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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Foxxy

  1. Im in the process of getting banded... and I wanted to know if those of you that have been successful can help those waiting to get band .... I would LOVE to know your secrets! lol :thumbup: I know some of you do some kind of special diet..like Atkins, WW or just simply count your calories... ect. and I wanted to have an Idea of what a typical day for you is!


    Theres no secrets. Just eating healthy and listening to what your doctor/nutritionist tell you. Read around the boards a bit and you'll see. Good luck!

  2. What can they do if you stretch your pouch out? The surgery would have been a waste!

    I had my first fill and they put in 4.5cc. I am still hungry, and I can eat an entire salad. I thought my new pouch would only let me eat small portions. I usually eat a chicken breast, broccoli and carrots for dinner. I am full, but I am surprised how much I eat. If I eat less then I am hungry. I am very frustrated!

    Not a waste, it happens. It can happen to gastric bypass patients too, look at Carnie Wilson. Anyhow. they would have to check via xray to make sure. When you eat alot even after you really are full there is the chance you can stretch it. but it sounds like you just may need more restriction. Talk to your doc and see what he thinks.

  3. Yes. Yesterday was the first time I really realized how much, but its all gravy to me. My BF took me and my son out for Chinese food for Valentine's dinner and I ordered the shrimp with pea pods, normally I can clear 2/3rd of the the plate, last night I think I had like 6 bites and I couldn't eat anymore. It was a bitter sweet moment because I've found restriction and because I really wanted to eat more!! But I stopped. The psychological aspect of it is sloooooooowly coming around for me. It's hard, really hard because I still think I can eat alot, but I've been trying to listen to my stomach rather than my head and stopping when Im full.

  4. ValJean & Abbypoo

    Thank you BOTH so much for your recommendations. I have an appointment for Monday with Synchrony Health Chicago... I hope it works out. I've heard A LOT of good things about them so here's hoping I agree. :biggrin:

    And thanks for the support... I too didn't understand where the aggressive comment came from but that's OK I know from past experience in this forum that pretty much everyone here is super nice and helpful. I still come back and love everyone here.

    How's the LAP-BAND® working out for you guys? I'm about 5 lbs shy from hitting 60lbs... I was banded in June/2009 so I'm SUPER excited.

    Hey!! I just had my first appt this past monday and I am so glad I did. Dr. Watkins is very nice as well as the ladies there. I wasn't getting fills at my previous dr and was not very successful so I decided to find somewhere else and Im happy I chose them. Hope to see you at the support groups one day!! :thumbup:

  5. Good Luck!!!

    I just had my 3rd fill Friday and I can DEFINITELY tell the difference! My portions and choices have changed more in the last 4 days than they have in 4 months! It's Crazy! Fingers crossed for you!!!!!

    :thumbup:OH MY LANTA!!! You said it! I had my 3rd fill yesterday, switched drs cuz mine former dr was bein stingy, and I think I'm finally gonna be able to use this dang thing!! LOL!! I actually felt it tighten when the dr gave me my fill. It put a smile to my band! LOL! Hope it goes well for you all!

  6. I did. I cheated on day three because I was so effin hungry. I boiled lentils and then blended it to a paste, put it through a seive then added more chicken broth. Not like this was a big deal, but when I drank it, I thought I was gonna pass out because it got stuck and made me so nauteous. I didn't do nothing after that because I was too scared. I know how hungry you get but just try to stick it out a bit longer, you'll be ok!

  7. I had to go tothe surgeon yesterday for a Fluid check to see if the band was leaking, which it is not thank god!!

    He added 1c to bring me to 5- last night and today i am drinking just fluids but they are going down very slow -- i have to wait a good 10-15 min between every 2 sips or so... no vomiting, no nausea -- just wondering if this is normal to feel? cant imagine anything solid or even mushy at this point.

    Try drinking a bit of hot tea to open it up a little. It tends to be tight in the mornings and especially since you just got a fill. :sifone:

  8. i think that it is wonderful that u are still going forth and realizing what has to change and thinnk that u have been able to inspire me when i feel what is the use. Best wishes

    Thanks!!! I think that we too often just say "Oh well, the hell with it, Ill do it tomorrow" and then never do it. I have to take responsibility for myself and get off my (not for long) fat ass and get to work!! No one is gonna do it for me, although I wish they could, but Im just fooling myself.

  9. I have gained about 4-5 lbs in these last few weeks. I've stopped going to the gym because I haven't paid, but that's just another excuse for me....IM BEING SUPER LAZY AND BACKSLIDING!!!! :) Im done with it. It may only be 4-5 lbs, but I can really feel it. :thumbup: I've lost the energy I had when I did go to the gym and was eating better and I feel super bloated, maybe its all in my "mind", but its getting to me! So today, Im done with the excuses and getting back up on this dang wagon. I need this for me!!! WHO'S WITH ME?????? B)

    I know that I have a somewhat good restriction, I just eat horribly, and more than I should, to the point that it hurts my port, seriously!! I can't fool myself anymore, and it embarrasses me when people ask why I had the surgery if it's not doing anything for me? I can't take it anymore!!! I vow that from this day forward, no more lies, no more JUNK, no more candy, no MORE MORE!!

    Ok, here goes EVERYTHING...........

  10. OH BOY OH BOY!!! Just what I needed! These last few weeks have been a total lazy fest! I was sick and didn't go to the gym, then my son got sick, so I stayed with him, then went to NY and now Im like "Gym? :w00t: Nah, home to watch tv and eat!" I gave myself til today to stop that, start a new diet and then I read this thread! YAY!! Im down! I would LOVE to lose 20 lbs by Christmas! So count me in!

    Presurgery weight: 232

    Surgery May 15, 2009: 224

    Current weight: 210 :wub:

    Christmas Goal weight: 190 :smile2:

    Goal weight: 140 :wub:

    GET IT GET IT!!! :):thumbup:

  11. One thing I noticed is that you eat Soup with salad at lunch. Thats good and all, but this goes right through the band and doesn't necessarily keep you full. You may want to try eating some salmon or tuna and not drink any liquids for 30 mins. or so. This will most definitely keep you satisfied til dinner time. then have the salad and soup for din din!!! You have to kind of play with it a little and find the best way to keep you satisfied for at the least 4-5 hours. And like the previous poster said, when you execise you get hungry! Drink a Protein Shake before a good workout and follow up with some Water after. Trust me, it'll work! Good luck!

  12. ur impressed with me?????? i'm impressed with u!!!!!!!!! all the weight training ur doing is whats going to make ur body look nice and toned when everything is said...done and lost...i haven't even started to weight train yet...all i've done is cardio...my stitches from my tuck come out on 10/19 and my dad paid for a personal trainer...so hopefully i'll get to be like u!!!!!!!! maybe ur not losing bcuz ur building muscle...my sister has an awesome body and people are always surprised at how much she weights...but she is all muscle and in a size 4...(no surgery)...if ur losing inches ..ur probably gaining muscle which well eventually start burning fat...

    Awwww THANK YOU!!! That made me feel so good:blush:! Now I want to go work out RIGHT NOW!! LOL!:thumbup:

  13. I noticed you mentioned you burn up to 1300 calories a day. How do you keep track of this? I always get overwhelmed counting how many calories I'm burning. Please explain. I also think that it's easier for a man to lose weight then a woman. Do you think that could be the reason why you lost so much weight? In any case congratulations on your weight loss. I'm not banded yet but hope to be sometime soon. Thanks.

    i'm NOT a man....i'm a woman....i wear a body bug that i bought at 24 hour fitness and it keeps track of how many calories i burn.

    GO ON, GURLLLLLLLL!!!:thumbup::thumbup: Im pretty impressed! I wish that I had as much enthusiasm as you about working out! I keep making excuses! UGHHHH!!! I usually do 30 mins on treadmill at 3.5 or higher then hip and thigh adductur (sp?) and at least 100 crunches on the machine and then arm curls and chest pulls. I've lost a lot of inches on my legs and arms:thumbup:, but my belly fat is still there :sneaky:. I HATE the stairs, I mean HATE!! I really have to force myself to do the entire 30 mins on the tread mill. Not cuz I can't but because I get soooo freakin bored! So I go like maybe 2-3 times a week. I haven't gained BUT I haven't really lost in a while either:sneaky:. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! :frown:.

    I need your body for a few weeks to get that motivation, thanks!! Where's the sign up sheet??? :mad:

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