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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandtalker

  1. lapbandtalker

    Using straws

    Funny you say no-no for life.... I have to use them for the rest of my life. If your doc doesn't want you to use them...don't. But I can't live without them.
  2. lapbandtalker

    Band erosion and Caffine...

    My doc said soda is like liquid candy....and those dieting shouldn't have candy. I drink soda everyday and have to use a straw or I drink to fast. I wish I could kick the Mt. Dew habit. I was shopping at Walmart and put in 10 2liters....won't even last me a month.
  3. lapbandtalker

    I'm just not hungry

    Sure it's normal. Many can drink liquids and not be hungry. I'm not one of them though.
  4. lapbandtalker

    I think I'm Overfilled! Help

    He needs an adjustment, you are doing the right thing.
  5. lapbandtalker

    Don't forget-come back

    Just checking in and see the thread dying out with all the newbies, at one time we were! Anyone having any complications after being banded awhile, or after reaching goal? A few times I've gone a few days each time sliming. Don't know what sets it off but I've been really stresses out. So, don't forget about this thread. Come back from time to time and let us know how you are.
  6. lapbandtalker

    Lap Band Slippage - Interesting Article

    Good post! Interesting article. So only 3.6% of us will have a slip or erosion....I thought it was more.
  7. lapbandtalker

    On maintenance- now this

    I surpassed goal January 2008 so I'm doing pretty good- only fluctuate +/- 5 pounds. 2 things are bugging me and I'd like your advice- FIRST- my sleep disorder, as my doc is callling it. I've gone thru sleep studies and evaluations and the doc can't figure it out. I cannot sleep. I will go to bed around 9 or so, 20 minutes later I'm asleep. But I quickly go to REM and wakeup and find it's 10:30pm. Then a few mintues later go back to sleep quickly going into REM and then I see the clock say 12 or so. I do this several times a night. When did this start? They always ask...my response- about 2 years ago. That's when I was banded. Does anyone know anything about a connection with banding and sleeploss? I do know this....when I diet (reduce calories/sugar-whatever) I do not sleep well. I've yo-yo'ed all my life and remember being grumpy and restless sleep. Does my body still think I'm dieting? SECOND - today was my first Pepcid AC- purchased from a gas station a block from my hotel at 2am. Maybe it was the ribs from Outback that did it...but GROSS. I foamed it up. What are some good antiacids/heartburn meds. This one was some cherry/berry flavored chewable and made my stomach turn at the taste. Thanks everyone. You have been my source of strength for 2 years now!
  8. lapbandtalker

    On maintenance- now this

    Thanks for the tip. I've had heartburn one time in 2 years and that was just recently. But you are right, anyone with frequent heartburn should seek medical attention. I'm gonna take a look at my diet, I bet I'm not eating enough Protein. Shamrockgirl60, I've had 1 overnighter and another coming up next week. I don't think I have apnea- my problem is I just hit REM immediately and then wake up an hour later. CapitolChick, I can't kick the habit. I do stop my sodapop by 6pm everyday. I don't drink coffee or energy drinks...but I do take chewable Vitamins. Last night I saw Paul Blart Mall Cop.... that's ME!!!!!! I will be in the middle of something and BOOM- get so sleepy and then just lay down where I am or if I'm at a store I go to the car and sleep. Wonder if I have that hypoglycemia like he does. Actually, I thought I did years ago but my doc hasn't mentioned it. Thanks everyone!
  9. lapbandtalker

    Can my body really become a small size?

    I was a 22/24 just 2 years ago. I wore 16s for the longest time because I WAS a 16 (in my mind). Then while getting a bargain deal I tried on a jacket- size 10. I almost hit the floor. This was January 2008. I've been wearing size 8s since March 2008 and I went on a shopping vacation to Las Vegas to buy all these new wardrobe pieces- after all, didn't I deserve a new designer wardrobe? Well, over the past few months my family and friends have commented on how I should go down a size, at least. Yep, one long look in the mirror showed a woman wearing the baggiest clothes. So, off again on a shopping vacation - Hilton Head Island, SC..... I can't sleep tonight as I'm writing from the hotel. Size 4. Yep, with room. I fluctuate between 4-6 or S thru L for my tops because I didn't lose weight up there like I thought I would. So, to answer your questions....yes you can! And yes you will! My goal was 150, I'm 5'4". At 150 I would be considered overweight slightly on the BMI charts. I got down to 140 without knowing it and had an adjustment to stop the weightloss. Now, I'm 136lbs and just need to pick up the pace with food to maintain. You are not alone and the reality just hit me. I still think there must be some mistake with the clothing labels. Ralph Lauren/ Liz Claborne/ Izod/ Tommy Hilfiger..... surely these S for smalls are really a Medium or Large. And surely the size 4's are just a misprint. :wink:
  10. lapbandtalker

    im new to this site

    Welcome aboard, Marie! Browse all the tabs/forums, etc. This site is so neat and has a wealth of information. I don't think I would have been successful without this site as I've come often for help or just some motivation. Congrats on the approval and keep us posted on your progress.
  11. lapbandtalker

    W-S Newbie Considering Lap Band

    Mary, hi from Thomasville.
  12. Like you, I've not exercised a bit. And full faster? Luckily no one told me that as for me there is no such thing as feeling full- I eat so frequent it's a never ending meal. Thank you for your post as many are in your shoes. Hype and other opinions aren't fact and those researching the band should go directly to the source for information and doctors and forums are a great resource as well.
  13. lapbandtalker


    The band has not changed my dating at all; however, I am more cautious of what I eat/how fast when at singles meetings. Wouldn't want to get something stuck or slime-that's really attractive!
  14. lapbandtalker

    Slime Anyone?

    Welcome to restriction and your stop signal. If you don't mind the mucus, just know that this is your stop signal so after one bite, don't eat more until a few minutes later. It can be irritating to eat 5 bites in 30 minutes-but the weight does come off. If you do mind, get an adjustment to remove a tad. Always keep your doctor posted on your sliming.
  15. Eat more and/or get a slight unfill. I upped my calories but kept loosing so I went in for an adjustment...just a tad. The band is still my backup if I overeat, but I'm maintaining between 136 and 140 and have been for almost a year.
  16. lapbandtalker

    The Last 40 Pounds

    Just look at you! Over half way there! For me, it was not noticable-really. Once restriction kicked in, I weighed every day- EVERY day. If I gained a pound I would take note of what I ate the day before and avoid it. Other than that, the weight consistantly went down every few days even if just a few ounces. So when I was charting my progress on the calendar-it was always going down. I hit a spell where we vacationed for the holidays and so I didn't weigh myself but when I got home I had passed goal. Again, it went by like clockwork. So, perhaps take your mind off the goal right now and concentrate on seeing the scale move downward-doesn't matter how slow- as long as it's moving. Before you know it you'll be at goal.
  17. lapbandtalker

    anybody know a reasobable priced fluro fill

    Anything around $300 or less is a good price. I've seen them as high as $800 and as low as $99.
  18. lapbandtalker

    I've got to ask this ...

    My gastric band isn't making me- I still eat those things you mentioned. Tonight I had Wendy's chilli, fries, bacon cheeseburger, Mt. Dew. Yes, it is possible. My Wendy's chili was 5 fries dipped in the chili and then 2 teaspoon fulls. My bacon cheeseburer was 2 bites, and sadly my Mt. Dew was a 32 oz left over from lunch. I'm working on sodapop this year-trying to kick the habit. And I am not incorporating exercise into my life-wish I could! Was at the docs yesterday and he wanted to give me more shots in my hips. No thank you! That hurts and doesn't work. I left my wheelchair years ago and 3 years ago left my walker. I'm freestanding and free walking now but haven't been able to exercise- yet. Another round of MRIs and a new specialist might can fix me up! I don't have any new-found strenghts. I've overeaten a time or two but the band has been there for backup. It will take years of eating just what my body needs (instead of wants)-gonna take years to undo the 30+ years of food abuse.
  19. lapbandtalker

    'Blind' first fill question

    My doc uses fluro but not to insert the needle. Only after he has it in and does an adjustment....then he sits me up w/ Water....and has me drink as he watches on the screen. Like Tquad64, mine uses numbing...so I don't feel a thing. You feel something going on but nothing sharp.
  20. You have a fill doc just over 3 hours away from you. There may be some closer.
  21. lapbandtalker

    Question regarding Self-Pay Fills

    Just pay the $95. But it's nice to know you have someone who will take over the care- IF you need them.
  22. lapbandtalker

    HELP ME! I can't turn off the slime!

    Agree with the pineapple juice. Then remember what you ate, how you ate it- and don't do it again. :laugh: But sometimes AFTER I have a bite of an apple I remember what happens when I eat it whole- so I get the juice really quick to get it out before it gets stuck.
  23. There are some who won't even get fillings in their teeth because they don't want something foreign in their body. Can you imagine all those w/ pins and fake hips...excuse me, replacement hips. And then I guess the ultimate would be the pig heart...heard it was used for transplant in humans many years ago...or even that plastic heart. From pacemakers, fillings, the band - doesn't matter...doesn't bother me.
  24. lapbandtalker

    Help what should i do ?

    Seems like you are on the right track. Me, I ate everything and anything I wanted and as much. But when pre-op came, I followed it. I wasn't able to diet...tried and tried but failed everytime!
  25. lapbandtalker

    Slippage and now repair

    Sorry that I can't answer but could you post on how you came to know your band slipped? I mean, were you having symptoms or something? Or did your doc just find it?

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