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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ForMyBoys

  1. I seem to have forgotten what it was like to be on liquids. It has just been 1 day because of my fill and I am starving. I feel like I could eat a horse. I get regular food tomorrow but it seems like forever. I don't know how these people do it that have to stay on liquids for weeks or even a month. My doctor said that is so unrealistic to expect from a person. He said the main thing is the first 2 weeks for healing . After that he is not going to kill his patients just to get a giant weight loss out of them. It is more important that we get food and feel full and happy. Not to starve for a month if it is not necessary. At my 2 week check-up I was able to eat everything except steak ,stringy things and have kept loosing without starving myself. If I can just get through today i'll be okay.
  2. I really can't tell yet because I had to stay on clear liquids yesturday and full today. Tomorrow I can start real food again and then I should be able to tell. I ate cream soup earlier but it just ran through the band appparently because I didn't feel anything.
  3. ForMyBoys

    Protein Shake Help!!!!

    Prior to my surgery 1 month ago I bought a bag of EAS vanilla powder at Sam's for $32.00 . I drink a shake every day and I am still on my same bag. Also if you call the company they will send you coupons for $1.00 each . I mix it 1/2 milk 1/2 water and it is really good. I actually crave it sometimes. :thumbup:The milk makes the difference. With straight water they suck. I also bought the pre-make chocolate which was much more expensive and it is nasty.
  4. I just ate some Cream of Broccoli soup and it went down fine without any restriction. He put in 2 1/2 cc's for my 1st. fill. My doctor did say that he has found it usually takes 2-3 fills before it is tweeked just right. I hope your doctor is as gentle as mine. I have passed out before just by seeing the needles. He makes everything go so smooth. I am so lucky I happened to pick the perfect doctor for me. I needed someone who would be compationate and not just walk in and out the room . I wanted someone to treat me like an individual and not just another paying customer. I found it. It maked all the difference.
  5. ForMyBoys

    36 Hours To Surgery.....

    Brian , My surgery was 11/5/08 and it was a breeze, i'll tell you why. My doctor and staff are second to none but since you aren't in New Orleans to see them ,i'll let you in on the secret's they gave me As soon as you get home start your pain med's and your gas-x strips . Continue taking them every 6 or 8 hours, whatever your bottle says, even if you don't feel any gas or pain. The objective is to have the med's in your system so that you don't have to feel the pain or the gas . You are beating it to the punch. If you wait for the symptom it is then to late and it will take forever for the med's to kick in. Also, walk as much as you can around the house, this will move the gas and also help in healing. Drink your liquids at least 2 ounces every 15 -30 min. I had no surgery pain or even gas pain but I did have slight soreness around the port sight. I used a heating pad on this area and it worked wonders. Also you may need to sleep on a few extra pillows at first. It was much more comfortable than lying down for me. Watching TV will become hard because every other commercial is about food. Get your spouse to go down to the local library. They loan out usually up to 6 DVD's at a time for free. You can keep them up to 2 weeks . Just relax and heal . Stay out of the kitchen because by next week if you see food you will want to devour it. Out of sight , out of mine. If you want to shove something in your mouth keep those Blue Bell sugar free pop-sickles in the freezer and just suck on that . Oh and I read about alot of people hating protein powder and I hate it mixed with water but I buy the EAS at Sam's and mix it with milk and it is great. I could't drink it if I had to do it just with water. I hope I was of some help. :biggrin:
  6. Hey JMEGIRL, I was also banded 11/5/08. I started out at 265 and have lost 27 lbs. so far, 15 pre-op. My surgery went great. I think my doctor and staff made all the difference. I started gas-x and pain meds as soon as I got home from the hospital per my doctors orders. I ended up not experiencing either types of pain. I had a little soreness at the port site and a heating pad helped that . At my 2 week check-up my doctor asked if I was able to eat all the mushies with no restriction. I could and therefore this meant the swelling was gone and I was healed for the most part. Scar tissue had to keep forming but I could start eating solids as long as it was tried 1 at a time and chewed very well. Still nothing though (steak) or stringy. I have been able to eat turkey, ground meat, roast, ham and all the trimmings. Everything goes down well and I have never gotten stuck or a full feel. I eat out of my little boys infant plate and use his buzz lightyear infant spoon . This way I know im taking small bites. It was so nice once I got to eat real food, especially through Thanksgiving. I had my 1st. fill yesturday. It was a breeze. I was very nervous but my doctor joked with me the whole time and after a little prick to numb me he did the fill and the entire thing took about 3 min. I have 1 day of clear liq., 1 day of full then back to regular foods. All in all this has been a great experience and I owe it all to a great doctor and staff who left no stone unturned as far as educating me and holding my hand through this entire procedure and aftercare.:biggrin:
  7. ForMyBoys

    Encouragement needed!!!

    Just an additional note about the TV thing and commercials. I went down to my local library and checked out about 6 DVD's the week after my surgery. They are all free and a great way to avoid commercials and keep your mind off of food. People don't even realize they can get free movie rental for up to 2 weeks at their local library. Mine has great movie's not just old VHS stuff but all the new DVD's as well. Try it. I just got back from my 1st. fill. It was a breeze. Thank god for my doctor and this band. You will get to my happy place soon.:thumbup:
  8. ForMyBoys

    Encouragement needed!!!

    Banded 11/5/08 , I started taking Gaxs X as soon as I got home from the hospital before the pains even started and continued every 8 hours for days. Are you taking anything ? You should be. Also walk as much as possible and a warm heating pad on your stomach or upper arm where it is sore works wonders to . It will pass and you will get to a point where you will say this was soooo worth it.:thumbup: The hunger will subside and you will be able to pass more liquid once the swelling decreases . You will know the swelling went down when food goes down easier. Also if a food comercial comes on tv switch the channel. I couldn't believe how many food commercials were on until I had this surgery. I also eat my small portion with my family then leave the table so I don't have to be around the rest of the food. It is easier if you don't see it. Out of sight, out of mind and that does get easier as time goes by. I am 4 weeks out and it has gotten so much easier but I can't wait until my first fill because I find myself eating just a little more then I should and pushing the limits. Good Luck, Hang in there:thumbup:
  9. I am, was also 265 5'6 and was banded on 11/5/08. I was terrified but this has really been a piece of cake. I think having a really great doctor and follow-up care helps. My doctor is Dr. Belott in LA and his nurse had the surgery several years ago and their follow up care is second to none. I have read questions on hear from people who have no idea what to expect about diet , exercise ,the procedure, ect. My doctor is so thorough about info. I feel like I could have my own website and answer everyone's questions and im just starting out. Knowledge is power and my doctor gives me so much information that it has made this experience much easier. Research and find someone you feel comfortable with and that has an extended background in bariatric surgery. I am down 25 pounds and feel great. My 1st. fill is today.
  10. I love you guys, I was banded Nov 5th. and have only lost 10 pounds. I have not posted or even come on this website in days because i've been so down on myself. I'm glad I did read the posts today to find out that I am not alone. The problem is that I have NO restriction at all. I have been walking almost everyday and I have been controlling what I eat which is alot less than before but I am still a slow loser at this point. I do get my first fill next Monday. I think that will make a difference. I hate getting on the scale so Im going to stay away from it until after my fill. I also see that some people are still on liquid or mushies. My doctor only had me on that for the first 2 weeks. I guess if I was still on liquids I would have lost alot more by now to. He said if I don't feel restriction it means all the swelling is down and I can pretty much eat what ever I want as long as it is cooked well and not like a tough steak. So im eating real food therefore not losing as much as with liquids.
  11. ForMyBoys

    Need Lap Band Buddy / Mentor Would love to find a buddy!

    I did feel that pulling in my chest after my banding on 11/5. I asked the nurse about it . She also had lap band surgery 2 years age. She said that's what people feel when they are to full. She said if we drink or eat more than we should it will feel like something stuck in our chest. I also think mine was from the placement of the port. My port is right by my bra line near my chest area. It was tight until about 2 days ago but I don't feel it anymore.
  12. ForMyBoys

    Need Lap Band Buddy / Mentor Would love to find a buddy!

    Hi, wife with 2 boys . Had surgery 11/5 and the doctor told me to take pain meds and Gas ex as directed. I took it and has no pain or gas. I think his theory was to catch the symptom before it became a problem. I did feel a little sore when I would try to sit up in bed but other than that I feel great. I am from New Orleans and it's hard here to stay away from all the great food we have. I have had my husband fix dinner some nights just so I didn't have to be around the smells and sight of food and start a craving. It hasn't been bad though. I have no restriction right now but I know when I get my 1st. fill it will be much easier.
  13. ForMyBoys

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hi Guys, I was banded on Nov.5 and went through all the same emotions. I am now 1 week out . I feel great. I can't even believe that I have a band in me. It is much easier than I expected to stay away from the foods I craved before. But it still does take alot of will power. The band is not magic. I just know that I may be able to fit something in my mouth but that doesn't mean it's going to get through that small band. I know I don't want to mess my band up so I don't do it. I keep a record of what I eat and I usually plan ahead my meals and that makes it easier also. I have to cook for my husband and 2 boys so I eat my small portion at the table with them and then I leave and go in the other room because it is hard to see them with all that food when I am still wanting more food. I understand that this will deminish when I have my fill but for now I avoid food when im having a craving. Drink plenty of water also.I did not have gas pains like alot of others have right after surgery, however I started taking GasX as soon as I got home per my doctors request. I think taking the meds ahead of the symptoms was smart . I also took my pain meds for 2 days every 4 hours and didn't wait for the pain to come on. All in all I had minimal pain. Just soreness whenever I would try to get up out of the bed. For the first 3 nights it helped me to sleep up on 2 pillows. One week out and I am feeling great. I can start smoothies, beans ,eggs, well cooked veggies and some other foods today. I hope it continues to go this well. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  14. Im from New Orleans and was banded last week. I feel great. I've lost 19.5 pounds so far. I still can't believe I have the band inside me. I can tell you that you have to have will power. The weight I have lost so far has been all on my own. I have no restriction and can drink down as much as I want. I have had to monitor myself ounce by ounce. I try to stay out of the kitchen so I don't see or smell food. My husband has had to step in with the cooking. Besides a little soreness i've felt great. No gas pains, nausea, or anything major to complain about.
  15. My surgery was 11/5 and you said it should take 1 hour to drink 8 oz. of liquid. I have been able to drink that right down ever since my surgery date. I don't PB or feel full. I woke up this morning feeling great so we packed a family lunch and headed to the park. After about 2hrs. I started feeling really worn out and had some cramps. I guess I over did it. Anyway , I think I should only drink 1-2 ounces at a time even if I can drink more. Im afraid the pouch might strech. Did anyone's doctor give them a limit as to how much they should consume at one time?
  16. ForMyBoys

    self-payer questions

    doctors ask for all those pre-op tests because it's important for him and for you to know that you are healthy enough to have surgery done. We are already at risk by being overweight. My doctor required all the same tests and results all came back fine. I would rather find out beforehand if there were to be any complications then while I was on the operating table. Im glad my doctor went the extra mile to care for me. My sister and brother in-law are both anesthesiologist and said that a patient should always have at least a chest x-ray, ekg, and blood test before being put under anesthesia. Follow your doctors orders and get the tests. You'll feel much better knowing everything is in order before you "go under". Good Luck
  17. ForMyBoys

    Medicaid Appeal??

    I could not find a doctor or hospital that would take Medicaid for my Lap Band surgery in Louisiana so I am self pay. I wonder if I can get the forms and file with them to reimburse me ? The doctors office won't even file it with them because medicaid pays so little and it is such a hassle to deal with them. Where did you find a clinic to treat you?
  18. ForMyBoys

    Shopping list

    please be careful about the pineapple juice. It works great at getting things unstuck but can reek havic on your stoma right after surgery. My doctor said to keep away from anything with acid in it especially pineapple juice until you are totally healed and able to eat solids well.The reason the juice works so well at unsticking is because the acid in it tears the food up, so imagine what it would do to your unhealed stomach.
  19. ForMyBoys

    Anyone from Louisiana?

    Im having surgery in 1 week with Dr. Belott in Marrero, LA.:thumbup: His staff is great. I had several people refer me to his office. From what I can tell after reviewing this website. I was given much more information than alot of people. They were very thorough about before and after care, diet and nutrition, and the nurse is a lap band patient herself. They suggest grocery lists and little tips to help along the way. I am much more comfortable with my doctors ability because I see he has gone the extra mile to inform me . Alot of people on this website barely get any info. from their doctors. They find out more from this site.
  20. Im getting my band next week and that is also my biggest concern. I read about erosion and slippage. It's pretty scarey. Have they come up with new band's that last?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
