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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by swrktp

  1. All by myself.....don't wanna be............all by myself.............on LBT. This the first time it is only me........all alone online...............where are the troups!! I feel like I am in the trenches alone.............****sigh****
  2. Ah I have done two food logs and still no call from Robin.....I am doing pretty well but I know I have mess ups!! I was sorta waiting to get her opinion/overview on them. Maybe all I have to do is just turn them in??? LOL. I know she is overbusy since she is the only one there. I just want to make sure Dr. Baggs gets word I turned them in so I can have my next fill................I really need a fill again everything goes down again!! Wish I didn't know that, but I do know
  3. Dr. Who cause he reminds people of one of the who's in the grinch who stole Christmas...........just what I heard. RILEY: Glad you back on and doing well. Sadly I didn't get a picture and I am so disappointmented. I want a tummy tuck and breast lift...........maybe when my daughter leaves home in a few years!! :-) I still have to get all the weight off first so no big rush. ASH: Tomorrow is your day........... PAM: I can't even imagine swimming today!! LOL. And yea I think we are also gearing up for furloughs but will find out in June. HEATHER: SO glad you back on I missed you. JOHN: It is supposed to be cool all week and than 79-80 this weekend. MO: Happy Birthday........... CANDRA I miss my twin where are you? Did you call the fill center? Well I broke my 5 day pouch test today and had salad for lunch!! I am down a solid 10 now but if I am not careful I will start the two up and two down again...............I think 10 is what I am gonna lose before the next fill. NOt the 15 I wanted. Oh well........I will have to put out my date for getting to goal weight if it is gonna go this slow!!
  4. Happy Birthday!! I love taking the Ferry over to the Pier 39 and than walking up to China Town and North Beach.........San Fransico is a blast!! My daughter is going to Costa Rica for a month. She is leaving on June 7 from SF airport. So we are gonna hit the pier during the day and walk around. Her flight doesn't leave until 6pm so we have a bit of time........... I did two days of the pouch test. THe first day was hard the second day muchbetter. Sorta did wipe out my snacking cause liquids are boring..........I just made the mock tuna salad and egg salad for tomorrow. Lost one pound but I do feel like it has helped with the carbs and snacking........we'll see. It has forced me to plan ahead for foods. Maybe that in itself will make it worth the time. I have the veggie ground beef and chicken stuff for day 4 and 5. LOL. Not convinced yet cause not losing weight but it is forcing routine and structure and planning ahead with menus. I may or may not try it again!! LOL. I put a message in to Robin and will tell her........not sure what she will say but she will see it on my food log anyway. If they don't like it they can just tell me not to do it again. So my house is clean and I am almost caught up at work. This has gotta be a good week..............and a long weekend next weekend~~
  5. swrktp

    Has anyone used the Fill Centers USA?

    I have used the fill center in NOrthern California through the fill center and was happy with them. I also dealt with Charolette and like her alot . Same as reported before 365 for the first fill and 165 after. No problems and I liked the fill doctor they sent me to............
  6. Oh I am in for sure but have to figure out how to set up my PM. I need to update my account setting I will work on that this afternoon. YOu have Dr. Baggs everyone likes him and likes going in to see him. :-) I love talking to him because he really gets it. I always tell him things are easy when he sets goals (than don't make them) and he wants me to quit saying that!! LOL. He keeps telling me nothing about this is easy don't keep saying that!! I am registered over at Obesity.com but haven't checked in a year or so. I might need to reactivate my account again. WHat is going on over there?? SO Bella 25 is about 8 pounds a month........Maybe I should do that as well. It is probably more realistic than the 30 I would like!! I can't keep getting discouraged by setting outlandish goals it has been a whole 7 months of that. I need some successes to keep me moving! forward! :-) I think Pam is right small goals ......so if you instead of 25 pounds focus on the 8 X 3 or if you want to break it down more 2 pounds a week.................LOL. Yea Bella I will do the 25 pounds too that seems health and realistic..........and if I end up with more I won't complain! :-) That would still but me firmly under 200! I am lacto ovo vegetarian. And yep I am on top of the vitamins. Even when I was gaining weight I stuck with the vitamins......... Getting ready to watch Invitus and fold laundry.......trying to give myself an incentive to get the housework done!! LOL.
  7. BELLA: I see Dr. Baggs on June 3, 2010 but I see him monthly not every three months....I know his goal is 5-10 pounds between fills. SO for three months that is 15-30 pounds. I sorta like the 30 but gonna think about it. I have tell June 1 right?? I used to drink 120 ounces of water when I was losing well and pre op. I survived on water. Right now I am struggling with the 64 so yea I need to do better on that. I can buy into that one easy. Well I would have to say sweets and low carb is something I need to work on. I need to get creative with vegetarian protiens and not be lazy and revert to carbs. Dr. Baggs always give the band people a goal walking about the door. But maybe the sleeve is different. Isn't everyone getting a goal out the door with Dr. Baggs?
  8. I used Gas X and a heating pad........Also paced the backyard when it got really bad!! Didn't try the pills Bella is talking about but I would have it I had known. The Gas was a pain.........literally!!
  9. MAMA ASH: Wow this is your week. So excited for you. How long do you stay in the hospital? Will be thinking about you this week. TAMRA: I want to lose another 7 before the 3rd of June. I want to be down 15. I am still going between 8-10. So another 7 would be great. That is my goal. I have 13 more days until I go back..........So is it the pouch test that is getting you down or protiens? I read up on the pouch test last night and it said it is to break carb addiction and to stop mindless snacking........it is suppose to get you back on track and make you feel your pouch. Not to test if it is broken which is what I thought!! LOL. Suppose to make you stop in your tracks and get serious again..........so I guess there is good and bad. As long as it is not used as a crash diet.........I got to thinking breaking the carb and snacking thing would NOT hurt me. But not to many suggestions for vegetarians. The first three days I would be good........day 4 an 5 are the problems. Anyway there is a book they sell onthe 5 day pouch test!! LOL. Than another one called day 6 and beyond!! LOL. BELLA: I want to be part of the challenge. August 31?? 90 days? I need to think what is realistic before I decide my goals. I know what I want to make a goal but I gotta think about what I will do as well. I would love to be at goal of 150 but I need to do the math. I might need to add a couple months on to that goal!! Are we talking weight down specifically or other stuff too?? For sure under 200 but sorta want more than that too...............Bella is 800 enough a day. I thought if you go to far under 1000 you go into starvation mode?? I think I would struggle with 800 everyday!! Well I am working today. DIdn't make the Kaiser Group. I planned to leave work for a couple hours to head to Kaiser but my supervisor showed up at work to help me out..........so I ended up staying. I am so close to caught up now!! Riley you doing ok? Happy weekend all.
  10. Hey Reggie Join the group!! I gained back 21 pounds with the unfilled band. I just got back on track with a fill and now down 8-10 depending on the time of day. Don't feel bad I am in the same boat and getting back on track. Back on the forum and trying to stay with the whole group support thing........ Reggie you coming to Kaiser tomorrow?? I am trying to make it........we gotta stick together!! Your totally not the only one. I am also back to doing food logs once a week and it is helping. Don't feel bad just join back in..............I am on a sugar craving mode this week. But I like sweets period. I am trying to NOT do sugar this week cause even a little makes me want more. TAMRA: 225 is good. So I bet you could be down another five before your next appoinment easy!! :-) Great weekend to everyone!! Hope it is a good one. I want to know where Candra is??? Come back, come back your one of the reasons I came back to the forum I miss my twin!!!
  11. I didn't do well in High School but once I had my daughter and went back to school I got A's and B's too......Having a kid to support and taking out my own school loans did wonders for my motivation!! Busy day!! Still working but one plus to busy to eat to much!! :-)
  12. TAMRA- School will be out before you know it!! A year will go by fast. I had to go to school for 8 years for a 6 year degree because I had that whole giving up thing down!! YOu will be glad you did it I have never regretted going back to school!! PAM I agree the pouch test for me would be used as a punishment for not eating well. I don't do good with the punishment thing. I think it is about if you mess up you don't get so hard on yourself you get back on track as soon as you notice you messed up. The either/or just makes us feel bad about ourselves..........we do enough of that already. Ok i am on a search here at work today for a man and his kids living in a park.................so puts life in perspective!! Can you imagine living in a park!! We are all so lucky..........
  13. MOrning all......... I think moderation and balance is what we are all looking for. The extremes one way or another are what do us in. What do me in......... Tamra: I am back to the 1200 as of this morning too. I am down 8 and going back and forth on the 2. My restriction isn't my backup anymore I am back to my own actions :-) But it was great while it lasted. Actually the fact that the band loosen is a good thing it means I lose fat around my stomach!! :-) But I really want to be down 15 pounds before I go back. THe 1200 pre op worked great for alot of us so I am going back to that too. We are both on the same track right now............I lost easier on the 1200 pre op and think that might need to be my moderation. RILEY how are ya!! Wishing everyone a great day!!
  14. You CAN lose 3 pounds 10 times..........:-) Behavior modification. Yea perfectionism and negetive self talk go hand in hand................
  15. Yea I have been diagnosed as a discouraged perfectionist...........funny thing someone pointed out is I think black and white and wear black and white!! LOL. I am doomed........... Maybe that is why I don't do the pouch test too cause I know I can't make is more than one day........LOL :-) No tummy tucks or other surgeries for me either. I get what I get after the weight is gone...........
  16. One day at a time here for sure........today was a GREAT day foodwise. Good choices. But ya know I have to be careful cause we are in the nighttime hours now!! Danger zone here. So has anyone thought about Black and White thinking and perfectionism? For me I want everything perfect.....and if it can't be perfect I give up to early and to easy. Just been thinking about that and how that contributes to weight gain/weight loss. I know when I clean my house or do my work.......it has to be perfect by my definition. WHich is way above normal expectations. If I think I don't have enough time or energy I don't even start. Why do something half hearted.........but than the house gets dirty or things go undone cause I can't do them perfect or I am afraid I can't be perfect?? That isn't right........sometimes just doing your best is better than expecting perfection, because at least you move forward and don't get stuck in a negetive pattern. An example my house could be neat but maybe not sterilely neat!! LOL. Discouraged perfectionist.....I think that holds alot of people back. Ya know that black and white of it all. The either or........like if I can't eat perfect or I mess up than it ruins my whole day eating good. Maybe instead of being so hard on myself I need to be ok with trying my best and being ok without perfection. Could perfection be holding people back??? I sorta think it is something to explore.................I know I was shocked at what conclusion I came to around this whole issue. Ok.......my therapist used to tease me all the time about black and white thinking. She finally gave me a grey card to carry in my purse to remind me there is not always a right and a wrong answer but that healing and wisdom sometimes comes in the grey!! Thinking I need to get that grey card back in my purse again. Made me smile whenever I reached in and would see it!! PAM Yea your right how do you make a pouch with the band unless your stomach majorly streched. But to gain 110 pounds back two years out........that is alot!! Bands rule!! LOL. At least I hope they do!! :-)
  17. LOL!! Hog wild!!! LOL!! I just realize how funny that is.......I know what it means but given all the food issues we all have it makes me laugh I used that phrase!! LOL.
  18. TAMRA DON'T GIVE UP!! THIS GIVES YOU MORE TIME TO SUCCEED!! Forget the pouch test and do the pre op diet now that you have more time!! It will stay off better. But I know the mindset I have been there and thought I could have one bad day than get back on track again. I don't do well with "back on track" again........I usually go hog wild if I start................. Seems like when you get discouraged or frustrated you give up?? Maybe those are your triggers?? Mine are stress and boredom..............especially boredom!! How long will you be in school?
  19. Ok I talked to Nicole and she said the pouch test works but than the next week you gain it all back when you go to regular foods.............. So on this other forum I am on they are talking about someone having RNY and now they are getting banded after gaining back 110 pounds. Seems to be a new thing right now banding over the RYN pouch. So maybe this whole band thing is the best of all surgeries...........:-)
  20. Ah Tamra that might be blessing in disquise gives you a bit more time to lose some more.........but did they say why? I go back on June 3, 2010 and so far haven't gotten a call. Oh but I go to Vacaville so that might be why I didn't get called. I might be on a different schedule. You go to Richmond right? I think Dr. Baggs takes alot of long weekend. Last time I went in there he was so darn tan. I almost blurted it out but luckily I didn't I am sure I looked at him funny cause it shocked me and I couldn't think of anything to say for a minute.............I am NOT like Riley who once called him a shiny bald!! LOL :-P Riley hoping all is well and your a raving beauty with your new eyelids!! LOL.
  21. How are ya Riley?? .................
  22. I asked Dr. Baggs once about the pouch test and he said, "What is that?" LOL. I tried to explain it and his comment is "but why?" LOL. He said that is against the lap band rules but I was telling him it is to test the pouch is not streched.........he laughed!! So I don't know what the medical opinion of the pouch test is!! LOL. THey probably think it is a fad diet or something!! But I tell you it works.........I know AUDSMOM did it and went down fast too. I have never done it more than a day!! :-( Being vegetarian sorta makes it hard. Ok serious I have to get off here and take a break until I get caught up. I may not be on for a few days!! LOL.
  23. Riley you must be done about now!! Thinking about you!! So how many days do you get off work? Tamra: Dental is a good field once your done you should have a good career. And I always wanted to be an orthodontist. Never headed that way but it sounds so fun. I have to do the food logs and as much as I would like to do the pouch (yep I am stuck at 10 and a very noticiable reduction in restriction now) I wouldn't want to run the pouch test by Robin. In fact I was sick last weekend and the soup and popsicles...........well I put them on the food log cause it is honest......but it lookes like three days of sliders. And yep I lost but I think I will put in a comment that I was sick. LOL. RObin never called me back I think she is busy. I called her back and left a message so I think I am good. Maybe she wil wait until after I fax her the log for this week and call me next week. Well work is way crazy. I have to go offline..............catching up sux!! LOL. I have been here since 6am and will probably on time. I just wanna get it over with so I don't have to workt his weekend.
  24. Hey Tamra you will get there. Maybe do the pre op for a the days you have left. Or just stick to the pouch test a few extra days. IF you don't get a fill than give yourself a break and schedule another appointment and keep working on it.........you will get there. Believe me if I can survive 7 months you got this easy!! I got a bad attitude and gave up...........don't follow my example so NOT worth it!! :-) My restriction is gone :-( I will need another fill in three weeks. I need to have good food logs or they will say no fill........and I gotta keep the 10 off. I bet if I gain the restriction will kick back in but ah...........than what would be the point. Tamra how is school. I found when I was in grad school I lost alot of weight cause of all the stress!! But the snacking between classes was a killer. Just get behind on homework or your thesis and boom...........instant stress and weight loss!! ;-P

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