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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cwm812

  1. cwm812

    What's the point?

    Kimo, I think you've really got this figured out and you are right to give it one last non-surgical try, but there is one more thing you ought to know....I love my sweets and junk food as much as anyone, the thing that makes the band so wonderful for me is, for some reason, I don't crave the bad foods as much as I used to. I, like Restless, am a good dieter. I'd always lose lots of weight and then for some reason or another, I'd get sick of the process and go right back to eating whatever I wanted. Then I'd gain all the weight back and another 20 lbs. With the band, lots of my favorites (like pasta and bread) aren't as appealling. Even cake and donuts, they just don't feel the same way in my stomach and I don't even want them anymore. Don't get me wrong, I will always prefer cookies to salad, but this is liberating. I don't feel like I'm controlled by the food around me. I have not found a food that I can't eat with the band, but my usual menu has changed radically, and I'm alot happier because of it. Cindy
  2. Simone, I am having the exact same problem. It was alot easier to be shopping in the women's dept. where there was 1 rack of pants and either you liked them or not. Now we have the rest of the store. I've just started to try to figure this out, but so far I've had my best luck at department stores like Macy's and Kohls. My problem is that I have to try on absolutely everything. I tend to like to stuff that's way too trendy for me, but then I look ridiculous. I do have to go to work. Then there's also another area of the store that has me dressing like my mother.I'm not ready for that just yet. I have a feeling that it will take me another year to figure out my new style. I guess it's all just part of the process. Cindy
  3. cwm812

    Falling apart

    Hang in there, Stephanie. Things will get better. For now, just try to do one thing at a time. It's too overwhelming to try to get to do everything just right. I know the gym and exercise is important, but honestly, I lost the first 85 lbs without doing any. I'm not saying it's a great idea, but now I'm thinner and it is the right time for me. Second, and I know this is easier to say than do, don't worry about your mom. She isn't going to get this even though you (and the doctor!) told her and she's just worried about you. You just need to try to concentrate on you and eat better, not perfect, just a little better than yesterday. As soon as you get some more restriction, that is going to become much easier. You just need to hang in there a little while longer. You decided to get a great tool and it's going to work for you. Patience is the hardest part for all of us. I hope you feel better soon. Cindy
  4. I was banded 4/21/08 and I've lost 95 lbs. I've just had 4 weeks where I didn't lose anything. In the last couple of days the scale moved down 2 lbs, so I hope that's over. I was pretty terrified of the plateau. I've been down this path too many times. I stop losing and then I figure why bother? By the next month, I just start eating. So this time I decided to do something positive. I joined a gym. I hadn't been exercising at all until 3 weeks ago and I'm hoping that will turn this around. I also made an appointment for a fill. I couldn't get an appointment until 4/1, so I'll wait and see if I need it then, At least, I feel like I'm in control of the situation by doing something positive. Cindy
  5. I, too, have a card and have never used it and don't plan to. As for buffets, I go to them with my husband and teenage sons. Believe me, the fact that I am barely eating averages out with the 5-6 plates of food that each of them chows down. That Chinese buffet is not making any profit on my family! Cindy
  6. I had an ulcer prior to banding and have had some GERD, but nothing like what you describe. I've been on Nexium, Prilosec and now Aciphex. Prilosec is definitely the weakest of the PPI drugs. Nexium gave me some side effects and Aciphex is just right for me. I think that both of you may need to ask your docs to try some other treatments. I tend to have more reflux just after a fill. As my band loosens, the reflux goes away. Also, for a short time when the Prilosec wasn't working, I took Pepcid in addition to the Prilosec. That really did calm things down, but I'm not sure it's a great idea long term. You can check with your doctor. I hope this helps. Cindy
  7. I swallow pills all the time. The only ones that give me any trouble are really large vitamins. You should be fine with birth control pills.
  8. Julie, I think you hit a common note here for most of us. I was in this same funk at Christmas. I was pretty freaked out about it because during most of my other dieting attempts (Weight Watchers, LA, TOPS.....) this is where I'd pack it in, start eating anything I wanted and gain all the weight back and a few extras. I, too, have the rail thin husband who once a year goes on a diet just by skipping Cookies and loses 10 pounds in 2 weeks. There are many days I hate him for it. He will never understand, but he does care and he tries. That counts for alot. What got me out of my funk, was a new fill. I saw my doctor, got that fill and started to lose really quickly (for me). I try to focus on how good I feel, and I do feel great. Yeah, I'm still obese and then some, but I can run up a flight of stairs without passing out. I had to go on a business trip last week and I fit into the airplane seat beautifully. I could even use my tray. I'm not looking like a model, yet (or maybe never), but I'm doing great and so are you. Cindy
  9. cwm812

    I'm ready to go... So do i wait?

    I can't speak for your doctor, but my story is remarkably similar and with a happy ending. At my practice, there are 3 doctors, too. I had been told to request the one with the most experience, but when I asked for him, I was told that the wait would be 4 months longer. I decided to try their newest member and see if I liked him. I work for a major medical center (not where I had the surgery) and I can usually tell a bad doc from a hundred miles way. Well, I went to the appointment and he did look way too young, but he was wonderful. I even had an ulcer that he needed to treat before I could have the lap band and there was never a problem. As far as the surgery, no problems there either or post-op. I'd be happy to recommend him to anyone.
  10. Me, too, Nooshie! My sister has been telling me that I have Fred Flintstone feet since the 4th grade! My feet have already gone from 11.5 W to a 11 M. It can only get better from here!
  11. First off, let me say that I, too, love by band. It has given me a freedom I have never known. I love the fact that I can still choose what I want to eat. I love not "counting". That means fat grams, calories or weight watchers points. I simply stop eating when I'm full, just like a normal person. Secondly, it's important to add that it may not be this way for you. I think you're doing the right thing. WLS is an incredibly personal decision and what works beautifully for me, may not be the answer for you. Katy is right, the vast majority of people on the site are biased. We love our bands and we believe we made the best decision. I'll bet you'd get the same response from the bypass contingency. Cindy
  12. You are probably just sore. After a episode like that, I stick to liquids for 24 hours. You may even be swollen for a day or two, but it should get better pretty quickly. If you are still hurting after 24 hours of liquids, you need to call your doctor.
  13. I understand the thoughts about "barbaric", but what I think is barbaric is to expect anyone to lose a lot of weight while being hungry constantly. 200 or so years ago, people performed surgery without anesthesia. Now few of us would think about suffering with a headache without taking something. I think, if we could live long enough, weight loss treatments won't be considered drastic. They'll be considered routine. Someone will consider it barbaric to have suffered with the excess weight and even more barbaric to lose weight without medical intervention. By the way, I love this thread. I really like reading everyone's viewpoints on this topic, especially since we are all people with weight issues.
  14. If someone just comments about my weight loss, I just thank them and say something vague, but if someone asks specifically what I am doing, I tell them. Originally, my plan had been to only tell a few people, but I refuse to lie about it. I work for a large organization and I've been there a long time. Also, it's mostly women. Weight loss is a constant conversation topic. I know I've been the subject of lots of lunch table chats, but I'm not really bothered by it. If they didn't discuss my lapband, they'd be still be talking about my weight, but it would most likely sound like, "Have you noticed how much weight she's putting on? She should do something about that!"
  15. I second the papaya recommendation. After a couple of lengthy stuck episodes, I figured out what works for me. I just take 3 papaya tablets, chew them and within 5-10 minutes, I'm unstuck. They also taste pretty good and anyone at the table with you thinks you just reached for a breathmint or something after dinner.
  16. cwm812


    Chicken is the one food I truly have trouble with. I can still eat it, but if it's white meat, I need to cook it in some kind of sauce. My doctor actually suggested it. He also said that it was alright to take a sip or two of water when eating chicken because it is so dry.
  17. cwm812

    Tastes different?

    I can eat everything and it all tastes the same, but what's different is how its feels. Just before Christmas, my skinny husband came home with a box of glazed donuts and he about fainted when I said I wanted one. I took 2 bites and handed it back to him. It tasted good and it didn't get stuck, but it just sort of laid in my pouch and it just felt strange. Not at all like what I expect from a donut. Now if only I could feel the same way about Cookies and chocolate!
  18. cwm812

    stuck for 2 hours.

    Try the papaya tablets. They work great. For some reason, pineapple juice doesn't dissolve anything for me. It just makes me PB, but papaya has been wonderful. Ever since I started using them, I've never been stuck for more than 10 minutes.
  19. It happens to me to and it seems to be related to hormones. About 4-5 days before my period is due, I can eat anything and am extremely hungry. As soon as the period starts, my band feels tighter and I'm not hungry anymore. I have no idea why this occurs, but it happens every month and I'm learning to deal with it. I told one of my non-banded, naturally thin friends about this, and she told me, "that's how it's always been for me" I'm thinking this is just normal, but I never noticed it without the band because I was starving everyday!
  20. cwm812

    Why did YOU get the Lap Band?

    I got banded because I had had enough. I've been dieting since I was 8 years old. I have lost (and gained back!) enough weight to create another family of 4. I knew that one more trip to Weight Watchers was not going to do it. I've always been a good dieter, for a time. Then it all comes flying back on. I wanted something adjustable that would not let me go back to my old habits. So far, I don't have one regret. The true test will be, if I'm still this happy 5 years from now. I pretty convinced that I will be.....
  21. cwm812

    1st fill dilemma?

    I think your doctor is doing the right thing. You really don't know if you have any restriction yet because you haven't moved on to solids. If you try the solids and you have no restriction, he will probably give you the fill, but you really don't want a fill if you don't need one. I was banded in April, but didn't need my first fill until July. According to my surgeon, it really depends on the original size of your stomach. He told me that he actually needed to pull the lap band fairly tightly in the OR. Once I started losing significant amount of weight, I did need my fills. but I'm 8 months out and have only had 3 fills.
  22. I agree with Jachut completely. I was banded in April and have lost 80 lbs without any substantial exercise. I'm not happy about that, but it is a fact. I've always been a great dieter. I've counted more Weight Watchers points than you can ever imagine, but 6 months or so into every diet, I get sick of it. I hit a plateau and I start piling on all the old weight. With the band I have something to stop me. I go to parties and I eat a third of what I used to. I don't follow a strict eating plan, but many things I loved don't taste as good as they used to. I can't explain it exactly, but bread and pasta feel different with the band and I find myself avoiding them, even though I can eat them without a problem. One more thing... I love the fact that's adjustable. Right now, my band is pretty loose. I figure I'll eat a little extra over the holidays, but I've got a fill scheduled for 12/29. Knowing that I'll be right back on track by New Years helps me to stay focused and not backslide. My goal is to start exercising in the New Year and to have 100 lbs gone by my Bandiversary.
  23. I can't speak for your doctor, but I sent home from the hospital with a prescription for Celebrex. My doctor said it would help with the inflammation. I took it and didn't have any problems.
  24. Hi Geena, I was banded by Dr. Davidson on 4/21/08. When were you banded? I'm down 72 lbs. so far. Cindy
  25. cwm812

    before and after

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
