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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jms462001

  1. Ha! If worrying were an Olympic event, I'd bring home the gold. :-) And if I'm not using the band as it was intended and don't plan to, then it makes sense in my mind to remove that worry.

    As for the pain that started this whole train of thought, it comes and goes. Sometimes it's definitely in the ovary area, sometimes higher. My doc said he couldn't really say why it moves around like it does, but nothing showed up in either the CT scan or my bloodwork that was out of the ordinary other than the cyst. Go figure.

    My ovaries are tacked up due to a mod radical hysterectomy for CC. I had lymphnodes removed and now have a lymphocyst where the left ovary used to be. I have been having discomfort in the port area (a bit lower but close) and it seems muscle related as it hurts most during twisting, turning, etc. I never thought it could be related to this cyst? It seems like the port and the area of discomfort would be high to be related to the pelvic area but who knows? It's now something to consider!

  2. I think I may have a port issue, but not entirely sure what exactly is going on. 5 or 6 days ago, I started getting some sharp pains around and near my port. My imagination to what it is is the best way to describe the pain - it's as though my port is stitched into my muscles (I haven't the foggiest if it is) and that when I twist a certain way, the stitches are pulling my muscle. It's not crampy, it doesn't seem gut related, and is a sharp pain.

    I am a truck driver, so I won't see home for another two weeks. My Lapband doctor lives in a different state than I do, and the Lapband doctor available to me near my home will probably not be able to see me when I can be there. I'll definitely try to see him, should this pain not disappear.

    But I was just wondering if anything similar has happened to you, or you have read such a thing. Oh, and is my port still being held in place by stitches? As for the port itself, it feels like it hasn't moved and is still top-side up. It doesn't hurt to push on it at all (which probably means it's not what I imagine it to be, huh?).

    Thanks in advance for any knowledge you have.

    I am having an identical problem and have had it going on for at least 6 weeks. My Dr. says the port feels flat like it should be and when he puts a needle in it and pushes or pulls I don't feel pain (had small unfill to see if it would help and then slight fill). Because the discomfort seems to be just beside and slightly lower than the port, he does not know if it is referred pain or something else. He was going to unfill me and do a port revision, but I am self pay and don't wish to do that without being sure the port is the problem. It sort of feels like I am being poked inside by something sharp, very difficult to even describe, but I think we may be experiencing the same thing. Please PM me if you determine what's going on with you and also how it is determined!!

  3. to to revise still having problems with this band, has the surgery to fix hole in tubing had a fill of 3 cc's that day went back this month and lo and behold had nothing in my band again, went for a port-o-gram and dye fill to check it and wouldnt you know it it is leaking again in same place, so its back again to have it fixed yet again :wacko:

    I would wonder if it was actually repaired!! How frustrating!

  4. All what you are saying is not really promising... I know it's tilted thinking, but I could do with some reassurance that I'll be fine. I cannot wait to see my doctor - still a month away.

    Yesterday we had shepherd's pie, which is normally an easy dish to eat, and it was ok yesterday. However, I tried the leftovers for dinner tonight (heated up in the micro) and ended up with a mighty stuck: all out now, but the unconformable tight feeling is still there and I've been "foaming" in the last 15 minutes.

    I feel so depressed and anxious - that's not helping either: stress creates Water retention which makes my band even tighter...

    Back to the shakes for a while.

    Leftovers have always been a problem for me and sure to bring on a stuck episode especially chicken or meat of any kind. Good luck to you!

    I don't have any night reflux problems or heartburn, but like many after having complete unfills for surgery gained some weight and I am having trouble getting back to that just right fill again. I am having discomfort by the port area when I twist, bend, or turn my body, sometimes any movement. My Dr is not sure it is the port thus we are trying to determine that before doing a port revision. I had an extended TT last summer and he thinks it could be related to that as well. I know it's very frustrating not knowing what's going on when there is a problem and I'm self pay like many and that is very concerning and scary!

  5. I survived the extended abdomnioplasty, full face lift and upper eyelid surgery. I must say the first two days were totally ridiculous and I wasn't always sure I would make it, but it gets better with each day. Monday will be 1 month out for me. My face is healing very well and I'm happy with the results even this early out. My abdomen has healed well in front, but the back hip sides are slow to heal and quite nasty looking. I still have one drain as the output remains very high. If it has not decreased at week 5, the Dr. is going to inject something that is supposed to generate scar tissue. The drains are the worst part and it is unusual for anyone to have them for over a month! He said I am "special", something I don't care to be in this case. Everyone complains of swelling, but my stomach remains very flat perhaps because of the drain and its excessive output! Anyway, I must admit my stomach looks very good. I will probably need an office revision for a dogtail once I have healed. Would I do this again? I'm not really sure right now. I'm just glad it's over with and I'm improving each day!

  6. In addition to removing skin, the plastic surgeon removes a large amount of excess fat when doing the abdomnioplasty. It's true that they prefer you be as near to your goal weight as possible but more importantly, they want to know that you have maintained your current weight within 10 pounds for a length of time. If you lose weight following the abdomnioplasty, you are going to lose the bulk of it in another area of your body.

  7. So, I have my tt and breast lift scheduled in about a month. I'm 18 pounds to goal and I've got some decent hangover, lol, in the stomach area. Preliminary estimates from my Dr are about 10 lbs of skin/flab/fat will be removed.

    I went to my surgeon today for my regular check up and told him I was scheduled. Which he already knew because I told him at my last appointment. Anyways, when I brought it up today, he gave me the third degree. Saying that when I lose the remaining weight, I may get "flabby" again.

    I can see his point, that is fine. However, I feel that this mid section spare tire is completely hindering me now. I want it gone and I seriously do not think that 10-20 pounds is really going to make a difference. I'm fine with "flabby", I can deal with something that isn't THIS. If you know what I mean.

    I would like to hear from any others who had a Tummy Tuck before hitting their "ultimate" goal weight.

    How far were you away from goal? Did it make any differences that you can tell? Do you wish you would have waiting to lose that extra 10-20 pounds?


  8. Hi All.

    I'm new here - just beginning my liquid diet to loose 15 lbs before my surgery in Feb. I've pointedly asked my surgeon what are the realistic weight loss number for those over 50. And honestly she was very evasive.

    I'd like to loose 100+ pounds. Is this possible? How is everyone else doing?

    IMO it's just as possible for a 50+ person as it is for a 20 year old to lose weight with the band. It works well for some and not for others It depends on how well your body responds to it, the type of eater you are (grazer vs overeater), motivation, psychological problems, etc. Most people I think can successfully lose weight regardless of age. (Especially if I did)!!

  9. I am doing ok...my incision site is doing great but sadly due to a previous surgery I had on my belly button there was a chance it could die and it did so I go back to the OR to fix it tomorrow. I am a bit tired and weak but I get better every day. I know you will do well and just think on how awesome you will look when you are all healed.

    Stay in touch...


    So sorry for your complication and hope your fix is fast and easy. I go for pre-op appointment on Wednesday. I'm trying to stay calm! Let us know how your fix goes and update your progress!



  10. Does anyone know if I will need to be unfilled before my TT and port move? I am not scheduled until the end of July and I want to get filled the week after next, but it almost seems wasteful if I will have to be unglued before

    I was told "yes" by both the PS and my LB Dr. I am going Sat for an unfill with surgery scheduled for Monday.

  11. Hi All...

    It has been a log time since I have been on....I had my band done in July 2010 and lost close to 60 pounds, I recently met with a plastic surgeon and planned a TT and Lipo and Just had it it done this past Tuesday and I am in the midst of my recovery. I still have my drains in and and wearing compression clothing for my arms, flanks,thighs and face and I can't wait to see what I look like when all the swelling goes down. If anyone has any questions please ask It has been a wonderful adventure.


    It sounds like you had a lot done at once as well. How is the recovery and healing going and how are you feeling and dealing with pain issues and taking care of the drains, bandaging, etc? I have had a few nights of waking up frequently with night terrors!! 1 week from tomorrow and I am really very scared!

  12. Hello Ladies,

    Thanks so much for this thread, I am getting a little nervous. I am having my TT in June 28th and no one in my family is supportive of it. I know how I want to look and I have lost 70lbs. and would like to lose 10 more pounds. I know it will be painful and mine will be outpatient as well. Please hope and pray that all goes well as i will for you too.

  13. I'm scheduled for an extended Tummy Tuck, face lift, and upper eye lids on July 11th. It will be done in an outpatient surgery center. I found a surgeon who has a good reputation for working with weight loss patients and actually was the only one who would agree to do all the work at one time. I am super nervous and wish I was staying in a hospital for a couple of days!! I only have help for 2 days so I hope I do ok.

  14. I need somesupport. I had my Lap band surgery last May 2010. I have done very well losingthe weight. I was 424 and got down town to 395 on my own since having the surgery,I'm 279 and stuck. I have not lost any weight in over a month. I work outeveryday and I feel like I'm eating correctly. What am I doing wrong or do Ineed another fill?

    Wow! Sounds like you have done very well. You have lost a lot of weight in under a year. Your body may be catching up. If you feel you can eat over a cup of food and you are getting hungry more often then you probably do need a fill. Congratulations on coming so far and don't get discouraged. You will reach your goal!

  15. I am to be banded in one month and wanted to know which Protein drink people recommend. I noticed costco has Muscle Milk in chocolate and vanilla. Has anyone tried it and what are your thoughts?

    At one time Muscle Milk was the only Protein drink I would use as I hate them! But I have since bought ready made Premier Choice from costco and it's not bad and is supposed to be a much better choice nutritionally. I add Peanut Butter powder to it for some added flavor. I will add also that the main reason I had stopped drinking the muscle milk was because it started giving me stomach pain and bloating.

  16. Simply put, eating too much. If you eat more than your pouch can hold, it BA ks up into the esophagus. Do that frequently and it stretches. That part isn't made to hold food like a stomach, left untreated it is a big problem and can require surgery. My symptoms were reflux, ability to eat a lot without feeling full but I noticed restriction in that I would throw up if I didn't chew well or ate too fast. Went in and got the xray with barium swallow for diagnosis.

    When you ate too much did you feel it backing up into your esophagus? If so what did it feel like? Didn't you just feel stuck and have to bring it back up when you ate too much? That's what happens to me. I know I sometimes eat too much, probably often at the evening meal which is the only main meal of the day that I eat. I hope it doesn't happen to me. I need to be more aware and careful. Hope I haven't already started it. Seems like I sometimes can eat a whole lot!!

  17. The recovery is the same is the original band. Back on liquids for 2 weeks no lifting. I guess I am lucky because even though I like the brownies and Cookies my band dont like them so it's easy to stay away from the for me. Maybe you need a little more of a fill. Also watch for any empty calories you may be drinking. Starbucks,Juice, Soda. If you find you are drinking a lot of it cut back on it and I bet you start to seethe weight come off

    I only drink Water and coffee. It's the Chef Jay's Protein chocolate chip cookies and brownies. I started eating more than 1 a day many days and that's when the problems started mostly. I did wait too long to get a fill and I was able to eat a lot of food at dinner time for a few months. It's just not coming off with ease at all!!!!!!! I hope you don't gain any. You have done so well.

  18. Hi! I started off at 310 and got down to 165! Sounds great but it was hell. I continuously told my doctor that I thought something was wrong. He just kept telling me that I must not be eating appropriately. I ended up losing all that weight over 10 months. I kept telling him that I couldn't even take a sip of Water without throwing up. In August I was so sick that I was in severe pain and ended up in the hospital. Sure enough my band had slipped. I spent 3 days in the hospital and put on 24lbs just on I.V. fluids. I have been so scared to keep getting fills due to having a little bit of throwing up that I have gotten back up to 225. I plan on going in for a fill this Thursday but am scared to death. I just can't keep gaining the weight back.

    That sounds horrible. I cannot believe your Dr. didn't believe something was wrong and investigate. Do you think the band slipped right at the beginning? I hope you can get past your fears. Everyone gets stuck and has to bring food up occasionally.

  19. So I havent been on here for a while but decided to post today. I lost 120 lbs with my lap band and had virtually no problems. It was a slow but steady weight loss and I have been very happy with it. Then about 2 weeks ago I started to get Very Sick where I could not keep anything down. Lo and Behold I managed to slip my band. Not an experience I would like to live through again. I seen the Dr. at 2 pm on Friday and was in Surgery to have it fixed by 5 pm that night. I stayed in the hospital overnight and was out by 10 the next morning. It was a quick stay at the hospital and I seem to be recovering very quickly, but now I have the fear in my mind of my band slipping again. I would love to hear from anyone that may have went through the same thing to see and see how you handled it. It's really been an emotional journey for me and I really cannot imagine my life without my band. So if anyone else has been through this and has some ideas how to get over the fear let me know

    Wow! That's very scary. Sounds like it was resolved very quickly. How is the surgery recovery? Did they have to do much? I am self-pay and worry about problems such as that. I can't afford the EGD I am supposed to have. I haven't had any problems but did gain 10 pounds back due to bad eating. I had not had a fill since 9/09 and went to have one finally 2 wks ago, but still no weight loss!! It sure is easier to lose weight with the band in the first year or two!! I am going to keep trying! My downfall is getting Protein from brownies and chocolate chip cookies!!! I'm addicted. I'll lose as soon as I stop buying them I'm sure.

    I hope you get over your fear. I would probably be the same way. How is everyone else doing??

  20. Thanks for all of your input, I am 58 and I don't have a surgery date but have had inital Dr. visit, have scheduled therapist appt for 4-12 and ekg 4-15 , I am excited and also scared to death, I figure my surgery will be somtime in june. I have almost backed out but I want this weight off so bad, and nothing scares me except I am afraid of the post-op depression, as I am on well-butrin now and also zanax if needed for anxiety, which has really gotten better and I don't use it except once in 2-3 weeks. Anyone in this same situtation I would love your input. thanks

    I was on Wellbutrin before and still take it. My depression is much improved after losing all the weight along with all of my other physical problems. Losing some of the body pain helped me a lot with the depression.

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