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Posts posted by waterlily1072

  1. GonnaRide,

    It sounds like it's a good thing you are going in. I would see if they can get you in sooner. Tell them what's happening, if I called my surgeons off ice and told them what you just told us they'd insist on me coming in right away. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

    I have my follow up on Friday to see if my slip has corrected itself, prayers, good thoughts and crossed fingers are very welcome.

  2. Maddy,

    It sounds like you need an unfill. You should not have reflux with the band, that is a sign of being too tight.


    Thanks for speaking out on this too. More veterans around here need to. The band isn't about forced bulimia/anorexia. It is about decreasing hunger and eating smaller portions. Any vomiting or reflux and you need to see your doctor, period.

  3. Kimmie, I had some pain with the last of the slip which is what prompted me to finally admit I needed to go in, and asap. But honestly it wasn't horrible pain or anything. I just thought I'd gotten too tight, I didn't suspect a slip. Anytime you are vomiting you need to go in. I learned that the hard way. If you get a fill and you are vomiting you need to go back and have them remove some of the fill so that you can eat and drink appropriately.

  4. I don't need advice, although support and well wishes are greatly appreciated. This message is about awareness. We have our bands for a long time and we start to get complacent. We feel like nothing could possible go wrong. Well it turns out it can. After letting my band stay too tight for too long the vomiting started. 2 days of not being able to keep even Water down for more than a few minutes. Then a call to my surgeon's office and an emergency trip (2 hour drive) to see the Doctor. I have a very bad slip that may very well need surgery to fix. His message to me was that any signs of being too tight warrant a trip for an un-fill, period, no excuses. Vomiting more than once a week means too tight, DANGER! And folks vomiting is all inclusive to mean PB's any food at all that comes up no matter how mild it may seem is a problem. Please learn from my mistake and don't take reflux and vomiting lightly or you may end up losing your entire stomach. Yes that's right, your entire stomach. A major slip can cut off circulation to your stomach tissue killing the tissue and requiring removal of the dead tissue. If this scares you then good, because it should. I wish someone had scared me.

  5. SBeth,

    Call your surgeon and ask. They can check very easily if anything is wrong. Meanwhile stick to your post-op diet, it is very important that the band seats properly. Most slips occur from vomiting so don't worry too much but you should call and ask about the pain. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Good luck!

  6. After 2 days of vomiting my surgeon told me I waited too long to come in. Now I have a major slip and may need surgery. People take vomiting too casually. If you are vomiting more than once a week you should go in to your doctor immediately!

  7. I want to add my 2 cents. You need to ask yourself honestly why you are overweight?

    Is it because you're always hungry or is it because you prefer junk food to real food? If you have a junk food addiction the band won't help you. Junk has a way of going right through even when you're so tight that your meat and veggies won't!

    If it's because you are always hungry and never feel satisfied then consider it because it will help you.

    If your weight problem can be solved by other methods by all means choose those. Surgery is expensive and is always a risk. Plus bariatric surgery of any kind is life altering just make sure ready. If you are then go for it. If I could have done it 20 years ago I would have.

    Good luck!

  8. I'm doing ok. It's on the tight side but manageable. I'm just having to be extra careful. Keeping a cup nearby to spit and pieces of meat into that I don;t know for sure will go through. My poor husband, lol. He can;t take me anywhere anymore, I never want to go out to eat. Too risky, hehe.

  9. I went and got a fill. Faced my surgeons office and admitted that I had backslid a lot and that I needed help. They were supportive and understanding and gave me a fill. That was last November and the fill is still going strong. I still have some bad habits and I'm working on them. The hardest part was going in to my doctor's office about it, after that it was a little easier.

  10. I have PCOS and aside from taking longer to lose and the belly fat being the most stubborn it is going down. When I asked my surgeon about how PCOS might effect my weight loss, he said I might lose slower but that there was no reason that I couldn't lose all my excess weight.

  11. OK so sometimes when I eat that first bite my entire mouth hurts. It's almost like a charlie horse in the soft tissue lining my mouth that takes a few minutes to go away. Anyone else have this? Is this what people refer to as first bite syndrome? It seems odd and extreme.

    Thanks in advance

  12. I am glad I saw this thread. Starting over isn't easy. I had a similar experience. First year I did great then tragedy struck and I responded by eating junk and then got a partial unfill. It's taken all the way since spring of 2007 to November of 09 to face my doctor and ask for a fill. I was ashamed and embarrassed but I got there and they were so supportive. They want us to succeed! Since that fill I've done fabulous not only did I re-lose what I had gained back but I've lost way more! You can do it too! You may stumble a few times and that's ok, trying is moving forward to just don't give up. The greatest thing about the band is that it is a tool that is with you potentially forever. If you want to share stories you can message me.

  13. OK so I need a support group. I used to be super active on this forum and I love being a cheerleader for others. But sometimes I need a cheerleader too, and I have missed that.

    Quick history:

    year 1 lost 75

    years 2 & first half of 3 gained back 45

    last half of year 3 and year 4 lost 69 (so far)

    I am on a war path to lose this weight. I am 1 lb away from the century club and am hoping tomorrow the scale will love me.

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