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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jms462001

  1. jms462001

    port question?

    I find that snug jeans cause me pain. Mine sits right where the waist band of my jeans are. I could swear my Dr. said it would be much higher.
  2. jms462001

    Protein help?

    I hate cottage cheese, but do like tuna. One 6 oz can provides 30 grams of protein.
  3. My sheet says coffee is a diuretic causing fluid loss and that is why they prohibit it for 3 months, but I have seen people on here who were served it in the hospital after surgery. So, again, it is dependent on the Dr. I was very excited this morning. I have been kicking myself in the butt for 6 days of bad, no terrible, eating. And, I refused to do my weekly weigh in on Thursday. I have been very good the past couple days and got on today and was actually down another two pounds. Yeah!!! Lord knows I don't deserve it!!!!!!!
  4. I meant I have coffe a couple x's a week!!!
  5. I was told I can't have coffee for 3 months, but I have it a couple times a month. Usually a skinny latte from Starbucks with protein added (I figure I'm partly following the rules!) Anyway, if they do not blend the protein well it clumps in that hot liquid. I see at the recommended site they say to dissolve it in cold water first. That probably prevents clumping which is quite nasty!!. Also, don't try to reheat it in the microwave!
  6. As you lose restriction from the swelling, your appetite will return and the weight loss will slow until you start getting fills. My Dr said I might even gain a few pounds back (I hope not). I lost 9 or 10 in the first 2 weeks and only 2 since then. I get my first fill Jan 6th. Now is the time to heal. We are in this for the long haul and we have plenty of time to lose weight. We can exercise as we feel up to it or as or Dr advises, with walking, as everyone said, being ok immediately.
  7. jms462001

    What the Bleep is going on?

    You are supposed to eat soup post surgery through the healing stage. This is not supposed to be a time to focus on weight loss, but a time to let the body heal for 6 weeks. I am trying to eat more chicken salad, tuna salad, and eggs now that I'm past the 4 weeks. I can't wait to get a fill and I am sure glad the goodies have gone!!!
  8. Today, the 26th, I was right back on track with eating. However, I have not felt very well. And, I have more discomfort than usual in my port area. It's not terrible pain, just discomfort and I can't lay on my left side again. It's all healed up very well on the outside. I wonder if I did too much or if eating too much did something??
  9. Normally if there is a close family history of polyps or colon cancer, you are advised to have screening before age 50 and more frequently than the normal schedule. This is something I didn't do after my Mom had colon cancer. Nobody is thrilled to get it done. I was fortunate that I had no problems, but the test is not that bad and everyone should have it done.
  10. I don't know how you could have eaten summer sausage at one week out!!! You must really love it! I would have chose something better than that!! You had best stay on liquids only the next few days as you probably have lots of healing to do. Sounds like a lot of us are feeling guilt about overeating the past couple of days. I know I did. I guess all we can do is get back on track and maybe backtrack and redo week two or something!!!!!! Jan 6th is my first fill. Now I don't want to go get weighed!! I haven't been on the scale in over a week and don't plan to go near one for awhile.
  11. jms462001

    Im depressed and its Christmas.

    You have accomplished a lot in a very short time with the weight loss. You will get back on track. And I think you are not alone with the depression during the holidays. It hits so many people. My daughter is bi-polar and she also struggles with her weight. She has lost 45 pounds (again!). She also had a drug problem which she finally has conquered by getting away from the AA type programs and going to a program with a philosophy that it is a choice, not a disease......a wonderful program that changed her life. Anyway, she will always deal with bi-polar. She seems to be helped by wellbutrin and she takes a med for anxiety along with it. She also tried abilify (sp) but did not do well on it, she had terrible blurred vision. I hope you are feeling better soon. I know I have been beating myself up over my eating bad the past few days, but I'm determined to change it tomorrow!!!! Good luck to you, you are doing great!!!!!!!:tongue2:
  12. I'm just wondering what this behavior and also the behavior of overeating which I also did twice might do to the band. I made lasagne tonight for our Christmas eve dinner and ate too much of that (much less than normal though) after the cookies!! I definitely plan to get back on track right away. I think I will try to go on a diet similar to the pre-op diet after Christmas until I go for my first fill.
  13. Unfortunately my cookies go down quite easily. What I can't understand is, why in hell would I spend 17K for the band and then sit and eat a half dozen cookies. I am not even having a big hunger problem nor am I having any severe cravings. I made them, they were there, and I ate them. I must be sicker mentally than I thought.
  14. I did research my surgeon team and they have a great track record even though they don't follow the 6 weeks of no solid food rule. I am sure they would have changed their rules by now if they were having lots of problems months or years down the road. Of course they don't have people eating solid food week 2 either!
  15. Every 2-3 hours as needed when hungry.
  16. jms462001

    B-12 shots anyone?

    I had B12 shots in the early 70's after having mono. The energy was great, but they really increased my appetite. The Dr. told me that was a common side effect, but if they are given for weight loss..........
  17. Do you eat plenty of protein? If I eat the protein each meal, I usually stay full for quite awhile.
  18. I was told after the the third week to start eating as I would forever and practice eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, finding what foods might cause problems, etc before the first fill. But never to eat more than 1/2 cup at a time and to eat 5-6 times a day. I can have a shake, but they would prefer I concentrate on real food and add protein powder to the food if needed. Their main concern is no vomiting or overeating.
  19. jms462001

    First Post Op Problem

    Chicken salad was one of the foods I was allowed after two weeks and at the end of the third, I was allowed to have turkey and chicken as long as a small amt of gravy or other sauce was added so that it would go through easily. And of course, chewing it to death!! Avoiding dry foods, chunks, and anything that gets stuck or causes vomiting is probably the main objective. I never did have to puree anything. I went from liquids to soft and if it needed to be pureed I didn't eat it, but I guess it works for some!
  20. jms462001

    Please help my mom

    Everyone is different in how soon they feel like going back to work or getting back to all their normal activity, but I think most people are ready within a week or so. I went to vegas after 9 days and was fine! There are quite a few tests that need to be done before the surgery. Those can be fit in during lunch hours for the most part. I had a pre-surgery appointment that took about 3 hours. After surgery, I only have had one appointment which was 2 weeks post-op. I am scheduled for my first fill Jan 6th which will be 6 weeks post-op.
  21. jms462001

    What Can Cause Band Slippage

    I hope that's not true. Based on the 12 year study they did, only about 2% of people had problems of significance. A larger number had port problems, but they have made improvements in the past 3 years.
  22. I have bot been able to feel or find mine. I haven't had a fill yet. I sure hope it's not difficult for the Dr to find! I know that area is still quite tender.
  23. jms462001

    Anyone calves hurt??

    Because the pain is just in one leg, you should tell the Dr. as he may very well want to rule out a blood clot.
  24. I was told to sip liquids constantly when I was not sleeping or exercising the first two weeks. I was on a schedule of protein drink one hour then diluted juice then gatorade, etc,etc. There was really no way I could get hungry. Also, I could have jello and popsicles so food was going in my mouth constantly!! On the fourth day I felt hunger so they had me start the cream soups as often as I needed and they were very satisfying in very small amounts.

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