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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cwm812

  1. cwm812

    The carbonated drink myth

    I don't know why...but I feel lousy if I drink anything with carbonation. In general, I believe we can everything with our bands and I really don't think you can stretch your pouch by drinking a coke, but for some reason carbonation doesn't agree with me. I can't do soda or beer, I even feel bad with whipped cream....Oh the sacrifice! It's really been no big deal for me, and I can eat most everything else, including bread and pizza. Just one more example of how we have to figure out our bands and our bodies and use our brains. Everything in moderation, including carbonated drinks. Cindy
  2. cwm812


    I'm not sure I'm handling this the best way possible, but it's worked for the last 10 months or so. I keep my band pretty loose and I eat what I want, for the most part. I eat treats but I try to limit the quantity. I've given myself a range that I can live with, 5 lbs up or down from my target weight. If I'm getting close to the upper limit, I cut back on the treats for a few days. I know that it's probably healthier, etc. to always eat wholesome, good-for-you foods, but I can't live that way. It makes me feel deprived and then I go off the deep end. I've done this too many times. So I've decided that I will get to the gym at least 3 days a weeks and I will watch my weight. I will NOT let that weight vary by more than 5 lbs. That range gives me enough flexibility to enjoy vacations and birthdays, but not so much that I can't find my way back. I'm hoping it works long term, but this is new territory for me. It's just one day at a time for now. Cindy
  3. The lapband works for me because it allows me to eat small amounts of food and feel satisfied. I have always been a good dieter and I always lost weight, but all that deprivation didn't work well long term. I would always fall off the wagon and gain back all the weight I lost and then some. With the band, I don't diet. What I always wanted from the band is to live a normal life. I'm not controlled by food or a diet. I eat like a normal person. Sometimes I overeat, but the the band really doesn't allow me to eat too much. It's like a leash on my stomach. I can only wander so far from my normal diet. It gives me the variety and freedom that I need to be successful. There are others who are successful in a much more regimented way. Years of dieting taught me that I do not respond well to that approach. Cindy
  4. Justin, Please, please do not listen to the advice you get at work (unless you've got a bander, or two!). So many people are eager to give advice on topics that they know nothing about. Yes, it is definitely possible to lose more than 100 lbs with a band. But there are many ways to lose 100 lbs. You really want to pick the way that leaves you with the best odds for long-term success. Do your research and make up your own mind. I know that for me, the band was the only choice and it has worked remarkably well. I've lost weight using lots of different methods, but this is the first time that it seemed easy and I've been maintaining for about a year. The band isn't for everyone, but if you think it's the right choice for you, don't let a bunch of uneducated friends sway you. Cindy
  5. cwm812

    Ulcer and Lap Band

    My insurance company required a pre-op EGD and my doctor found I had an ulcer. I never had a clue. I came out of the procedure and he said, "Why didn't you tell me about the ulcer?" I had no symptoms that I was aware of, probably mostly from ignoring the signs. Anyway, he treated my ulcer, repeated the EGD and verified that the ulcer was healed. He scheduled my surgery and the rest is history. Bottomline, I don't think your previous ulcer history is going to be a problem. I still take prevacid daily, but don't have problems with reflux, unless my band is too tight. Cindy
  6. Alcohol really isn't a problem for the band. I've tried beer, but the carbonation doesn't sit well for me. I've had no problem with wine or mixed drinks. You just need to be aware that alcohol, in all it's forms, is just empty calories. If you drink regularly, it will slow down your weight loss.... but we all need to have some fun, too! Cindy
  7. I told very few people about my research into the lap-band prior to the surgery. And even then, I waited until I was sure this was what I needed. The world is full of opinionated people who don't have any knowledge to support their opinion. After I started losing weight and people asked me how I was doing it, I told them. I'm a lousy liar and I wanted people to know that there was something that did actually work for long term weight loss. Once you are doing well, people tend to become very interested in your band and suddenly they don't feel the need to tell you about the rumor they heard. Once you are banded, the naysayers get quiet. It's hard to argue with you about the problems with the lap-band while they're watching you drop a size every month or two. The band process isn't quick or easy, but it does work. That's all those judgmental people really need to know. Cindy
  8. I had that happen about 2 weeks after surgery. I thought it was infected. There was a big red puffy circle around my port incision and it was warm to touch. When they saw me, they said that it wasn't infected. That in some people that's just what happens as the port settles into the abdominal wall. My doctor didn't treat it and it went away completely in a couple of days. You may be just fine. I've never had a problem with my port. Let us know how it turns out. Cindy
  9. cwm812

    horrible tom cramps what to take?

    I take ibuprofen. I don't do it often. I rely on tylenol for most things, but for cramps you need something else. I asked my doc and he said it was OK as long as I ate something with it. I do wish these doctors could coordinate on the directions. It gets confusing for us mere mortals. Cindy
  10. cwm812

    High schoolers with lap band?

    I think you'll be OK as long as you're through the liquid part of the post-op diet. Since you're band isn't filled when you first get it, you really don't have problems with throwing up. I hope you have at least a couple of weeks post-op before school starts. Cindy
  11. cwm812

    Gaining weight...

    I may be the only person who feels this way, but I don't think success on the preop diet has anything to do with long term outcome. One the preop diet, I started out great and lost 30 lbs. Then it became hard and I gained 35 lbs. I went into surgery at my all-time high weight. I've always been a good dieter, but then I lose motivation and control. The band provides that for me and I am successful. All the 6 month diet phase does is weed out those people who aren't willing to jump through the insurance company's hoops. In fact, I was told that the fact that I lost and then gained showed my need for surgery. As soon as I was banded, I began losing weight steadily. I'm not telling you this so that you can keep eating and gain more weight prior to banding. Obviously, it's best to lose your excess weight and the sooner the better. Just know that this set back is not a failure. You still can get banded and a have a great success for this. Cindy
  12. cwm812

    miserable bc im fat

    Honestly, this is one of ,my favorite topics to rant about.....I can think of no other surgery that requires a six-month wait, a psych eval, nutritional counseling and various other tests just to get the treatment for a documented medical condition. It is called morbid obesity for a reason. And the lap-band is a well-documented successful treatment or the FDA and your insurance company would never approve it! That said, I had to jump through the hoops and I did get my surgery. It took me 9 months, but at least it happened. All of this is just another way that the insurance companies keep making huge profits. Our society deems it acceptable to pick on fat people and we let them get away with it. Can you imagine if insurance companies started requiring psych evals to see if you were emotionally prepared for your knee replacement or your cancer surgery? The requirements for this surgery have less to do with our health and more to do with the bottom line for the insurance company. My recommendation for you is to jump through the hoops like a trained seal. Fighting it won't get you there faster. Don't think you need to be successful on the 6 month diet, either. I actually lost 30 lbs and gained 35 back before surgery. No one cared about it. They said it was documentation that I needed surgery. Congratulations on your Spring wedding. You will be beautiful no matter what size you are. Cindy
  13. cwm812

    High schoolers with lap band?

    Is there some other reason you want to be home schooled? I've got a high-school senior and I know it can be a tough place. If you get banded this summer, you will have plenty of time to recover from the surgery and figure out how you want to handle eating. Who knows...you may have some significant weight loss, gain some confidence and have a great school year. Cindy
  14. cwm812

    Need Advice

    Your doctor doesn't understand obesity, plain and simple. My story is a lot like yours except I had more weight to lose. I lost 140 lbs with diet, exercise and a private nutritionist! I gained back 160 lbs. Then I kept losing the same 60-80 lbs and gaining them back. I did this for 20 years. All the education in the world will not help. I love my band because it provides the help I need to keep this weight off. The nutritionist won't be there when things fall apart and judging by your past experience, things will fall apart and the yo-yo cycle begins again. As for the financial stuff....yep, I'm sure the doctor does make money off of placing lap-bands, but surgeons also make money from fixing hernias and taking out gall bladders. We don't let the fact that they make a healthy living stop us from using their services when we need them. Go to a seminar and research for yourself. A good practice will have your best interests at heart. They like to see their patients succeed. If you get the feeling that it's all about the money...look elsewhere. Good (and honest) surgeons do exist. Cindy
  15. I'm at the same place you are. I look better than ever, but I see the loose arm skin and the belly fat. I always thought that people who wore a size 10 were thin. Well, I don't think that anymore, but I do think I'm normal. I had quite the revelation this year, when I went to parent's night at the high school and realized that in almost every class, I was the thinnest person in the room. Yeah, maybe I'm not "fat" anymore, I'm not sure I'll ever feel thin. One more thing....after years of being the fat girl, I find I'm an advocate for every overweight person out there. Whenever someone trashes someone for being overweight, I am always chewing them out. The minute you lose weight, the thin people start telling you about the fat and lazy so-and-so they know. I feel the need to point out that they have no clue what obesity feels like and most overweight people have spend years trying to lose weight by any means possible. I may look normal, but I'll always be a part of the fat team. Cindy
  16. cwm812

    I finally told my Mom!

    It's a good thing that you told your mom even if you don't get the support you are looking for. It shows that you are serious about your decision. Also, it would have awful trying to hide it. That said, your mom doesn't get the weight issue. Unless you've lived it....you don't understand. If it were all as simple as Weight Watchers (I've done it 3 times!), there would be very few people contemplating surgery. I'm assuming you've been on diets and they haven't worked. Surgery is tough and few of us went this route without trying every other thing first. I don't know if I'd spend alot of time trying to convince your mom. If you want to try WW on her dime, go ahead. Surgery will be there if it doesn't work. If YOU are convinced that surgery is right for you, just tell her you're going ahead and she will come around, either before June 7th or after when she sees how successful you are. Mom's worry and we tend think we know better than our children, but only you know what's right for you. Listen to what your mom has to say, but make your own decision. Cindy
  17. I'd wait. Unless you're truly starving all the time, you won't gain and you'll be fine. When I went to my first fill appointment, I was asked a bunch of questions. My doctor determined that I really didn't fill yet and I didn't get my first fill until I was 3 months out. I really wouldn't want go to a doctor I didn't know just because I had to wait a couple of weeks. Cindy
  18. I can definitely recommend the Weight Loss Clinic in Harrisburg. It's probably a little too far away for you, but they were great. Cindy
  19. I'm assuming that your wife doesn't have a weight problem. It's really hard to understand the problems of the obese unless you live with them everyday. When I got my band, I didn't exercise at all until I had lost 80 lbs. Before that, it was just too hard. It took most of my energy to get up and go to work everyday. At first, I just started added a little more activity into my daily routine. I'd take the stairs instead of the elevator. I'd park at the far end of the parking lot at work, that sort of thing. 10 months after banding, I joined a gym and I've gone regularly ever since. The lifestyle changes are difficult, but they are soooooo much easier when some of the weight is gone. Trying to do everything to prove you are band-worthy is ridiculous. It will be very different after you are banded. It is no longer a battle of wills. You will have the band and maybe even you wife for support. You can do this. Cindy
  20. cwm812

    I'm 51 -- too old?

    Yikes...Are you calling me old??? I'm 50 and I've been banded for 3 years. As you can see by my ticker, it's been a success. In some ways I think banding must be easier when you're a little older. My sons are 18 and 21, so I have more time to focus on me. I have time to go to the gym and I don't need to be at everyone's beck and call. As far as metabolism goes, I've never had any (it seems), so I really don't think it's any worse than it ever was. In fact, I exercise 3-4 times a week and I really think it's helped my metabolism. I will say that all the changing hormonal stuff is a bit of a challenge, but it would be with or without the band. I'm the thinnest I've ever been in my whole life. I know I was banded a few years younger than you, but I doubt it's much different. Cindy
  21. Here's how I see it.....In the beginning, you need the fills as you lose the fat around your stomach. I needed a fill about every 15-20 lbs. Then, I started getting tighter as I lost weight. So far, I've needed 3 unfills. I think that once that fat pad is gone, things are different. My doctor tells me that its pretty common. The first time it happened, it took me a while to figure out what was going on, now if I get that reflux at night, I make an appointment for an unfill. Cindy
  22. cwm812

    Am I in the Green Zone or over filled??

    It's always hard to tell why your band is getting tighter. I think it's very possible that it's related to your hormones. That definitely happened to me. I'd be starving and able to eat anything the week before my period and then, as soon as my period arrived, I couldn't eat t thing. I was living on Protein drinks and Soup for 3 days. I'd wait a week and see if anything changes. If you are still tight, get a small unfill. My band has gotten tighter over the last year or so and I've had 3 small unfills. I was up to 5.7 and now I'm down to 5.1. My doctor can't explain it, but he says that it happens. Cindy
  23. I was banded in April 2008. I've lost 178 lbs and I've been working on maintenance for the last 6 months. I seem to go up and down about 5 lbs and I'm learning exactly how much I can eat without gaining weight. I wouldn't mind losing another 10 lbs, but I'm not actively working on it. Cindy
  24. I'm just one more person who thinks you're too tight. For me, I tend to gain weight if I'm too tight. Eventually I resort to soup, chili and ice cream. I would have 1 cc removed and see where you are. If you can't eat solid protein, you are too tight! I did the same thing you did, but with much smaller amounts. I really didn't realize how much restriction I had until I got another fill and was too tight. This band life is really a huge learning process and it varies from person to person. I think you're learning alot quicker than I did! Cindy
  25. cwm812

    Need opinions

    How about flowers or a plant? Every now and then, someone will send some to our office and we (4 women) just love getting them!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
