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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by swrktp

  1. I didn't eat well today. I am down just about 10 pounds in 11 days.............and today the restriction was gone!! I can't believe it. I had it last night and nothing today. But maybe it was a fluke. I didn't eat well today. I ate salad, soup, veggie chicken, veggie sausage links and cereal. The cereal was my downfall. Two days ago it wouldn't go down. I had to dump the cereal in the outside trash so that doesn't happen again. My daughter is looking for the cereal but I am keeping quiet acting like I have no clue.................she would be so upset!! Shhh.............LOL. Oh course it looks terrible on my food log!! I can't do that again!! Hoping for a better tomorrow. And I did get in 1200 calories today..........no problem at all :-P
  2. Ah Riley my co worker had the surgery and was back to the office in two days............she said it was no big deal and I didn't even see bruising or anything. Take pictures and post them after your done!! Your gonna look great!!
  3. Chrissy.........oh dear!! I wouldn't like that either. I think I would be most worried about them going through the groin and nudity!! LOL. Of course the whole nudity thing during surgery was not my favorite either.....Not that I remember much of it. I do know with all the morphine after I felt fine dressing and undressing in the middle of the pre op room in front of everyone, THank God for nurses who reminded me to be modest..........so ah yea I hope they give you something than NOTHING will bother you! I am sure you will be ok. Better safe than sorry!!
  4. Ah 18s is a pretty common size at the exchange......it is the 14/16 that are hard to come by!! I am trying to come this weekend. I am going into work early tomorrow so I can hopefully get caught up on paperwork. WIth all the layoffs we are so not keeping up and management is so stressing keeping up. We are all working free overtime right now but we are all gonna stop together. So things could get crazy...................
  5. Ah Big Brother is out to lunch so I can take mine now too..........I was out sick for two days they need to chill a bit. I always catch up quick. Well Big Brother is a computer that runs statistics..........only way to make him happy is to update the system. So Riley I agree if you PB does it count?? Cause I am counting it but the way I am losing I sorta think they don't count!! LOL. Well back to the trenches.......... :-)
  6. Real quick I am so behind at work today....... I agree Riley that book is really deep.......I think I was expecting something different and yep I am headed back into counseling too. I hear ya on the PB's my goal is no more until I go back to see Dr. Baggs but I am gonna have to stay on top of it. I could PB everyday too but I am stopping way before I get to that point but yea that does leave the bottom tummy hungry. I am down 8 pounds today. Went down two overnight. But ya know I won't trust that until I see it two days in a row.......at this rate I might need another fill next month. But so far...........ah no thank you!! Riley good luck on the surgery. I so want a tummy tuck and breast lift.........reduction!! LOL. Not sure they would consider it medical though. Let me know what they say!! Ok back to work darn it........I have big brother on my back today or in otherwords my paperwork is behind. Guess who might have to work this weekend :-P
  7. I invited someone new over here today from another forum I am on...........Ms. Lee??? Did you make it over here and are ya gonna come to the support group this weekend???
  8. Congrats Bella!! Sounds like it is going well!! Send over some of your exercise mojo I sure could use it. I ate........ Breakfast: 2 sausages links (veggie of course) Lunch: Crackers in a 100 calorie pack (not a good choice I know) Dinner: Veggie chicken Pattie and 1/2 cup of broccoli Soup I am looking a a sugar free popsicle. I have a really sore throat and know I am way under calories today. So I am gonna go ahead. Still working on my Water right now ......Dinner is settling slowly tonight and it is hard to get much water in when I am so full :-)
  9. Jes I would be so happy if I had 12's that were to big:-) YOur kicking butt!! I am readying this really good emotional eating book by Geneen Roth. Called Breaking free from emotional eating. FOr some reason this book just clicks with me.......she also wrote Women Food and God which is a big Oprah thing right now. I started to read that book but took it back..........I like the older one better. More concrete advise.
  10. Mo inches DO count!! Cause they make a difference in how clothes fit........ok so ya maybe no fills with inches but I say the DO count. I would be very happy with pounds or inches!! I will trade ya........down 7 pounds in a week but I can't tell a difference in my clothes at all yet. Sorta discouraging to see the scale go down but the clothes fit the same. But it is discouraging for the doctor to say it doesn't matter..............
  11. Tamra we ARE alike. YOur mom sounds like my mom all the way. Ah sorry..........my mom tried to talk me out of the band all the way to surgery. ANd now that I have gained some back with the unfill she told me she thinks it will take a miracle for me to get to goal!! Sorta pissed me off............My mom watches me like a hawk and if I gain or lose I here about it. She works out like crazy and eats organic ect. I live across the street from my parents which financially is a good deal since I rent their secondhouse. But emotionally............ah geez she really hurt me with that comment last week. Now I am sorta determined to prove her wrong. But yea I am 38 and I let what she says bother me even though I know I shouldn't. ASH-I think Kaiser RIchmond needs to put that in their binder to so people aren't surprized but it. And just to be clear I do have to lose to get anymore fills. So I got a bit of mercy.........but long term I am back with the rest of you now. Just luckily now I have my restriction to help me get to down a bit. Tamra how much do you have to lose to get a fill per Robin or Dr. Baggs? In the past he told me 5-10.......... CANDRA: where are you???
  12. THe book is ok Pam..........but I got one of her older books on emotional eating that is better. I am home sick going to the doctor today. I had pneumonia really bad two years ago and scarred up my lungs. So anything that hits my lungs I have to go in. I don't want to get that sick again. I know I don't have pneumonia now but better safe than sorry. All the coughing can't be good for band. If I cough to hard I PB not sure how that works........... Down another pound today!! Yea. Slow but steady. I didn't eat that great this weekend so I am suprized. I did have frozen yogurt a definet slider. Robin called earlier so I am gonna try to call her back. It is either about the food log (ah darn I didn't know baked beans were sliders!! LOL) or about the counseling.......She is hard to get ahold of so I just left a message for her. Ok back to bed gotta take advantage of a sick day since the rest of my week is gonna be crazy.........
  13. How many cc's you need is individual......I am at 5ccs and have awesome restriction, Riley I think topped out at 5.5cc's. Nicole (audsmom) had 8cc's..........Christine said she was at 6.5cc's............depends on the person. When the restriction kicks in your gonna know it!! But I will tell you a week out I am already figuring out what goes around the band restriction or not....oatmeal, yogurt, soup...........so restriction won't fix the snacking overeating..........Someone said Sharon Osborn lost all her weight with a band.......and that she had all the fluid taken out recently because she was using the band as a bulimic device...........as in she ate, overate, knew she would PB and than the calories didn't count..........she was bulimic in the past. She she had the fluid taken out and said she has to work onher emotional issues before she uses the band again................hmmm...........is that what Kaiser is doing trying to make us get the emotional stuff under control first before we can use the band......personally I need the band to have the motivation to kick me into wanting to work onthe emotional..............but I thought the whole Sharon Osborn thing was very interesting..............sorta scary too how strong eating issues can go and how they can totally override the band..................
  14. In regards to calories: RObin once told me it should be "way under 1200" But than Dr. Baggs said it should be 1000-1200. So I am not sure. I saw a forum posing somewhere on here about that topic exactly........you might want to do a search I saw it yesterday. I would be curious to know too!!
  15. Good Luck Tamra!! I had Dr. Baggs and Robin tell me no a few times before they said yes............ I think after the first 2cc fill they do .5 to 1cc's at a time. If you haven't lost much they usually go for the .50cc's. But even that makes a big difference sometimes. I wish you the best of luck. Have you talked to Robin at all. She is the key to a fill. You might want to try and bargain with her a bit BEFORE you see Baggs. I know she puts notes in the file for him to read before each appointment. Once you get restrition you will be good to go Tamra. I promise it makes a world of difference. Hard to remember that when your at NO restriction I know! I am stuck at 5 down still. I have to get rid of the carbs this week or I am not goining down anymore. I know my body and carbs won't work................
  16. I need to call Allergen than cause I got jipped...........mine doesn't look official at all!! Maybe that is my problem!! LOL.
  17. Pam it was baked beans........:-) Four days of beans!! It took that long to get to the bottom of the can. At lease I know now doing something different this week.......... Have fun with the laundry same here. How is Heather. Gonna go check on the other forum and see if she showed up there.........
  18. Oh I got the resterant card by calling Allergen and asking for the lap band packet..........I also think Kaiser gave me one of those packets to. It is just a little flimsy card.....I find the resterants are more receptive when I just quietly explain it to them. Sometimes they have to ask their managers........same answer order off the cheaper senior menu. I still end talking alot home. So...........the grocery bill has shrunk. Takes me two days to eat a can of beans!! A week to eat a box of the morning star stuff........everything I open is three or four meals to finish!! Two weeks ago...........LOL. Much cheaper eating this way!! Lots of repeat meals and leftovers...... DId I say I am LOVING my band again!!
  19. COCO: Wow you doing great!! I have foudn that resterants don't want to honor the resterant card. They usually tell me I can't have a kids menu but they always offer me the senor menu. So I think it is probably a fair trade. Now you understand why I wanted my fill back so badly!! LOL. It makes a HUGE difference!! :-)
  20. Blog?? WHere? Who are we talking about I wanna read a great blog too!! LOL.
  21. AH Bella it was the morningstar sausage patties!! THanks you make me feel better. I think the sausage links are better I got some today. I know I have to stop the oatmeal and yogurt.........thank goodness someone else has been through it. I agree with eating out. Alot of fuss for a few bites and expensive too. I like my 1/4 countainers and stuff I know stays down. My new definetion of comfort food!! LOL. I just really don't want to eat out unless I have to. My boss doesn't know about my band but I am gonna tel her when it comes up.........land yea I agree it is easier to take the last bite and than you sit there uncomfortable instead of being part of the conversation!! LOL. I use Calorie Counter for my food log. I have to be creative with the soy meats and veggie protiens but I like it. I find it easier than doing it by hand. Ok I am visiting online and not sleeping so I think I will get up and do my laundry. Who is going to the support group this weekend?
  22. John I agree eating out is hard. We do it at work alot for unit meetings. It is hard to make 1/4 cup last the whole hour and people want to know why you don't eat......awkward. Especially since my boss pays for everything I feel like I need to try and eat. I usually go for soup and sorta panic when we go to a place without soup. Soup you can make last a long, long time.......LOL. Sizzler just about did me in and so did Red Lobsters.........I am a vegetarian so they are hard resterants anyway. But still when I good restriction I sorta like to eat alone more than go out..........it is just a pain trying to figure it all out. I would rather eat alone which I am sure probably means I need to practice eating in a group!! LOL
  23. I BP'd twice today on dense protien......sausages. Hmm.......so I am doing a protien shake tonight and starting again in the morning. Darn it that hurts.........I think they are just to dry gonna try something different for breakfast tomorrow. Scares me when that happens......went to Olive garden with my daughter and couldn't do the salad but I did eat the broth of the ministroni soup. I am sure they wondered why the liquid was gone but the beans and noodles were still there!! I got a weird look and they asked if I like it. I didn't have the energy to explain the band. Sometimes I do and sometime I don't.......... WHen I started all this I kept the Band a big secret. Now I tell everyone. I don't know why I was so worried about it being a big secret. I don't care who knows now.........If people ask I tell them. If I am out to eat and can't keep up with everyone else. I tell people. Easier than all the questions and worries I am not eating or don't like something they made :-( Ok I still have a fever I am headed to bed early and can't wait to get some sleep.............
  24. I am noticing that if I eat anything sweet, even sugar free sweet................than I get on these sugar and maybe carb cravings.................I think the reason the salad got me last week is that MAYBE the dressing had sugar in it............ So trying to figure out now what kind of vegetarian protiens I can have this week. I did beans all last week and Pam just told me they were sliders so I am trying to get creative right now and elimnate the beans this week.....if nothing else they have way to many carbs!! Are you SLEEVE people getting dumping?? Just curious...........
  25. Hey Jes, Yea your back!! I hope you stay back now!! I am trying to check in more too.......... I am doing food logs for Kaiser and have to write it all down anyway. So I will jump on board on here too. The food logs are helping. If nothing else I know now that I do worse on the days I stay home from work or weekends.........the days I stay busy I don't have as many temptations. Just something I learned this week that I don't really like but there it is. I am going to try and to a no slider day today. Which means no oatmeal or yogurt this morning. I am going for the veggie sausages. I am down 6 pounds this week and been stuck for three days now. At least it is not going on up like before thank goodness. Did I mention my house is spotless after three days home!! That sure feels good.............I think my car might get scrubbed out today :-) Anything to keep busy and away from the food today!!! I got this new steam mop and little steam cleaner. WOw does that thing work!! Maybe steam cleaning can be my new addiction!! LOL. I got in 1200 calories yesterday the most I have done all week. I wasn't so good on protiens and got hungry as a bear last night about 10pm...........that is when the calorie count went over 1000 :-( I got the pedometer out today and gonna work on my 10 thousand........ Good Sunday to everyone...............

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
