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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by waterlily1072

  1. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Julie it sounds like you are doing great! Tracy, you have been so busy, good for you Betty, I will be thinking about you with your marathon tomorrow morning while I am walking my treadmill This weekend has been so busy, whew :faint: Friday, I organized my clothing storage by size in brand new rubbermaid bins. Cleaned out the storage closet and put away all my stoarge stuff. This included getting a lot of boxes of clothes and christmas ornaments out of my living room, hallway and bedroom! It took me 3hours! Saturday, DH and I took the kids to IKEA for my new chairs and stools to go with my new table that is due to be delivered sometime late next week, and a much needed new bunkbed for the kid's room. My DH and kids got separated from me and we never did find each other till a good 2 and a half hours later. I finished all the shopping myself dealing with the warehouse and all. I was pushing two carts of furniture for a while till one of the employees saw me and came to help me to the checkout. Then they loaded my car in the loading zone so I lost my good parking space. Went searching for DH and kids as I was ppoped and ready to go home. Speed walked through the store twice looking for them and finally sat down at the designated if you get lost spot (the entrance). They were looking for me and while I was sitting on the bench they were sitting in the grass next to the old parking spot waiting for me to come find them there. DH finally listened to the kids and came to the entrance. I had had him paged multiple times but each time he was somewhere he couldn't hear it I guess. Anyway we finally got home and I put together all 4 chairs and all 6 stools. Tomorrow is the bunkbed, but first I have to clear out most of that room and get the twin bed out of there. By the end of the week all of my storage will be organized and everything in it's proper place!
  2. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Yeah I actually ate pizza tonight! I'm filling up fairly quickly but I'm not staying full anymore. For me if I can eat anything breadlike it's not good. Dang it it's gonna be the first one I have to pay for :mad: I just knew I should go last week when it would have still been free. I am so jealous of your living on a ranch Kat. Tracey you are doing great! Lap_Dancer grats on the 10lbs so far, that is wonderful
  3. waterlily1072

    5 days banded what are you eating?

    www.bariatriceating.com has it in the rtd (ready to drink) section of shop for protien. I haven't tried that one yet so not sure how it tastes. Grazing in your liquids phase is very normal and totally ok. The most important thing is that you stay hydrated, and second get your protien in. If you have a hard time with water being so bland try crystal light or other brands of drink mix that is no cal or extremely low cal. Oh and grats on getting banded :mad:
  4. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    :mad: YAY BOO!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Standing Ovation ! My life is boring right now, just plugging along and realizing that I need a fill badly. Who knew that 25lbs would make such a difference in how much restriction I have. Or maybe I've learned enough about chewing that I didn't have as much as I thought till I started slowing down and chewing better. Not sure but either way it's time.
  5. waterlily1072

    I was told, Im ruining my surgery

    Why were you eating solid food at 2weeks post op?!?! Most docs tell you at least 2 weeks liquid, 2 weeks mushies, two weeks soft solids, then at 6 weeks solid food. They have us do this for a reason, so that our stomachs can heal and the band can "seat" itself around our stomachs. It is very important that you adhere to what your surgeon gave you for post op instructions. What you choose now can affect how likely you are to have a slip later on. As for your dad, he is not your surgeon nor is he your conscience, do what you know to be right. I know the post op is difficult because you are hungry but it is sooo important.
  6. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Yay Sheila grats on entering bandland :clap2: I know you hurt right now but it really will pass and soon! The first few days are the worst, after the first week I needed no pain meds at all and just had a little port discomfort but no other pain. Get plenty of rest sip sips sip your water and walk walk walk. That's all there is to the healing, oh and follow the post-op diet! You don't want to stress your band or stomach while you are healing this is sooo important.
  7. waterlily1072

    "pouch" or "funnel" which is it???

    I agree it's both. When you eat the food fills the pouch, then slowly the food passes through the stoma like a funnel.
  8. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Julie that is an awesome NSV to get to go on all the rides at the park! I haven't been to an amusement park in years that will be a fun one
  9. waterlily1072

    1 year Bandiversary!!!

    Today is my day. One year ago today I had my surgery and changed my life forever! I have lost 79lbs and feel great! I am not the fastest loser nor am I the slowest. I am smack dab in the middle of where a bandster is supposed to be at the end of one year. I have PCOS and that may have slowed me down but I have come to see that while I would love to be one of those who loses well over 100lbs in their first year it wasn't meant to be. I know now that I would not have known how to deal with losing that fast my weight loss has been perfect for me whether it meets the expectations of my dreams or not. It will in the end, this year I am stronger and finally able to excersize. Year 2 I will continue to make great progress in improving my health, I don't know if I will meet goal or not within this net year but I do know that I will hit it eventually, with consistency, a positive attitude, and desire. LAST YEAR: -Could barely tie my shoes, usually wore slip ons cause it was easier. -None of my clothes fit well at all, I was down to wearing stretch pants and sweats cause they were they only things that fit comfortably, my size 32's were really tight and uncomfortable. -I could not walk more than 5 minutes without serious back pain. -I never went to the zoo with my DH and kids because the walking was too much for me and I was more comfrotable at home sitting in my chair. -I didn't fit in to restaurant booths -I barely fit in my car, my tummy touched my steering wheel even when my seat was all the way back. -I didn't feel good unless I was stuffed to the gills. TODAY: -I can run! Not for any long distance yet but I can walk for miles without pain or losing my breath. -I can tie my shoes easily. -I have several inches between my tummy and steering wheel. -I fit in booths with plenty of room to spare -I have had to pull clothes out of storage that I havven't worn since college and I am wearing them! -My pants and skirts are size 26 and getting to be too loose, it's almost time for new ones! -I feel best after a very light meal, I hate feeling full! I'd rather be hungry than full! A light meal to make me just not hungry is perfect To all of you who are just beginning your journey, make choices that you can live with long term, this is not just a diet! For those of you who are well on your way, keep chugging along we will get there! Excersize really will maximize your weight loss, it is possible to lose without it but so much easier with it, and so rewarding in and of itself! I wish I would have forced myself to start walking much sooner. Calories really do count whether you choose to count them or not. Lastly, when you fall off the bandster wagon pick yourself up and get back on, that is what is so great about it, when you are ready it will be there for you! That is my sage advice it's all that I have.
  10. I am so sorry to hear of your complications, I truly hope that they are able to get rid of the infection. I can imagine you are scared as well as miserable. I hope the pregnancy goes splendidly despite the infection and that who knows they may even be able to save your band, but at this point I'd say your life and health are far important. Take care and keep us posted as to how you are doing.
  11. waterlily1072

    Petite portions at Outback steak house!

    Salmon was the only thing I saw for petite portions there, but I am sure other restaurants have more choices especially if the have a seniors menu. Also senior menu item s tend to be healthier too, lower in fat.
  12. waterlily1072

    Killer Fruit

    I have a hard time with most fruit. Canned is easier and delmonte has 25cal snack cups of fruit with no sugar added! I can eat those if I go slow. It's weird even when I could still eat bread I had a hard time even with canned fruit. Maybe a juicer is a good idea :cry
  13. waterlily1072

    Baby Cereal Liquid or Mushie?

    if you can suck it through a straw it's a liquid
  14. waterlily1072

    Can't eat deli sliced turkey?

    I find that deli meats can give me issues too. Not entirely sure why but you aren't alone
  15. waterlily1072

    Insurance for Plastic Surgery

    I believe that most insurances will cover the tt if there is documented skin irritations or rashes. My having sensitive skin is going to come in handy I hope, I know I don't get rashes but I do get a lot of tiny skin tags that drive me nuts, not sure how much irritatio is needed. As for the breast lift if it is in conjunction with a reduction and you have documented back pain insurance will sometimes cover that as well. Good luck I know I am hoping when my time comes to be able to get it covered by insurance.
  16. waterlily1072

    I'm soooooo tight

    I swell for a whole week after a fill, I never know how the restrictin is really gonna be till then. My last one I couldn't eat solids for days, but by the end of the first week I was on soft solids and a few days later full on solids. If you can get down water and protien shakes then you should be fine for up to a week of that. Any longer and I say go for an unfill, even if it is a tiny one. Remember an unfill is cheaper than a revision surgery to fix a slipped band.
  17. waterlily1072

    no carbonatation?

    Carbonation can stretch your pouch, some surgeons say that it doesn't but I think it's better safe than sorry. I did cheat and have d coke for a long time but it irritated my stomach and once I had decent restriction I couldn't tolerate it anymore at all. My advice is to follow your surgeons instructions not anyone elses.
  18. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Great pics LapBandit! Congrats on being "overweight" what an acocmplishment!
  19. Julie you look great! You are truly a testament to what a person can do with the band in one year if they are willing to put forth the effort. Anyone wanting results like these you should know that Julie has worked her heiny off, literally, this past year, she is the excersize queen and a great role model! Thanks Julie, you inspire us
  20. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Betty I understand the feeling, I think it is human nature to see the things we failed to do rather than see the good that we did do. Sometimes I feel that I failed to lose as much as I wanted to this year, and then there are the days that I fail to eat right. But gosh darn it, we did good! We have both had major stress this last year and in the last couple of months to boot! And despite all of that when we normally would have gained a fairly significant amount of weight we still came out ahead, we are on target, I have lost 79 and you have lost 64 and are almost at goal! We feel better than before, we can do more. It's hard to look at ourselves as half full instead of half empty but we owe it to ourselves to look at our accomplishments and pat ourselves on the back, because we deserve the success! Everyone here does! Even those jsut starting because you new bandsters have made a decision that will change your lives for the better! Is it easy, no, but nothing really worth having is ever easy, but it is worth it! Well tomorrow starts year 2 for me, this year I will have no overall number goal in mind, my goal will be fitness healthy diet oriented. I will excersize more and by next summer I will be doing the half marathons! I will do my best to make good food choices, staying away from those eveil cookies and chips as much as is humanly possible. I will lose what I lose and that will be good enough because all though I am still fat and still have 125lbs to lose I am happier and I feel better, I have my life back!
  21. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Welcome Chris Glad you found us! LapBandit you and Julie both are so amazing. I wish I had the drive and self control it takes to lose a well as both of you have. Today was my one year bandiversary, roughly 80lbs in one year is very respectable. I am right smack dab in the middle of the normal weight loss expectancy range. I am neither a slow lose nor and exceptionally fast one. But I am a loser! In a good way I think I am in the mood to make a bandiversary post after all, maybe I can give someone hope that really needs it right now. Good job every one! I know it's easy to give up on this challenge for those of us who have not lost enough to meet our current goal, but don't give up! The close we can get to that gola the lower the number gets to be for our next one! So keep plugging away! One more week! Then on to a new fresh challenge, the challenge of our independance!
  22. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Wow it's today!!! Thanks Julie Today my best DH, BF and I are going to breakfast at this little cafe and then BF and I are going to this little cermacs store where we can sit and paint a jabber all day while we catch up, laughing and drinking hot chocolate while we make something beautiful, or not . All in all it will be a fun day. And when we are all done painting BF and I are gonna walk the 2-3miles home! A walk that includes a pretty serious hill! Yay Have a great one everyone!!!
  23. waterlily1072

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Yay Julie! Grats on making your goal!:clap2:
  24. waterlily1072

    APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

    Wow! where to begin? Shiela, congratulations I am so happy that you have found something that gives you joy and strength! I agree this is a safe place to share your feelings, I have never known this group to judge just support! Julie happy bandiversary! Mine is tomorrow and I have no desire to write a thread about it, we will see, maybe... Betty I am so jealous for your getting to go to NY! As for France there is always another time, you will get there Boo grats on your new improved time! You will break the 30 mark soon I can feel it! I am finding it difficult to use the hs track with school in session and DH not willing to get up early with me anymore, so we are going to get a gym membership at a place close to home so I can use all that wonderful equipment and so he can join me (I can hope that he will) A friend of mine goes there every morning to work out and I can join her once I heve a membership so that will make it extra fun, then by the time school is out I should be ready to hit the track again for some running!
  25. waterlily1072

    JulieNYC's bandiversary

    Great Post Julie! Happy bandiversary

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