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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mommy0105

  1. Today is April 21st. My little girl was due on Friday, April 18th, but seems to be enjoying life inside the womb. I was 100% effaced and 3 cm dialated over a week ago, but obviously she is in no rush to be born as I am still carrying very high and haven't felt even 1 contraction.

    My first daughter was born 6 weeks prematurely, so being this pregnant is uncharted territorry for me. I am sooooo thankful to have made it to full term this time, but I am ready to go!!!!

    If anybody out there knows of any sure-fire ways to bring about labor, let me know (Yes, I have already tried the sex thing...)


  2. While I never reched the point of needing a total unfill, I did experience bouts of not being able to eat . If it went on for too long and I couldn't get to the surgeon right away, I tried to fill up with liquid calories. I drank a lot of Ensure and Boost drinks to tide me over. I know they shouldn't be "the answer", but I figured it was better than McDonald's milkshakes and ice cream all day long.

    I would talk to your OB and nutritionist at your surgeon's office for medically sound advice though. I'm sure they can give you better alternatives to help your pregnancy be as healthy for you and your baby as possible.

    Best of luck to you.

  3. My port is definitely noticeable. I want to say that it became that way at around the 6-7 month stage. My family members that know I had surgery are grossed out by it, but for those that don't know - they are quite exctited to feel "a little foot" or something.

    I do have to say, that when it first began petruding, I was quite tender in the surrounding area, but I have gotten used to it and it doesn't really aggrivate me as often now. My daughter does, however, like to make herself comfy on my right upper quadrant - so not only is she constantly in my ribs, she is right by my port - which I am sure adds to the "little foot" petruding !!!

  4. I totally agree that each person is different. If you are able to tolerate the saline, I don't see any reason for an unfill. I went through my entire 1st trimester without an adjustment, but at around 5 months or so, I started having a lot of trouble keeping food (of any type) down. I was vomiting several times during a meal and began losing weight which prompted me to make an appointment. At the appointment, I actually asked for a total unfill, but my Dr. convinced me to only take out something like .06. I noticed immediate relief and was able to eat properly once again for quite a while. I did have to go in for one more adjustment when I hit the third trimester. She removed something like .04 at that appointment and I have been fine since.

    I am due in 2 more days and gained a total of 30 lbs with this pregnancy.

    Good luck to you!!!!

  5. I didn't use Dr. Roslin, but I did use Dr. Kurian when she was part of his group a Lenox Hill Hospital. I was always very pleased with the care I got from Dr. Kurian. The office staff in Dr. Roslin's office was ALWAYS very warm and friendly.

    While I can't speak personally of Dr. Roslin, I have heard a lot of good things about him, so you should be in good hands if you decide to go with him.

    If you are interested in keeping your options open though, I would HIGHLY suggest you check out the doctors who are part of the NYU team... Dr. Fielding, Dr. Ren, and MY FAVORITE... Dr. Kurian. They are truly some of the best bariatric surgeons (specifically for the lap band) nationwide, so I would encourage you to meet with them.

    Good luck to you!!!

  6. I can relate to many of the things you are going through.

    My daughter, who just turned 3, was born prematurely (2 months) as well. I had been diagnosed with oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) during my 5 month sonogram. I was put on bedrest and had to have transfusions of saline to supplement my Fluid when I was really low. Before my daughter, I also experienced 2 miscarriages and thought I would have trouble sustaining a pregnancy at all.

    I had my lap band surgery 18 months after my daughter was born and went from 238 lbs to 144 lbs in just over a year. I was 9 lbs from goal weight when I found out I was pregnant with baby #2 who is due in April.

    I had mixed feelings about being pregnant at first. I worried whether or not I would have another high-risk pregnancy. I also worried about ending up right back where I started (pre-band).

    I am just about 7 months pregnant now. To this point, all things have gone wonderfully. I think that starting this pregnancy over 70 lbs lighter has been a big help. Because my body was in better shape, I truly feel it has had a direct correlation with a healthier pregnancy. Because of my history, I do have monthly sonograms. All have been normal and baby is doing fine. I feel great too.

    My band was loosened during the first tri-mester and the food just seemed to slide down like the old days. So far I have gained 8-9 lbs total (on track with my OB's recommendations) I will say that I have recently started having random days where it is difficult to keep all that I eat down. It has nothing to do with what or when I eat. I actually think it has to do with the position of the baby, because one minute I can eat as if I was never banded and the next minute I feel it in my throat after only a tiny bite of something.

    I did speak to my OB and surgeon, and both feel that it is nothing to worry about unless I start to lose weight or experience it on a regular basis. As I progress in my pregnancy, I may get a total unfill just to be safe though.

    Good luck to you, and don't worry. Even if you do gain weight, you have a great tool to help you lose it again!!!!!

  7. I was originally taking ProCare with DHA, but I soon started having trouble tolerating them. Swithed to Duet (another one with a DHA supplement, but the same thing kept happenning - pill felt "stuck" for hours and it was a battle not to throw it up.

    I ended up asking my OB for a chewable and he gave me Nutrinate. I am supplementing the DHA on my own (Nordic Naturals - strawberry flavored).

    I haven't had any problems with the chewables, but I also had .6 cc's removed from my band, so that might have been the problem all along.

    Start your prenatals a few months before you try to conceive if you can.

  8. Thanks Boo Boo amd Mama. I too am curious to see how a banded pregnancy goes. Right now I am in the tired trimester, but I don't think it is as bad this time aroud. I used to nap everyday after work when I was pregnant with my daughter (pre band / 200+ lbs to start). WHile napping isn't an option with a two year old, I don't feel the constant need for sleep as I did last time. 90 pounds is certainly helping so far.

    Hopefully things will continue smoothly through semesters 2 and 3.

    And God Bless you for wanting a third Mama. I'm not sure I could handle the jump from playing one-on-one to zone defense!!!!

  9. I did it years ago and I agree with Juli. It is good for beginners, but if you are serious about making exercise a part of your weekly routine, I would recommend against signing a 1 year contract. You will most likely plateau and outgrow curves within a few months.

  10. Just wanted to share my good news with all my fellow bandsters. I am 8 weeks pregnant and very excited about welcoming our 2nd child in April.

    I went for a partial unfill yesterday and what a difference! Dr. Kurian only removed .06, but I can actually eat for the first time in weeks without taking several trips to the bathroom. It was really becoming annoying. Starving all the tie and not being able to eat. And losing an additional 8 pounds while pregnant was a bit scary.

    Today was smooth sailing. I ate yogurt, bananas, PBJ, and pulled pork. Not one trip to the bathroom!!!!! Now I just have to try my hardest to only gain the 25 lbs my OB recommended. Hopefully I won't get too carried away with my new found looseness.

    Wish me luck!!!

  11. Hello Ladies -

    This thread seems to be dying out, but I wanted to share my good news with all of you anyway. I am 2 months pregnant and very excited about welcoming baby # 2.

    I just went for an unfill yesterday. I had been unable to eat anything without throwing it up for weeks and was definitely getting nervous. I had lost like 8 or 9 pounds. Normally I'd be psyched, but definitely not while pregnant.

    What a difference the unfill made. Dr. Kurian only took out .06, but I can eat again. What a wonderful feeling to actually finish a whole slice of pizza without taking 5 trips to the bathroom.

    Now that I can eat, I think it's going to be a real challenge for me to only gain the recommended 25 lbs my OB wants me to.

    Wish me luck!

  12. I picked an initial goal of 150. As I got closer to that goal, I realized there was still plenty of room for additional weight loss. Muscle content also has a lot to do with ideal weight. I was around 150 lbs in HS, but being a 3 sport athlete and having a "younger" body, helped me to look good at that weight.

    Now at 33 (yes, I still know that's young), 150 lbs does not look the same as it once did on me. I have hit the gym very regularly since surgery, but it can only reverse time so much I guess.

    I have set a new goal of 135 lbs and will assess whether or not it is a comfortable weight when I get there! (Have to happily take a 9 month Detour right now though:))

  13. I am currently 5 weeks pregnant. I know that saline is taken out of the band to lessen food restriction during pregnancy, but I was curious as to whether or not this is something that "must" be done.

    If I am able to eat healthy and still take in the required amount of calories without ganing excessive weight, then I don't see why I need to make any changes to the band.

    I am curious to know what understanding or experiences my fellow bandsters have with regard to pregnancy and deflating the band.


  14. I picked "neither" because I think you should marry someone who is both your best friend and your romantic lover... Marriage is forever (supposed to be anyway) so if you want it to last, you should look for both in your spouse.

    I wish there was a "both" option... I would have picked that!

  15. Pacomomma -

    Glad to see you are making use of your Planet Fitness membership. I just joined a new gym this past week. I have been at a lull ever since my daughter started having major issues about going to my old gym. She is only 2 1/2, so I don't want to scar the poor girl. Hopefully she will like the kids and staff at the new gym's daycare.

    Wish me luck!!!!

  16. Karen -

    You seem very motivated to make a change. I really believe it was the best decision I ever made regarding my personal health and well being. I have a few overweight friends who I wish would consider the lapband but would never make the recommendation to anyone. People know the option is out there. To be successful with the band, you really have to want it for yourself, not because someone else wants you to have it done. I also think that everyone is different in terms of "enough is enough" when it comes to weight loss.

  17. The band itself will not take away your desire to binge eat, but it will, without a doubt limit the degree to which you are able to binge.

    Before getting the LapBand, I used to binge about every week or two. I would consume large amounts of food in lightening fast speed. In some ways, I was in a total haze - unaware of all that I was actually scarfing down until I was finished. Most of my binging was triggered by some form of stress and ended with enormous feelings of guilt afterward.

    Since getting the band, I have physically not been able to binge. While the desire has crept up from time to time, fast, careless eating will result in swallowing large pieces of food which are unable to pass through. If this happens, you will be in too much pain to continue binging.

    If you take the time to chew your food to liquid consistency (about 50 times per bite), you will feel full long before you have done enough damage to binge.

    Chewing slowly also helps to calm you down if you are in a stressful state of mind. Rational thought has more time to prevail.

    Did I mention that I love my band?????

  18. Welcome April21. It took me 2 fills before I felt restriction, so hang in there. 34 lbs is something to be proud of. You said you are at a standstill though. How long are you talking about? I have been plateauing as well for the past 3-4 moths I've been roughly the same weight, but I know my gym activity has declined. I just re-upped my membership and plan to kick it back in gear real soon. Exercise is crucial for me to lose... otherwise I maintain or gain. Are you exercising? If so, what is your routine like?

  19. Karen - I just re-read your post and realized you are meeting with the surgeon as well on Thursday. If you haven't already made up your mind on a surgeon, I would encourage you to speak with a few. And highly recommend checking out the NYU practice in Manhattan (they have a satellite office in New City for aftercare). My surgeon. Dr. Kurian just joined their practice. I love her and would definitely recommend her. There is also Dr. Ren and Dr. Fielding who are probably the most experienced Lap Band surgeons in the country. (Dr. Fielding has the band himself)

    Anyway... good luck and keep us updated on how everything goes Thursday.

  20. Ki Karen De-

    I have had my band for one year. 07-07-07 was my anniversary actually. Luck 7's I like to think! My only regret about the band is not doing it sooner. That is not to say it hasn't required A LOT of hard work and dedication, I just think it is amazing at how much willpower you can actually implement when you are full sooner and not physically hungry so often.

    Truth is, I wish I had the willpower before the band, but I'd rather admit the fact that I didn't and find an alternate solution to my weight problem rather than live through one failed diet attempt after another as pounds slowly crept on and on.

    Who have you chosen to perform your surgery? Are you open with everyone about having it done or are you keeping it a secret?

    Good luck with your evals on Thursday.

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