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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Nibblet

  1. 12/01/2008, early in the morning, I had my surgery. 12/01/2009 I wake up with 23 pounds towards my goal. I love the outdoors & am able to bike, kayak, hike, run & snow shoe comfortably. I don't dread buying / wearing the clothes for these sports or feel like I stand out because I'm the fat girl any more. Cheers to us all sharing this journey to ourselves.


  2. I had my surgery om 12/01/08. I can totally relate to the pain. When I went out to take my walks my port area would feel like it was going to bounce out! I tightened up my binder & sometimes even held the port area, but it went away & all is well. Hang in there, you'll be eating a little bit of anything pretty soon. Get yourself an extra Protein Shake or two, you'll find if you get enough protien & calories and make yourself walk your energy will come back. Good luck

  3. My BMI was comparitively low, 34, and I had no health factors at all. I didn't qualify for my insurance to pick up anything but the hernia I had no clue I had! I didn't want to lose a bunch of weight again only to gain it back, plus 15 - 20, until I reached the proper BMI. My surgery was Dec. 01, 2008 and I have lost around 25 pounds with two fills. I'm happy & starting to recognize the person in the mirror. Good luck with your decision.

  4. I guess I never gave it a second thought. My partner & I are just that - partners. We act as any other couple act. We show up together, ask questions regarding the procedures, laugh, she tells embarrassing stories about me & etc...I never felt the need to announce it or hide it, but the pregnancy test cracked us up too. It shouldn't make one bit of difference to your doctor or the staff. If you get the "I hate homo" vibe there are plenty of other places to spend your money.

  5. That sounds just aweful! Whenever I've gotten a fill my doctor asks me to stay & finish a cup of Water & if there is any discomforfort he wants to know right away so an adjustment can be made. Asking you to wait it out while you are choking on your own saliva doesn't sound quite right. Make them slow down & answer all of your questions. They are getting paid too much money to treat you like they are doing you a favor. Good luck

  6. I am going for my second fill tomorrow. I'm excited & I wanted to give a shout out to all of my couragous sisters out there. It's going very well & people who I haven't seen for a while are starting to notice. My very last pair of "fat" pants (that were getting oh so tight) finally have a bit of room in them...even right out of the dryer! I have short plans for small victories & I'm grateful for such a cool forum where I can get & give support to people whom I have a bit more in common with :thumbup:.

    Take care all,


  7. Hi Bubz, I was banded on 12/01 & just wanted to say hello & see how you are doing. I'm going for my first fill 01/09 & am kind of creeped out about anyone touching that area, but all else is well & I am enjoying the journey. Keep in touch & just ignore the vikihong's of the world!

  8. Hey Nibbit, I have about the same amount of weight to lose as you. How long are you planning on it taking? Thanks! Cara KC

    Hi Cara,

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I've been on vacation. I am hoping to toast to success next New Year's Eve. I'm hoping for sooner, but I know the really stubborn weight is going to take a while. I look forward to my first fill on Friday (01/09/09) and getting the ok from the doctor to start exercising hard (shoveling show & etc...!). Keep in touch & let me know how you are doing. Terri (AKA Nibblet...it sounded funny at the time I was registering!)

  9. I was able to shower right after I got home. Dermabond was used on the incision area, so showering & blotting with a towel was fine.

    I had my surgery December 1st & had heard the same thing about Hair loss. I haven't experienced any loss yet, but heard it could happen immediately or 4-5 months after. The reasons varied from the shock of the surgery on the body, rapid weight loss or lack of proper Protein intake & etc... A Vitamin called Biotin was suggested as well as Zinc so last week I started taking a bit of both & make sure to get enough protein.

    I hope that helped & kudos on donating your hair.< /p>

  10. I was banded on 12/01 & all is going well. I remember reading about almost unavoidable Hair loss that will occur at some point due to the trauma of surgery & etc...I also remember reading that some people would take something called Biotin, I believe, to treat this. (I was just unable to locate where I had found this info on the site again). Could anyone enlighten me? How much Biotin should I take? How long should I expect to have to take it? Should the hair loss/thinning thing pass. I haven't experienced it yet, but would love to avoid it if possible. Thanks :biggrin:

  11. I know it might seem somewhat superficial if it would appear my road to recovery is a bit shorter than others, but 5'04" 200 is really getting out of control. Although I'm healthy & active, my family has a serious history of heart disease. I have lost weight in the past by other means, but slowly put it back plus more each time. My closet looks like an advertisement for Verizon & things that were once easy now cause me to breath heavy. I wish I possessed the discipline to do it another way, but the reality seems to dictate otherwise.

  12. I keep forgetting to ask the doctor, but will I be able to scuba dive after I've been banded? It's a sport I used to enjoy about 15 years ago. I had avoided it since I had gained so much weight, as the gear is challenging enough to manuever without the extra bulk...not to mention the entire wetsuit nightmare! Snorkeling is beautiful too, just not quite the same when you've been able to swim with the turtles!

  13. :wink_smile:Speaking of surgery!

    :thumbup:First off good luck!! I wish you a speady recovery and great outcomes!

    :thumbup: Second- what time time is your surgery scheduled for?

    :wink2: Anyone else what time was yours at?

    I am scheduled for a 9:00 am surgery. I am very excited. I just worked my last day & don't have to be back to work until early January! I made it through Thanksgiving dinner celebrations without giving in to temptation, but finding the "polite" happy medium & trying most everyone's dishes they worked so hard on. I have been trying to get into to the "eat slowly, chew everything thoroughly" habit & I have to say I have been pleasantly surprised. The 1 cup meals are actually going to be fine. I was finished the same time as everyone else & felt perfectly satisfied.

  14. Hello and a Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Keep us updated! I meet Alison PAC on Dec 18th.

    p/s did you have to pay an out of pocket cash cost?

    My entire surgery is out of pocket. My blue Cross wouldn't cover anything unless my BMI was higher and or had a number of health complications. Fortunately for me, but not so fortunate for my savings account, I am chubby but otherwise healthy. :thumbup:

  15. I too am nervous, but I went for my final doctor's visit today (before my sugery on the 1st) and one by one entered the happiest, healthiest looking group of people. I learned they had all completed their surgeries one to two weeks ago and were arriving for their follow ups. Without exception they were all pain free & described their experience as "pretty easy". One lady even said she had no pain or discomfort at all. No back, shoulder pains...nothing! And jokingly said she had wondered if they had really performed a surgery at all. I know everyone's experience is unique, but my fingers are crossed that you & I share the kind post-op like the lady that made me laugh.

  16. I can't answer your question, brother, I just wanted to toss you a shout out from LAPD. I'm scheduled for Dec. 8th & we get a month for our long vacation. I had always called my extra weight "tactical pounds!", in jest, because if I had to take someone down they were staying down! But 15 yrs and 55-60 pounds later...not so cute! Looking forward to getting my swagger back. The best of luck to you. I'll watch for your progess. Go get 'em!

  17. I didn't have to either. I was weighed (just bare feet!) had my temp. & Blood pressure taken by the nurse & later had a one on one with my surgeon (both of us fully clothed!). Had a question & answer session & advised me of my pre-surgery weight loss requirements (5 pounds), made my surgery appt. (Dec 8th), had an EKG, blood work & that's it. Good luck to you. It should go pretty easy.

  18. Thank you. Your words have already helped me. To answer your question regardding my self-pay situation. I have Blue Cross PPO, a very good insurance I'm told, but I don't meet the criteria for them to pick up any of my costs. Fortunately for me, but not so fortunate for my savings account I have no qualifying health factors. It was thought I might have sleep apnea for no other reason than I snore, but heck the sleep study was worth a try. It was confirmed, I do snore, however I never stopped breathing. Again, lucky for me...Anyway, the possibility of returning to a comfortable size & perhaps not following my family's history of heart attacks will be well worth the investment.

    I will start to try to change my habits now. I have been bolting my food (eat now & taste later) for a quite a while, probably a habit picked up at work.

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