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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by canadiangirl

  1. canadiangirl

    slowly talking myself out of getting a fill

    Hii I was just wondering how your fill went?
  2. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Hanbe and Donna, You both seem to be having great successes!! I was just banded on the 20th of Nov. and I just wanted to know what your restriction is like. I have a total of 5.5 cc's in my band. I had a defill yesterday of .5 cc's and now I can finaly drink again. I just wanted to know the amount of food that you can eat comfortably, and drink as well. I would like to know how to get to this "sweet spot" that everyone talks about.
  3. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Hey Hanbe, I wanted to say congrats on your weightloss! What a huge accomplishment. It looks like you didn't cheat at all, maybe theres something to your Diet Coke with ice recipe.:thumbup: I hope that my success will be as great as yours. :sneaky:
  4. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    I was told that drinking anything was a no-no as well. I also read a post somewhere that had a youtube link which showed a video of a woman getting her fill and telling the Dr. that she had a carbonated drink, the Dr. advised her not to and said that it would stretch her pouch. I loved diet drinks, since my surgery I haven't had one, but i'm sure when summer comes along and someone offers me a glass of ice-cold diet coke when its +30 out, my willpower will be tested. (that goes for a beer as well)....I just made myself really thirsty!!
  5. canadiangirl

    Alberta - where are you getting your fills?

    Hi Unsure, I haven't talked to you in a long time, I hope all is well with you! :laugh: I am getting my fills in Edmonton, the Dr. was just recently trained by my clinic that I had the surgery at. I think that he only does fills for them. I am getting a defill today and I will try to get some info for you. I will PM you later. Take Care
  6. canadiangirl

    New notorious novembers weightloss spreadsheet

    Hi Everyone, Here are my updates: Surgery weight 326 Current weight 308 Thanks for doing this! Sista, I love the pics of your new babies, they are so cute!!!
  7. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Hi Doddie, Thank you so much for the help.You gave me the answers that I needed. I just called Nancy at TLBC and she suggested a 0.5cc removal just as you said. I hope that helps me. I hope Torontonians realize how easy they have it with the clinic right there. I would be attending every bootcamp and seminar out there. Your advice was bang on! Thanks again. You need to start a "Dear Doddie" post. LOL!!! You truly are a wonderful asset to this site!
  8. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Hi Mimi, I had the same question myself when I was researching lapband, the clinic TLBC changed their name to Slimband. (they might be considering a new name change again due to these posts though) LOL!!!!
  9. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Congrats Jorja, I am so excited that Slimband is sending a fill nurse to you. I am glad to see that they are doing the right thing. It is a good move on their part! I am glad that you wrote about your experiences on this site I think it helped you get the positive response that you did from Slimband. I hope that the people that read these posts who don't like negative things written about ones own personal experiences should know that good things can come out of it! Right Jorja:thumbup: I personally love to hear the good, bad and the ugly, but unfortunately it gets out of hand at times, i got caught up in it as well and I apologize for that, but I must admit these posts are entertaining. Doddie, You have a good balance in your posts, I wish mine could come across as well as yours do! Keep it up. :thumbup:
  10. canadiangirl

    slowly talking myself out of getting a fill

    I just had my second fill and it didn't hurt at all. The people that give fills usually are fast. Close your eyes and exhale, it will be over before you know it. I hated the thought of getting needle in my stomach, but I didn't mind it at all. You'll do fine! After your fill you will probably be writing about how easy it really was.:wink2:
  11. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    SpanishLady, Have you ever heard of the saying people who live in glass houses....? For someone who is complaining about complaining isn't going to go anywhere. For someone who writes about someones negativity and keeps bringing it up with every post that you are writing is counter productive...don't you think? She's posting about her experiences thats it! She hasn't told you what to focus on....so why are you doing that to her? I'm glad to hear that you are not working for TLBC, I did think that as well because you started an account just to post about Jorja's comment. It sounded a little fishy to me. You also seem to be going online during TLBC business hours. I'm glad to hear you don't work for them because that would be a sleazy move by them. I think that you should leave Jorja alone, let her vent and focus on her weightloss and not aggrivate the situation. Why keep stirring the pot. Let it go.
  12. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Congrats on your surgery, I am happy that everything went great for you! However I wanted to remind you that this is a post regarding TLBC a.k.a. SLIMBAND, and it is nice to have a forum to see the positives well as the negatives. The problems that SOME of us have with TLBC does not mean that everybody goes thrught the same issues, but for me I have been talking to Jorja about going through some of the same issues ie: fill Dr.'s and appt. cancellations, and it is nice to know someone else is going through the same things. I have met Jorja in person ( I flew to TO. for my first fill...thats another story regarding TLBC), she is not a negative person she is just like ther rest of us trying to get some support and insight from eachother. That is what this forum is for...isn't it? Everyone is going to make their own decisions about their surgery. I am sure that for some of us, it has been smooth sailing with TLBC, but for others it hasn't. I loved Dr. Yau, he has a great reputation, my surgery went great and my aftercare nurses were awesome, Belina has been trying to make things better for me, but relying on Toronto promises, when I live in Alberta has been difficult. I have worked through some of my issues but I still think that TLBC isn't the greatest when you live long distance (that is my own experience). In my opinion, I have heard better things from SWLC regarding long distance care. Good luck on your journey!
  13. canadiangirl

    Drinking with a straw

    Hi, I was banded on Nov. 20th and I haven't had any problems at all with gas issues while drinking with a straw ( I am not drinking carbonated beverages though, I was told not to by my Dr.). Everyone is different, I was never told by my Dr. or Support Staff not to drink with a straw....you would think that if it was an issue that they would give you that information after your surgery, and don't let this site scare you, do what your Dr and your body tells you...trust me you'll know. Good Luck! :tounge_smile:
  14. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Jorja, I just wanted to say that you and I have dealt with some of the same issues about Slimband. Don't let anyone discourage you on this site! You have my support! Doddie, I think that you are a great role model to all of us that are new to the banding experience, I'm glad that there is someone like you on this site to help us out. I know that you would be the first one that I would go to if I needed any advice! Thank-You. I always love to read your posts. Keep it up!
  15. canadiangirl

    Dr. in Calgary

    I am from Alberta and I recently had my surgery in Toronto. If I had to do it all over again I would definitely go to Manitoba for my surgery. The flight to TO. was $450.00 per person (you HAVE to bring someone with you) and took 4hrs to fly there....which sucks, then its $50 each way to and from the airport, then approx. $120.00 a night in a hotel, and cab fare to and from the clinic. I went again for my first fill (recommended by the clinic) 3 weeks later. and paid for all that again!! I researched the Dr. and chose the clinic based on that. I haven't been happy going to TO. in regards to my surgery (long story), I realized that all the clinics in Canada have a pretty good reputation regarding their Dr's. I would definitely choose a closer location if I had to do it again. If I have any problems I have to fly to TO., I wish I researched it better, but they get you in so quickly and I was so excited to get it done as soon as I could. A girl that had her surgery around the same time as me has some issues with her port (it has rolled on its side) I couldn't imagine dealing with that in Alberta when my surgery was in TO. Good luck on your decision! I know that the clinics can explain there payment plans, I paid my surgery in full I'm sorry I can't help you there.
  16. canadiangirl

    1st Period after banding on 11/18

    Hi Heather, I just had my fill on Monday and my Nutritionist said that it is normal to feel restriction during your period. You might want to reconsider your fill date though and do it in a few days after your restriction subsides from your period. I would call your Dr. and find out. Good luck!!!! :smile2: P.S. I don't know if your worried about getting your fill, but when I had moine I didn't feel a thing. :biggrin:
  17. canadiangirl

    Fellow Albertans Help Me!!!!

    I had my surgery in Toronto at Slimband a.k.a TLBC, I was told that the Dr. they are going to use in Edmonton for their fills is Dr. Hartman on 28th ave in Towne Center. I'm not sure if he only does Slimband patients. But it doesn't hurt to ask. Good Luck
  18. canadiangirl

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    I totally know what you are going through Jorja, I am from Alberta and I just got a call this morning as well, and they wanted to reschedule my appt. on Monday for Wednesday. Why would they do this?? I am really disappointed in them. I didn't reschedule... I told them that my flight is booked and so is my hotel, so they kept the appt. I was told before I booked my surgery that there WAS a fill Dr. where I live...then I was told that there wasn't by a fellow bandster from Edmonton (after I booked my appt. paid $2500.00 and booked 2 flights for my husband and myself to go to TO.) she told me that she had to fly to TO for her fills. So called them to "straighten out the situation" and I was told that they just finished training a Dr. where I live to do fills so he will be set up to do them by the time i have my surgery. Then surgery day comes and I was told that I need to fly back to TO. for my first fill because it is really important to go to their "fill seminar" and that it would be easier for the Dr who was trained to do fills where I live to find the port because there would be saline in it. So I booked my flights and hotel, and today I was told that there will be no fill seminar for me. (apparently its not as important as it was on Nov. 20th). I could have stayed here and got my fills from their Dr. in Edmonton (if there is one, who knows if they have been truthful).I seem to be spending more and more money and I am getting frustrated with SLIMBAND a.k.a TLBC. I recovered great from my surgery, I have no problem with Dr. Yau as a surgeon, and the nurses were great to me before and after the surgery, but the clinic is going to suffer if they keep this up. Unhappy in Edmonton!!!!
  19. Hi everyone, I have been asking everybody if they know of any good Protein drinks out there! I finally found one on my own. It's called Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein Mocha Cappuccino, and it tastes like a mocha frappuccino from Starbucks and there is ABSOLUTELY NO Protein shake taste to it. I bought it at Save-On Foods in Alberta. It's made in the U.S. so I would imagine you would have it there too! I can't handle any Protein Drinks, they make me gag, but this one is FABULOUS! It' has 2.5 grams of fat per serving , I love it and it curbs my appetite. There is some caffienne in it, and i know that some of you aren't supposed to have that, but if you can it's a great alternative. It is expensive though. I hope this helps.
  20. You will want to get some kind of anti-nauseant like gravol, or maybe the hospital can give you a shot. Especially for the cab ride, it can make you drowsy though so be careful. I just had my surgery 9 days ago and I am glad I had Gravol!!! Good Luck
  21. canadiangirl

    Headaches Anyone?

    You might be dehydrated! Try to take in more fluids. Good Luck! :grouphug: Banded on Nov. 20th/08
  22. canadiangirl

    Anyone from Edmonton?

    I'm sorry I had to give the bad news. :grouphug: I recently got my surgery @ TLBC a.k.a Slimband. in Toronto. They aren't equipped to do fills in Edmonton yet. They told me that they were, but I found out from a fellow bandster from Edmonton that she had to fly to Toronto for her first 2 fills (i'm flying to TO on the 15th for my first fill). TLBC hasn't been that Alberta friendly for me. I was told that they just trained someone to do fills in Edmonton, but they are not ready yet and it is important to see the fill nurse in TO for a seminar. ( I was told that the morning of my surgery). Dr. Yau was great but the aftercare sucks, hopefully that will change. If I had to do it again i'd go to the Winnepeg clinic or the SWLC in Ontario. (cheaper flights to Winnepeg)
  23. canadiangirl

    Anyone from Edmonton?

    Hi Cujo, I just recieved an E-mail today regarding the private clinic in Calgary...here it is.... Dear Leslie, Thank you for your interest in the Surgical Weight Loss Centre. Unfortunately, due to current government policies regarding gastric banding, we are unable to proceed with opening a clinic in Alberta at this time. In the meantime, we are available to serve you in Ontario and we invite you to call us to arrange a telephone consultation with one of our three Lap-Band surgeons - Dr.'s Cobourn, Mumford and Padonou. We can usually arrange for surgery to be booked within 4 - 6 weeks after the consultation. We recommend that our out-of-province patients fly to Ontario the day before surgery and stay for a couple of days afterwards. We are conveniently located in Mississauga just 20 minutes southwest of Toronto Pearson International Airport. We are experienced with helping long distance patients, since our patients come from all across Canada. SWLC has performed over 1700 Lap-Band procedures and we also offer a Gastric Balloon program. So far, we have over 300 Lap-Band patients from Alberta. The cost of our comprehensive Lap-Band Program is $16,000 which includes the Lap-Band procedure and a long term support program provided by an experienced team of surgeons, nurses, dietitian, wellness coach and patient coordinators. For more information on our clinic and weight loss programs, please visit our website at www.swlc.ca. In order to minimize your need to travel after your procedure, we have trained doctors and nurses in cities all across Canada to provide Lap-Band adjustments for our patients. In Alberta, we now have affiliates in Calgary, Edmonton (St. Albert), Grande Prairie (Sexsmith) and Fort McMurray. In summary, the Surgical Weight Loss Centre welcomes you to contact our clinic in Ontario. We are Canada's leader in providing medical weight loss solutions that have been proven to help patients achieve sustained weight loss. Please call us at 1-888-278-7952 if you would like to speak with one of our patient coordinators or if you would like to book a free telephone consultation with one of our Ontario surgeons. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Dr. Phil Mitchell, Surgeon Dr. Chris Cobourn, Medical Director & Surgeon Surgical Weight Loss Centre 1413 Hurontario St. Mississauga, Ontario L5G 3H5 905-278-8000 Toll Free 1-888-278-7952 Fax 905-275-1582 www.swlc.ca
  24. canadiangirl

    Anyone from Edmonton?

    Hi Jenn, I recently got my surgery in Toronto. I did that because I could get my band in a few weeks after I contacted them. Alberta wasn't a good choice for me because of the wait list in Edmonton. I heard that it can be between 1.5-3yrs. and I work in Northern Alberta and I wouldn't be able to make all the appt's thay want you to have before you get your surgery. It cost me $16,000 (not including airfare) to do it in Toronto, but I needed the band and in 1.5-3 years who knows how big I could have been. I was gaining a little weight every year. I hope this helps. Red Deer might be a little different.

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