You don’t know who YOU are going to be (let alone your spouse) 5, 10 or 50 years on down the line. Spend your life with someone who’s got the same values and wants the same things out of life, as those are the things that rarely change and bind you to the same path. I married my DH for his sense of humor (and other values); and he still makes me laugh. I enjoy helping people…I’ve learned that this isn’t always the best criteria for picking a friend…I’ve gotten pickier.
    · Be true to who you are. There’s nothing more important to me than family, but I’ve learned that I need to be the person that I’ve become, not necessarily the role I had growing up. I had an epiphany (or maybe it’s that mid-life crisis thing) heading into the last year or two. These past few years I’ve become more philosophical, more sentimental (my family would say that’s not possible) and more thoughtful. I thought I was becoming self-centered, and selfish. What I’m learning is that I’m just more confident in who I am and what I want. I know my real motivations for things and I’ve learned I can be selfless and still contribute to the world in a way that ultimately gives me pleasure as well. I’ve learned to say ‘no’ (I was always a 'doormat'), not because I’m selfish, but because I’ve learned that I can’t be all things to everyone, no matter how hard I try. I’ve learned that it’s better to say ‘yes’ with conscious purpose. I’ve learned to ‘put myself on the list’. How can others be happy with you if you’re not putting any time into making yourself happy (and healthy). That’s what brought me to the LAP-BAND®.
    Happy Birthday Me!

  2. Band_Groupie
    Today and tomorrow morning are my last days to prep for the graduation party. DD is now home from college and (sorry to ask her) will be helping me prep for her own party. DH has moved most of the heavy things and did all the laundry and the boys have been helping out too. We’ve really only have vacuuming, dusting/surface cleaning, fridge, bathrooms, and some food prep to do. Hoping we’ll get things under control today. I wish I could close off the upstairs, but I’m always working on home improvement projects and no one has seen the latest decorating reno. I completed; the Master Bath decorating (nothing major; paint, new trim, some added tiling, curtains, and lots of accessories). I’m feeling pretty good if I’m sitting and am on meds…problem is I need to be up cleaning and I don't last long; we’ll work it out.

    Everyone is staying at hotels (I just can’t sleep 20 more people here, but some of the cousin kids will probably stay over). I’m also enjoying the fact that I’m having this catered for the first time so this one should be a piece of cake! Oh, DEAR LORD! I forgot to order the cake!!! I’ll be making that call soon! D#*N these meds…I’m brain dead! We also have to prep some meals (Fri.- Dinner, Sat.- Breakfast, Lunch, Appetizers and Desserts for Dinner, and Sun.- Breakfast).

    My Mom called yesterday because they’ve left a thousand messages for my birthday. They don’t know about the LB and I was back in the hospital on my birthday (I thought about calling back from there, but on the cardiac floor there were so many beeps, hospital noises, nurses taking blood all day, and that silly 'no cell phones on this floor' rule that I thought better of it...I'm sure my roomie who got a pacemaker appreciated that). Mom was "WHERE have you been? I've called your house phone, your cell phone..." She also wanted to know if she could come early to help me get ready for the par-tay, so I told her about the catering and how easy this party would be). Complete silence, then “You’re doing what?!!” I was expecting this. Remember my mom is a great cook and shows her love for us with food. So this is pretty much food blasphemy in her book! DH's family have all catered, so no big deal. We don’t need to spend the extra bucks right now with another kid off to college They should all just be grateful ‘the bad cook’ isn’t cooking for them. I’m just going to enjoy it (not the food, remember I'm on liquids, the 'having it catered') as I’ll be working my bum off for DS1’s party coming up. Wish me luck that no one notices that I'm not eating.
    Back to work! Why am I so tired?
  3. Band_Groupie
    Well today is my last day to get help around here getting ready for DD’s graduation party. DH is traveling to San Francisco Wednesday through Friday (dinnertime), which is exactly when his family arrives (they’re coming a day early, but at least everyone is staying at a hotel this time). The boys have pretty full schedules with track, work, and other lessons this week, so if I want anything moved, packed up, leaves put in tables, in other words anything that weighs more than a few pounds, then today’s my chance to order everyone around…umm…I mean…ask for help. Like most busy families we have a few piles of unfinished projects laying around (shelves of Stars Wars toys my DS1 collected as a young child that he wants to box up and put in the attic before going off to college, piles of too small clothes, etc.). I’m waiting for my pain meds to kick in and then hopefully I’ll get busy like my usual OCD-tendency superstar-cleaner self.

    This morning I thought I’d turned the corner. I held off my last daily dose of pain meds until right before bedtime last night hoping I’d sleep through the night for once. It worked and I slept until 5am…not exactly all night, but I was happy. I came downstairs for about 3 hours then got very drowsy so I decided to go back to bed. Then I got cocky. I saw how well some of my band buddies banded this week were doing; heck some of them are sleeping on their sides already. Well that sounded wonderful to me (I’m a side sleeper), and look at me I’m doing well today…and heck, I’m LORD OF THE RING now aren’t I? So I had DH help me and I got back into bed and slowly turned to my right side as my hugely swollen belly tried to flop down toward the bed. HOLY *Insert Catholic school girl curse words here* (we don't really know how to curse so things like 'Holy Sister Arcangela' come out)!!! OK…I…can’t….breath!!! What happened???!! Did the surgeon sneak back in and start cutting me open again just for grins??!!! Must…turn…to…back…NOW!!! *more CSG cursing* Whew! More…pain…meds…NOW! I felt like someone was ripping my left rib out through my abdominal muscles! Pain meds…sweet relief…I was almost breathing normally when I fell asleep.

    Two and a half hours later I’m up…back to being super sore, but up. Now I know why people keep posting that they just know they’ve done something to mess up their band surgery. I’m NOT a worrier, especially about me, but for the first half-hour I was up I was convinced that I dislodged those stitches that hold your band to your stomach and now it’s slipped. The next half-hour was devoted to; I ripped the stitches off my port and now it’s flipped over so I proceeded to prod my very sore left side where the port is…smart I know. I’m over it now. While I’m pretty sure I ‘disturbed something’ (DH’s words), the chances that I caused permanent damage are slim and there’s nothing I can do about it now anyway. See, again I’m my own worst enemy AND my cup is always more than half full. No more Lord of the Ring for me…I back to being a minion of the ring and I obviously still have a lot to learn.

    Now on to my domestic dominatrix duties...
    (Oh, Lena- Spew Alert!)
  4. Band_Groupie
    This is BG's DH.
    She made it though surgery without any problems. Surgery took just under two hours. The drugs are working well but she hasn't slept all day so she is a bit groggy. Her drawing was almost too good since the surgeon thought it might be a tatoo. He figured it out and all is well.
  5. Band_Groupie
    We had a nice meal out for our early Anniversary last night (my 'Last Supper'). Don't worry, I picked the fish and a salad (OK, and a piece of the soft gooey herb bread…the kind that would for sure get stuck) and had 2 protein shakes the rest of today. It's a fun filled day today of clear liquids. I did another anti-bacterial scrub down as ordered and have finished packing packing. I just called in and I need to be there at 5:30am…I hope that means I get to go first…getting excited.
    OK, now here comes the reminders…remember my 5th post (2nd paragraph) HERE…WHAT you don't remember? You know…when I went to the initial seminar…the ONLY time I've met my surgeon…and I (accidentally..it just came out!) blurted a joke out in the back of the class that might have insulted the doc…so if I'm not back here my doc must have heard me…and I'm holding you to your promise LOL.
    Last item…I drew my porthole (if you missed why read HERE)…I decided to add the words "Port Site" around it, lest the doc not get my little joke and think it's a tattoo that he needs to avoid (that'll be my luck). OK, NO WAY would anyone think it's a tattoo as it's so roughly drawn. Add to that you're my stomach is no longer that tight hard taunt canvas I used to have and it's like trying to draw on pudding (yeah, I thought about using the word Jell-O, but even that is firmer than my tummy...trust me, I've had lots of Jell-O today…blech). Now add to that the fact that I need to breath…oh, yeah!...forgot about that didn't you…so my stomach is going in and out. Good thing my boobs aren't huge or it would have been impossible (I should have picked a lower place for my port!). Why the heck didn't I pick a free form picture…and I HAD to do 3 circles inside each other? I DOUBLE-DOG-DARE YOU to try to make a drawing on your own stomach while the picture looks backwards and upside down…common just try to make a smiley face inside a circle…hey, I'll even let you use a washable marker unlike my permanent one (but no do-overs)…now go look at it in the mirror (hee-hee-hee). I'm sending a pic now because it will probably look (as if it's not shaky enough) even worse tomorrow after my shower/abdomen scrub I need to do. Here's the fatal flaw…I forgot about the "blow up your abdomen" part…you know how cute those little puffer fish look with their fins sticking straight out to their sides twirling around as they float along? Then they BLOW UP and they look all sorts of scary!!! I wonder what my poor porthole will look like when it's all blown up and distorted LOL! I think I attached the PIC BELOW. I've never uploaded or attached...only took me three hours from taking the pic LOL (kept me from getting nervous about tomorrow)...and there's me today...No makeup...not sure I even brushed my hair...oh, well...I wasn't wasting my first attachment on one pic!..just don't ask me how to do it again LOL.
    Thanks my LBT friends for being so helpful along this journey. Bandlandia here I come! See you on the other side.
    Countdown...5! 4! 3! 2! 1!...Countdown to BG's Banding!!!

  6. Band_Groupie
    *Portion of Post Deleted for Lap Band Book
    I called my bariatric coordinator this morning because I noticed the post-op diet I received in class didn't jive with what the NUT gave me. Apparently they just revised it and took off fruit and vegetable juice. So, for the first 2-3 weeks post-op the only calories I'm allowed are broth (almost no cal...but the homemade stuff I made is probably got more nutrients than the canned, thank goodness...thank you Voiceomt2002 for the recipes!), and 3 8oz. glasses of skim milk (how many calories could possibly be in 3C of skim milk...I'll have to look that up). I was about to complain that I'll be fainting on only a few calories a day when she said I can add some very low cal SF powdered drink mix to the milk, like SF Carnation (we still can't find that one, so DH just found me another one). I know I won't be hungry the first week, but I'm going to be starving after that...I know...it's all pay-back for the no pre-op diet. Ahh well, I'm not complaining…yet (LOL).
    DH and I are going out tonight for our 27th anniversary, since I certainly won't be up to anything but broth on our actual anniversary this Friday.
    I've been wildly getting things ready today; called my insurance to make sure the home prescriptions are covered (apparently Nexium sometimes isn't covered, but it is on ours), I started packing for the hospital, made a list of info. for DH, scrubbed my body with anti-bacterial soap as instructed, shaved my stomach and I can't tell the difference...my tiny blonde hairs were almost invisible, but now I can say it's already done when they come at me with the dull dry razor (thanks xavier for cluing me in that it's better to do this at home…and I'm coming after you if I sprout dark stomach hairs this summer), and I drew up my porthole picture on paper…those in-the-know will remember I have a choice on my port site, if not read (Spew Alert!!) HERE. I still haven't come up with whether I need words or not, but I'm a little afraid he won't get it or think it's a badly done tattoo and avoid that area completely. I'll have to do this upside down on myself as DH can't trace a straight line to save his life. If it turns out badly I'll scrap the idea, but if I go for it I'll take a pic for you. Off to finish packing...
    Countdown...5! 4! 3! 2!...Countdown to BG's Banding!!!

  7. Band_Groupie
    I can't believe I'm only five days away *jumps up and down giggling*. The 6 months took forever, but now everything is speeding up...super fast motion!!! SOMEONE PLEASE PUSH PLAY ON THE REMOTE BUTTON! OK, that's better...I'm getting a little panicky (go figure!)...I don't think it's the surgery so much (probably way more than I know), as it is about everything else like; 'not' telling the kids (they'll just know it's a stomach/hernia type surgery...I think I'll tell them this weekend), and then there's getting better in time to get everything ready for all the company coming for the graduation dinner on the 1st...you know how it is...I'll scrub the house before surgery, but then there's a week and a half for the family to trash it again (it's a boys club here right now, remember?)...and DH is out of town the 3 days before the event...yikes! My OCD tendencies to have the house spotless for company will be kicking in long before then.

    OK, so in 6 months you think I could have come up with something more clever than the countdown of the space-shuttle to send myself off...phallic symbol and all that...well, it's big and heavy and it needs this giant 'Crawler' to get to the launch pad (at least it fits on it...I'll probably be hanging off the gurney), and it sheds unneeded sections!! It was either that or the New Year's crystal ball...and that's a 'downer' (hee hee)...it's the best I could do this week...I'M FLUSTERED, remember?!! Get used to it peeps...more space shuttle on its way! I'm finally on my way to *Hits the high note 'AHHHHHHH'* Bandlandia!!!!! I wonder what it looks like 'on the other side'? No, don't tell me, I want to be surprised! Now, countdown with me...
    5!...Countdown To BG's Banding!!!
  8. Band_Groupie
    I was at my pre-op physical downtown at the hospital by 8am this morning (I’m so glad I don’t have to drive in rush hour traffic daily anymore…poor DD will be doing that route soon). The physical was basically a huge list of questions and a short bit of the usual listening to your heart, say ahhh stuff.

    Oh, and I did find out that the overnight hospital stay is because of a law here...interesting. I asked how the office was holding up under the stress of their head Dr. leaving. Well, of course that opened the floodgates…they’re all really hurt that he left without a word and many of them had been working closely with him for a decade (they really loved him and are both mourning his loss and are upset at how it was handled). Apparently, they did have to reschedule some surgeries last week, but my doc is now handling the load just fine. We chatted about all this for awhile and I’d made another new friend in the office by the time I left.
    I went on to give my gallon of blood (had to point out my best vein as usual...I have 'bad veins')...

    ...and then on to another department for a chest x-ray (didn’t have to do the EKG since the cardiologist had already done one).

    So, as long as ‘no news is good news’ from my pre-op physical, this long and winding road has finally come to an end and I'm all set for next Wednesday!!!

    (Tell Shel Silverstein I finally found it!)
  9. Band_Groupie
    I’ve been working on getting down another 10 lbs. before banding. I actually went down 1 ½ lbs. below the 10 lbs. last Thursday, but I knew I’d have to face a weekend of big meals and Easter candy with my family back home so I didn’t want to celebrate my goal too early. As I told you yesterday, I ate pretty healthy and had NO candy (very hard for a chocoholic), but I still gained a pound with all those family (high calorie) meals.

    There were many temptations ‘Drink Me!’ ‘Eat Me!’ and I only faltered once.

    I ate a sliver of the ‘Tart’ and I paid for it with a one pound gain.

    I’ve been back on my pre-op plan and after three mornings back home I feel confident that I can report I’ve officially lost my second ten pounds.

    So, I’m screaming ‘Off with her head!’ and knocking another Ten Pound Head off my Ticker.


    Go to the Head of the Class-Trivia Question:
    What movie is coming out March 2010 that relates to my post?
    Tim Burton is making Alice in Wonderland with live action and animation mixed. Stars: Johnny Depp plays the Mad Hatter, Anne Hathaway plays the White Queen, Helena Bonham Carter plays the Red Queen, Alan Rickman plays the Caterpillar, Crispin Glover plays the The Knave of Hearts, Stephen Fry plays the Cheshire Cat, and even Christopher Lee is in it, too. Let’s hope it’s better than Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (not my favorite version).
  10. Band_Groupie
    I’m home from our long weekend. I took DD back to college this morning and I’ve got an hour here before I start running the boys places. I typed this up on our way to Ohio, but couldn’t use my computer there, so here’s my blog from the pre-op class last Thursday.

    Class was interesting, to say the least (read the end paragraph for the interesting part). It was evenly split with LB and RNY patients. We (bandsters) picked up literature depending on which type of band we had chosen (LB or Realize, I’ve chosen LB). I’ll only list the key things I learned that are different between my procedures and what I’ve seen from most others.

    Diet: There is no specific pre-op diet although they do ask you to cut back on fat and sugar for one-two weeks prior. Others here were interested so I did ask why there is no ‘shrink the liver diet’ and if it only pertained to those of us with a low BMI. Apparently no one (regardless of BMI) is required to do a specific pre-op diet and they have never cancelled anyone’s surgery (or closed them up) because their liver was too large. They’ve had no problems with large livers, but she did mention that if you do eliminate most of the fat and sugar for liver shrinkage before that it can help with reducing the post pain/trauma to your body later...smaller liver is easier to move. She couldn’t believe that some docs refuse to do surgery if your liver is too large (I asked this). They are getting ready to implement offering Bariatric Advantage products including the shakes and vitamins, but this is geared more for right after surgery and will still probably be optional before.
    Day Before: There is no enema. Only procedures are using antibacterial body soap for two days prior in the shower and the clear liquid diet/nothing after midnight that everyone else seems to do

    [*]Surgery/Hospital Stay

    Catheter: There is no catheter for the LB procedure (it seems like many others do have this).
    Fill: My doc does not put any fill in the LB at surgery (I was bummed about this, but apparently they do this because some never need any more restriction than the LB itself being placed; no fills ever).
    Incisions: Mine will be closed with only steri strips & glue (no stitches, staples like some have). The strips can come off at one week at home.
    Gas X: It’s fine to bring this and use it at the hospital, but again they say that it does no good for the air that’s pumped into your abdomen, it will only help the gas in your digestive tract (I’m bringing it anyway even if it’s a placebo, it can’t hurt).
    Overnight: My docs require a one night stay for the LB procedure and insurance covers this. The only bad part about this is that you don’t get to do the barium swallow/x-ray test until the next morning…so only the ‘wet swabs’ (blech) in your mouth until the next morning.
    I will get a Doppler test on my legs the next day to check for blood clots. I’m not sure if I’ve heard anyone mention having this done.


    Meds.: They’ll send me home with Rx for a pain med (liquid Roxacet (sp?)/like Percocet) and Nexium for the stomach, no anti-nausea meds. unless you have a problem in the hospital (I’m going to insist on getting something (I know my stomach, if anyone will puke it will be me).
    Schedule/Fills: Mine’s a little different than some. I see the doc post-op at 2-3 weeks and then the first fill isn’t until 6 weeks. Then every 4-6 weeks as needed for fills.
    Diet: Liquids only for 2 weeks (this sounds like the longest I’ve heard, but I guess I’m paying for the no pre-op diet LOL). I’ve stated this before, but I will again since it’s different than most docs plans; my diet past the first two weeks is never to include protein drinks (protein should come from solids and that’s the purpose of the band to keep you full with food, not sliders. She did mention adding whey/protein powders to your food if you need extra protein.). The 2nd phase goat a little confusing as she said that we are not to make/use pureed foods. The doc would rather we chewed soft foods to an almost liquid stage ourselves. I had to ask several questions to get to the bottom of this, but apparently they feel pureed stuff will slip through too fast and leave you hungry…hmm (I get this in the final stage, but mushies?). Pulverize with your mouth or a blender, I don’t see the difference. I told her I’d already made some pureed/froze them and she said to go ahead and use them (hey it’s 2 weeks, no biggie). After that, the diet is the same as others except you can drink black coffee as long as you compensate by drinking extra water, and you can drink diet pop as long as it has gone flat.
    Exercise: No lifting, pulling, pushing or treadmill (hadn’t seen anyone mention no treadmill before) until you’ve seen the doc post-op.

    Other than that, everything was pretty much the same as everyone else. Now here’s the interesting part. She finished with the presentation and took a few questions and then said “I’m sure that you’ve all heard that Dr. XXX has left the practice.” WHAT? HUH? There was a unanimous “NO!” She meekly comes back with “Yes, we were all surprised too, apparently he just turned in a letter on Monday and has gone to OTHER HOSPITAL” (She was obviously not happy and somewhat stressed by this).Dr. XXX was the senior partner of the 2 man practice and is very well known in the area. They scheduled surgeries side by side and did them together for more difficult cases. Like I’ve mentioned before, my docs get a lot of the cases that the other hospitals (OTHER HOSPITAL sent them patients all the time) in the area won’t take (i.e. Hard revisions, super M. Obese, etc.). Pittsburgh is well known as a strong medical city and I had 3 Bariatric Centers of Excellence within a few miles of each other to choose from (and there are several others in the surrounding area). OTHER HOSPITAL is the big conglomerate in the area though that has been buying up the smaller hospitals…apparently they offered him a bundle. Well, all hell broke loose at that point (quietly, but it was so tense you could feel it), it was a mixed period of stunned silence and occasional questions blurted out. I’m perfectly comfortable with my Dr. (the 2nd doc, and I met him at the seminar), he’s been doing laparoscopic procedures for many years and has done hundreds of bandings, and he’s well know as pioneering some of the cutting edge laparoscopic procedures (like the DaVinci robot that is run from a different room…actually more precise laparoscopically than by hand, so they use this in difficult cases). But I’ll have to tell you, that even I was thinking through…What if he needs help? There’s no one there! Then I’m thinking, what if they postpone my surgery…how can one guy handle the surgical load of 2? The worst part was that we didn’t know this before the class…poorly handled. Some people were asking tons of questions (had never even met the other Dr. and especially with an RNY, I’d be worried too!). She offered to set up meetings with the other doc for people who hadn’t met him. Here’s hoping my surgery doesn’t get postponed! The class left on a pretty uncomfortable note…not the way you want to feel a few weeks before surgery when you’re already nervous.

  11. Band_Groupie
    I had an interesting Easter weekend. In case you’re not caught up, we went to Ohio to see my family. We had a really nice time, but it was a smaller crowd…just my folks and two of my sisters/families (I have 4 siblings)…and one of those sisters/family I only saw on Sunday evening as they were returning from Spring Break in Florida.
    The interesting part was the ‘food’ aspects. I wasn’t expecting what I got, partly because I knew that Mom and the one sister who was around all weekend have been enrolled in Weight Watchers for several months now. Sure, I was expecting Easter candy, but I became acutely aware of how much of our family time revolves around food (reminder here that I’m the ‘thinner’/'same as some' sibling of the 5 of us and Mom and Dad are only little overweight). My Mom shows her love for us through food, and let me just say here she’s recovering from foot surgery (still wearing the ‘boot’), so there was way less home cooking than usual. We even ordered out dinner one night…blasphemy for Mom. As bad a cook as I am, Mom is that good. Sure, I’ve been on a myriad of diets around my family before, but I must have cheated around them way more than I realized, because this time was SO different.
    I arrived to find a box of dark chocolate covered raspberry sticks on my bedside…my two favorite flavors together (Mom’s a sweetie)…I felt bad doing it, but I left them there…I had to…no way would they have been safe at my house. Yes, I could have thrown them away, but I figured maybe I needed to send the message…don’t tempt me. I took my protein shakes for breakfast…Mom was up every morning before me…gourmet coffee made, bacon sizzling, homemade preserves and apple butter laid out, croissants and pain-au-chocolat (which had risen overnight…also my favorite French food) baking in the oven, Krispy Kremes in my favorite flavor-raspberry filling, DH’s favorite glazed, and eggs made to order…my kids were in heaven! DS2 made up a song for my Mom years ago entitled “Bacon and Eggs” and came down singing it (his grandmother ‘makes the best eyeball eggs ever!’…fried in bacon grease). I told her that I’m dieting and took out my protein shake to drink…I know she was disappointed and I felt bad that she had prepared all my favorite things.
    I stuck to the protein shakes for breakfast, but we had pizza and Chinese for dinners and lunch at Olive Garden (soup, salad, - the breadsticks, but still probably a ton of calories)…I tried to eat the healthy stuff. Sunday morning I had my shake and then Mom had everyone over for brunch after church. I ate a little of the egg casserole (with bread stuffing, sausage, cream and cheese…hmmm) and some fruit (until I remembered it was sugared). The Kringle did me in though…if you don’t know what one is they’re an enormous flat oval Danish treat covered in soft yummy icing and filled with anything you can imagine from fruit to nuts. My sister was sitting next to me in the family room and commented on my small plate of food. When I told her I was dieting she even said ‘But it’s Easter!!!’ I looked at her and said ‘Stop the Satan talk…please don’t tempt me!’…she protested a little more and then gave up (I get it…I never liked to see someone dieting as I was stuffing my face either…misery loves company). As everyone was later munching on their Easter basket candy I stole back in and took just a sliver of the Kringle before it was gone…I immediately felt awful.
    I suddenly realized then that in the past I’d usually made ‘excuses’ for holidays too…it’s a holiday, a vacation, we’re out to eat, a trip to the family, there’s nothing healthy so I have to eat it. I heard both my sister and mom make those excuses on why they weren’t following their Weight Watchers diets…I don’t say that to blame them, it’s just that it made me realize that’s what I’d usually done in the past also. My one sister, who has diabetes, high blood pressure, and has had two mini-strokes, joined us for our last dinner. There were margaritas, honey baked ham, beans slathered in butter, potato casserole (with cornflakes, cream and tons of butter and cheese), rolls and a carrot sheet cake that could have fed 4x as many people. It was hard to just choose the ham and beans and insist we didn’t need to take home any carrot cake. I got home and found ½ my Mom’s enormous homemade lemon butter pound cake in a bag.
    I reflected on the food frenzy of the weekend coming home. In the past I wouldn’t have thought much about it at all (even on a diet) because I’m so used to it, but this weekend was like a smack in the face…a wake-up-call. I’m glad my family saw me eating less and drinking protein shakes. It will make it easier to explain things post-op since I’m not telling anyone. I even announced that I’d lost 20+ pounds since they last saw me so they wouldn’t be shocked when they see me next. No one had noticed the weight loss…my youngest sister said ‘That’s nothing, I’ve lost 40# before and no one’s noticed…the fatter you are the less you can tell!’ My family is used to seeing me lose major weight though…what they’re not used to is me KEEPING IT OFF!

  12. Band_Groupie
    I started some shopping for pre and post Op yesterday and came home with bags full. I don’t have a pre-op diet, but I’ve decided to do a self-imposed one. I’m drinking protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a healthy high protein dinner. According to my NUT and surgeon I’m not supposed to drink protein shakes, EVER, as they are a slider food and go against the bandster rules of eating solid protein. I’m totally on board with that and actually love that their lifetime diet is exactly what I was looking for, healthy food, just a lot less of it…like I keep saying when I see bandsters still drinking several of these shakes daily years out, if I wanted to be on a protein drink diet, then I would have done that, not the band (one of my sisters did this, so did Oprah…they both gained it back). I don’t expect to use protein shakes very often at all, maybe after fills, but I thought it can’t hurt to do this pre-op and I can gather a list of the ones I like.

    I looked online but soon realized to compare apples to apples was going to take some work on my part. So, I did what I always do, I made a list. The confusing part is if you’re concerned with carbs. With the powdered shakes you need to figure out the grams (they only list percentages) of what is added add to it…like skim milk. Skim milk isn’t low carb, so these powdered ones can quickly become a high carb as well as high protein drink once you add the milk (ie. Unjury). Yeah, you could add water, but bleeech!
    I bought an assortment to try locally. Some I’ve found hard to find in the stores (ie. low carb Slim Fast). I quickly decided I don’t like the pre-made ones in cans…they have a metallic taste to me (ie. Target Brand). The low carb ones in cardboard cartons haven’t been too bad (ie. Atkins, EAS).
    You can even buy some powders in huge concrete bags amounts (better be sure you like it first)...

    I’m back to the stores today (once the snow stops, yes I said snow, several inches...is it April?!) for some low sugar/SF (ie. preserves for yogurt) and low fat/FF items (ie. Refried Beans) to have on hand as well as the GasX and other items suggested post-op. If you have any favorite items, let me know…and if anyone knows where I can get the big containers of plain 0% or 2% Fage Greek Yogurt north of Pittsburgh, I’m offering a reward (my eternal thanks).
    Product Placement/Marketing?! (that Special Dark Hershey bar is calling my name)...

  13. Band_Groupie
    Well, we finally got everything straightened around, work schedules covered, and we're off Friday morning to Ohio (to see my family) for Easter and for the boys Spring Break (they don’t ever have a whole week here, it’s just a long weekend…where days disappear if we have snow days…crazy). I’ve decided since I’m not on a Dr’s. pre-op diet (just my own self imposed one) that I can swing being around the family without telling them about my surgery. I’m taking some of my shakes and I’ll just tell them I’m doing Atkins again…2 of them have been on Atkins before with me, and several of them are doing Weight Watchers now, again. I’m probably either the ‘lighter’ one/same as my 4 siblings, so it’s going to be hard not talking about something that has to do with weight loss, but like I've said, I don't want to have to defend my decision now or talk about it all the time, and the timing is bad with the graduations.
    I just realized I need to get my act together because, other than candy, I don’t have a thing for the baskets yet. If you weren’t around for my Christmas festivities, let me explain that holidays are a huge deal in my family…and Easter for my Catholic family is a biggie. There will be several trips to church, eating of fish, caravans to people’s homes for lots of meals including Easter brunch and Easter dinner. Then there are the Easter bunny things. Not only does everyone (my Mom still insists on doing these for the adults too...yes, even my 43 yr. old bachelor brother still comes over for his basket hunt...you're still a kid when you go home) have to hunt in the grandparent’s house for their basket, but then there are several egg hunts. As the teens have gotten older we’ve increased the number of eggs (but not the total amount of candy) they have to find (or it would be all over in minutes). We’re up to 60-80 eggs for each and they each get their own room…they still love doing it. Then a little while later we do an easier hunt for the little ones. The Easter baskets are filled with goodies and little gifts and I’ve just realized I’ve forgotten to start collecting things for these…yikes!! All that shopping for LB stuff got me sidetracked from life…how dare I think about myself first (I have the Catholic guilt too). DD’s BF is coming with us, so I’ll have an extra basket to make for him now…my Mom has set the standard and turned this into a monster LOL…I’ll be making up baskets when I’m 90 for my kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. At least with the LB I will have a chance to live that long!

    I’m off to stuff several hundred plastic eggs, finish the laundry and start packing. Tomorrow is a busy one, routine blood work for DS1 and drive him to school (1/2 hr. away), my abdominal ultrasound (for the incontinence Dr., not LB), afternoon at the pre-op class (3 hrs.), and then pick up DD over at college (4 hrs.). I’ll try to let you know about the pre-op class before we leave town (and I’ll take the laptop, but my parents don’t have wireless, so who knows) so if I’m not back…have a great weekend all!

  14. Band_Groupie
    DD found a ride home from college (saved me a 4-5 hour trip tonight, whew), so I’m back from the track meet and all packed for the trip tomorrow, so onto my day…
    Stop reading if you don’t want to read about my incontinence issues, yes…again (it never ends). I went in this morning (after taking DS1 to get blood work and to school) to get my ultrasounds done for the incontinence Dr. (Urology Specialist). After drinking the prescribed 32 oz. plus some an hour before the appointment, I arrived 15 min. early as instructed, full and ‘ready to go’. My appoinment time came and went...then I sat for another 15 min., then another 5…my back teeth were floating by then and my eyes starting watering…I crossed my legs and said a prayer of thanks that the good Dr. had put me on Vesicare, or it would have been all over by now. 5 more min…I’m in some serious pain…and then I gave up…I walked up to the receptionist (with my knees locked together) and asked politely for the bathroom key. ‘Oh, but I think they need your bladder full for this procedure’. I glanced around at the men sitting in the quiet waiting room...OK, I'm way beyond caring. I nicely said ‘I understand that, but they are late for my appointment and I have to go NOW!’ (Do they understand that I am here for an incontinence issue??!! What about a full bladder and having to wait longer than expected don’t they understand??!!!) She saw the desperation in my eyes…or maybe it was the tears of pee streaming down my face…either way, she showed me right in.
    The tech lady had a ‘trainee’ gentleman with her, so I tried to be brave. The rest was textbook, well sort of…ultrasound of my bladder (yeah, push on my bladder a little harder with that thing…I dare you), then kidneys, then ovaries (do you know your ovaries move around with age, yes, even without a hysterectomy…I thought that was interesting). Then she handed me the lubed up ‘probe’ and asked me to place it up the vajay-jay (Oprahism). She sought out the ovaries internally…all I’ve got to say is that I’m glad she knows what she’s doing…looking for a baby on an ultrasound is a piece of cake compared to finding ovaries that are no longer where they are supposed to be (I think mine were touching...awww, cute). Even looking at the screen it all looked like fog to me…no dark spots, no light spots. Don’t you always try to read the tech’s face just to know that they didn’t find something bad? Am I the only one who thinks I’ll be watching the tech’s face and they’ll gasp when they find the 70 lb. tumor (that’ll explain the weight gain anyway). Sometimes I can even get something out of them…this one wasn’t budging, not a thing…I even pulled the ‘I’m having abdominal laparoscopic surgery in less than 2 weeks.’ Nothing…no indication…I’ll get the results by Monday. I’ll try to post about my pre-op visit today this weekend…it was…interesting.

  15. Band_Groupie
    Well, as you know, yesterday was one awesome day! I want to capture the details of what happened here (and there are some ‘points for learning’ for you newbies…if I didn’t scare you off yesterday). Let me unravel my story...(K)nitty gritty...unravel....moving right along....

    First, my ‘many messages’ I left at the surgeon’s got through finally and I received a call Tuesday from Marlene (saying Patti was in clinicals all day). We went through my papers again and I asked again if the Pulmonary paper (from my visit in FEB.!) showed up and it had (take matters into your own hands…I’m glad I called them directly). Suddenly, the Sleep Lab results weren’t in my file (I faxed these myself in March and I had already confirmed they were in my file). So it pays to go through the whole file more than once, as this was the third time. We hung up and I got a call back from her saying Patti had just dropped in and she was to tell me if I got all my papers in tomorrow, then she’d call me with a date (so she got that phone message too…I’m probably on the ‘favorite patients’ list by this point).
    So on to yesterday. I was at the PCP office a little after 8am and was taken in. I had a new smiling nurse! She weighed me and I’d lost 3# since the last visit for a total loss of 9 pounds over the 6 months, which was perfect (aiming for 5-10#).
    Then something amazing happened! The nurse turned to me and said “Are you getting excited for your surgery…do you have a date yet?” I told her I’d get my date today and she said “You know I had the same thing done?” Holy Cow…not a big deal for most of you I’m sure, but it dawned on me that she was the very first person I’d met in person who has the LB! I was SO excited! She told me her experiences and must have said 10 times “It’s the best thing I’ve ever done!” Without asking, she lifted her shirt and showed me her tiny scars (the only one that you’d even notice is the port one). She was babbling on and I was lapping it up when another nurse knocked for some help from her and she left me with well wishes, an offer to call her if I had any questions or needed help, and a big hug! Those few minutes made my day! …and what a difference from my Nazi Nurse friend LOL.

    My usual CRNP I’ve been seeing for the weigh in’s was next and she was over-the-moon excited for me! She had one piece of bad news…the Letter of Medical Clearance and Necessity wasn’t ready. Yes, the letter that I’d given a sample of with my information already filled in to the other CRNP at my 5th visit…then called 2 weeks later to make sure this CRNP knew about it and would have it ready for me at this visit (and she said it was already in my file). Well, the letter had been done, but they used their own form letter for this and my name was at the top, but they’d left another ladies name in the body. She was so apologetic as she told me there weren’t any doctors in until 9am to sign it. No biggie, I’ll wait the 40min. (NO WAY was I not getting my date today!). Well, 9 came and went (I tried not to pace in my head) and about 9:30 she brought it out whispering apologies and that the doc was late…I didn’t care, I was so happy! Newbies…I should have had her fax me a copy when she told me it was in the file. Oh, and anyone who gets migraines, I got a non NSAID prescription just in case.
    I flew home and sent my fax to the surgeon with the three last attachments (monthly form, the PCP letter, and the sleep study-again). I called Marlene as she told me to just to make sure it came through, and she told me that Patti just came in to get my file so she must have it. A torturous hour later I finally got the call from the elusive Patti….my heart was beating SO FAST…and then it happened…..

    We were a few words into the call and….SCREEEEEECH! HUMMMMMM! I’m thinking ‘What’s that sound?!!....a fax machine?!...Why won’t it stop?!’ She tries to talk SCREEEEECH! HUMMMMMMM! Oh, Dear Lord! I LEFT THE FAX MACHINE PLUGGED IN!!!! As I’m running upstairs and down the long hall I’m trying to yell ‘HOLDON!’ between all the screeches. I hear little words from the other side that make me think she’s getting irritated when I yank the plug. I tried to make a small joke…something about not obviously not using the fax machine often…nothing, not even a peep (I’m thinking now I’ve made it to the ‘Patients Hall of Shame’ bulletin board in her office). After a pause she goes into her schpeel as I’m frantically running back down the hall and back downstairs (trying not to pant too loudly…didn’t know I could still run that fast) where I’d lain out my calendar with all the events and dates DH is traveling (I was wondering why the fax machine didn’t go off when Marlene called back that second time…probably because it was only a few seconds call…and why did I forget to unplug that stupid thing for an important phone call….then I slapped myself back to focus on her words). She asked “When do you want to get this done?” I wasn’t prepared for that (I thought she’d just give me a date and I’d say whether it worked or not). So I stammered something about “How long is the pre-op diet?”…pause, she must be so done with me…“or isn’t there one?” “No, there’s no pre-op diet.” “OK, why don’t I give you the dates that don’t work and we can start there.” I mentioned the bad dates the next two weeks (which left me with 4 dates) and she came back with a date in the third week ...well it worked, so I’m thrilled! She told me she’d send to the insurance today and told me the nurse would call me to set-up a physical. She was about to hang up when I asked about the pre-op class. “You haven’t taken that yet?” “Well, no.”…they told me I couldn’t until you set my date…no, I didn’t say it…didn’t want to press my luck. So she told me when/where to come next week and I didn’t let her get away without profusely thanking her…probably a little over the top, but…my approval is still in her hands.
    So the rest you can guess…there was dancing and merry-making involved on my part! I called the only person I’m telling, DH who was so thrilled, but also told me he’s not really celebrating until the insurance approval…party pooper (he just doesn't want me to get dissapointed)…God love him, he’s a worrier. So I called my LBT friends right here! Party at my house!!!!

  16. Band_Groupie
    Woot! As if this week could get any better! Break out the champagne for everyone...oops, all you pre-banders (won't be drinking that after LB). I got my approval in about 48 hours! Highmark PPO Blue (BCBS of Western PA if anyone needs help with them).

    I couldn't believe Patti (insurance gal at the Surgeon's office) called me at 5:05pm...stayed late to call me, and get this she was laughing at my screams of glee and said 'You've been such a pleasure to work with!' (Does she remember me- the April Fool with the fax machine screeching in her ear on Wed.?) I kissed her behind on the spot...made my weekend. I'm off to do my April Bunny hop dance!!!

  17. Band_Groupie
    Hef finally called! I'm officially a Bunny!

    Me and about 150 other hardworking "Girls Next Door" just trying to get in shape.

    Yep, I'm a April '09 Bunny Bandster! Our April Group has about 150 members. Sorry, I said girls, because if they're any guys I haven't found them out yet, but I'm sure they're there (Hey, I think the Easter Bunny is a boy!)...not sure if the guys were part of the name vote or not LOL as I came in late. The Bunnies are multiplying daily...so if you're a Bunny, join us, Click HERE!

    The first of our hutch have gone off to surgery this week and I've been gobbling up their experiences so I can be prepared. Most are doing very well, but there's still some pain, as expected.

    Hang in their Bunnies, keep your ears up...

    ...you'll be doing the Bunny Hop soon enough...you put your backside in, you put your backside out...! Ooops that's the Hokey Pokey....line up Bunnies...da da da da da-da...hop hop hop...

    Pretty soon we'll all be eating healthy...

    ...and training for Bunny Jumping Shows (yes, this is a real sport).

    It's great to have a group at the same point you are for support!

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