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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bearbandit

  1. a-newme....sounds like your too tight. I am really suprise your doc gave you those fills so soon after one another. Mine is always a month apart at least. He says if you tight the band too quickly it can cause issues. I would get a slight unfill. By the way what I do is I drink Water right after my fill and then eat a Protein Bar. That way I know for sure that I am not too tight. I had my last fill yesterday. Hope its the last one as I am nearly at my goal. good luck

  2. I have drank lots of different alcholic drinks since having the band put in. Phyically the alcohol will have not effect on your band. My tolerance is a lot lower now so be careful not to drink too much.. I personally think the reason they say dont drink it because the high calorie content. For example a drink that I love is the simple vodka/cranberry. Your looking at nearly 200 calories for just one drink!. When your consuming only 800-1000 calories per day your looking at around 20-25% of your daily calories in just one drink! But who can have just one. Hey if you going out dancing every once in while, go ahead and have some fun. Just dont make it a weekly thing because that will for sure slow your weight loss down. P.S. make sure you hit the Water bottle!

  3. I stay away from breads just for the simple fact they are not a good thing to eat unless its whole wheat. (carbs...etc) I have to be careful with breads and usually have to dip it in Soup our something and chew, chew, chew. for the full thing your asking about. Remember it take 15 mins after your pouch is full for your your brain to realize it. Stick with your portion size and stop and wait 15 mins. Always measure your food and stick with it. Your trying to get the phyical feeling of full instead of the mental. Remember before the band eating until your so full your uncomfortable. Maybe that's why all of us ended up getting a band in the first place. Hey something cool about having the band is I have not had that uncomfortable 'i over ate feeling'. Which I love. Good luck and try the 15 min thing. If you eating with someone just talk or something and before you know it food is really not even on your mind, which means your brain says your full...good luck

  4. Remember with the reduced calories your eating there is really not much waste. Your body uses up all of the nutrients. I didn't have normal bm's untill about my third month. Even now its usually every other day. I took Fiber supplement like benifiber which seemed to help. Ducolax was a good send during that time. Eat food high in fiber. By the way I listend to a conference call (this is my job as I run them) and they had world renowned experts talking about bm's. go figure there is specialist in this area. But they said there is a mis-conception that 'normal' is once a day. They said that is totally false. going once every 2-3 days is normal. If you go every day your eating a lot more than you should, hence the waste you have to get rid of everyday. Make sense to me...Actually was a disgusting but interesting conference call.

  5. I suggest giving it some time... once your eating solids things will be back to normal. Also thinking you will not ever be able to eat or drink certain things is totally incorrect. I can eat and drink everything I used to but in smaller quanities. Hang in there and once you get some calories in you things will look and feel better. Good luck.

  6. its impossible to stretch your pouch by drinking Water. The water will pass directly through your pouch and band into your stomach. The only time you will need to worry about stretching your pouch is if you are eating dense foods such as chicken and eat way too much, then you can stretch you pouch. This is because the food does not immediately pass through to the stomach it stays in you pouch until it is digested enough to pass through. Just remember the band is there to simply slow down food from passing through to your stomach, if the band cant slow it down then it passes right through.

  7. I use Isopure pure Protein creamy vanilla. I mix it with light vanilla soymilk. After my workouts I consume a recovery shake. Isopure 2 scoops, silk soymilk vanilla(8-10 oz), 1 bananna, and a handful of ice. I also always add another fruit like frozen blueberries and recently tired frozen mango with taste really good. I think this shake taste fantastic just like a smoothy you get at the mall. Always mix your Protein Shake with non fat milk or soymilk. that will for sure help with the taste...good luck...

  8. Just give it some time I was the same way. Eventually the energy will come back and you will be bouncing off the walls. When you drastically reduce calories your metabolism slows to a crawl. Your body will eventually get use to it and the metabolism will go back up thus giving you energy.

  9. Your weight will vary by 2-3 lbs everyday... there is a lot of reasons for this. The main one is hydration. If you worked out the day before your muscle's will take on the Fluid therefore you weigh more. Going to the bathroom will cause a little of diffence but not much at all. Keep in mind you most likely are putting mucsle on. Which most likely explains the sudden gain. Everybody puts muscle on at different rates. Some in big chunks and some in small amounts. You have lost a lot of weight so you know what your doing. Here is my suggestion: Put that scale away. Stop the scale watching and enjoy your new body and life. My philosophy is who cares how many pounds you weigh on any given day. Its the way I look in the mirror and the way I feel. Just keep on eating healthy and working out and you will be fine. :thumbup:

  10. Thats a really hard question since everybody is different. For me personally the starvation issue resolved itself which was the first month or so. I gave my body what it needed based on how I felt. As time went on the more exercise I did the more food I needed. I always ate the correct things so gaing weight back has never been an issue. I am now 223 and training for my first marathon. the last 10lbs is the hardest to lose. I can now run 8 miles with realitve ease. So my biggest problem now is makeing sure I get enough calories during my workout days. Bottom line is if you weigh yourself and you weigh the same for a couple of weeks tweek your diet or exercise more. As a rule of thumb I would increase my exercise and increase my food a little bit. On a day that I run I consume about 1500-2000 calories. but keep in mind that is after I burn 1200 calories. (which means I need to consume about 3000 total)Believe it or not when you eat healthy low fat foods consuming 3000 calories is really hard to do. But thats the life of being a runner. PS. Here is my advise to you. Stop scale watching. Here is a good goal. Weigh yourself every 2-4 weeks. Then make your adjustments based on that. Good luck. :thumbup:

  11. For the person above this post...If you cant eat meat you too tight....Using Protein Shakes to get your Protein is not a good thing...Animal protein is the way to go....I suggest actually getting a slight unfill. Eating meat should not be an issue. Make sure your eating enough...every 3 hours is what I do....You might just be in starvation mode thats why weight loss is slow on non-existant.....I also eat when I am stressed but change things up...try hitting the gym instead...good luck

  12. I sat down with my nine year old daughter and showed her pictures and diagrams of what a lapband was. As for the reasons I simply told her it was because I was very unhealthy and I wanted to make sure I was around to watch you grow up. She understood it.

  13. I agree you are too tight. Get a slight unfil and make sure your eating enough. People seem to just count calories but if your getting 600-700 thats not enough. You put your body in starvation mode and you body will store everything you eat into fat. Exercise daily and make sure your eating often and enough. 1000-1200 cal per day. That will keep your metabolism rev'd up.. Good luck:biggrin:

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