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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MellyB

  1. My life is currently revolving around this issue. I had my band replaced on Jan7th. I have gone to the bathroom 5 times since then. The first couple of times it was so large and painful that I thought I would pass out. I will spare you the details of how I managed it. I started taking Milk of Mag as well as Colace, and I have had very, very little results from it. I have been eating Fiber One bars and I get gassy and sore but no movement. I go for my fill tomorrow and I'm extremely bloated, swollen, sore and gassy. I would say I have anywhere from 5-10lbs of Water on me right now. I have no idea what to do to get this Water weight off of me. Hopefully my doctor has some advice, I'm concerned that something is wrong downstairs. I walk around feeling very uncomfortable. No pain above the band, it's all lower intestine stuff.

    uote name='cduval04' timestamp='1297801429' post='1574624']

    hello. was banded on 12/20 went in for first fill on 1/31 where they put 3 cc's in my 11cc realize-c band. (not done under flouro). I am not feeling much restriction and have only lost 1lb since the 31st (13 in total since pre surgery weight) so I am goi back on friday to have it filled more.

    my question is about..well..my colon to be frank.....don't even know if it's related to the surgery, but a few weeks ago I got a pretty localized pain in the lower right side of my abdomen sort of next to and below my belly button. It seems to be getting a little worse every week, and appears to be positional, and related to whether I have eaten or not. ok.....sorry this is sorta gross but worrisome to me.....my bowel movements are ENORMOUS and when I say big I mean like 16-18 inches (no I didn't measure it but I have an 18-inch ruler at home and it looks just about the length of that) and my last one was probably the diameter of my entire large intestine (yes I did look that up lg intestine is 5 ft long 3 inches in diameter)

    I had these types of BM's a couple times before surgery, but they happened rarely. But now, my last 4 BM's have been like this, and they are usually two toned, half light brown half dark brown. Usually happens once a day. My mom has been a visiting nurse for 30 years gone into probably thousands of peoples homes and she looked at one and said she had never seen anything quite like it in all her years of nursing...now that scared me because the stories she comes home with...well let's just say I thought she had seen everything there is to see when it comes to gross. Before you call me an obsessive poop looker with too much time on my hands, keep in mind poo can be a huge indicator of your health, just as your pulse and temperature can be. (yes I also am a daily Dr. Oz show watcher ok there I admit it rolleyes.gif after all, he is the doctor who taught america to look in their toilets)

    all kidding aside though, this along with the pain scares me. I am going to GI and GYN on friday, but does anyone have any words of wisdom for me or shared similar symptoms? Bowel obstruction or something?

    thanks in advance,


  2. Please dont' be afraid to get an unfill if you are having problems. I did that and I had surgery two weeks ago to replace a slipped band. Not saying that will happen, but it could very well have contributed to it. I cannot tell you how sick I was and it started with reflux and night coughing. I aspirated, had pneumonia, and was sick for 6mths before I finally had enough. Maybe it's temporary, but don't fool with it, it's just not worth it. I feel amazing now, I'm starting from scratch, and I'm thankful to have a second chance, I'll definitely be babying this thing from here on out.

  3. Had my band put in November of 2008. I had a slight slip about 9mths ago. Symptoms were horrible acid reflux and night coughing. I was aspirating and extremely sick. I had no energy and I felt awful. They took all the Fluid out of the band, hoping that things would self correct. Meanwhile I had better restriction than I did with the band filled. But I was still suffering from heartburn, taking meds daily and being miserable. Over the holidays I had an awful virus and threw up several times. From the week before Christmas up until this past Thursday I got gradually sicker and sicker. I went in on Thu afternoon, had an UGI and was admitted to the hospital for correction or possible removal of the band on Friday morning. I was throwing up, I could keep sips of Water down but I had awful heartburn and threw up that evening. The were able to reposition it, and I'm home and on day one of the post op diet. I'm not hungry at all, I'm terrified to even drink anything because I'm so afraid of getting sick again. I'm feeling a lot of what I guess are gas pains in my upper chest. I don't remember them the first time, but it was 2 yrs ago. I'm cautiously optimistic that this correction is going to be okay. I woke up from surgery feeling better than I have felt in nearly a year. I have had NO reflux and no coughing. I'm pretty much blowing and going aside from the gas pains. I've been depressed and anxious and I feel like I have a whole new lease on life.

    I'm wondering if anyone out there has had a successful slip fix? Any advice?

  4. Friday will be one year since I got the band. In the past couple of months, I've had some pretty bad heartburn, that peaked last week and was so bad I couldn't go an hour without some sort of antacid. I was having reflux at night, that sometimes burned, sometimes didn't. It wasn't consistent, it wasn't every night, but sometimes it shot out like crazy and did have food in it at times regardless of not eating within 3 hours of going to bed. I had a prescription for Nexium, and so I started taking it this past Monday. No more heartburn (or very little anyway) and I sort of feel a cold feeling where it use to burn. I can also feel something that feels like a bubbling up and hitting a raw spot after I eat, but it isn't painful. I also had bad coughing last night and coughed up mouthfuls liquid about 3 times in the night, sometimes while sleeping. Since taking the Nexium, I feel sort of tight, and I am feeling more restriction than I was before. I had very little restriction, but I haven't gained a pound, I haven't lost either. I'm still coughing like I have a cold, but as long as I don't lay down it doesn't have anything coming up. I napped today after lunch and had zero issues. It's only at night. And within 30 minutes after I fall asleep.

    From reading, I feel pretty sure it's either a slip or an erosion. Even though there is no pain, the lack of restriction the past couple of months and the reflux seems to indicate a slip. I'm terrified that I'll lose the band, I cannot go back to life before it. My hope is that since this has only gone on a couple of months that it can be remedied easily. I'm calling the doctor tomorrow, and I'm sure he'll call me in immediately. Oh and I also have hiccups! After I eat I get the hiccups! Like I said, I'm so afraid. Any feedback is welcome, good or bad.

  5. Dr. E did my surgery in late Nov. I'm pretty happy with my weightloss, it's very slow going. I've lost about 50lbs, and I guess I thought I would have lost more by now but slow is good. And I'm not perfect by any means. I really like him, and I like most of his staff. I was shocked by how easy the whole process was, I didn't suffer from any of the pain or gas or problems that so many people seemed to suffer from. I credit that to him.

  6. I have been having problems with gas, and more recently reflux. I am at my perfect fill, my weight loss is steady and I feel like aside from these painful side effects everything is perfect.

    I'm thinking that I might be having reflux because I am due to start next week and my band is tight due to the Water retention. I don't have problems at night, and the pain sort of wraps around my back right under my bustline.

    I called my doc today and the nurse was an idiot. I'm going to make an appt tomorrow, just because I need to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong. I was fine until Saturday when I had a couple of pieces of pineapple and some watermelon, which might be what caused the reflux, but then again isn't that sort of a cure for it? I also feel very full all the time without eating, like Thanksgiving dinner full.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  7. I've had it happen a couple of times, at least what I think to be sliming. When it happened to me, it was just an overflow of saliva that pretty much gushes out of your mouth. I have stood over the commode and just let it flow, it's bizarre. I've never had anything that was slimy or anything, just tons of spit.

  8. I got approved with BCBS of NC after two refusals. This was not the insurance companies fault, this was my docs coordinators fault. She never sent all the info in, and finally I sent it in myself because she was being so difficult. Once I got the info to them, I was approved within 5 days. They work fast, just make sure that they have everything they need.

    Nutrition eval

    Psych eval (it needs to be pretty in depth)

    5 year weight history

    Follow up plan from your surgeon

    There was no required pre op diet. My surgeon required one, but only to shrink my liver. BCBS has been fantastic about this whole thing once they got my info. Make sure you see what the doctor sends, and make sure it's all there.

  9. I sound like I have a litter of puppies playing in my tummy! I have never had this problem before, and like I said the past 2 weeks have been so great.

    I had my surgery Nov. 20th of 08. I had stalled, and was having some problems with getting stuck, sliming, etc. Then I went in and he put a tad more in, and I started really paying attention to what and how I eat, making a conscious effort to focus on Protein. With the fill, I could totally tell the difference between full and stuck, I was doing fantastic. Well I am doing fantastic, except for this weird thing going on.

    It has to be the gas. I'm capable of eating and drinking, I just don't want to because I feel so freaking full that I am miserable!

  10. I had my 3rd fill a couple of weeks ago, and after that adjustment things have been ideal. I've lost 8lbs in just shy of 2 weeks. I was having very slow weightloss and a lot of problems with food getting stuck. Not anymore, I'm in band heaven right now.

    This past weekend, I was worthless. By worthless I mean I slept constantly, sort of had the blues, laid around and did nothing. Yesterday I felt full all day, even though I didn't eat anything. I actually felt like one would feel after finishing off Thanksgiving dinner. Just full, and miserable. I had gas, it was obvious, I was burpy. I chewed on a couple of gas x and felt much less full. But I still never got hungry yesterday and eating was unimaginable.

    Today I woke up and I was actually hungry. I drank some Water, and at lunch I had some chicken. It was very moist and there was no problem with getting stuck or anything, but it hurt like hell when it hit my stomach. I felt like my stomach was cramping up and sore. After just a couple of bites, I started with the burping and hiccuping.

    Can this be because of gas? Is my tummy full of gas from not moving around this weekend? I feel so full! It's like I'm having something like hunger pangs but if I were to eat, it would make my stomach cramp. No nausea, no vomiting, no sickness, just a general crampy and full feeling.

    It's irritating me.

  11. I'm about 9 weeks out from surgery. My husband and both of my kids and I all have this 24 hr bug. Last night I threw up, or I heaved for a couple of minutes and then I felt better. I didn't throw up any food because I hadn't eaten. My son was sick first, he threw up once and then he got better.

    I had an appt for a fill today, and I called to reschedule because I didn't think it was a good idea to do it after getting sick. I should also mention that I have no restriction right now, I had a fill about a month ago, but I have no restriction.

    The nurse wanted me to come in and have the band emptied. And no amount of telling her that mine wasn't filled was getting through to her. I told her that my entire household had diarrhea and a sick, horrible headache and I live over an hour away. She then said to me "so you're just going to ignore doctors orders?" I explained to her again my situation, how I felt better now and it was simply a little bit of dry heaving last night. Yeah I felt horrible but it's going away. She got pretty snotty with me and I wasn't sure how to explain my situation any clearer. If my band was full, if I was still throwing up, or even if I was still nauseous I would probably have gone ahead and taken my kids up there, even though the idea of leaving a bathroom right now is taking a chance on disaster with a 4 and 5 yr old with diarrhea.

    Has anyone had a virus since they got the band?

  12. I'm in the same boat. I had my first fill this past Tuesday and I have very little restriction. I'm pretty much going on pure will power, something I have very little of. I can do it short term, I have to wait 6 weeks for another fill, but I'm thinking about asking if I can get it sooner.

    Just hang in there, follow the directions and remember that it's only for a little bit and that soon enough you'll be on your way. Good luck.

  13. First of all, I'm the most compassionate person you'll find in regards to this. And compassion is one thing, but to tell someone who ate a burger 2 days after surgery that it's ok is irresponsible. Because it's not ok. I'm not chastizing but this isn't weight watchers, this isn't Jenny Craig, falling off the wagon is just not an option because it can do physical damage. You went through all that is required to get this amazing tool to help you improve your quality of life, you need to let it help you. Honestly 2 days after surgery food was the last thing on my mind. 6 weeks after surgery and without a fill I couldn't finish off a burger. I have to wonder if you were hungry or if it was emotional. You need to explore that for your own sake.

    What's done is done, but you need to know that it wasn't ok, and so do people who are considering this or just had surgery and are thinking that they can just ball up the next day and eat whatever they want. I hope that you have much success with your band, you can do it, just give yourself a chance.

  14. No! In fact I felt like part of this whole thing was admitting I had a problem and needed help with it. I didn't want to keep it a secret because for me it was really important to face it head on or I would never be able to be successful regardless of what I did.

    For me, keeping it a secret was just another way of staying in denial. And, I knew I was going to have amazing support from those around me. And I have, I can't imagine doing this alone.

    I even disclosed my weight. 38 years of pretending the weight of an extra person wasn't there didn't get me anything. I just went for it and after I did I felt like I could breath for the first time in my life.

  15. Tonight out of nowhere I got really sick to my stomach. I thought that maybe I ate too fast, or something, I don't know. I sat here for over an hour and walked around, burping and just being in excrutiating pain.

    Finally about 10 minutes ago I threw up. It was all liquid and a couple of tiny pieces of chicken. Now I'm still hurting like I did before, plus I'm sore right in the pit of my stomach. I have pain up in my shoulders and down my arms.

    I'm afraid that I've done something to the band. I've had some gas in the past, but I cannot get this to go away. I haven't had a single complication or problem, but I was heaving pretty badly. Does anyone have any advice?

  16. I'm starting week 6, I haven't had any fills yet. I have more energy now than I have ever had in my life. I'm already off of 2 meds, I feel good, I look better and my attitude towards life is better. My body is clean and even though I'm healed and not restricted, I eat right and I get full really quickly. I can't imagine what it will be like once the band is filled. I dropped 3 lbs since this past Sunday.

    I agree that it takes being emotionally prepared for the surgery. I wasn't ready a year ago, but this year I went in prepared to change and I did. I would recommend it to anyone who was 100% committed to the change, but I wouldn't recommend it you aren't.

  17. Good for you! I'm in week 5 with no restriction and no limitations on what I am allowed, although I know that salad would rip me in two so no go on that one. Ugh.

    I thought that I would have trouble after I healed and wasn't restricted, but it's like my brain just gravitates to the right kinds of foods. I had a cookie party last night and I had one small cookie that my kids decorated. I just nibbled on it through the night. I go out to eat, and I watch others eat their meals and in my mind I think "there is no way I could eat that much food". It's really mind boggling to me to think that I not only use to eat that much, but often even more!

    I think that my body has taken to being "clean". No caffeine, sugar or crap is floating around in me. I have amazing self control, and I am a walking bundle of energy. I've only lost maybe 5 lbs since my surgery 5 weeks ago but I feel like I've lost 100. Anyone who thinks that this is the easy way to do it is smoking crack. This is not a food altering choice, it's a mind, body, soul and life altering choice.

  18. Oh my gosh, isn't it just horrible? I have locked myself in my room and not allowed my husband near me because of this horrible gas. Today I let one slip and my best friend told me that I could knock a buzzard off of a crap wagon. We laughed but it's so embarrassing. I have also opened my mouth to talk and a 10 second burp came out. I'm so close to burping Jingle Bells at this point it's not even funny.

    I didn't have any gas pain after the surgery. But last week, I had PMS and I felt like a big parade balloon. Everytime I moved something came out somewhere. It's just so wrong on so many levels, in so many ways.

    It's those Protein supplements. You can't put something that nasty in your body without it coming out 10x worse. Think about it.

  19. I'm sorry that you are going through this, you really need to talk to someone, it honestly sounds like you were more emotional than hungry. You also need to tell your surgeon what happened because you could have done some damage. Or I would imagine you could have. At one week I couldn't even fathom eating anything, I was terrified to even eat what I was allowed. I'm 4 weeks out and I get full on 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, and I still haven't had a fill.

    For most of us our emotions got us here. If we don't get them under control we've wasted our time, our families time, and our money. It's not fair to you to go through this. I really hope that you can find someone to help you out, I feel your pain. I think that most of us can. Hang in there, get back on track and call your doctor. Good luck, you can do this!

  20. I was one week post op on Thanksgiving! I got upset, and I realized that it had nothing to do with the food. It was more that I felt left out, so it was the social aspect of food. We all get together on the holidays and what do we do? We eat, if you aren't eating you stand out, people wonder why, it's just hard.

    Once I realized what it was, I was able to tell myself that it's all temporary. Now I have 3 days of mushies left and I am back on solids. So on Christmas I'll be able to have dinner with everyone.

    It's hard, no doubt about it. Hang in there.

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