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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jms462001

  1. jms462001


    I have the same thing happen often. I believe it is due to my low blood pressure. It always was very low in my 20's and more "normal" when I was heavy. Now it is very low again and I get dizzy and black out some if I stand up too quickly. My BP was 90/44 at the Dr's the other day, but they were not concerned! I guess we just have to remember not to get up too quickly!
  2. jms462001

    Rationale behind not drinking before you eat??

    I drank soda once post banding.......drank an entire can down in a few minutes. I was tring too loosen a stuck capsule and it was suggested. OMG. The gas pain and bloating was the worst I ever had in my life. I was in tears and wanted to die and it was not for a short time, oh no, more like several hrs. I even forgot about the stuck capsule for awhile (by the way, it didn't work!) That was the one and only soda I drank post banding!
  3. jms462001

    Rationale behind not drinking before you eat??

    I have never had trouble (at least seldom) eating 1/2 cup of food and quite the contrary lately so I think I had better continue drinking my water up until the last minute LOL!!
  4. jms462001

    Rationale behind not drinking before you eat??

    I'm also allowed to drink right up until I start eating which I have always done. It has worked well for me.
  5. I was self pay and the total pkg was around 17K. I just had a hyst. and was in the hospital for 24 hrs. I have a 5K deductible of which I have other prior bills of course. I just got the hospital bill and it totaled a bit over 7K. It seems like that stay would be comparable to a lapband stay. And what is that sterile supplies charge all about? $6700? That's almost the total of my hyst hospital stay. Must be they skipped the sterile supplies!!
  6. jms462001

    Anyone get banded with a BMI below 40?

    Mine was around 37. I have osteoarthritis and spinal problems. I have been very happy. It worked well for me and I found it very easy to lose weight consistently for the first time in my life!
  7. Hi, I do have a lg spa that was recently repaired. It's lg enough that I could do leg exercises in it and get some good movement going on. I have my post op check on Tues and hope I can start using it. I was told by a few people that I can't use hot tubs since I had lymphnodes removed, but I am hoping that's not true!!!
  8. jms462001

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Between 1997 and 1998, major changes were made in gastric banding to prevent problems probably based on these studies. I wouldn't worry too much. And as far as overall weight loss goes, it may be slower initially, but evens out over a 2-3 yr period compared to other weight loss surgeries.
  9. Well, I went to have fluid put back in my band today and even though it has only been 2 weeks since my total unfill, I could not tolerate close to what my sweet spot should be. I guess I was 5.25 when I had a fill 3 wks before the unfill which put me to 6 and 6 was too much. Today 5 was too much even though I had not been feeling restriction much at 5.25. So now I'm at 4.5 and have to work my way back to that sweet spot. I would not mind so much, but I have to pay for fills and I have a ton of medical bills already! Oh well. The good news is I somehow dropped 2.5 pounds while I was totally unfilled!
  10. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Whether we have a black (half) president or a white one, the issue of race in America is far from being settled and will rear it's ugly head with every issue in politics.
  11. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Dr's offices cannot handle the immense paperwork of the number of insurance companies they now deal with.......they simply do not want more.
  12. Elyse, Do you know what the total cc's in your band is now? I had been at 4.5 through most all of my wt loss and then got a fill 3 wks before surgery and he put me up to 6 which was definitely too much. I was sick more in those weeks than in the entire previous 9 mos. I am going in tomorrow to hopefully get filled again and hope to get it right.
  13. I forgot to add that I have hardly exercised at all as I have severe spinal disease and need spinal surgery and a spinal fusion. I also have severe arthritis in my knees (the pain and swelling has subsided with the weight loss yeah) I do PT in my bed at home but very little cardio so my weight loss has been by diet alone. I had started being able to ride my exercise bike some and then had to have surgery so hope to get back to it in a few weeks and tone up!
  14. If you are hungry, truly hungry, you need a fill. You should not be hungry other than the appropriate times........bk, lunch, dinner, snack. And, you should get full quickly and stay full until your next meal. If this is not happening, go back and talk to the Dr about another fill. I eat mostly protein focused meals when filled (I have been unfilled for surgery). I start the day with a skinny vanilla latte with protein added from starbucks and the later in the am I have a ready to drink muscle milk lite protein drink. I eat meat, fish, and chicken but also often eat bean based meals. I eat nuts and often peanut butter. I admit I don't eat enough veggies but have been trying to do better lately and love cooked fresh spinach w/butter. It's important to get enough fat in your diet in the form of good fats. I avoid all processed foods and do not eat rice or pasta. I eat yogurt and oatmeal occasionally and low fat frozen yogurt and Mcd's ice cream cones (yeah I know!!!!!!!) At night I eat high protein yummy snacks that I purchase online. And, I do occasionally have a cookie or dessert or other favorite food that is not great for the weight loss, but wonderful for the soul!! You will get there. I would say focus on the fill first because if you are hungry the band is not doing it's part for you!
  15. jms462001

    So... got some work to do.

    That's awesome!!! And don't let the slow weeks discourage you! Your body has to take time to catch up from time to time and you are building lots of muscle unlike some of us!!!
  16. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    I would like to hear more about this public option they have in mind and the benefit package and premiums. And yes, they should have thought that far!
  17. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    That was my point!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Regulations, caps and laws for the insurance companies?? If it was that easy why hasn't it happened before now? You are dreaming. Without competition and huge reform, that is never happening!!
  19. Mine is often very low like that as well. When I was heavier as I got older (I'm 54) it was up to 118/72 or so, but when I was young and overweight it always was very low. My Dr always said I was going to live a long, tired life!! I guess it's not dangerous. I used to get lightheaded all the time if I stood up too fast when I was young. Guess I already responded, but anyway the point is we should live and be ok. When I had surgery 10 days ago, mine went down really low and nobody seemed to care!!
  20. So sorry. My mom had that. I hope you can get it under control. You've done so well with your weight loss.
  21. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Unless one is part of a large corporation or government organization, there already are no choices and the one or two that might be available are cost prohibitive.
  22. jms462001

    Reflux Poll

    Obesity often causes reflux and I think the combination of obesity and a too tight band is a sure way to get it. Just a tight band alone can cause it. It's always better IMO to keep the band as loose as one can and still make the band work. Others are just prone to get reflux no matter what they do.
  23. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    And how do you propose getting insurance companies to reform without getting the government involved. What's your plan? a high percentage of middle class working Americans who have health insurance are one medical catastrophe away from bankruptcy. I pay almost $400 a month for my ins and half of my employees through my company. I have a $5,000 deductible. A recent illness left me owing $5,000 + co-pays before I even finished all the testing leading up to surgery. And like the other poster said, a cancer diagnosis can wipe out a families entire life savings in no time because they reach the lifetime max on the policy. I'm pissed as can be that I owe all this money. I'm just happy my cancer was caught early. Now, I would like to hear your proposed plan for dealing with these insurance companies because if things are left as they are now, I will never be able to get health Ins again due to my health history.
  24. jms462001

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    I have not read all of this thread so this rebuttal very well may have been presented snopes.com: First Lady Requires More Than Twenty Attendants

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