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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by swrktp

  1. Happy Sunday!! Pat: I know the feeling of having an organized and size appropriate closet :-) I did that two weeks ago. I like to stand back and just look. Thanks for the Yoga info. I will check out the thrift stores first!! I have found alot of great DVD's for exercise there and I am sure I have seen some of the ones you mentioned. If I can't find them there I will head to the store. I think people buy the DVDs try them once than get rid of them. Their lose my gain!! Down 5 pounds this week but at a dead stand still now........I need to be down another 5 or so and I will go back for a fill. Moody band yesterday no restriction today restriction........I need to learn to use it as backup not my primary defense!! :-) Working on that. PAT: I can tell a difference in your pictures. I need to add you as a friend to see them all though. MO: Sorry you can't be there on the 26th I still haven't got to meet you. COLE: I have a 15 year old and I think dealing with her was harder than having little one!! LOL. She couldn't understand why I was so sleepy and lazy for a couple of week. She wanted me to play chauffer........you will be fine :-) DONNA: your going to the seminar too?? Yea!! I miss you!! TAMRA: This is your fill week right :-) Best of luck. I see your scale going down. PAM: YOu camping your quiet this weekend!! Everyone else hope your having a great one!!
  2. I went through Kaiser Richmond. Dr Baggs is my doctor and I highly recommend him!! He is a great surgeon and a nice guy, funny too!!
  3. Morning all Feeling so much better today. My lungs are finally clear and I can breath~~ LOL. A huge plus. I agree stress probably made things worse but I being able to catch my breath makes life easier. TAMRA: You cat?? How is your cat doing? That would scare me my cats are my babies. Also I agree that days home are my worse days for snacking. PAT: YOur back. I haven't tried Yoga but want to. I was gonna try to get a DVD. Any you recommend? Something easy to start out with?? They did talk to me about stomach breathing and mediation at ER. I took a week off work which probably helped the most just to have a bit of stress leave Z:-) Donna: I will be there on the 26th and I am doing the seminar too. I have the book read it. I am excited about it. Is anyonhe else going to be there?? Well I am gonna get out of the house and to something to day. So happy to feel better!!
  4. MONICA: Wow that is scary!! Hope your feeling better. How did all of this effect the band? Did they say anything about the band? ER is a scary place. TAMRA: Yea I got a fill .50 it was to tight(my opinion) I went back in and got .25 out. I don't want to play around with to tight and losing all my fluid again. I orginally wanted .25 but they thought that .50 would work well since I lost 12 pounds. I don't know call me crazy I am afraid of being to tight!! I have good restriction right now. Maybe in another month or another 10 pounds I will try to go back up another.25cc. I will probably lose slower cause I did that but oh well. I am down four pounds this morning. Still on liquids until tonight. I just felt like the water was going down way to slow...........took me all day to get in 64 ounces a little at a time. I think I might be fine with this fill for a couple of months. I am sure they thought I was crazy to get some out. But the doc said he understood I told him I don't want to even get close to to tight because I don't want a total unfil or to slip my band. So I need to up my exercise and protiens alot so I can keep losing. I feel like I have good restriction but of course I am on liquids until tonight so who knows for sure yet? I am sure I would have loosen up by the end of the week but don't want to take chances. I am a high maitenance patient Ah the first PB!! HURTS!! I hate when I do that............but Tamra you might have more restriction than you think if you PB'd. Moody bands!! Social Eating..............LOL I will have to come back later for that one. That is a whole other issue!! I signe up for the seminar at Kaiser West Point. Anyone else??
  5. I got the email from Angel. Looks interesting. I am gonna try to make it......... Happy Friday everyone!! I am so happy it is the weekend!! Where is everyone lately??
  6. swrktp

    ever hear of this?

    One year out and had that about a month ago.........weird. I certainly know I have a port!!
  7. Ashley hope you feel better soon!! I had a bad cough after surgery for a week and it HURTS!! So sorry and an ER visit ..............feel better soon. Went into Kaiser Vacaville today. Down 12 pounds so close to the 15 I hope for!! But I got lucky because it was more like 10 yesterday and still going up and down like crazy. Got another fill but debated alot about it first. I don't want to be to tight. Since I am down quit a bit I got a .5 fill. I thought maybe a .25 would be good but than I need to go back next month..............This way I can wait until August to go back. I am back to where I was a month ago, no apetite and really tight. Gotta get the weight off and it will loosen right up.......back to eating a bit less than 1/4 cup. I am in mourning about being back to step one gain!! LOL. Actually it is good for me. I will have to work myself back up to a cup. I was able to eat about a cup of food here the last few days.................trying not to take advantage of it but ya know!! LOL :-) Back to restriction. TAMRA didn't see you how did your appointment go?? I saw another patient I knew there. Haven't seen her for almost a year and she looked good. Hope everyone is doing well. Would love some updates on people ithas been quiet online.
  8. Happy Sunday Everyone!! Been lazy all day today. My daughter is home sick so I am catching up on reading and doing laundry. I need to get out of the house sometime today. Going in to see Dr. Baggs on Thursday. I am down a solid 8 and hoping the 10 will stick to the scale sometime this week. I keep seeing it go up and down 2 pounds.........than add clothes!! LOL. I might just need to be happy with 8. Ash hope you get to feeling better. Right after surgery I got a bad cough and of course..............it hurt terrible to cough so I didn't. My lungs hurt though. I guess it could have been the anethesology and all the tubes too. LOL. I was sick the week before surgery so I figure it was just more of the same. But it passes. And yea 1/2 cup right off...........ouch!! I did good to get in my 64 ounces. I barely ate the first week I was too wiped out and slept 13 hours a day. I did popsicles and a little jello.............Good luck!! I loved being able to sleep that much without feeling guilty!! :-) Ali I still have problems with the water. 64 ounces is hard when you have restriction because the pouch is small....................LOL. I am trying to do better on that. Ok back to being lazy here..................
  9. Bread, Brocolli, Pasta, rice and tortilla's...............Beans sometimes but if I eat them slowly......I need them for protiens since I am vegetarian. But yea sliders go down easy all the time so you have to have willpower and stay away from them. The band won't stop sliders............... I wasn't lifting anything for a couple of weeks not even my cats. To sore...........I would have help around if you have babies.
  10. Ok so TOM and my band is MUCH tighter the last few days...............seriously is it only me??? Everytime I have three or four days of tight.............and yep I would prefer to eat sliders today but stuck with the protiens. Barely got them down today. The scale better be nice to me after two days of this so far.............. Makes it hard to know if I need a fill this week or not.......three days ago I needed a fill, today I am just fine thank you!!
  11. Why no pain meds for Chrissy!! That sounds terrible. Surgery will be a breeze after that...............so sorry!!
  12. Welcome Dallen......... Head hunger probably!! I still get that and I am a year post op. Can you find something to keep yourself busy until next week~~June 3 will be here before you know it!! I have to have a plan like when I am tempted journey or go for a walk. But the other thing is not to have temptations in the house. I had to clean out the house!! Who is your surgeon??? WHich surgery!! Welcome to the site you will like it on here we have fun!!
  13. Ah Pam I am here at work alone.........everyone took a long weekend. I am taking time off in two weeks to take my daughter to SF International for her trip to Costa Rica so I couldn't take today off too!!
  14. Tamra what time on the 3rd??? I will be there too that day in Vacaville.........that would be so fun!! I am there at 1:30pm
  15. Happy Food Log Friday!!! I need to get off my butt and fax mine in so I can get my fill next week!! LOL. Why am I the only one at work??? LOL
  16. Tamra you could take the 15th as a holder and than call daily for another appointment. Someone will cancel. People cancel all the time............but at least you would have a spot saved that you could use to trade it for!! You'll get in sooner if your persistent. They do get grumpy if you call alot but I think like Riley said if your pleasant and ask how they are and are overnice they get over that quick. I think Riley used to always ask if they were "thriving" and they weren't as onery! LOL. But persistence will pay off....................you CAN get in sooner just make sure you know which days so you can jump on it quick!!
  17. Ash heating pad and recliner were my constants post op. I didn't sleep in a bed for a month. I slept with a heating pad for a month............now I have no idea where it is anymore!! I also had to ward off jumps on my stomach by the two cats. They also did me in a couple of times post op when they wanted to sleep with me!! LOL. Gotta watch the kids and the cats................ I did sugar free popsicles and jello for days and than moved on the warm soups. THe soups and the warm was the best. Pre op I was a cold liquid person. Post op I am definetely a warm liquid person. My band likes warm especially right after a fill. Ah feel so go on a swollen stomach......... Hope your doing well. Day 2 is the worst and it is all uphill from than!!
  18. We have a great thrift store in Antelope are that I have been using the last year. Jeans and pants are 5 dollars. Shirts 3 dollars. They get all new stuff on Tuesdays so I try to go than if I need something. Alot of the stuff is Lane Bryant, Torrid, Fashion Bug and much of it has tags still on it. That is how I have survived all the changes in the size the last year. Once I get to 12's I am gonna let myself really shop at the mall or somewhere nice.......LOL.
  19. Day one of the all protien =no fast food (aka taco bell beans or tostados and Starbucks skinny vanilla latte)=successful so far. Luckily I was so busy at work today I didn't have time to think about anything. Ok I didn't eat all day either but I made it home and can cook now:-) Some days are just like that where I work...........gotta love working in the ER department!!
  20. Hey Tamra my daughter loves sushi. I haven't tried it becuase of the seaweed thing............you will lose a pound in two weeks easy your in good. Good luck on your tests!! So I was told yesterday I can't have carbs and protiens together.......or I shouldn't!! LOL. I was using ryecrisp(like 20 calories a piece) to eat egg salad and it was like 80 percent eggs to the cracker but was told eggs only no cracker anymore................I guess the cracker make the eggs a slider. Well I don't know if I will like just eating egg salad but I will try. Also trying water instead of crystal light if I can stand it for a week!! I can do anything for a week. Chrissy. I also got "why aren't you losing faster" yesterday and I thought I have been working my butt off. So it is not just you. I sorta argued than realized it doesn't matter since I know how hard I am trying. :-) Ok work, work, work........
  21. Let me check my cell maybe it is on there..............you know we work so close maybe we could go walking once a week or so!! I am not in the office much but I bet I could walk to your office from mine~~
  22. I don't think I have your number Reggie. GIve it to me and I will call ya tomorrow!! Send it on FB!! Ah a coke sounds wonderful right now!! Good thing I don't have one!!
  23. John I would SO take your 40 for my 10 this month!! I agree with Pam at least you didn't gain........it is all good. Ok my new challenge is no fast food at all even if I make a healthy choice. I gave up starbucks (I think!! LOL) the first week and frozen yogurt, last week I gave up regular yogurt and well this week............the challenge is no tostado's al fresco at Taco Bell!! Talked to Robin today for a long, long time. And working on breaking one bad habit a week until I hit perfection!! LOL. I think she would have liked perfection faster but I have to do what I know will stick and what I know I can handle. Hopefully I don't have months of bad habits and will be in perfect mode in a few weeks!! I must be getting close if I could just lose my craving for sweets now!! Ok the 5 day pouch test is for RNY and gastric patients. It was not created for the band. I did the research and Robin is right it is for RNY not bandsters. DOesn't look good on a food log (and I should know it is on my food log this week so I had to explain it!!) and she said people who try it gain the weight back after they go back to bandster food. We are not the only ones to try.............she said lots of people have told her they tried it but not huge successes to speak of. DOesn't hurt I guess .............. Well I gotta run I am wiped out!! Quiet on here lately!! HOpe it is a good day for all. REGGIE!!! WHERE ARE YOU I MISS YOU!!! TAMRA WHERE DID YOU GO!! HOW IS IT GOING? THOUGHT ABOUT YOU ON TUESDAY SINCE THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE YOUR FILL DAY!!
  24. Ash shouldn't be embarrassed. Just tell her to go back 100 pages or so and see what I did in the post op recovery room..........I was talking crazy to Dr. Baggs when he tried to discharge me and almost did a strip tease for the pre ops people...........not to mention telling them I was so naseous and sick after surgery.......just what they wanted to hear I am sure!! I think the deceptive thing is I was told I looked like I was on the up and up..........didn't look loopy but sure was. I guess that is what happens when you get transferred to back to the pre op room for an hour before discharge!! LOL. The nurses closed the curtains on me so I could REST!! LOL. Unicorns and midgets!! LOL. I am so glad someone else acts crazy under the influence as well!!
  25. Water is hard for me to get down too when the band restriction is good. The food sits there for so long and if I drink water at all before it goes down it all comes back up........YUCK!! Even the thought of water and food mixed together......YUCK. I totally agree that the water can be a challenge. Pre op I was drinking 125-150 ounces of water a day easy!! :-)

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