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Everything posted by waterlily1072

  1. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    LapBandit where are you? How are you? Well happy Memorial Day weekend for all of you in the states All I cna say is that I am going to try my best to be good today and on Monday for our family gatherings. I am not going to be eating a burger or hotdog so I have to fill up on the side items which today should be watermelon and lots of raw veggies Monday is not going to be so easy.
  2. waterlily1072

    Haven't been here in a while

    WB Julie and grats on a great first year!
  3. waterlily1072

    *APRIL* BANDITS May Challenge

    Wow the scale moved! Yay, back down to 272 almost back to my low As for excersize I am doing really well the last couple of days which is probably why the scale is moving, lol. It's 10 am and already I have my excersize in for the day, yahoo! Now to put the last of my storage baxies into the newly spring cleaned closet and all my spring cleaning will be done! Before summer! In all my spring cleaning I found my running shoes so when schools out for the summer I can take advantage of the use of the track to start running
  4. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    LOL Faith I LOVE IT!!! Wow the scale moved this morning YAHOO! I have been spring cleaning the last parts of the house that I can get to yesterday and today so I am definitely getting a workout. My body is sore and I've been really working up a sweat! Our house is really tiny so organization is so important, unfortunately the kids can reach places that I can't so there is one closet in this house that is not going to get cleaned out, It is blocked by my computer desk, only the little kids can get back there and we have to lift them over the computer, lol. I am almost done with the kids bedroom and closet a BIG CHORE! Yesterday was the laundry closet, step aerobics with the step stool whew, just sat down to drink some water before I finish, then it's on to sewing. I have a huge pile of stuff that needs mending but my sewing machine is usually burried in a closet but not anymore! I know many on here know me as Molly but that is kind of an online nickname that I've used for forever, but in reality it's Nicole but youc an call me either heck you can call me waterlily, it doesn't matter. I try to use peoples names if I can remember them, but I have a horrible memory for names. Have a great day everyone, and if you don't check in ove rthe weekend have a fabulous holiday July 4th Challenge Week 6 Name...................Starting…...…..Current….…......Goal….......To Go losingjusme............317....................305 ..................295.............10 tann.......................257.................... 239...................232.............07 juliegeraci...............232................... 232...................220.............12 Josette...................340................... 329...................315.............14 Inner_me................306....................298 ..................280.............18 Elisabethsew..........281....................273 ..................260.............13 Waterlily1072........ 278................ ....272 ..................252.............20 Libra..................... .230................. ..222...................205.............17 Lapbandit……… .… 208………....…...206……..…..... .185…… ..….21 RidinMyHDDream.. .281....................274 ..................256..............18 FaithMD................ 341.5.................327...................310.. ...........17
  5. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    It's not spring it's burn out, fatigue, stress, it's life! Let's face it ladies there are times in all of our lives that we struggle in general, we all just happen to be doing it at once, lol. I really want to bake some pies for this weekends bbq but I think I'll be good and make a sf jello salad instead. It's bad enough I am making potato salad, I don't need to add pie to that list. I know I will eat some if I do. Here's a tip that I use when I have the extra cash for it. An instant pick me up is 5 minutes in a tanning bed. If you want to and can you can do longer but 5 minutes works just great. It lifts the spirits supresses the appetite and gives you great energy! Dang I wish I had 15 bucks, lol. I have been thinking for weeks that I need to do that for myself. PS if you are worries about skin cancer go fully clothed wiht sunblock and put a toel over your face It still works! And no I don't own a tanning salon, lol.
  6. waterlily1072

    *APRIL* BANDITS May Challenge

    I am still here, hanging in. I am making progress, I am actually awake during normal hours! I have been having issues with sleeping all day and staying up all night, yikes not easy to be productive that way. It's a beautiful morning here in the great pac NW and today I am going for a walk! I am still waiting on that fill that I get on the 30th, one more week and I will be good again I never realized how many calories were in one cup of rice! Holy cow! My calories have been a bit high but mostly from good food like basmati rice and yummy healthy sandwhiches. After my gain from the unfill to 282 I am back down to 277 so I guess I'm not doing too badly hehe but it is really hard to be good. I threw out calorie counting for right now because I just get too hungry to stay within a normal banded calorie range. I am making them healthy ones though Julie you are doing great, sorry your date didn't work out but one day soon you will have one that will! I hope work is settling in for you ok and go get 'em with your run times! Tracey, keep going you have had a great start! Betty I'm glad you are feeling better and back into the swing of things again :Banane40: And glad Alan is doing so well! Welcome Ivonea and April glad you both found us :success1: And yes where is Kat? I hope everything is ok. Boo thank you for the words of encouragement :waytogo: Eficka, wow you're doing great! Sometimes it's hard to see our own progress.
  7. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    OK It's time for me to update. After being too tight and getting my unfill and dealing with gall stones I gained back to 282lbs! I still need more restriction but won't get it until next Wednesday. I am back down to 277 but I have a long way to go to get back down to 269 but I'll get there. Let me just say that it is extremely hard to control your eating when unfilled, all the old habits come racing back. This next fill will take me back to where I really feel was my sweet spot. I think it's safe to say I won't make my goal for this challenge but I am going to try my hardest to get as close as possible! July 4th Challenge Week 6 Name...................Starting…...…..Current….…......Goal….......To Go losingjusme............317....................305 ..................295.............10 tann.......................257.................... 239...................232.............07 juliegeraci...............232................... 232...................220.............12 Josette...................340................... 329...................315.............14 Inner_me................306....................298 ..................280.............18 Elisabethsew..........281....................273 ..................260.............13 Waterlily1072........ 278................ ....277 ..................252.............25 Libra..................... .230................. ..222...................205.............17 Lapbandit……… .… 208………....…...206……..…..... .185…… ..….21 RidinMyHDDream.. .281....................274 ..................256..............18 FaithMD................ 341.5.................328...................310.. ...........18
  8. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    My story hmmm.... Well when I started my size 34 slacks were really tight. I never wore them they were so tight. I lived in sweats and oversized t-shirts. After thinking about surgery for 3 years and lapband for one year I took the plunge and just did it. I was self pay, an inheritance from my aunt paid for it. I lost a lot of weight in the first couple of months then plateaued for a long time due to no restriction and burn out on dieting. It seems 3 mo is the longest I can go at a time with diet mentality. Unfortunately without it I just maintain. Due to my PCOS I expected to lose a little slower than the average but I did hope for a miracle weight loss. Friends around me on this sight have had the kind of first years I wanted but didn't get. It has been really hard for me to come to terms with that. I spent a lot of time at 8.5cc's thinking something had to be wrong with me because surely that was enough. Finally at 10mo out I went for another fill and was perfect at 9.5. Thinking at that point that maybe it could even get better I got another .5 which landed me way too tight for several weeks before I finally went in and had to admit that I was too tight. I know that for me I had to experience that to really know what my sweet spot feels like. I have 2 weeks till my next fill appointment where I will get the .25 necessary to get me back there. I know I've lost, Iknow the scale tells me I've lost a significant amount of weight and that I am in a size 22 but I still look in the mirror and see fat old me. This is something I may struggle with for a long time, I hope one day I can see me as I really am, as others see me. Sadly I am trying to excersize but am having a hard time getting into a routine. I didn't even attempt it till a couple of months ago. So here I am, half way there, but looks to me like I've just begun. Hoping that this next year I can make it to my goal and be able to run again and be an athlete again. Hoping to regain the self confidence necessary to make something of my life instead of hiding in my little house doing laundry and dishes. I will get there. Even though some days it feels like it may never happen, most days I know that it will. There it is, my story for all the world to see. I am real, I don't follow every bandster rule everyday but almost everyday I try. I do have my days where I say screw it, I'm eating the chocolate and no one is going to stop me, lol, thank goodness that isn't every day. There are those on this site who inspire me and those who make me feel normal and I need all those examples. Their strength and persistence whether they are rabbits or turtles helps me know that I am not alone and that I don't have to be perfect to make this work all I have to do is my best.
  9. waterlily1072

    *APRIL* BANDITS May Challenge

    Hi everyone just checking in :mad: Sigh this is not a good month for me weight loss wise or excersize wise. I've fallen flat on my face, somone smack me or something. I called for a fill and I have to wait for 2 weeks:mad: ! They are really backed up and booked out dang. That means I have to ge tthrough the holiday with less than perfect restriction. OK who am I kidding I can eat a whole big sandwich! Yikes not good. Next week I will excersize, I will!!!
  10. waterlily1072

    Cant get over the hump...this cant be the end!

    Don't get discouraged your surgeon is WRONG!!!! Most can expect to lose 75% of their excess weight in the first 2years. It never ends with the band. It only ends if you give up and eat junk and go back to old habits. There are people on this board who are still working on those last few pounds 3-5 years later and they are coming off slowly but surely. Stay on plan and excersize you can do it I know you can!
  11. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Welcome Back Marcy glad things are going better for you! Katie I didn't feel any restriction for a long time. I didn't feel any until I was at 8.5cc's in my 10cc band I thought for sure something must be wrong with me, but guess what? there wasn't I'm fine and so are you, it will happen. Everyone's body is different and you may need a lot of fill or maybe only a little, time will tell.
  12. waterlily1072

    Am I doing the right thing?

    Chips go down almost no matter how tight you are. Super crunchy dry things sort of melt down to almost nothing when chewed. As fot the rest yes I'd say you are definitely too tight. A .1 unfill may not be enough, tell them what you can and can't eat and how much, this will tell them volumes as to how much needs to be taken out.
  13. waterlily1072

    *APRIL* BANDITS May Challenge

    Boo thanks for the pep talk Hang in there Eficka, the dating game is rough, I remember all too well. As for obsession with food, that is a hard thing to break. I admire your working so hard at it with your "shrink". I feel I may never have a healthy relationship with food but I will be thin and I will get my nutrients in even if I obsess about it.
  14. waterlily1072


    I have never experienced a slip but have asked my surgeons office about them. It requires a complete unfill. Most often the band will go back into place all on it's own once it is unfilled and you have no restriction for a little while (6 weeks) I believe that time is liquids only but not sure. Sometimes it doesn't go back and then it would require a surgical revision. The better "seated" the band is from your initial healing phase and the closer you follow doctors orders with the unfill diet the better your odds at not needing another surgery.
  15. waterlily1072

    Slip symtoms

    Umm never had a slip but are you in pain? can you swallow and get things down? what are you experiencing that makes you worry/wonder?
  16. waterlily1072

    Recommend a good protein bar

    I like the atkins advantage bars they vary in protien from like 14 to 19 I think and they are tasty
  17. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    InnerMe you deserve a standing ovation :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Congrats on Twoterville Ugh Katie I feel for you. Doctors that have conesrvative fill schedules make it really hard to lose in the beginning. On the other hand they probably have fewer complications with their patients. If you are starving fill up with veggies after you eat your protien. My fave thing to do when I have no restriction is big salads of just veggies and ff italian salad dressing. Lots of fiber virtually zero calories and filling! Oh and thanks for the words of encouragement I needed them. PS: the above message got seriously messed up when I tried to add somthing in edit so I deleted it as best I could, hehe :guess
  18. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    la la la la la
  19. waterlily1072

    *APRIL* BANDITS May Challenge

    Julie I am right there with you I am sitting at 279! Yikes 10lbs up it was 12lbs up yesterday. I know that we could not have gained that in fat in a matter of a few days, it's just not possible. Also my measurements haven't changed so I know I did gain that in fat, maybe a couple of pounds but not 10-12. I also know that with a little diligence that quickly gained weight leaves almost as quick. Next week we will be sitting pretty and feeling much better about our past week's endulgences.
  20. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I am trying to have some self control without having a huge amount of restriction. It's not easy but I did better today. I logged everything I ate on sparkpeople and stayed within my calories range and got in all my protien. I am afraid of being too tight again but I think I definitely need to go back up to 9.5 it seemes to be a magic number for me. I will not be going any tighter than that though. I got on the scale this morning and I've been in a bad mood all day. I will not even utter aloud how much I've gained because I am spitting mad at myself. It is my own fault for eating chips, cookies and ice cream.
  21. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Thanks Katie Actually my DH has been super supportive as have been my kids, I am very fortunate in that respect. Although he did bring home popeyes fried chicken for dinner and I did eat it Your comment about the size 18's reminded me of something my dh said today that cracked me up. When I'm angry I often say so and so can kiss my fat butt and today dh said you can't say that anymore you have to say that they can kiss your ever shrinking butt, lol. He is always calling me his incredible shrinking woman, I love it, hehe. Oh and great job everyone you are all doing great Oh and Katie as an April 06 bandit let me formally invite you to join our April Bandits excersize challenge thread. We 06'ers are mentoring the new class of April 07 not that I am much of a mentor in the excersize department but I try
  22. waterlily1072

    *APRIL* BANDITS May Challenge

    I'm here, just struggling right now. Trying to get back on the bandwagon. Last week just totally wiped me out and stress over dh's ex and the kids and our oldest is a freshman in hs and is super smart aces all his tests but is getting a d in his block class because he didn't turn in his homework! ARGH! and our second to the oldes our 13yr old daughter informed us last week that she is failing several classes and that she will likely fail the 7th grade. I am beside myself, stressed to the max and feeling out of control. I totally pouch packed today, so tomorrow I will do liquids to try to undo any damage I did by packing it in today and I NEED to get to the gym but every day something comes up and I say I'll go tomorrow. We all know that routine, but dang it's a tough merry-go-round to get off of. Sigh. I have been reading and keeping up with all of you, Kat I am so glad you and Rick got away and had some fun, much deserved and it sounds like you had a blast! Betty I am glad you are feeling better Julie I bet you will love your new job and the new team of peeps you'll be working with, transition is always hard but in the end it's usually worth it! Amourette it was good to hear from you Boo and Delta you both just rock! Keep up the awesome work you are doing. My scale hates me right now and I don't blame it one bit, it's all my fault for sticking crap down my throat but I am down from a size 26 to a 22! So I can't be doing too terrible, lol.
  23. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Welcome Katie! Glad you found us :youcandothis: Well I had a major NSV today. I went shopping for some new slacks and I bought a pair of 22's my current fav pair are 26 and the smallest I have other than the 18's I have stashed away. My DH asked me if I was gonna try them on and I said no, they will fit very soon if they don't yet. Took them home and tried them on, they fit!!! I started this journey out wearing size 34's and they were pretty tight! Now I am in 22's I can barely believe it. As for more weight loss I am having a hard time not approaching it casually, I kinda feel like I need to get rid of the diet mentality and just go with the healthy eating mentality. Diet mentality works great for me in spurts but I get burned out really quick. I think that now that I am about half way I am cool with slower weight loss or faster whichever my body decides to do. Despite all the hard work and all the right numbers I cannot make my body shed pounds I just have to go with the flow and let my body shed when it wants to and make healthy choices so that I don't back track at all.
  24. waterlily1072

    Having a hard time!!

    Well it sounds like you have good restriction you just need to chew more and slow down. I know how easy it is to get discouraged but that's what we are here for to help each toher during those times. As for food getting boring, welcome to the club, I think food gets boring for everyone banded or not at some point in their adult life. Only the really yummy things that are bad for us really appeal. It is normal sadly to go thru this. I just try and remind myself that food is fuel for my body, it is not a source of entertainment. I know it's hard sometimes, belive me I know. As for what you can eat, you can eat anything! OK almost anything. Check out recipe websites for some new ideas!
  25. waterlily1072

    Any one in NW WA

    Sorry I haven't posted, life has been crazy and I was having gallbladder issues. I hope they are behind me now, crossing fingers.

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