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Everything posted by swishbc

  1. Good morning girls! We're having a lazy day here, just enjoying the day off together. Yesterday we went to Old Sac for Gold Rush Days and it was lots of fun, Sophie loved watching the shoot outs that the cowboys were doing. It wasn't too hot so I was happy. Morning sickness is in full effect now! I'm having to eat some crackers BEFORE even getting out of bed. Blech...I hate being nauseous. I'm usually fine after that though until the evening when I feel a bit icky from 4-6pm-ish. I have my first appt tomorrow with an ultrasound! We're really excited to see the little baby and have a picture to show Soph tomorrow. I've only gained half a pound so I'm pretty happy about that! I see Dr. Baggs on Thursday to consult on the rest of my pregnancy and to see if I can get a SMALL fill. I hope you all have a great day! Fall is almost here...YEAH!
  2. Heather you're funny...the baby is only the size of a lentil bean right now. It's definitely not big enough to warrant this amount of bloat! LOL
  3. Ugh, I still weigh the same but WHY oh WHY am I so bloated? I swear, my pants feel tight today and I feel like I can't suck it in either.
  4. Don't worry girls, I'm totally putting the baby first! BUT--I don't want to gain a lot of weight and both surgeons said it would be okay to even lose some weight. Losing weight is not my goal, but maintaining and not gaining very much IS.
  5. Okay, so I have an appt a week from tomorrow with Dr. Baggs. Hopefully he'll give me like .5 or 1 cc just to get me back to a little bit of restriction. He said there's no reason I needed to have that much taken out so early and even Dr. Fisher said it was okay to lose 1-3 lbs a week during pregnancy since I have weight to lose...it wouldn't harm the baby or take anything from the baby, it would just take from my fat stores. I'm relieved just to go talk to him and discuss the next 8 months and his plans for me and my band. Going to work out now and then get a pedi and lunch with my mother-in-law. Fun day! Have a great one everybody!
  6. Morning everyone! I'm doing pretty good, I started getting a little bit of a queasy tummy yesterday but I'm not much of a puker so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Other than that I'm feeling good, just tired and taking one hour naps almost everyday, lol! Dr. Baggs is back from vacation and he said he wouldn't necessarily taken out any or much saline at this point. I'm pretty pissed about it. I KNEW I should wait, but Beverly and Dr. Fisher made it sound like it was an emergency and I had to go in that day. SO--I'm gonna have another appt with him and he might give me more saline. I'd love that, I'm feeling really no restriction now and am just basically following the 1200 meal plan (pre-op). I've been at the same weight for a week and that kinda sucks. I'll probably make the appt for next week, I need to call today.
  7. Woops, lol, posted it before I meant to. So, we had a really fun day telling Bri's family and my family about the baby. It was so fun! We brought a dozen donuts over to family dinner at my folks house and I stuck a toothpick with a little flag in each donut. They were all numbered 1 through 11 and on the 12th donut I wrote "Baby Swisher...coming April '10". They were all so excited and loved how we did it with the dozen donuts...especially the 11 grandkids cuz they all got a donut out of it! My parents are gonna have a dozen grandkids! That's crazy! We had lunch with Bri's family and Sophie had drawn a picture and at the top of the page she wrote in alternating blue and pink marker "I'm going to be a big sister!" and under that she drew a picture of her pushing the baby in a stroller. It was adorable! My MIL started crying and gave me a huge hug. She's really excited because her daughter (my SIL) is preggo too and due in January so our babies will only be 3 months apart. It's going to be really fun!!! It was a really great day.
  8. No Tina, 10/30 is just an appt for me and Dr. Baggs in Richmond, it's not a group fill. BTW--forgot to tell you! I can totally feel a difference. On the way home yesterday I drove through Wendy's cuz it was 2:50 and I hadn't eaten anything (wasn't sure if I could...like on fill days) and I got a 5 piece nugget since they're only 250 calories. With 8cc's I wouldn't even have tried to eat something breaded like that but I ate all 5 of them. The good news is that I was full after 5 of them, and that never would've happened without a band. It held me over til I had dinner at about 9pm last night. ALSO!!! It's very weird. Dr. Fisher said that I have to think the opposite way now and only chew each bite about 5-6 times and then swallow!!! That's crazy! I've been working so hard at getting used to chewing 20 times and now I'm supposed to do the opposite. It's gonna be hard to learn to chew 20 times again next year. Also he said to only take about 10 minutes to eat a meal, not 20 like before. (I never took 20 minutes anyway though, lol!) Crazy, huh?
  9. You're adorable Riley. Thanks so much! (((hugs)))
  10. Good morning girls! I forget to tell you about Dr. Fisher and his fill. (want to ease the girls that have him!) He did it just like Dr. Baggs, found my port really quick, numbed me, stuck the big ol' needle in no problem, sucked ALL the saline out to make sure how much I had in there and then put half of it back in. He pulled out 7.5 cc's and said there's always about .5 still in there (which is right since I should've had 8) and I was thinking he'd take out 4 but he took out 3.5 and left me with 4.5 and I was glad about that. I'm already nervous about having only 4.5 since I had 5.5 on the day of surgery!!! I have really great will power though and know I don't want to start gaining weight yet so I think I'll do okay with little restriction. I just have to keep staying away from those pesky carbs!!! I gotta go have some breakfast, I'm worried I'm gonna start getting my morning yuckies soon and I'm dreading it. I NEVER puked with Sophie, just had a yucky tummy in the morning and then in the evenings from around 4-6 (made it tough to cook dinner!). I'm wondering if this pregnancy will be similar...
  11. OMG What a DAY!!! I'm so ready to hit the bed but wanted to give you all the scoop. OKAY... I went to Richmond and met with Dr. Fisher. I really really really like him alot. He apologized for not being able to do my surgery back in April but that he had had a family emergency and had to take some time off (that's why I ended up with Dr. Baggs at the last minute). We talked about my surprise pregnancy and he was really great about it. He said that's what this band was SUPPOSED to do! Get me eating healthy, exercising regularly, losing weight and becoming more fertile and it's doing just that...just a little earlier than planned but it's fine. He said that they concern they have with any pregnant bandster (5 months out or 5 years out) is band slippage during pregnancy. The routine for them is to take out about 1/2 at the beginning of the pregnancy and then totally empty the band at about 13 weeks for the last 2 trimesters. He said that he wants me to eat about 1200 cals a day and that it's totally fine if I continue to lose weight during the pregnancy, I can also continue working out at the same level or less as I've been doing since my body is used to it and that I can do so as long as I'm comfortable. He said that I can come back 4 weeks after baby is born to start getting fills again, and that the first one will be a big one like at surgery (4-5 or more cc's...a nice jump start). So today he took out 3.5 cc's and I still have 4.5 cc's until 10/30 when I see Dr. Baggs to remove the rest. I'm really confident that I'll be fine and still be able to lose a little more weight in the next couple months. I figured I lost 40 lbs WITHOUT a band and I've only lost 33-ish lbs WITH a band so my stats are actually better following the 1200 cal meal plan. This time I'll be doing the 1200 meal plan WITH a band...should be a piece of cake, right? So, hmmm, what else? I think that's it. I didn't get sick with Soph but if I start to I'll just call and they'll send a rx for anti-nausea meds, no biggie at all. I saw Reggie today and she is HOT HOT HOT!!! It was fun to catch up and visit for a bit. I can't wait to have another lunch with you all! Let's try for next week, okay? Oh! I also stopped by the lab in Richmond for my official pee preggo test so I can schedule an appt with my OB and I just got the results tonight. According to Kaiser I'm OFFICIALLY PREGNANT! :thumbup: I'm really starting to get excited too.
  12. I'm still losing weight too! I'm at a new low for today. (In a GOOD way, lol!)
  13. I'll definitely let you know! I'm hoping I can see Reggie today since she'll be down there. I don't know what time her appt is though, do you guys? Beverly was super nice. She just said "Well, what are you doing getting pregnant so soon?" I just told her that it as much of a shock to her as it was to me. Then she told me congratulations and was so so sweet. I told her I'll come by today and say hi and she can give me a spank for getting pregnant before I'm supposed to. She was cute and said "Oh no, I'm done being upset with ya, now I'm just so happy and excited for you. " I LOVE her, she's always been so nice to me. I'll post later and let you know how it goes!
  14. I did call for Liz today and she's out of the office this week. I also tried to email Dr. Baggs but he's out till Monday. GEEZ! So I called and talked to Beverly and she was AWESOME and so sweet about it, gave me a hard time for about a minute and then was just really excited for me and so glad that I've lost so much weight. She told me to go shopping and buy something cute and tiny. :blushing: She told me she'd talk to her department manager and another surgeon and call me back. She just called me back a while ago and I have to go in at 1:30 to Richmond to meet with Dr. Fisher and have a small unfill. Then I can talk to Dr. Baggs next week and see how we will proceed. She said that Dr. Fisher said we'll see how it goes through out the pregnancy and Dr. Baggs and I will decide how much to take out or put in. I'm nervous, I'm afraid to gain weight but I know I need to get enough calories in to grow a healthy baby and that's what's most important. I'll let you know how it goes today!
  15. Hey girls, so Bri was SO excited! I told him to close his eyes and open his hands and I put the test in his hands. He opened his eyes and then looked right at me with HUGE eyes and said " Are you serious???" He was SO happy, he's been ready to have another baby since Soph was only a year old. It's been me that wanted to lose weight, then after failing at that wanted to have surgery. He's been SO patient and supportive and I just love him so much. He keeps staring at me too! He says I look different, lol. When I went out to run errands tonight he said "Be careful with my precious cargo!" I thought that was adorable. <3 So tomorrow I'll call Liz and Dr. Baggs and get that over with, then go to Kaiser and get the urine test done there so I can be officially pregnant and get an appointment scheduled. I need to find out how many calories and protein the want me to have and if I need to up my vitamins. This is really happening!
  16. Woops, that was HUGE. Sorry 'bout that!
  17. Just thought it would be fun to show you my test from this morning. Look at how DARK it is! Crazy...
  18. Thanks everyone. I'm getting really excited now that I've had all day for it to set in. I STILL haven't told my hubby yet and he's sitting in the same room as me! I'm waiting til Soph is in bed because we won't tell her probably til I'm 12 weeks or so...otherwise this will be a LONG 8 more months!!!
  19. Yeah, I know...I'm nervous to tell them. I know they're gonna think it was on purpose! (It would've been on purpose about 3 months from now, lol but this is TRULY a surprise!) I was reading on the pregnancy lapband section here and lots of girls got partial unfills or no unfills at all during pregnancy. There wasn't anyone that got completely unfilled so that's good. I'm at 8cc's so I'm sure I'll need a partial unfill and that's fine. I have major will power now taht I'm almost at 75 lbs lost. I want to gain as little as possible while maintaining a really healthy perfect pregnancy. Thanks for the well wishes girls and for NOT making me feel bad about how soon this happened! Jeez, I won't even be 5 months post-op til the 6th of September. I guess that's not very poster child of me!
  20. I wonder if I'll have to go in and get an unfill? I kinda hope not. I hope I can just do 5 or 6 small meals a day to make sure I'm getting in everything I need. If I need to get an unfill that's fine, I'll totally be in mommy mode and do what's best for the baby. THE BABY?!?! What the??? This is just so crazy. I'm kinda hoping I can still lose a little bit more in the next couple months before I start gaining...ugh, that's gonna be tough. But it'll be a fun challenge to see how FEW pounds I can gain. I know Dr. Baggs will be awesome and help me with that (after he lectures me for getting pregnant 5 months post-op) Woopsies.
  21. Well, I'M PREGNANT. Holy frickin' crap. I'm in total shock and denial right now I just can't believe it. I took a test this morning and the test line came up immediately, WAY before the control line! Bri's at work all day so I'm gonna wait til he gets home to tell him. I'm excited but really nervous, this was not the timing we were going for! I know I need to call Liz or Dr. Baggs and find out what I should do differently to make sure I'm getting in enough protein and veggies. I think I'm about 5 or 6 weeks along...WOW. I'm seriously in shock. Just...WOW.
  22. Yeah, I don't know...I always start between 28 and 32 days. 28 days was last Monday and 32 was on Thursday (fill day). I haven't gone later than 34 since December (when I started losing weight) so I'm kinda curious. My boobs hurt, but that could be because I'm a week late and my hormones are going nuts cuz I need to start, BUT we did skip using protection ONCE this month. I guess once is all it takes, but I'm really hoping I'm not. Not yet. If I am I'll be happy and everything but timing wise I'd really love a few more months. I'll keep ya posted for sure.
  23. OMG I could've done SO much worse and I used to back before surgery! I was craving salty so the damn chips and salsa did the trick. Dude, I was supposed to start LAST Monday, what's up with that? If I'm pregnant that will seriously be the SHOCK of my life. My sister gave me a pregnancy test she had, I might take it in a day or two if I don't start. I haven't been this late since before I started losing weight when my periods were really irregular. We were thinking of trying to get preggo this winter but it's not winter YET! lol Oh well, I'm not gonna sweat it unless I need to.

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