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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Band_Groupie

    Free to Fly

    SharPei--oooh that's a visual! I was picturing Kate's (Jon & Kate + 8 show...6 babies at once, now there's a real reason for PS) stomach before her tummy tuck...I think she called it "jowls of a dog" or something similar! You look great!!!
  2. Band_Groupie

    Fill #14

    Wow- is that many fills/unfills normal or is this a lot? Hope you're "there" now!
  3. Band_Groupie

    11/12/08 "Before" pics

    Kathi- Sounds like we have a lot in common. I'm 49 and my oldest, daughter, is 21, but she's a skinny mini like I was at that age...she actually wears some of my old clothes from college days...isn't that weird (hey, maybe I'll need all those clothes back...reality check...not a realistic goal)! I'm hoping she's got my skinny ass husbands genes! I think it shows your commitment to try out, that you'll be great after the band. That's so cool that you did that with your kid...is she old enough/getting a LB too? Even if not, I'm sure she'll be your biggest cheerleader and you can lose together! Vlogging (thanks)- I thought at first everyone was misspelling blogging for the longest time! My youngest, 13, just showed me a vlog on UTube...wow...it's one thing to see pics of the underwear lady...a whole other to see them dancing around in them chatting us up! And those head shots from above, OK you confirmed it...don't they know they're on a FAT PEOPLE site? Do they really think they're fooling us fellow double-chinners?...and more importantly...do you think I can get away with it on my Avatar...or did I just "out" myself?
  4. Band_Groupie

    11/12/08 "Before" pics

    On to more pressing matters…I’m nervous about my last seminar tomorrow so I’m being lazy and spending most of the day on the computer. After lurking all over LBT today I’m now feeling the need to take my “Before” pictures or find some. I’m even thinking I might even attempt the insurmountable feat of creating an Avatar soon (isn’t that a Cartoon show?).:angry_smile: Heck, I’ve now got a Blog and I didn’t know what that was a week ago! And BTW what the heck is a Vlog people are mentioning “I love vlogging?”?? I’ll have to Google that one! I’ve found there are very few recent pics of me…I hide from the camera, shove my youngest in front of me, or it’s in my hand…I wonder why. This is a somewhat scary proposition. So…I’ve been perusing everyone’s Before/After pics (wow you all look so different! You know I’m talking about you! What an inspiration!:cursing:) …do I wear the jeans; nope…I’ll NEVER be able to get that pic where I’m standing in one pant leg!:cursing: I’ve got the jeans for 160# still hanging in my closet and they’re not ½ the size of my current ones...hard to believe I was there less than 8 years ago (for the umpteenth time!). Do I just do the face shot…nope; unfortunately I still have a very oval face with a double chin only when I smile. Let’s be real…It’s not my face carrying this weight…I’m a pear and the skinniest part is still at the top, my head. Do I dress myself in my finest (aka full camouflage of the weight)? Or do I let it all hang out (I saw one in her underwear belly fat roll in hand...I’ll cut her a break, maybe she doesn’t own a bikini; I know I don’t!:cursing: BTW not on LBT…we have standards here!) I think I’m opting for the middle ground. I like the ones that wear the same outfit so you can really see the differences…so I guess I’ll need to wear pants I might keep…oh, wait, I guess that only leaves my spandex sweats and a tank…not so pretty…that’s one step away from the underwear lady! But maybe that’s the motivation I need!:cursing: I don’t know about you but I know I don’t see myself the way others see me…while I’m disgusted by the site of me and what I’ve done to my body…I know I still don’t see myself as fat as I am…Why is that? And when I was 70# lighter when we moved to Pittsburgh, I remember being in my youngest sisters wedding and feeling SO fat…I hate my photos from that day. Maybe Technicolor photos will help me gain perspective. So I’m gathering my courage to have my DH photograph me…I’ll let you know how it goes.:cursing: Now I’ve just got to ask…WHAT’S UP with all those Avatars of people’s faces taken from above their heads? :cool:They are beautiful and interesting, but I started to ask myself why? Why no face pics from below…OK…looking up anyone’s nose wouldn’t be pretty! Above- Is it so no one can recognize you? Do they all have disfiguring goiters on their necks:eek:…I’m not making fun…I’m just curious. I’ve finally decided they all have double or triple chins (I’m a double) they’re hiding. I’ll have to keep this in mind when I finally figure out how to do an Avatar…I wonder how skinny I’d look from up above? But then I'd have to dye my gray roots! For now I’ll just work on the “Before”… :cursing:
  5. Band_Groupie

    Just wanted to give you all a little hope!

    Your story was just what I needed today, thanks! I'm so happy for you!!! I'm going to another seminar tomorrow and am afraid they'll also tell me that I'm not going to get approved...I'm plugging away...I think I can, I think I can...
  6. Band_Groupie

    New Pennsylvanian Presurgical

    Shassy- I go to the AGH seminar tomorrow, so I may be using them...Dr. Colella; I assume you have him or the other one there? I'll ask your question tomorrow (if I get a clear answer I'll let you know)...I know it varies a lot here-some say they got a date early and some not until after insurance. It's a slow process and I'm just starting (I could have been several months along if I'd been smarter at the beginning). I'll be watching your progress with AGH. If you're asking for the "ticker" at the bottom of posts, just google "tickerfactory.com" they have a special section for weight loss tickers and it takes you through the process one step at a time. When you're done, just copy and paste your ticker here under "User CP" "Edit your signature" paste it there and it will show up. (My kids would not believe I'M giving technology advice.) Shira- I've been thinking of you. Did you get a call back from Magee yet? It sounds like you didn't talk to your PCP yet about this when you went? If you've been accepted at Magee that's a good subject to start the conversation with the PCP and then they can't argue it's necessary. If you read my Monday blog from this week "I Peed my Pants" (long story), you'll see I was really worried about my PCP as well and she couldn't have been more supportive...I was surprised!
  7. Band_Groupie


    Glad to hear you're feeling better...hope the rest of the family is too. Thanks for the link...I may use this someday!
  8. I'm watching "The Doctors" NBC and they're going to discuss a family that got Laps as well of going out of the country with teens for this. Check when it's on in your area. UPDATE (Teens & Mexico): Family of 3 has lost about 150# in 3 months (13 yr. very tall son). Dr. Ortiz from Tijauana was on with a teen-very tall (I have seen a lot of people mention him here). If I could afford self-pay I'd be comfortable using him after listening to him today (he trained with the Dr. that developed the Lap, and some training in U.S.). He showed the procedure and explained it well. They talked about the foods you can't have...the show had prepped Before and After dinner plates. The after had a tiny portion of a breast of chicken ONLY on it. I was happy to hear Dr. Ortiz correct them...he said you'll actually eventually be eating 1/3 of what was on the Before plate and a variety of foods (not just a bite of chicken). He said initial studies are showing that teens are actually doing better than adults with the Lap. The only negativity really came from the Pediatrician (skinny girl) on the show who said the media is swaying the information on the benefit of doing this for teens. She pointed out that teens need to have some excess weight as they go into puberty and grow taller. Another of the Dr's. did a good job then of pointing out that this certainly is only for those with a LOT of excess weight, not just the little bit you need for puberty.
  9. Band_Groupie

    11/12/08 "Before" pics

    On to more pressing matters…I’m nervous about my last seminar tomorrow so I’m being lazy and spending most of the day on the computer. After lurking all over LBT today I’m now feeling the need to take my “Before” pictures or find some. I’m even thinking I might even attempt the insurmountable feat of creating an Avatar soon (isn’t that a Cartoon show?).:cool: Heck, I’ve now got a Blog and I didn’t know what that was a week ago! And BTW what the heck is a Vlog people are mentioning “I love vlogging?”?? I’ll have to Google that one! I’ve found there are very few recent pics of me…I hide from the camera, shove my youngest in front of me, or it’s in my hand…I wonder why. This is a somewhat scary proposition. So…I’ve been perusing everyone’s Before/After pics (wow you all look so different! You know I’m talking about you! What an inspiration!:drool:) …do I wear the jeans; nope…I’ll NEVER be able to get that pic where I’m standing in one pant leg! I’ve got the jeans for 160# still hanging in my closet and they’re not ½ the size of my current ones...hard to believe I was there less than 8 years ago (for the umpteenth time!). Do I just do the face shot…nope; unfortunately I still have a very oval face with a double chin only when I smile. Let’s be real…It’s not my face carrying this weight…I’m a pear and the skinniest part is still at the top, my head. Do I dress myself in my finest (aka full camouflage of the weight)? Or do I let it all hang out (I saw one in her underwear belly fat roll in hand...I’ll cut her a break, maybe she doesn’t own a bikini; I know I don’t!:eek: BTW not on LBT…we have standards here!) I think I’m opting for the middle ground. I like the ones that wear the same outfit so you can really see the differences…so I guess I’ll need to wear pants I might keep…oh, wait, I guess that only leaves my spandex sweats and a tank…not so pretty…that’s one step away from the underwear lady! But maybe that’s the motivation I need!:tongue2: I don’t know about you but I know I don’t see myself the way others see me…while I’m disgusted by the site of me and what I’ve done to my body…I know I still don’t see myself as fat as I am…Why is that? And when I was 70# lighter when we moved to Pittsburgh, I remember being in my youngest sisters wedding and feeling SO fat…I hate my photos from that day. Maybe Technicolor photos will help me gain perspective. So I’m gathering my courage to have my DH photograph me…I’ll let you know how it goes. Now I’ve just got to ask…WHAT’S UP with all those Avatars of people’s faces taken from above their heads? :cool:They are beautiful and interesting, but I started to ask myself why? Why no face pics from below…OK…looking up anyone’s nose wouldn’t be pretty! Above- Is it so no one can recognize you? Do they all have disfiguring goiters on their necks:eek:…I’m not making fun…I’m just curious. I’ve finally decided they all have double or triple chins (I’m a double) they’re hiding. I’ll have to keep this in mind when I finally figure out how to do an Avatar…I wonder how skinny I’d look from up above? But then I'd have to dye my gray roots! For now I’ll just work on the “Before”… :tt1:
  10. Band_Groupie

    How much longer do you have?

    Just starting
  11. Band_Groupie

    Do you use your treadmill?

    Great idea...never thought to walk sideways and backwards on it! Maybe I'll wait until I'm steadier walking forward!
  12. Good luck tonight Missy, I'm sure it will be great. It's was the only time in my life I was one of the skinniest people in the room...you'll be able to relate with your low BMI...I felt like everyone was looking at me like- why are you here (or maybe I just wanted them to). I'm over 5'8" and I wear the weight well. That's great that you can self-pay! It will take a lot of stress out of an already stressful decision/process. Let me know how it goes! I go to my 3rd one tomorrow morning-he's the surgeon my PCP recommended so I'm hoping it's great (and keep in mind my 1st seminar was pretty awful...my husband went with me and I came away really discouraged...so there's always other Drs.).
  13. Starting my 6 mo. diet on Monday with my PCP. They're not real supportive (sent me the "American Fare" 1200 & 1400 cal. diets with sample menus for a week, that's it). So I thought I'd put together a form for each visit to fill out (I've read that insurance doesn't just want a summary, they want to see that you've had education/dialogue about diet & exercise each time. Did you use a form or have suggestions on what needs to be documented besides my weight? Thanks all!
  14. Band_Groupie

    Do you use your treadmill?

    We bought ours about a year ago for about $1000 at Costco...even has the built in TV, which helps the time go faster. I used it a lot when we first got it and was on the Alli diet/pills and I lost a bunch of weight. I haven't used it in about 4 mo. as the osteoarthritis in my back flared. I told myself I couldn't, but you can set the thing at a snails pace so I know I could have walked some...the truth was I'd started to gain some weight back and I lost motivation. I've started using it again this week as I'm starting the 6 mo. diet. I used to teach exercise classes, yes me-LOL, so I know the treadmill is one of the best options for heavy people (easy on the joints to walk). Craig's list is a perfect idea!
  15. Band_Groupie

    11/10/08 I peed my pants!

    I'm glad others are laughing along with me! It certainly helps in this crazy process...I can now say I've never been on a "harder" diet when you include all the insurance crud. I wish we could afford to self-pay...one in college and my second going next fall...just not an option now...and if I wait until my third is out of college...wow, that's 10 MORE YEARS at least, Yikes! ddodgens- Way to go...45 lbs in less than 4 months!!!
  16. Here's the form I used. It's a combination of the ones I've received and input here. My PCP said I don't need to do the daily log, she's never had insurance ask for it, so I'll be taking that off. *I took out some lines for writing, but you'll get the idea...insurance wants to see that you are being EDUCATED on more than just diet, so have them take good notes (Bottom section-we discussed my family history this month and how important that is to be aware of, and I typed a list of my family history to include). DIET & EXERCISE PLAN FOR PATIENT: _____________________________ DOB______________ Visit #: __________ Date: ______________ Current Weight lbs.: __________ - GOALS ACHIEVED FROM _____/_____/_____ : - Patient Self Assessment: Nutrition: _____________________________________________________ Exercise: ____________________________________________________ Sleep: ___________________________________________________ Accountability: _______________________________________________________ - GOALS FOR NEXT MONTH: Nutrition: Pt. to Follow ____________ Calorie Diet Fluid: No Caffeine, No Carbonation, No Calories, Between meals only Quality: Emphasize Protein, Low Sugar, Low Fat Regularity: 3 meals per day, Eat every 4-5 Hours, No grazing, Slow meal down to 20-30 min. [*]Exercise: Pt. to Exercise at least ______________ Min. per Week sleep Pt. to Achieve 7-9 Hours per Night [*]Accountability: Keep Food/Activity/Sleep Log Support Education Stress Reduction - COMMENTS ON PATIENT’S PROGRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ - OBESITY HEALTH EDUCATION/GOALS-Post surgery, behavior changes, history, comorbidities, etc.: ___________________________________________________________________________ MD Signature ____________________________________________________
  17. Hey Missy! And hello Cincy (my husband grew up in Anderson and we lived in Mt. Washington for a year). Good luck on your start! I'm also a low BMI and I made lots of mistakes jumping into the process. I only researched this a few months before I started and I should have spent longer. ie. I found out about the 6 mo. diet, so I started that with my PCP before my first seminar...I had just lost a bunch of weight so I was 1 pound below the 35 BMI, so I had to "start over" a month later with a heavier weight...I made things way harder than they had to be! (same goes if you're a few pounds from the 40 BMI). I also had only heard of the top 4 comorbidities that my insurance listed as examples so I put almost nothing down in that column at the seminars (so I wasn't considered a great candidate to them). I've since found out I have many comorbidities (ie. Asthma...diagnosed with adult onset a few years ago...who knew this is obesity related!). So start slowly and make sure you've got plenty of ammo for insurance, it will make the rest of this process easier! I'm sure you've got lots of hospitals to chose from there so if you're not comfortable at this seminar...go to a different one. The 2 I've attended were like night and day!
  18. Band_Groupie

    Scared and Confused

    Hey Pezo! I'm a newbie also, but have spent A LOT of time researching this, so I thought I'd share my perspective as a Newbie. First, spend the time to research as much as you can, it's not hard to find the information. Second, share as much as you can. I've found that the more details about your situation you share the better the information and details you'll get back (eg. BMI, Insurance details, specific questions, etc.). Without knowing your details I'll give you my examples...I'm a low BMI, my particular insurance covers WLS bu it's very vague, I only have 1 big comorbidity and didn't know the smaller ones, so I got lots of help here on those issues by sharing my situation. So share and you'll get answers here! I'll tell you that I've got the luxery of many hospitals in my area to chose from for the Lap. I've already been to 2 different seminars and I go to a 3rd on tomorrow. The first, St. Margarets- Dr. Mean was very anti-Lap he even went so far as to say "For any of you with diabetes you're going to have a hard time convicing me to give you the Lap Band." Now I don't have diabetes, but I was turned off by his approach. Second one was Magee- Dr. Eid, totally different approach. He left it in your hands but was very blunt about the positives and negatives of each. I go to the AGH one tomorrow. There was no question after my research that the Lap is the best answer for me. It's about as safe a surgery as there is for an otherwise healthy person. I can follow any diet and I've lost massive amounts on several, so I know well the work that I'll have to do to make the Lap work for me. I just need something to help me not feel so hungry. Now I'll have a sister who is morbidly obese (all 5 kids are actually), has never stuck to a diet, or anything else she's started for that matter. I've kept the difference between us in mind and I know that bypass would be the only choice for her, and only if she could commit to the rules for that. Good luck on your start...and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!:thumbup:
  19. Band_Groupie

    Keeping it a secret?

    I'm just starting; pre-band, but have decided to only tell my husband at least for now...but I'm interested to see if I change my mind later. I'm not secretive about anything, but I've decided I need only positive support for now, and I'm getting that here. After reading about negative feedback people got, I was reminded about what someone said about Lung Cancer patients...we have whole organizations for other cancers and marathons for breast cancer, but tell someone you have Lung Cancer and you get no sympathy...everyone assumes you deserve it and assumes you smoked...many people get lung cancer who never smoked, and no one deserves cancer! I guess I feel like I need this tool and I've already got a taste for how much of this is going to be from MY hard work...as my PCP already said to me...anyone can eat around the band. I don't want a single glance that says I failed because I have the band or I didn't get thinner through hard work because I know it will be...the band is just my chisel and I'm the sculptor (oops, can you tell I'm an Art Ed teacher?).
  20. OK- good news for the day:smile:. My oldest (daughter) was home from college for the night/day and we had a great, short visit. I felt badly that I had 3 lengthy phone calls with my family members (drama) while I should have been visitng with her though. My middle one (son), Senior in HS, is getting inducted into the National Honor Society tonight. I'm really proud of him...!:angry_smile:
  21. Band_Groupie

    11/11/08 Why can?t the Holidays Just be Jolly?

    OK- good news for the day:smile:. My oldest (daughter) was home from college for the night/day and we had a great, short visit. I felt badly that I had 3 lengthy phone calls with my family members (drama) while I should have been visitng with her though. My middle one (son), Senior in HS, is getting inducted into the National Honor Society tonight. I'm really proud of him...!:cool:
  22. Band_Groupie

    11/10/08 I peed my pants!

    I'm so confused...some say not to gain but don't lose anything or just a few pounds and others say they needed to show significant weight loss (one lady said 5%) as insurance wants to see you can stick to low cal. diet. Even more confusing some say you can go below the 35 BMI once you start the diet and other say you'll get denied if you're below it before surgery. I'm not sure how to clarify all this with my insur. co. ...hmmm. Maybe I'll start with the insur. lady at the surgeons office, and I'll try to ask at the seminar Thurs.:mad2:
  23. I'm a Newbie (2nd post) and I need some help (sorry in advance for the length, but I'm hoping someone can throw me a lifeline). I'm 49 and have been successfully dieting for 30+ years...so why am I fat (I'm the Yo-Yo Queen!). My health started deteriorating at age 45, it became harder to lose, and I started giving up hope, which isn't like me. My family history (4 siblings and I'm the "skinny one"), is a nightmare of obesity related issues- Diabetes, Stroke, Heart Attacks, Hypertension, sleep Apnea...etc. I can feel myself "circling the drain". But I don't have a diagnosis of any of, what I'm learning are the "Big 4" comorbidities---Did sleep study-neg., borderline cholesterol, didn't do the fasting diabetes test but reg. blood test came out borderline he did another simple blood test that looks at some number that show if you've had sugar issues over the past month and it was OK, my blood pressure has been high (140 something over 90-96) the last few Dr. visits but not sure what it takes for an official hypertension diagnosis (although I'm wondering if I don't qualify as hypertensive). I've got many minor comorbidities. I've developed adult onset asthma a few years ago, exertional dyspnea- shortness of breath, osteoarthritis, had a hysterectomy and bladder sling surgery both for incontinence which has since failed so I'm currently starting testing for another possible surgery. I decided to "just look" at Lap Band a few months ago. After weeks of research and lurking here I saw that it was the perfect answer for me. I brought it up with my PCP who didn't discourage me, but said I wasn't the typical "Metobolic Nightmare", and he gave me some Dr. names. I had recently lost weight on the Alli pills/diet so I was just under a 35 BMI then and I asked for a diet plan which they gave me. I got the insurance info. from Highmark PPO Blue (need 35-40 BMI with comorbidity and 6 mo. diet). And no, self-pay is not an option for us with 2 kids in college. I then signed up for 3 hospital's intro. seminars in Pittsburgh to find out as much as I can and to select a possible Dr...especially since it's a longer term commitment. I've since found that it looks like most people only go to one...not sure why since each seminar gave me new information/very different approaches. I went back to my PCP to further discuss this and was 1 pound below 35 BMI. I stopped the diet and have now attended 2 of the seminars (I was at a 36/37 BMI then). The first at St. Margaret's (Dr. Means) never even called me after. The second at Magee (Dr. Eid), called and said they thought I wouldn't get approved, but I could pursue it if I want. I asked if I should call them back if I get the diagnosis of hypertension (since I'm thinking I'm qualified by my numbers and I haven't asked my PCP if I am officially hypertensive yet), but Magee didn't give me the warm fuzzies that even this would do it (Does it take more than one comorbidity? Insur. doesn't say so). I suddenly went from so hopeful to very discouraged. I go back to my PCP for a weigh in on Monday. I was planning to "restart the diet" then as my BMI is closer to 37 now and in the seminars they said they need to see some weight loss, but not below the min. BMI. I'm trying to pull together some info. on what my PCP needs to document at these visits (thought I'd give them a form to fill in each time, but I can't find one). Do I need to journal anything? I also planned to discuss my blood pressure numbers and what the cut off is for hypertension. Do I need to be on blood pressure medication for it to be considered a comorbidity? What else can I do with the PCP that would help my approval? I'm scheduled to go to Allegheny General's seminar next Thurs., 13th. Is there something else I need to provide at the seminar that would help with approval? My husband just announced that his insurance will be probably be changing in June as the status of the joint-venture he works for changes...let's see 6 mo. would be done mid May...AHHH! I know I would be the poster child for Lap Band after everything I've read...I can follow any diet, I used to teach exercise classes, I can hardly move without pain now...why is this so difficult? :frown: I need some input...should I just give up now or what else can I do? :thumbs_up: Thanks for reading....
  24. Band_Groupie

    Low BMI - Highmark PPO Blue (BC/BS) of PA, Help!

    Pat---I forgot to tell you...please glance through my blog for today "I peed my pants". I was thinking of you as I added my phone to my belt! -BG
  25. Band_Groupie

    11/10/08 I peed my pants!

    Julie Ann---Wasn't it you who said this process is anything but passive...Amen. The desperate things we do certainly shows how desperate we (or I should say I) feel! You are allowed to laugh...just go to the bathroom first! I laughed all the way home.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
