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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lucyavery

  1. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Ha ha, yes mine are beautiful, thanks for the uplift. yes, I should have known that normal is 16 to 17 1/2, what was I thinking!!!!!!!! lucy
  2. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Okay, my calves are both 16 inches even. Now I'm wondering what is normal? lucy
  3. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey ladies, I hope everyone is well. First of all, welcome home Apples. Addy, glad the scale has moved for you, keep up the good work and positive attitude. Long....I'm going to have my dh measure my calves as soon as he gets home. I'm not kidding one bit. I've never had them mesured, so now I really want to know. Hunzi, glad things are moving forward for you. Allie, you look smoking in that bathing suit. And your "girls" fill it out nicely :mad2: I have been on such a shoe kick lately. I've not broke down and bought any high heels yet, but I've been looking online and have my eyes on a few. I want to be able to wear some BA high heels when I lose a little more. I dressed up really nice the other day with nice pants and sweater and my 2 inch black boots and my co-worker commented on how good I was looking and all I could do is smile ear to ear to and say "I know". It was a good moment. Well, ladies I don't know what is going on with me, but my band has tightened up. It started this week. I can hardly get anything down. I been drinking some protien shakes and eating yogurt. I can only eat 2 bites of food and that is it. I'm hoping that it lossens back up soon. Tommorow is my weigh in day, so well see if I'm solid in the onehundreds!! Have a good night.
  4. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Well Allie, you can just feel the happiness and excitment coming through your post. I'm so happy for you. We spent V day shopping for a new TV my dh husband had to get a new one because our old one was messing up. He could not live another day the way it was. So we got one on Sat, and on Sun I had to go and get a new entertainment center to put it in. I could not live another day with the way things were lucy
  5. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Wow Allie, that was an awesome find on the cards and stuff, way to go!! And way to go for hubby. I know you are both out enjoying your win tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Strike, my dh say's we are never moving again, I'm not so sure
  6. lucyavery


    I think your fine. I could eat that much with my 2nd fill. It was not till my 3rd fill that I really felt restriction. My 3rd fill was my sweet spot, it lasted from Oct till Jan 1st. My 4th fill did not do much at all so went back at the end of Jan for my 5th fill and I am back at restriction. You will know it when it happens, or at least it did for me and I hope it does for you also. So I agree with Kat, slow down. Don't get so worked up, your fine and you will get there. Good luck
  7. lucyavery

    The "C" word: Constipation

    OMG!! I am right there with you. Tonight as matter of fact. I am in so much pain. I have been on the toliet about 3 times and in so much pain. I have run a hot bath twice to lay in after getting up from the pushing. Right now I am in my recliner with a heating pad on my belly. I have taken 5 stool stofners. I have to get some releif. This is so not fun. I am going to go back to taking 2 stool softners every night. I have been in this situation before and swore I would never let it happen again, but her I am again....UGH!!!!!!!!!!
  8. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey ladies, Well I got on my scale twice this morning just to make sure and it read 199.5 both times. So I am barley in onderland, but at least it had a 1 in front of it. I have not seen that in about six years. So yes, good news. I'm happy, I just hope it keeps going down. Teach, thanks for heads up. I think I am going to like it also. I teach cooking classes to high school students (FACS) and in my old job as a County Agent I used to do food demos and teach cooking and stretching your food dollar so I think it is a good fit. Allie, about my dad. I truly am happy that he is happy. Now, I would much rather have my mother back but we know that is not possible. It is hard to move on, hard to think about it, it's just hard! My mom and dad were married for 43 years and he needs someone and she is really nice, I like her and so it is okay. Now my dad loves me and my kids more than anything and wants my approval. I could be a little b@#%h about all this, but what good what that do. It would make all of us miserable. Like I said, I just want him to be happy. I'll never have my mother back in this life and I feel so lonely. No one can ever take her place. I do have a wonderful MIL but it's just not the same. I am so sorry that several of you have expereinced such pain in your family lives. It really does hurt me, because I have had and still have the most wonderful family and have always felt loved and protected. I have such a tender heart and my heart hurts by knowing what you have not had. I'm very sorry. Anyway, now I feel like I'm rambling :thumbup: Back to the good news....I'm in ONDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey ladies, Teach your pictures look great. You can really tell a difference. I have had a few issues at school but luckly, I have a restroom in my classroom it has come in handy. Allie, all I can think of is OUCH!! on the taxes and other stuff, that really stinks! Money is getting really tight around here. I am fixing to start selling pampered chef in order to make a little more money. It also breaks my heart a little bit to hear that you don't have a relationship with your mom. Mostly because I miss mine so bad. My mom has been gone a year. Daddy has a girlfriend and I really like her and he is really happy. He is 62 and she 45, so go dad! Anyway he called me today and wanted to let me know that he got her a ring. He wanted my approval and she told him she did not want to wear it until he told me :crying: I am happy that he is happy. Long, sorry about the root canal but glad you are better. I had one back in the summer and the dentist broke off one of the wire things up in my gums and could not get it out. I had to go to a specialist for him to get it out and finish the job. I was not happy! I did a walk/run on the treadmill today while my dd was in swim lessons. I did 30 min without stopping. Worked up a good sweat. Tommorow I will work with my trainer. I have about 4 sessions left. I really would like to sign back up, but I'll have to see about our finiancial situation. My weigh in day is tommorow, I hope to be in onderland. I will let you all know. have a good night everyone Oh Allie, is your big date this weekend that you won? That is awesome. lucy
  10. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey ladies, Boy Allie you sure look good. Thanks for the pics you should be so proud of yourself. And that is awesome that you and hubby won the contest, I bet you will have so much fun on your date! Long, I am right there with you at trying to get to onderland. I am so close, we will see on Thursday. Right now I am at 202. Strike, glad your feeling better. I hope your workouts are going good. I meet with my trainer tommorow afternoon. I am fixing up my exercise because my dd is taking swim lessons at the fitness center on Monday's and Wednesday's so while she is swimming I can go up stairs and get in some cardio. Then meeting my trainer on Tue and Thur I should be rockin and rollin before long. Addy, I'm sorry I'm no help. I am a slow loser also but hey, at least I'm losing. You know with all the diets in the past I (we) would lose and turn around and gain it right back plus some, you know what I mean. So yes, it is slow but at least the numbers are going down. Try to keep your head. Maybe increase your water and try to up your exercise, that may be the kick that you need. Good luck and I can feel your pain. Have a good night everyone lucy
  11. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Oh wow, your doing great. How cool is that, your are only overweight, Congrats!! lucy
  12. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Wow strike, sounds like you did push to hard. I have felt sick and shakey before but never upchucked. I bet after you sleep it off you will be feeling better. At least I hope so. lucy
  13. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey Suzy, you are looking good. Yes, that is a hot guy, lol. lucy
  14. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey Grey, glad they found your problem and hopefully you can get fixed up and back on the losing track. Way to go on the walking. That is great...keep up the good work! VZ, Congrats on ONDERLAND that is awsome. I weighed in today at 201.5. So I am 1.5 pounds away. I only weigh in once a week. I will have to work hard to keep myself off of the scale until next Thursday. Hopefully by next week I can be in onderland with you. My fill has really done the trick for me. Hunzi, congrats on the new appointment. I hope everything works out for you and you are happy with whatever decision you make. Good Day!
  15. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey long, yes I watch that show. I felt so bad for Carla, I hope she can do it on her own. I think the brown dad is going to be running out of chances real soon also. Have fun at the party.
  16. lucyavery

    Taken today on 2/4/09 and down 55 lbs

    Wow, you can really tell a difference. Great job.lucy
  17. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey everyone, quick update. I went for a fill yesterday and so far so good. I had yogurt and a soup at hand today. It filled me up so I think the fill hit the spot. I had only lost one pound since going in for my last fill exactly one month ago I hope to kick start this again. I went and worked out with my trainer today, it went real good. Suzan, I am going to check out the pics now. Have a good night everyone.
  18. Well, that was very nice of you to come back and post that. Congrats on the weight loss.
  19. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    I have a personal trainer. I signed up for 8 sessions, we have met 5 times, I think. It is going good. Hey, I RAN today. Me and the girls and my dad's GF went for a walk and I started running. It felt really good. My DH said he saw me running, but did not know what was after me, lol. Hey, strike I know what you mean on being a slow loser, but yes at least it is coming off. It's just soooo sloooow! Everyone, have a good night.
  20. Oh hey, 2010.........well, don't let it get you down. Start changing your life now and don't give up. You will be able to change your life for the better. I bet by seeing your doc every 3 months will keep you motivated. Best wishes, lucy

  21. lucyavery

    What do you all do?

    Mom of a 2 year old and 4 year old High School Teacher Blessed with a wonderful husband
  22. Well, do you think it is negativity because she does not want you to get the band? Or maybe she is nervous and scared about her little girl going through such a serious procedure? Or, is that just her personalitly? It's obvious that she cares about you, or she would not want to go.
  23. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey Suzy, I watched some last night when it came on as the TSV, but Patti R was hosting. I wear bear escentuals, and a few other brands, I mix and match. But I do not need any new make up right now....so I will refrain. Let's see, Lisa R has light golden/brown hair and wears tons of make up, and Lisa M has dark brown hair. Hey, congrats on losing 70 pounds....Thats awesome!!
  24. lucyavery

    Had to ask.. how bad is the farting?

    Well, I pass gas first thing in the morning, not bad. I would consider it normal.
  25. lucyavery

    Daily News!

    Hey Long great pic, thanks for sharing. Oh, I don't think I could give up my coffee. Well, I guess I could but I don't want too. I have come to love my coffee in the morning :redface: Well, I think I might go get a fill this coming Monday. I had one at the begining of January, but I'm not sure it has done much. I have bounced between 207-204 since Christmas. But to be honest, I know I have been eating too much junk....chips, cookies and candy. I really need to stop but I'm having trouble stoping!!! What is wrong with me?!!?!?!??! Well, have a good evening everyone.

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