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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by swishbc

  1. Nicole, did you say that crab legs are the easiest of the crab meat to get down? If I buy some of the legs at Costco, what do I do with them when I get them home? Do you still dip it in butter?
  2. OMG girls, I'm so hungry! You're funny Nicole, I drove through Starbucks and got a skinny decaf vanilla latte and it was SO good! I felt so much better just having 90 cals, a little protein and some carbs. I think it'll hold me over til tomorrow but man, I think I like the morning fills better for sure. It sounds like that's what they'll do next time... I'm excited to get back onto my eating routine to see just how much restriction I have. I think I'm going to see a lot more flaky, easy to eat fish in my near future, lol!
  3. How many cc's did Nicole get?
  4. Hey girls! I'm back for a bit before heading to back to school night for Soph. I had lost 5.5 lbs according to their scale (but I know it's more like 7.5 since I'm bloated and due to start TODAY!) since my last fill 4 weeks ago today. I got another .5 cc fill and am up 8.0 cc's. That makes me nervous! That's REALLY FULL!!! I can totally feel the water funnel down through the band and I like that feeling...it reminds me that my band is in there and that it's WORKING! Yay! Dr. Baggs is going to start doing the group fills every other month now so we won't go back until October sometime. They'll call us with the appt in September. My goal is to be 205 or less before my next appt with him. It was a good class but sometimes I feel like that part with Robin is kinda a waste of time. She's very negative and NEVER praises us for doing anything good or being successful and kicking ass at losing weight. All she does is criticize everyone...gets on my nerves. Dr. Baggs on the other hand is always awesome and so encouraging and positive. He always tells me how great I'm doing and that I'm having very above average results. He said couldn't believe that this time last year I was almost 300 lbs and that this year I'm almost 200 lbs. I thought that was very sweet! Anyway, it was a good day, I'm FRICKIN' hungry and can't wait to eat again tomorrow, lol. Hope you've all had a great day too!
  5. Nicole, I think the sauce would be awesome, but I'd maybe do parmesan instead of cheddar, don't you think? Good idea! Maybe I'll try that next week. I can get together for lunch next week either Tues, Thurs or Friday. Now that a lot of us are getting to our sweet spot we're gonna seriously have to split some plates...possibly 3 ways! :biggrin: I'm curious about how my weigh in will go tomorrow, usually our fill appts are early in the morning. Plus I'm supposed to start my period either today or tomorrow so I know I'm a bit bloated...ugh.
  6. OMG!!!!! That fish recipe is SO FREAKIN' GOOD!!! I think we might have that once a week here! All of you gals that like fish (pre and post op!) should try this. I served it with brussel sprouts but you could do any green veggie. I had 4oz of fish and it was about 220=230 cals cuz I went a little lighter on the cheese than it called for. The 3 brussel sprouts were only 45 cals...not bad! 275 cals for a super yummy and really filling dinner! Here's the link again: Baked Fish Au Gratin
  7. We can have brussel sprouts post-op, right? I'm making this for dinner with a side of brussel sprouts. Baked Fish Au Gratin Nicole, have you tried this one yet?
  8. Maybe you can set your alarm for 7-7:30, get up and have an egg with some cheese on it and then go back to bed? :biggrin: I do notice that sometimes, especially when I have a big workout in the morning.
  9. Nicole (and other girls with fills tomorrow!) REMEMBER: You can eat breakfast as long as it's 6 hours before your appt. I always feel so yuck not eating for 24+ hours, but this time I'm excited about it being a mid day appt because I'm gonna eat a light breakfast at 7:30, allowing 6 hours til the appt time with Robin, plus usually another hour or more til we get in for the actual fill. I'm thinking I'll feel much better having one meal tomorrow rather than nothing but water.
  10. OMG, soft food stage was like heaven!
  11. I'm SO gonna make that Salmon Chowder soon, it looks so good! Man, all day school is kicking sophie's butt--literally! She was playing at recess and got booted in the eye from a little girl that didn't see her on the monkey bars. She has a pretty big shiner under on her eyelid, it looks like she's wearing blue eyeshadow. Poor baby...she was SO tired tonight she asked if she could go to bed at 6:45! We just tucked her in about 10 minutes ago and I haven't heard a peep. I think she's already out!
  12. Tina! This looks like something that you might like (if you like curry) Curried Lentils
  13. I'm gonna have to try that too! Thanks for the tip. Just think Nicole, you might've cancelled out all/part of your walk BUT if you hadn't gone on the walk you'd be in the hole! So it's kind of a wash.
  14. Ooooh! What were the 3 layers? NICOLE--step away from the chocolate!
  15. I'm totally stealth, lol. I think I fixed it...try again?
  16. I added ya--found you on Tina's.
  17. Candra--what's your email address? I'll try to add you. That's weird that it didn't work. Hummus! SO YUMMY! It's a great dip for fresh veggies too. You should try that for lunch one day. I love the roasted garlic one. Trader Joe's has it pretty cheap in several flavors.
  18. They ARE barely noticeable after a couple years!!! My friend had gastric bypass and has 5 incisions from it just like mine and her surgery was 3 years ago. When she was trying to show me we could barely see them!!! When you're at your goal weight and looking like a sexy skinny thing, neither of you will worry about 5 tiny little scars. Today I was swimming and when I was changing into my suit I was noticing how much light mine already are after only 4 months!
  19. Sorry Tamra--I hope you can do it! Riley has a good idea to kick it up a notch at the end if you need to. We have a Wii but have never gotten the Wii Fit. I've tried it out and it's a fun game, I just don't know if I'd do it as my actual workout, you know? We have a treadmill, bike, lots of weights and a resistance ball and workout videos. I feel like I'd get a better workout from those things. I know lots of people that have it and LOVE it though! I'll cross my fingers for ya, you go girl!
  20. I know, I know...I'm WAY overdue. I've been getting messages from friends on Youtube too...I'll do one this week. It'll be easier to do them regularly now that Sophie is in school. It was tough to find time when she wasn't here or when it was quiet enough long enough without her interrupting. Thanks for reminding me! I promise I'll do one this week!
  21. OMG Riley you weirdo! There's no way I could accidently eat too much of my calcium, they're not that tasty! What kind do you take? Maybe it's time to start swallowing your calcium and not do the chewables? Or get one of those 7 day vitamin thingies and put a calcium and a multi in each one. (that's what i do) You crack me up!
  22. Maria, I'm on facebook. If you search under "Find friends" and enter my email address you'll find me. There are lots of girls on here that are on Facebook too! My email is swishbc@yahoo.com
  23. Maria, if you get an interview or job offer, maybe you should just be open and up front and let them know that you have medical procedure that will require you to be out for a week (or two, whatever you can get away with). Candi and Tina told their jobs that they were having hernia operations so that they wouldn't get questions from co-workers...you may want to go that route too.
  24. Bummer! Were you not losing when you were eating the starches? Maybe you can trick your body into being more full with water...sometimes it works for me. Enjoy your Starbucks! That'll probably help too. This part is hard, but it's so worth it!
  25. 1/2 c of salmon...that's it? What about some fibrous veggies and your little bit of starch? I'm not surprised you're hungry! Nicole, your meals look fine...I'm surprised you can eat tortilla at the high amount of saline in your band! I'm too chicken to even try! I PB'd that one time and I'm totally freaked for it to happen again.

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