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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by swrktp

  1. Hello All I did hear back from Liz today. I will have my pre op classes on APril 2, 2009. Five appointments in all on the same day!! I have to be there from 7:30am -5pm but at least it will be over. 8-10 pre op 10-12 Nutrition class 1:30 Dr. Baggs 2pm-See Robin one on one for Vegetarian nutrition 3:30 See Tom for final approval Glad it is all on the same day but seem far away right now. But I am actually leaving for Africa in two weeks and when I get back it is only a week to pre op and two weeks to surgery. I am working on my FMLA at work today and getting the medical leave approved.
  2. It was fun meeting everyone today!! We will have to do it again.........maybe next time we will all be banded!!
  3. Thanks I will feel better when I have a date. Right now it still seems like an abstract.
  4. Seems like they generally offer a date a month out so you can get your pre op stuff done. Liz didn't give me specific dates besides 3/31 because Dr. Baggs wrote in my file I was going out of town and what dates. March 11-25. So she just avoided those dates I guess. I wanted to get the pre op done before I left but she said no it has to be 30 days before and she doesn't want to start something before I get back. We tried to squeeze it before I left with enough recovery time but that was just too tight as well. If I had gotten my CM appointment a couple of weeks earlier maybe I would have it done by now. I really hope the OR schedule for April opens up soon!! I want the first couple of weeks. I am hoping for APril 1-6...... SWISHBC my timing and vacation is bad so I think I am part of the delay. I almost cancelled my vacation but both Liz and Dr. Baggs said to go and get this done after. They said this can be done anytime vacation can't be!! Also I think they do surgery on Tuesdays and MOndays......just seems like what everyone gets. SWISH good luck on MOnday and let us know your date.
  5. Hey Jeff how fast were you up and around? How was the recovery period and all the details.
  6. Hello Jeff. Hey SWISHBC I bet we will have our surgery around the same time. Let me know what date you get. As of 9/9/09 they were not scheduling April yet. She said to wait a couple of weeks. She only had 3/31 left. We might end up at the same orientation and surgery classes.
  7. I think I am looking at a April 6, 2009 date. Waiting to get the final word from Richmond Kaiser sometime this week. I get that if I can lose 20 pounds it proves I CAN lose on my own. My family is pretty negetive. They have this it is a willpower problem nothing else. An issue of laziness. My response has consistently been I am doing to do it an this is between me and my doctor. That sorta has ended the converstation. If anything goes wrong I will hear it for sure...............I am not debating I am 100% sure this is the right thing.
  8. Unless I have a last minute emergency at work (I am a social worker:-)) I will be there. BJ's has a great salad!! Can't wait to see everyone.
  9. Riley how was the pre-op classes?
  10. When LIz talked to me about the whole sex thing I told her not to worry I had no man in my life at the time. She just gave me this deadpan look..........so I joked around and said you know celebate as in priest like!! She laughed but said she didn't care that I had to have some kind of precaution plan since weight loss equals high fertility!! I told her I would not get a boyfriend as a precaution and she laughed and said she didn't buy that and to get some birth control in place!! LOL I think she thought I was a bit wacky!! I was just trying to lighten the situation up a bit!! LOL
  11. I work in the Natomas area and about five minutes from the main shopping area in Natomas. I am so up for doing something next Thursday. Congratulations SWISHBC!!!! So excited for you. Maybe we will get the same surgery and pre op dates!! My weight is going between 238 and 240. Really frustrating the up and down. I want to get to 233 so I can Celebrate again. That will be 20 down. So hard to get the scale moving and such a victory when it does!!!
  12. Riley so excited for ya!! So what final labs do they require. She didn't tell me because she wanted to wait for my surgery date to get scheduled first. I will definetely need the anit-nasaua medication!! LOL. So do you get your pain meds before surg? I kinda hope so I don't want to go to the lab after. I hope things go well with the CPAP machine. I think overtime you should start to sleep better. So does it wake you up when you don't breath. I will be looking to you for all my questions as my date gets closer. What time is your surgery??
  13. swrktp

    Pre-surg jitters!?!

    My surgery is a month out and I am already nervous and excited. I am sure as time goes on it will build up more. YOu start to wonder if it is necessary and think about all the what if's................I know it will be fine but the build up in your mind is the worst part. I can't wait until I know and don't have to wonder about all thedetails of surgery.
  14. I have been getting more and more nervous the closer it gets. But I am also excited. I HATE pain and hospitals but I want this!! I am waiting to hear from Riley how it goes and what the pain level is. SHe is having her surgery on 2/23/09. Keeping her in my thoughts. So I am in the 'waiting place" right now until I get a surgery date...............I can focus on Africa and weight lose and don't have to get nervous until I get back from Africa. I am sure I will start to get nervous once I get on the plane home!! LOL
  15. For me it was being 37 but feeling like 70+. It was also the isolation out of being to heavy but also too big to enjoy things even whe I did get out. I think the finaly straw was when I was babysitting my nephews and had to push them up a hill in the stoller ...............and I had to stop every couple of minutes to breathe. My 2 year old nephew was scared and kept asking if I was ok. I realized I REALLY, REALLY had to do something different. I also have a 14 year old daughter that needs me to be around and active so I can one of the "cool moms" who gets out and does things with their kid. I am sure this is the right choice. I hope I still feelt his way after I have surgery a month from now.
  16. Hello Aud glad your back!! Well Liz was strongly discouraging the March 31 date she said she felt it was pushing it to much..............thus pushing her as well to get me ready. I didn't want to push it to much. I told her I could make it work but she said it was really pushing it!! And she want to make sure I am rested and not jet lagged when I go into surgery. When is your pre op AUd?
  17. I have Dr. Baggs and he is out on vacation until next week. I am 238 this morning on MY scale so I think I will be ok. I don't plan to eat but my appointment is at 1:30 pm so it will be a struggle. I am gonna bring my water. Yep I hope to get a date today if everything goes well. Probably the last week in March or the first week in April. searching for light clothing.............I wear jeans everyday and they told me last time jeans were a bad choice!! I was eyeing my capris and and summer clothing but with the rain they might think I lost my mind to do that..........I will find something!!
  18. Great to hear Reggie. YOu got lucky getting two appointments in one day. But you forgot to mention which surgeon you got? I am curious..................... I am going in for the CM appoinment tomorrow. I hear it is gonna rain which I am not looking forward to. I hope to get a surgery date tomorrow. I also hope to be under goal or under. I hit goal last week but haven't lost much since than.
  19. Ok here is what I read...........to lose water weight..........no carbs or very low carbs, now sodium and at least 64 ounces of water if not more.......... should lose all your water weight in 3 days..........interesting. I am going to RIchmond on MOnday. I hear it is suppose to rain but at least I don't have to be there until 1:30 this time.
  20. Yea weight lifting is over for me for awhile!! I will start that again once I heal from surgery. I drank alot of water today which is just my habit and back up to 239 tonight. I think I need to just see where I settle in weight wise over the weekend. This has always been my problem with losing weight I lose some about 15-20 pounds and get stuck, and here I am again. Thus the lap band...................... This is exactly where I usually get stuck. But I am feeling better and hope that I can still get down 10 pounds in the next month. Christine you are really, really close to goal weight now!! You'll have an appointment in the next two weeks I bet!!
  21. Thanks Swishbc I have been drinking ALOT of water. Probably double the 64 on most days. Yesterday was the first day I only did 64 ounces. But I was thirsty this morning when I got up. I think maybe it just took my body a few days to get used to all the water.......... I also have been lifting weights which is a good thing but I think it makes it harder for the numbers on the scale to go down. Maybe a better idea after I am firmly at goal weight. I don't want the muscle to put me over goal weight. LOL. Sounds crazy that exercise make one gain weight...... I will have to wait a couple of days and see if this sticks. I hope so. I want to get to 230 or below.
  22. Ok so I weigh today and I am 237.2 I was 240.4 yesterday so this doesn't make sense. So I waited until noon and weighed again thinking it is a mistake. No I am 237.4 now. Can't complain but how in the world does that happen. Three pounds overnight when I have not lost anything in almost 9 days. Anyone else have this happen? I will be convinced it is true if it hold for a couple more days. Just crazy if you ask me.
  23. wow thanks Riley for the information. I go back over there on MOnday for my CM appointment. I am still at 240.4 I can't seem to get below 240. I will be so happy when I get in the 230's don't know why I been at 240 for almost two weeks! It came off so fast than stopped and won't budge. I want to be 230 or less when I have surgery. I will talk with Robin when I get my pre op. I know there has to be a way to make it work. I guess I could commit to fish and chicken, I really don't like it though. I am doing alot of research on protien and a veggie diet. I hope to have some ideas by the time I see Liz on monday. So what was the physical like? How long was your day over there? I know Dr. Baggs is out I tried to email him today and you can't until after the 12th. SO you met with Dr. Fisher today? What do you have to do to get ready for surgery?
  24. Hey ChristinE I hear ya on the name. My name is Tina and I always get called Christina because people can't imagine my mom would give me half a name!! LOL. Good to know that CM can't change the weight. I am happy with it. I plan to go down as much as I can in the next 6 weeks but nice to know I don't HAVE too. I am guessing that your doctor has been able to do this in the past. And maybe even with you he can still do it. But I think the CM's try to stop it if they know about it. I just don't know how you could make it past Liz if ya know what I mean;-0 I am a bit worried about MOnday my weight is right on goal. I think maybe I would have been better to wait until I was firmly a few pounds below to get the CM appointment so I wouldn't stress. Ah well we live and we learn. SWISHBC glad your back.
  25. SWISHBC=that is a great wght loss record. Is that in addition to the 5.5 you lost up to than? I am impressed. I wonder why they set my goal weight below the 10%. I am not complianing but I hope that has the CM approval and doesn't get overruled. I am down 15 but I would need another 10 to get 10%. I did not ask Dr. BAggs because was thrilled to be so close to goal. But now I wonder. Is is because of lower BMI or being a bit "hippy" or is that just him?? Hmmm...............

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