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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mommy0105

  1. Page 2 of 2... If anyone can merge them, feel free. The before pics were taken on 7/06/06, the night before my surgery. The during pics were taken on 1/16/07. 70 lbs down 30 or so to go!!!!
  2. Page 1 of 2... If anyone can merge them, feel free. The before pics were taken on 7/06/06, the night before my surgery. The during pics were taken on 1/16/07. 70 lbs down 30 or so to go!!!!
  3. Mommy0105

    It was the Right Choice for me!!

    Here are some of the others.. Still plugging along.
  4. Mommy0105

    It was the Right Choice for me!!

    2 Sets of Before and During... Why does it limit you to 5 pics? I have my backside and right side to show too!!! LOL
  5. Mommy0105

    Lean Cuisines?

    I eat them a lot as well. the chicken parm is pretty high in Protein (over 20 grams). My favorites are the BBQ Chicken pizza and the sesame chicken though. I used to love the chicken club panini, but have a bit of trouble keeping it down lately. I too, bring them to work for lunch.
  6. Mommy0105

    It was the Right Choice for me!!

    Debbie - I questioned my decion constantly up to, and shortly after my surgery. I was even sobbing in the OR as they prepped me for surgery. I wondered if I should have chosen the bypass instead and I told my surgeon that I felt like such a failure for resorting to surgery. She told me I was making the right decision, and while a yellow brick road did not lie ahead, she had every confidence in me to use the band and be successful with it. After the surgery, I still questioned if the LapBand was the right procedure. I was one of the people who still felt a lot of hunger before getting filled. I had been losing weight, but only out of my short termed will power (that was beginning to wane). After my 2nd fill ( I think it was the 2nd one) I noticed a huge difference. I was no longer constantly starving and fruits and veggies actually filled me for once in my life!!!! From that point on I knew I had definitely made the right decision. And with continued collaboration and band adjustments, I am certain my viewpoint will remain as such. We are not failures for electing to get the band, and neither will you be. We are strong people who were willing to admit we needed help with our weight loss and even stronger people for doing something about it. Good luck to you. Keep us posted as to your journey.
  7. Mommy0105

    Who Did You Tell?

    I told my hubby, my mother in law (who told my father-in-law), my mother (who told my father) and 3 very close friends. Didn't want the skepticism of others. Too much pressure if too many people were in on it. I may share with more after goal, but right now I am content with my little circle.
  8. Mommy0105

    It was the Right Choice for me!!

    Does anyone else have a letter they would like to share? I'm sure I am not the only one who chose to explain themselves in writing. I think it might be theraputic for others considering surgery and reassuring for those of us who have already taken that step. Just an idea... feel free to post them here if you think it is a good one.
  9. Mommy0105

    It was the Right Choice for me!!

    Didn't mean to make anyone cry, but I'm glad so many of you can relate to the letter. Sophrosyne - I'm sorry your hubby isn't as supportive as you would like. He needs to know that this, in no way, is an "easy way out". It is a last resort. My husband wasn't on the band wagon at first either. He gave me the "give it the old college try speech" several times. I think he was more scared of losing me during surgery though. He came around fairly quickly once he realized I was so determined. mommyofthreebs - I am going to try and send you my e-mail address through here. Let me know if it doesn't work. I have never sent a PM before.
  10. Mommy0105

    It was the Right Choice for me!!

    Mommyofthree - To answer your question, yes, my family was extremely supportive of my decision to have WLS. After reading the letter, my mom actually called me crying. She said she never knew how much my weight bothered me (always put on a happy face, right?). I did, however, decide to keep my decision rather private. Only my husband, my parents, my husband's parents and 2 of my friends know. I didn't tell extended family yet. I just didn't want to deal with the skepticism. Once I reach goal, though, I think I will come out of the closet so to speak... LOL We sound like we have a lot in common. If you care to chat outside of LBT, let me know. Good luck with your journey!
  11. Mommy0105

    It was the Right Choice for me!!

    Thanks Ladies. I'm sure my letter could have been written by so many others on here. That's why I thought it was important to share. Funny thing though... I was dripping in tears as I wrote it and now that I am getting closer to goal, the letter actually makes me smile. Seeing how much has changed is really rewarding Thank you for your encouraging words! Good luck to all.
  12. Mommy0105

    More f*&%#ing SNOW!

    Please send some of that Colorado snow to NY. I just got home from a jacketless, 70-degree afternoon at the park with my soon-to-be 2 year old. All she wanted from Santa were roller skates and a helmet. Santa delivered, but we were convinced she would sulk until spring when it was warm enough to finally use them. Little did we know 70-degree days were in store for January in NY!!! But I want to introduce her to SLEIGH RIDING!!!!!! SO please Colorado, send us New Yorkers some snow!!!
  13. Mommy0105

    How quickly were you approved?

    I think it will, in great part, depend upon your insurance carrier and your surgeon's office. My surgeon's office was so on top of eveything that I didn't have to do any of the grunt work myself. After first meeting with my surgeon in April, I was apporved in May and chose my date for early July (teacher's schedule!). I have heard horror stories from other people regarding their approval process though. Some insurance carries routinely look for anything to delay the claim and will give you the run-around when you call. So make sure your surgeon's office stays on top of things as well. Good luck to you and keep us posted!!!
  14. Mommy0105

    noisy band

    what type of noises? i hear stuff, but have always assumed it was coming from my stomach getting to work. ever even contemplated it was the band itself. How could that be? No food enters the actual band. Curious...
  15. Mommy0105

    Considering Dr. Mark Paya

    I don't know anything about that surgeon, but have you checked out obesityhelp.com? If you click on the "find a bariatric surgeon" link toward the top left of the page, they provide pretty good information about the the experience of different surgeons. You can search according to location. I used it as a start to my research. You can compare experience in terms of years in field and the # of surgeries performed etc. Of course, you should still get testemonials. Here's one from the San Fran area that looks good on paper Paul Cirangle, M.D. 2100 Webster Street, Suite #518 San Francisco, CA 94115 Phone: (415) 561-1310 Fax: (415) 561-1713 http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/bariatric+surgeon+profile+Paul+Cirangle+dpj.html Good luck!
  16. Mommy0105

    Mark myself before surgery?

    I agree with DrewsLou... definitely check with your doctor first. I might imagine marking yourself before hand might interfere with sterilization. My doctore was very specific about showering the morning of surgery to help with just that, but maybe the doctor has special surgical markers. My port hit at my waistline, but I do not recall it causing any discomfort. Looser clothing would probably help. I see your surgery is scheduled for the 8th. A very lucky day! (My daughter's birthday) - Good luck to you!!!!!
  17. Mommy0105

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I think I will join in the Valentine's Day Challenge. Since my weight loss has begun to slow down a bit (part destiny / part me :phanvan ) I will aim for reaching the 150's (159 counts right!?!?! ) So my goal is AT least 10 lbs. in 6 weeks. Good luck to everyone!
  18. Mommy0105

    Need Advise

    Just be careful.. It sounds like the surgeon you spoke to favors the bypass and is biased. (Bypass = more $$$... coincidence???) Yes, LapBand is a company/product name. It also happens to be the current leader in adjustable gastric banding devices. There are other name brands out there, probably just as good, but I felt comfort going with the LapBand brand because of it's popularity. What area are you from? Would you consider traveling to NYC for surgery? I HIGHLY recommend my surgeon (Dr. Marina Kurian) from the Lenox Hill program. And just across the way at NYU are Dr.'s Fielding and Ren (leaders in adjustable gastric banding) Both practices have been cited on Castle Connelly's Top Doctor lists.
  19. Mommy0105

    Need Advise

    What was the surgeon so "blunt" about? Did he mention something about surgical risks, or was it something else? If you are comfortable, please give us more specifics. The advice you receive will most likely depend upon his remarks. When I was searching for the "right doctor" to perform my surgery, I attended several seminars for several different surgeons before finding one I LOVED. I debated over having any kind of surgery for a while. Then, once I decided to go for it, I was back and forth, back and forth, between the band and the bypass. I was so afraid I wouldn't lose "enough" with the band. But re-routing my insides and having to deal with malabsorption issues was just as dis-concerning. Obviously, I chose to have the lap band. And I must say, I am confident I made the right decision. I have lost almost 70 lbs in just under 6 months. The band can and does work if you are willing to put in the effort. Keep us posted!
  20. Mommy0105

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hello July 2006 Band Crew. While I am not new to LBT, this is the first time I have posted in the July 2006 Band Crew thread. I just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a fabulously new and THIN 2007. Keep up the good work everyone! - Lynn
  21. Mommy0105

    Just Jerry

    Welcome Jerry! I had bad knees as well. I was unable to do the bike or treadmill soon after surgery. I found the eliptical to be relatively low impact on my knee joints, but it did take me a while to work up from 2 minutes to an hour, so don't be discouraged. I still can't do the bike, but the treadmill is no longer a problem. Talk to a personal trainor. It might be worth it to pay for a few sessions. They are great at designing a program tailored just for you. Good luck and keep us posted!
  22. Mommy0105

    DH and I disagree on weight

    Well the good news is, your DH must already think you are sexy. If he loved and stayed with the overweight you for 15 years, I can't see another 10 lbs. causing a major riff between you. I agree with everyone who says he just needs time to get used to the new slender you. My DH and I have a very similar situation. Just yesterday at the mall I held up a size 4 pair of jeans. I commented on how nice it would be to fit into something so small. He was actually turned off by them, telling me it was way too skinny for my 5'4" frame. (I think I'd look damn hot though... lol) He proceeded to look through the pile to find an acceptable size (his opinion of course) and he held up a size 12. When I told him I was a 14 now and still wanted to lose 30-40 more lbs. he told me he thought I was perfect. Men... Gotta love em, right?????
  23. That really is amazing. Maintaining my weight loss with the band conerns me. It is truly inspiring to see you do it for over a year without it!!! If I may ask... What signs did do have that your band was eroding? I have been experiencing upper stomach pain for the past few days, and while I am trying to convince myself it is just a stomach bug trying to break through, I can't help but worry about erosion or some other band related problem. Thanks and Way to go!!!!!!
  24. Mommy0105


    Thank you for your input. No, I do not have a fever. And although I feel as if I am on the verge of vomitting, I haven't actually done so yet. Keeping my fingers crossed it is just a stomach bug.
  25. Mommy0105


    I have been feeling ill for the past 4 days or so. My stomach (up high / just below the sternum) feels as if I have some sort of stomach flu trying to break through. While I would not say my pain is severe, it is uncomfortable to the point of waking me up at night. I have been borderline nauseas as well. I initially assumed I was fighting something off, but thoughts of possible band erosion have started entering my mind. I would appreciate input from anyone who has experienced erosion with their band. WHat were some of the early warning signs you experienced? Thanks!

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