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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by waterlily1072

  1. waterlily1072

    Can I have an X-Ray to see if all is well?

    If you have followed post op directions as to diet and have no symptoms of pain, vomitting, heartburn etc. then you have nothing to worry about. Most doctors don't like to radiate people any more than is necessary.
  2. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Kat if you are able to read this, my prayers are with you and Rick. I hope everything comes out ok.
  3. waterlily1072

    Admitting you need a slight unfill

    I just had an unfill, my first ever. Ther eis nothing wrong with going in and saying hey, I am a little too tight. Remember that being too tight can lead to a dialated pouch and even a slip. It's just not worth it, go get an unfill.
  4. waterlily1072

    "rep power"

    OK so we can vote on each other posts and that affects the number we see. What do the numbers mean exactly? How do we know if someone made a comment when voting on one of our posts, how do we find it? How many votes to a point? Did we all start out at one automatically? I would love some answers when someone gets the chance, Thanks :confused:
  5. waterlily1072

    Lunch ???

    I too often do tuna, but I also like canned chicken mixed with a little mayo and either ff italian or some horseradish sauce to give it some zest. I like to eat these combos on melba toast, super crunchy, low in calories and fat. I also like some of the protien bars out there. My favorites are the atkins bars, they seem to have the highest protien and fewest carbs of the ones readily available in the supermarket. If you have a freezer the south beach diet meals are great! You can get the ones without rice or pasta if those foods are tempermental for you. Out of all the frozen meals they are my favorites. I don't care for the lean cuisine, weight watchers or healthy choice ones nearly as well.
  6. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    OK so I'm doing back to back posts, hehe. Just got back from my appointment. They did a barium swallow and my band is doing great, no pouch dialation, or esophageal(sp?) dialation. I was definitely too tight since my last fill. I told her I wanted to go back to the 9.5 and she agreed till we saw my barium pics. I was soo tight that while my pouch wasn't dialated my band appeared to be sitting a little low. She said that if it was sitting low a slight unfill for a little bit would fix it right up and that it was from being too tight. So instead of taking out .5cc we took out 1cc taking me back down to 9cc's total. So all is well and I get to be especially careful with calories now that I will have less than perfect restriction for a couple of weeks. I can go back to the 9.5 in a couple of weeks, but we won't be going any higher ever again without flouro. I don't ever want to be that tight again. I didn't realize how miserable I was till I had relief! I was able to eat a cup of clam chowder and fish for lunch! Without discomfort! I am just gonna have to be careful to make good choices or I could easily gain. Thank goodness for fitday and our challenge!
  7. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    OK so here's the scoop. After my last fill I was definitely too tight. I requested a barium swallow today, my first one. It showed that I was soo tight that the barium barely went through. I mean the tiny sliver that went through was barely visible! I knew I was a little too tight and told her I need a slight unfill. The picture did show that my band is sitting a tiny bit low, kind of like it's sitting on the bottom of the groove raver than the middle of the groove so to speak. Nothing serious no dialation or stretching of my pouch everything looks good. She said it might not be sitting low at all in reality that the xrays can be a little off or could be that that is just where my band has always sat. If it is sitting a little low it will go back all on it's own with a little unfill which I had, she took out 1cc. She said it was caused from being too tight this last week and a half. In a few weeks I can go back to my 9.5 but I won't be going up to 10 anytime soon, who knows maybe never. So right now I am at 9cc's and am able to eat comfortably, yay. I will have to be way more careful on my calories cause I will be hungry a lot more. But I can live with that for a few weeks. The good news is that my band is great and so is my stomach Oh and they took a picture of me to put up on the wall to show people what a sucessful year with the band can do that made my day.
  8. waterlily1072

    1st Fill - Liquids for 2 Weeks!!!!!!

    I believe the standard is liquids the day of a fill mushies the day after and then solids again. Unless you get stuck, then it's back to liquids and go thru the cycle again. However it is also the standard to wait a full 6 weeks after surgery to get a fill. Maybe he is being extra cautios because your surgery was only 4 weeks ago. Either way, listen to your surgeon, even if he isn't mainstream.
  9. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    There is a magazine my mom used to get, I think it was calle Oriental trading? Anyway, they had all kinds of party decorations dirt cheap! We got a ton of stuff for a luau a few years ago from there and it was really fun stuff. You can't go wrong with grass skirts, lei's, and lots of color! Also if you can make a spit in the yard for a pig, that is always authentic fun As for escape artist cows, I know all about them. My family were mainly crop farmers but we raised a few beef cattle as well, and our neihgbors on both sides were dairy farmers. It was always one neihgbor in particular who'd have a cow get loose fairly often and trample our garden or flowers, fortunately they never did any real damage to a crop! Silly cows, all there good for is milk products and a good rump roast! I go to the doctor today fro my one year check up. It's a couple of weeks late but oh well. I will let you all know how it goes, I want them to check my band under flouro to ease my mind. I still don't feel quite right after that pb last night, and day before yesterday I had some pain too and it's worrying me a little. Happy Friday ladies
  10. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    The tostitos cheese works well too, it's always the same consistency, kinda like a runny pudding consistency. Of course I am not advocating eating it because it is kinda bad for you, but it does not get stuck don't ask me how I know this :guess Well today is my one year check up! LapBandit had hers a little before and mine is a couple weeks after the actual one year mark but it's all good. I am going to ask for a slight unfill today because I think I am a little too tight. I want them to check my band under flouro too, just for peace of mind, I have been having some pain the last couple of days that is new and scares me a little. Oh and the scale hasn't completely redeemed itself but it is getting close. As soon as it comes to it's senses I will post and update. Happy Friday everyone!
  11. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Well I decided to be bad tonight and go out to mexican with dh. I wasn't really bad in the end cause I pb'd it all up the melted cheese got me big time. I came in just above the 1000 cal line, not by much but I did go over a little. As for being a caregiver, I was well trained by my mom, she took care of everyone, aunts as the died, her parents in the final months and years resectively, and I was right there by her side as her helper. I have big shoes to fill, compared to her I'm not even in it.
  12. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    OK ladies I just had to share. I had the worst PB ever!!! OK maybe not the worst ever but it was pretty bad. I tried to eat nachos tonight at dinner. I got down about three chips total in a series of about 6 bites. I took me a good 30min to get them in. Then it hit me, wham. All that gooey melted cheese must have all clumped together. I started sliming into a water glass and told my dh to go take care of the bill pronto and get me home cause I did not want to puke in a public toilet! I slimed into an empty water bottle all the way home trying not to pb in the car. We pulled into the drive and I got out bent over and let it all come up. I felt so much better. I still feel yucky and that was 2 hours ago but I feel a lot better than I did. It was so horrible I was ready to tell them to give me a total unfill at tomorrows appt. I have since come to my senses and know that today I was just a little on the tight side and I seem to be having some post nasal drip which compounded the issue. I am sure tomorrow I will feel fine. Thanks for listening all, and just say no to gooey melted cheese, it's just not worth it!
  13. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Josette that's wonderful! I passed mine up too. He outweighs me by a good 30lbs now. It's kind of fun, hehe.
  14. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Yay grats to Betty and Boo, the scales moved!:clap2: I hope my turn is next! I have to admit I have had a lazy week, I need to get moving! I spent my day keeping a lady from church company as she is home in bed with a bad case of gout. She was lonely and hurting so we watched a couple of movies and I ade sure she took her pain meds on time to help with her discomfort. I have to admit going to the gymm would have been better for me physically but there is nothing better for the spirits than to do something nice for someone else Betty you are on for your bash, I will be there with bells on and you can show me all your favorite places to walk! Well ladies, see you all here tomorrow
  15. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    my surgeon says 56g minimum for life and that it's ok for a few days here and there to be under but that's what I use as my min. He doesn't base it on weight at all.
  16. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Thanks for the encouragement I came in at 845 calories for the day and all my protien. Julie when I am at my max for calories I often go to bed at that point to. Can't be tempted to eat when you're sleeping Sadly I haven't been to the gym all week, I have been super tired and giving in to oversleeping in the morning and afternoon naps! I need to get my heiny in gear the end of the month is almost here. LOL I made a rhyme
  17. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Believe me Lapbandit I know it's not possible but it doesn't make that feeling go away. I am having a really hard time believing the scale right now. I know it's right and that I really am smaller and that I really am wearing jeans right now that I bought 9yrs ago and haven't worn in 8! Even my kids are noticing it and telling dad he's gonna need wls to keep up with me, lol. I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around the weight loss. It will take time but I'm sure I will get there
  18. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Wow where to start, Laura welcome to our thread , and Julie what an awesome nsv! All those of you who have lost weight this last week yay!!! Well I had a long night last night, one of my pills got stuck and I was miserable for 2 hours! I was so tired I wanted to cry, but I couldn't pb and it wouldn't go through . Meanwhile my scale is hateful right now so I am frustrated. It jumped up 3lbs overnight and is staying there! I don't know what the deal is, maybe I am eating too much sodium or maybe it's constipation, or maybe af is gearing up, not really sure :phanvan
  19. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Happy bandiversary Eficka Well yesterday I was way over on my calories, 1600! I got on the scale yesterday morning and it said I gained 3lbs! overnight! Then I just was craving chocolate like crazy. I snacked on popcorn ate peanut butter mixed with hershey's syrup and yeah, those are the 2 things that pushed my calories way beyond where they should have been. The only thing I can figure is that I am retaining water or AF is gearing up. There is no way that it's possible that I gained weight. I count my calories meticulously and it's just not possible. So now I'm frustrated, sigh. So today back to sticking to my guns.
  20. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Inner me it IS going to happen this time :girl_hug: Well as is typical for me after a fill and a quick few lbs lost auntie flo is toying with me. She may toy with me off and on for a couple of weeks, we'll see. Either way I am going to wait a few days to weigh again because I know it's gonna be whacky.
  21. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    I am done eating for the day at 931 cal. I was gonna go fix some dinner but I checked my calories first and glad I did. I had some peanut butter for a snack and chili for lunch which took my cal and protien to where they needed to be for the day. I really have the munchies but am not hungry so I think I will go read a book and get my mind off of food till bedtime. Boo, there are two places I like and I flip flop between them, fitday.com and sparkpeople.com, both are 100% free. Right now I am back at fitday, but I still use sparkpeoples recipe calculator.
  22. waterlily1072

    Clothing patterns designed for weight loss?

    Go to User CP in the top menu (it's next to home) and click on edit signature. Then you can type whatever you want, remember to save changes then your signature will show up in all your posts
  23. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Wow Betty you are doing great! As fo being too tight to eat solids in the morning that is very common with good restriction. Many are tighter in the morning and slowly loosen throughout the day. I drink my breakfast but then by lunch I can eat just perfect. Any looser and I can eat way too much at lunch and dinner. It's a fine line I tread
  24. waterlily1072

    Binging Banded

    I have so been there. I actually had a day of overindulging myself today. Was just feeling depressed and a friend came over with my favorite vice, tortilla chips and cheese dip. Thank goodness I can't eat like I could before banding but still it wasn't a pretty picture. Tomorrow is another day and I will pick myself up and get back on track. You can do this, I have faith in you
  25. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Losingjusme, don't be nervous, you are doing great! Worst case scenario you gained instead of lost, but it will all come off eventually with patience and perseverance

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