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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by swishbc

  1. I'm sure you're fine Reggie. Tomorrow WILL be a better day for both of us, deal?
  2. Here's my food for today, I'm TOTALLY supposed to be on my period right now and I'm late so it shows in what I've been eating, lol. b-none l-2/3 side caesar salad 200, 1/2 cup chicken enchilada soup 150, chips/salsa 200 @ Chili's= 550 d-cashews 170, chips/salsa 200=370 s-grande iced sugar free vanilla latte 130 TOTAL: 1050
  3. Tina, just thinking...even if you move to Denver at least we can still have you here on the board! YAY for us!
  4. OMG Tina! Denver?!? That's exciting and sad at the same time! Do you have family there? I totally get the wanting to get the heck out of CA..it's really rough here right now. Please keep us posted and good luck with the office move, the job hunt and possible back to back fills. We will SO miss you if you move! How does Michaela feel about moving out of state?
  5. You better start shoveling SOMETHING down girl cuz you're only at like 300 cals not including the salmon...naughty naughty!
  6. Nicole, that chili doesn't look right. Are you sure it's 250 cals for only 1/2 cup? My chili was 230 for 1 cup...250 for 1/2 seems like a LOT.
  7. Bummer about the salmon girls! Nicole, did you put cheddar cheese on it? I was planning on making it with salmon but using parmesan instead. That sucks that it came out too dry. Maybe cook it for less time? Did you at least like the flavor of the sauce? I LOVED it. Here's my food for today: b-grande iced sugar free vanilla latte 130 l-1/2 cup turkey chili 165 d-1/4 cup ground turkey 60, 1 tbsp cheese 30=90 d-chips/salsa 130 s-12 french fries 115, ice cream cone 150=265 TOTAL: 780
  8. Sorry things are going rough right now Nicole...I'm thinking good thoughts for all 3 of you. What salmon recipe did you make? REGGIE--the only thing to know is to NOT EAT for 6 hours before your fill. That's about it! Good luck!!! Let us know asap how it goes and how much of a fill you get.
  9. Be careful with the triscuits Pam, those are really dry and I bet they could get ya stuck pretty easy! I don't think I could eat 'em. Happy anniversary Wednesday! :biggrin:
  10. Yeah I think so...that's like the ONLY diet I never did, lol!
  11. Morning girls! I took Sophie to school today and one of the dad's that I know (his son and Soph had preschool together) said "You're looking really good, you've lost a lot of weight!" and I said "Um yeah, over 70 lbs..." He was really surprised and asked how and I told him about my lapband. He's a REALLY big guy (prob over 400-450) and he said he's lost 60 lbs on South Beach and that he's been considering the lapband but didn't really know anyone that had it or very much about it. I told him I'd be totally willing to answer any questions he had. He seemed really excited to learn more. I was pretty excited that he noticed and even more so at the possible opportunity to educate and even to maybe give him that little push to have surgery. It was cool. Soph had a really hard time going into class and I had to walk away with her crying in her teacher's arms, it BROKE MY HEART. She loves school, she just doesn't love saying goodbye to me. :biggrin: After I left her I went on a 4.5 mile walk and got a Starbucks skinny vanilla latte at the half way mark, then came home and did my arm weight workout. I'm just about to hop in the shower and start some laundry but wanted to tell you all about my morning and say HI!!! :ohmy: Hope you all have a great day!
  12. Ok girls, I'm feeling better about my band tonight. I don't know what was going on at lunch today but I was fine at dinner tonight. We went to my parents for Sunday dinner and my mom made chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, caesar salad, asparagus and corn on the cob. I was able to eat about 2-3 oz of the steak cut into pea-sized pieces and about 2 tbsp of the mashed potatoes and 1/2 a piece of asparagus (the tip that's less fibrous). It took me about 15-20 minutes to eat it but I did fine and never got stuck or slimed. Cool, huh? I don't know what the heck was going on at lunch! We'll see how my band does tomorrow...it's a finicky little thing isn't it?
  13. I'm sure that class will be really fun and super motivating! And when you move the drive will be no biggie too!
  14. That's so funny about the chickens! Okay so I think the tuna fish may have been too dry, was trying to keep the cals down by doing less mayo but I think I'll just need to put a little more mayo and some mustard. I think I had pissed off my band and that's why maybe I had trouble with chili too...I was only eating about 3 beans per bite! They were pretty tiny bites, and I waited about 3-5 min between each bite. How the heck did you lose 8 lbs in a week? Were you not eating much? Exercising tons? Or just a lucky week? I want that to happen to me! Then I'd be in the 2-teens!!!
  15. This is SO weird! I'm drinking my hot cocoa and after every sip I take my tummy gurgles! My band is probably trying to thank me for giving it a break and not trying to shove solid protein through the teeny tiny opening.
  16. OMG, like real LIVE chickens and roosters? Does she live on a farm, lol? Man, lunch was TOUGH today!!! I had 1/4 of tuna and got stuck and was sliming after just two bites! I stopped eating it, let the feeling pass, thankfully didn't PB. Then about an hour later I heated up 1/4 cup of turkey chili thinking that at least it's protein even if it is a mushie...it took me about 20 minutes to eat maybe half of it and I kept feeling it in my esophagus like it wasn't wanting to go down. Finally I said screw it and dumped the rest out, then slimed AGAIN in the sink for about 10 minutes til it went away. Now, about 1+ hour since the chili I'm having a small cup of cocoa for some protein and calories. I was totally fine yesterday with no problems at all! I even snacked on some chips at the pool...but today I'm super tight. I didn't eat breakfast cuz I slept in a bit and it wasn't a big deal to wait til lunch. I'm hoping this is just temporary, I do NOT want to get an unfill. NICOLE--didn't you start out really tight on the last fill and even PB a bunch but then it loosened up on you?
  17. This onion soup recipe looks SO good! French Onion Soup Gratinee - All Recipes
  18. Candra, how tall are you?
  19. Throw in an envelope of Lipton onion soup mix too! YUMMY. I love french onion soup!
  20. Tamra, that happened to me too. I was trying to have too few calories to have fast weight drops but it ended up not working...I was totally stall! I started doing 900 cals one day, 1400 cals the next, then 800, 1200, kept mixing it up and keeping my body guessing. Remember, too few cals isn't the way to lose the weight, it'll just make you're body get defensive and it won't let go of any weight AND you'll retain water! You're doing so awesome, just try to mix up the calorie intake this week and I bet you'll see a decent drop. Maybe try to keep it fairly low carb as well, that works wonders for me.
  21. Also, I'm loving my band! Look at my daily menu for today. I'm getting full HECKA fast! Sat Aug 22 225.4 bike 20 minutes, treadmill 20 minutes, arms, swim laps 20 minutes b-egg 75, 1 tbsp cheese 25=100 s-fruit cup 40 l-1/2 can tuna fish w/mayo 110, 4 crackers 30=140 s-1/4 nuts 160 d-1 cup tomato soup 180, 17 crackers 140=320 So I'm at 760 for the day and totally feel satisfied! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my band!
  22. That super sucks! I'd be pissed too. I'm bad about waiting too long to return stuff too, it always bites me in the ass! We had a really fun day, my whole side of my immediate family (24 of us) went to the pool and swam from 1-5:30. It was so much fun and the weather was just perfect! It's rare that we all get together for a big outing other than just family Sunday dinners so it was really a ton of fun. I got my high dive, low dive and slide on too! :thumbup: Sorry I missed the meeting but I'm sure you all understand...family first! <3 I hope you all had a great time and can't wait to read all about it!
  23. Also, I have no energy for a morning workout with no food in me, but I did walk Sophie to school and back and that's a little over a mile. I'll probably do a more decent workout on the bike or treadmill later this evening when I've eaten and have some more energy. Have a great day everyone!
  24. Too funny Nicole, I'm sitting here eating sugar free applesauce as I type. I just couldn't wait anymore. I always do a day of really easy foods the day after a fill...don't worry, I normally never eat the stuff! It's funny though, I'm using a baby spoon and have had maybe ten bites (it's 1/2 of applesauce) and I already feel pretty full! I haven't even eaten 1/8 of the cup yet! I think I might like this.
  25. I can do lunch either Thursday or Friday. Tina, I don't know if I'm gonna be super tight or not, I'm just anticipating it and trying to prepare for it so I'm not surprised, lol. Nicole, thanks for all the crab tips. I'm gonna try that this weekend. I haven't had crab in forever!

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